PC Minutes-2008-12-1032400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-9171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER December 10, 2008 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL WORK SESSION MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the special work session of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE None C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, and Commissioner Ginny Kerr COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Tim Neely OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Tom Hribar (Sign Committee Chair), Deputy City Attorney Jason Reterrer and Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE E. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future no 0M Printed on 100% recycled paper G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE H. NEW BUSINESS NONE I. OLD BUSINESS 1. WORK -SESSION- COMPREHENSIVE SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE. A review of the draft ordinance updating San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.543 regulating signs. The attached draft ordinance was approved by the Sign Committee, includes comments from the July 8, and November 13, 2008 Planning Commission meetings, and comments from the City Attorney's Office. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented a staff report stating the City Council created a Sign Committee that has conceptually approved the attached ordinance. The Sign Subcommittee addressed existing code provisions, identified code deficiencies, considered the needs of the business community, and addressed the aesthetic character of San Juan Capistrano pertaining to sign sizes, materials, colors and illumination. Mr. Taylor commented a significant amount of the San Juan Capistrano sign code was retained, and language from the cities of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo were used. Mr. Taylor briefly summarized the following code sections: • 9-3.543(e) Prohibited signs; • 9-3.543(f) Signs exempt from permits; • 9-3.543(g) Sign Standards by Type and Zoning District; • 9-3.543 (i) General Design Criteria; • 9-3.543 0) Temporary Signs; • 9-3.543 (m) Sign permit Revocation; • Appendix A - Definitions. Public Comments NONE Planning Commissioner / Sign Committee Questions and Comments The Planning Commission, Sign Committee Chair and staff went through the track change version of the draft sign ordinance page by page, pages 1 through 13, and made the following edits and comments: PC Minutes 2 December 10, 2008 1) Page 2, (a)(4)(B): Capital "T" in The primary purpose.... 2) Page 2, (a)(4)(B): Delete "engage" and replace with "that promote" economic value. 3) Page 2, (a)(4)(D)(5): Add - Harmonize "with" the building architecture. 4) Page 2, (a)(4)(D)(2): Amend sentence to read "Generally provide for the identification of business enterprises and shall not be used for general advertising purposes;" 5) Page 3, (b)(2): Amend sentence to read "Commercial Sign Copy. The text or copy of signs shall identify the name and/or location and/or address, and/or nature of the business or center." 6) Page 4, (b)(4): Delete last word "discouraged" and replace with "prohibited". 7) Page 4, (b)(4)(A): Delete entire sentence "Plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other contemporary finished materials". 8) Page 4, (b)(4)(C): Amend sentence to read "Exposed spot lights, exterior neon tubing and exposed electrical conduits." 9) Page 4, (b)(6): delete word "means" shall be limited as follows:. 10) Page 4, (b)(6)(A): At bottom of page delete "a" subdued lighting and shall.... 11) Page 5, (b)(6)(A): Delete last sentence "Illumination of monument signs shall be limited to external fixtures". 12) Page 5, (b)(6)(B): Delete end of last sentence - (TC) District. "and the area in the Historic Town Center Master Plan". Also, add new subsection (b)(6)(C) to read "Light Emitting Diode (LED) or other new technology in lighting shall be reviewed by the Community Development Director". 13) Pages 5 & 6(b)(7): Figures 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 shall be enlarged to be more legible. 14) Page 7, (c): Beginning of sentence shall be amended to read "Sign Permit Required. Unless specifically exempted by Section 9-3.543(f), it is unlawful for any person to erect, alter or relocate any sign within the City .... 15) Page 7, (d): Add language to "Sign Programs" to require a conceptual sign program reviewed by the Planning Commission during review of any discretionary application and require a final sign program prior to Certificate of Occupancy. PC Minutes s December 10, 2008 16) Page 8, (e)(4): Delete proposed language and retain existing code language for vehicle signs. 17) Page 8, (e)(5): Amend sentence to read "Off-site signs except directional signs that have been permitted by the Planning Commission pursuant to an approved sign program". 18) Page 8, (e)(12): Separate and amend to read - "Exposed neon signs exceeding 25% of the window area;" Create new subsection (13) to read "Exposed cabinet signs (except "Open" or "Closed" window signs)". 19) Page 8, (e)(14): Amend sentence to read "Spot lights and search lights (except as part of an approved community event) or as approved by the Community Development Director." 20) Page 8, (e)(20): Add the wording — Any signs "including those signs" commonly called snipe signs that are tacked.... 21) Page 9, (e)(21): Add language to read — Bench signs "(except memorial or dedication)." 22) Page 9, (e)(21): Delete entirely - "Signs which cover or interrupt architectural features;" 23) Page 9, (f)(1): Delete duplicate wording "National and State flags". 24) Page 9, (f)(1): Amend sentence to read "National and State flags. A maximum of one (1) flag each, not exceeding forty (40) square feet in area per flag;" 25) Page 10, (f)(2)(A): Add the word "Temporary" window/door signs that .... 26) Page 10, (f)(2)(C): Delete the end of the sentence - the following standards "(does not include flags);" 27) Page 10, (f)(2)(C)(1): Amend sentence to read "No sign shall exceed six feet (6') in height if freestanding, six (6) square feet in area, and located below the roof eaves if building -mounted". 28) Page 10, (f)((2)(C)(2) & (3): at the beginning of both subsections delete "Each" and replace with "No". 29) Page 11, (f)(2)(D): Staff erroneously combined subsections D & E. Subsections to read as follows: "(D) Development Application Signs. Signs posted on properties for discretionary applications set forth by City Council Resolution 07-09-04-01 as may be amended." PC Minutes 4 December 10, 2008 "E) Environmental Signs. Signs that must be posted in accordance with a mitigation measure adopted pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act or as a condition of approval for a specific development application." 30) Page 11, (f)(H): Amend sentence to read "Real Estate Sale or Lease Signs (not including banners). One (1) property sale or lease sign if allowed on each street frontage of the property. Such sign may be single or double faced and is limited to nine (9) square feet for lots less than one (1) acre, not more than sixteen (16) square feet for lots more than one (1) acre, and forty-eight (48) square feet for lots immediately adjacent to the 1-5 Freeway, or up to sixty (60) square feet at the discretion of the Community Development Director." 31) Page 12, (f)(1): Delete - "(1) Kiosk Signs;" 32) Page 12, (f)(7): Delete - but shall not include "tacked on devices" directional arrows... 33) Page 12, (f)(10): Delete — and only one per "drive-thru and/or" entrance; 34) Page 13, (f)(12): Delete in its entirety — "Directional Sign. Any parking lot and other private traffic directional sign that does not exceed two (2) square feet in area and is limited to the guidance of pedestrian or vehicular traffic within the premises;" 35) Page 13, (f)(13): Amend sentence to read "Any street address stamped or painted on a sidewalk or curb;" 36) Page 13, (f)(16): Delete in its entirety — "Any sign designating private business parking stalls that include name of business. Said signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet." 37) Page 13, (f)(17): Delete in its entirety — "Tenant interior signs not less than five feet (6) from the interior of a window;" COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS NONE ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. to a sign ordinance work session on December 15, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room #1. Approved: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes 0 December 10, 2008