PC Minutes-2008-12-1532400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493.1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER December 15, 2008 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL WORK SESSION MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURAFREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the special work session of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE None C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, and Commissioner Ginny Kerr COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Tim Neely OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Tom Hribar (Sign Committee Chair), Deputy City Attorney Jason Reterrer, Economic Development Manager Douglas Dumhart, and Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS reffiffi E. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE I F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE w PC Minutes an Juan Capistrano: reserving e as o n ance a er 15, 2008 i,1 Printed on 100% recycled paper G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE H. NEW BUSINESS NONE I. OLD BUSINESS 1. WORK SESSION — COMPREHENSIVE SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE. A review of the draft ordinance updating San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.543 regulating signs. The attached draft ordinance was approved by the Sign Committee, includes comments from the July 8, and November 13, 2008 Planning Commission meetings, and comments from the City Attorney's Office. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented a brief staff report stating the City Council created a Sign Committee that has conceptually approved the attached ordinance that has also been edited by the City Attorney's office. At the last work session on December 10, 2008 the Planning Commission and Sign Committee members had edited pages 1 through 13, subsections (a) through (i) of Municipal Code Section 9-3.543. The next step is to review subsection (g) Sign Standards by Type and Zoning District, Table 3-42 from pages 15 through 22 of the draft track change ordinance. Public Comments NONE Planning Commissioner / Sign Committee Questions and Comments The Planning Commission, Sign Committee Chair and staff went through the track change version of the draft sign ordinance, Section 9-3.543(g), Table 3-42 (5 columns), pages 15 through 23 and made the following edits and comments: 1) Page 15, Awning Signs: fifth column, changed 25% to "35%". 2) Page 15, Building Mounted signs (flush): fifth column, second sentence, deleted the word "encouraged" to read "Sign placement for tenants shall be encouraged on the same wall .... 3) Page 15, Building Mounted signs (flush): third column, add 25 feet "above grade". PC Minutes Z December 15, 2008 4) Pages 15 — 18, Building Mounted signs (flush): fifth column, delete paragraphs beginning with the third sentence, starting with "Signs that are substantially visible from City entry ways .... 5) Page 16, Building Mounted signs (flush), CM, IP zone: fifth column, amend sentence to read "80 square feet per "elevation (side)". 6) Page 18, Building Mounted signs (projecting, hanging or suspended): fifth column, delete last two words of sentence "or sidewalk". 7) Page 18, Business promotional signs (community -wide special events): Delete columns one through five in their entirety. 8) Page 18, Banners (grand opening): First column, add "promotional and" grand opening. Fifth column at end of sentence, add "one time only". 9) Page 21, Add a new sign type: First column, add "Temporary Business Signs". Fifth column, add "Pending construction of permanent signs, maximum 45 days". 10) Page 18, Construction signs (major): Fourth column, change 32 to "16". Fifth column, change 7,200 to "10,000". Construction signs (minor): Second column, add "All Districts" and fifth column change 7,200 to "10,000". 11) Page 19, Electronic Message Centers: Second column, change Commercial Districts to "Non -Residential Districts". Fifth column, amend sentence to read "Requires Planning Commission approval with a CUP". 12) Page 19, Monuments signs (freestanding): Second column, move "P&I" into GC, NC, CM, IP, OC column. Third column, add "height" to all three sections. Fifth column, delete existing sentence and amend to read "Multiple signs may exceed maximum area requirements for separate entries with adequate separation subject to Planning Commission approval". 13) Page 19, Murals: Delete in its entirety. 14) Page 19, National and State flags: Second column, break into "residential districts" and "non-residential districts". Third column, add "maximum 35' height" for non- residential and add "20' height" for residential. Fifth column, add "maximum 40 square feet each flag for non-residential and add "maximum 24 square feet each flag" for residential. 15) Page 21, Temporary window signs: First column, amend to read "Temporary window signs (including neon signs other than Open and Closed signs)". 16) Page 20, Portable signs: Fifth column at end of sentence add "within close proximity of the tenant entrance". PC Minutes 3 December 15, 2008 17) Page 20, Real Estate: First column, amend to read "Real Estate Sale or Lease Signs". Second column, amend to read "All Districts". Third column, add "9" feet height for freeway signs. Fourth column, add "48 or up to 60 with approval of the Community Development Director" for freeway signs. Fifth column, add "For lots abutting the 1-5 Freeway". 18) Page 20, Restaurant menu board signs (permanent): First column, delete first word "Restaurant". Fourth column, change 4 to "8" square feet. Fifth column, delete proposed "Not more than one per drive through and/or main entrance" in its entirety. 19) Page 20, Service Station signs: Second column, amend to read "Non-residential districts". 20) Page 20, Subdivision signs (permanent): Fifth column, amend to read "48 square feet per project entry, maximum 2 signs per entry". 21) Page 20, Subdivision signs (temporary): First column, amend to read "Subdivision signs (temporary) and new real estate construction projects". Second column, amend to read "Residential and PC Districts". Fourth column, change 24 to "32". Fifth column, amend to read "64 square feet per subdivision. Over 64 square feet requires Community Development Director approval". 22) Page 21, Temporary signs in public right-of-way: Fifth column, delete proposed language in its entirety. 23) Page 21, Temporary signs required by CEQA: Column one, delete in its entirety. 24) Page 21, Traffic and safety signs: Columns one and five, delete in their entirety. 25) Page 23, Vehicle signs: Fifth column, amend to read "Painted directly on vehicle. May include text or trademark logo. Temporary signs shall not be affixed to vehicle or be used for directional signage". 26) Page 23, Asterick notes: First asterick, first sentence, amend to read "*Only one (1) permanent freestanding monument signs per street frontage ...." COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Identify a datethe third week of January to conduct a third sign ordinance work session. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. to the regular Planning Commission Meeting on January 13, 2009. PC Minutes 4 December 15, 2008 Approved: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes 5 December 15, 2008