PC Minutes-2008-02-1232400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org CALL TO ORDER MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO 10011PoTETHOMAS W . HRI BAR ESTBBLISHEO MARK NIELSEN 1776 JOESOTO ®® DR. LONDRES USO MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cardoza at 7:02 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Robert Cardoza, Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chairman Ginny Kerr Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: Tim Neely Staff members in attendance: Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director; Jason Retterer, Deputy City Attorney; David Contreras, Senior Planner; Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager; Larry Lawrence, Project Manager; Bill Cunningham, Contract Planner; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Chairman Cardoza asked that the Consent Calendar items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future 0 Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meeting 2 February 12, 2008 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 8 2008. Vice Chairman Cohen moved approval of Planning Commission Minutes of January 8, 2008 as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. 2. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 22 2008 Chairman Cardoza asked that wording be added to page 4 that the applicant seemed to be in agreement with a suggestion to consider a free-standing architectural structure apart from the main building that would complement the main structure. Vice Chairman Cohen said that his question to Mr. Kirk on page 4 was whether or not the City ordinance on height limitation was applicable and the response as contained in the Minutes was not responsive to his question. Mr. Taylor said that staff would double check the tape and bring back a clean copy of the Minutes of January 22, 2008 to the next Planning Commission meeting. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 07-06 FOLLOW-UP CONSIDERATION OF MINOR REVISIONS TO EQUIPMENT CABINET FOR MARBELLA PLAZA; AN APPLICATION TO INSTALL, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN AN UNMANNED WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INSIDE A PROPOSED TOWER OF THE EXISTING ROOF OF THE MARBELLA PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED IN THE PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE DISTRICT WHICH IS GOVERNED BY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) 86-04 AND GENERAL PLAN -DESIGNATED NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC). THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 31115 RANCHO VIEJO ROAD AND GENERALLY LOCATED 40 FEET WEST OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD AND 145 FEET WEST OF GOLF CLUB DRIVE (APN650-592-03) (APPLICANT: ROYAL STREET COMMUNICATIONS). Vice Chairman Cohen moved approval of CUP 07-06 as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. 4. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 06-01 FOLLOW-UP CONSIDERATION OF MINOR REVISIONS TO FINAL LANDSCAPE AND ON- SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR CALLE ROLANDO VILLAS; A 27 -UNIT AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON 2.7 ACRES LOCATED AT THE EASTERN TERMINUS OF CALLE ROLANDO (APPLICANT: PC Meeting 3 February 12, 2008 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF ORANGE COUNTY, INC.) CITY COUNCIL PRIORITY NO. 7A Chairman Cardoza recused himself from consideration of this item. Commissioner Kerr moved approval of AC 06-01 as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 3-0-1, with Chairman Cardoza recused. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 07-13, TOYOTA OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A COVERED CARWASH BAY AT THE REAR OF THE EXISTING SALES OFFICE BUILDING AT TOYOTA OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AUTO DEALERSHIP LOCATED AT 33395 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, GENERALLY LOCATED 960 FEET NORTH OF STONEHILL DRIVE (APN 121-240-75) (APPLICANT: TOYOTA OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO). Vice Chairman Cohen recused himself from consideration of this item since his firm represents the applicant. Written Communications February 12, 2008 Applicant Jennifer Raner, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 840, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Property Owner Mike Kahn, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 840, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission review the project and adopt a resolution conditionally approving AC 07-13 to construct a covered carwash bay at the rear of the existing sales office building at Toyota of San Juan Capistrano auto dealership, and finding the project exempt from CEQA. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for clarification regarding the aerial map which didn't include the buildings across the freeway. Mr. Contreras said the adjacent residential areas would be affected rather than buildings across the freeway, and that staff gave additional public notification to residents in Dana Point. PC Meeting 4 February 12, 2008 Commissioner Kerr asked about having the blower unit farther inside the enclosure. Mr. Contreras said that would be impossible without having to reconstruct the entire piece of equipment. Applicant Jody Stout of Superior Automotive Group discussed the actions taken to reduce the noise levels of the blowers, and said that the blowers are only on during the last minute of the car wash. Public Hearing Tom Gronewald, 26000 Avenida Aeropuerto, President of the Homeowners Association, spoke in opposition to the project due to noise concerns. Danielle Campbell, 26000 Avenida Aeropuerto, spoke in opposition to the project due to noise concerns. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Cardoza asked if there is another type of a blower. Ms. Stout said the variable speed blowers produce the same amount of sound as the current blowers. Chairman Cardoza asked what recourse is available to make sure that the decibel readings are a livable condition. Mr. Retterer said the General Plan sets forth the exterior noise standards for a residential community adjacent to this site. Mr. Contreras said that staff is asking that an updated acoustic study be conducted at the property line of the dealership. Commissioner Ratcliffe said Condition 15 seems subjective. Mr. Retterer said the future acoustic study may need to take place where the measurement was taken when the study was conducted prior to construction. Mr. Taylor said the Commission needs to decide on an acceptable decibel level. Motion Commissioner Kerr moved to continue the item to the March 11, 2008 Planning Commission meeting, to allow the applicant 30 days to complete a minimum of two acoustical studies, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, and have staff check other dealership carwash activities. The motion passed 3-0-1, with Vice Chairman Cohen recused. Chairman Cardoza called for a recess at 8:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:08 p.m. OLD BUSINESS None PC Meeting 5 February 12, 2008 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF REZONE (RZ) 06-06, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 2007-226, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 06-17, GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION (GPM) 07-09, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 07-04, CENTRA POINTE; APPLICATIONS TO APPROVE AN OFFICE PARK PROJECT CONSISTING OF 35,874 SQUARE FEET IN THREE BUILDINGS LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD AND GOLF CLUB DRIVE (APN: 650-592-01 & 02) (APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO/CENTRA REALTY CORPORATION) CONTINUED FROM THE MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 2008. Written Communications February 12, 2008 Applicant Steve Sandland, Centra Realty Corporation, 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1490, Irvine, CA 92614 Owner City of San Juan Capistrano, Contact: Douglas Dumhart (949) 443-6316 Architect Tom Myers, Ware Malcomb, 10 Edelman, Irvine, CA 92618 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Cunningham presented the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission continue consideration of the project to the February 26, 2008 meeting to comply with CEQA provisions related to distribution of the draft Responses to Comments (RTC). Mr. Cunningham referred to deletion of the words "and enter into a reimbursement agreement with the City" from 60 f. on page 15: Applicant Steve Sandland presented the color scheme to the dais for consideration. Public Hearing James Seiler, 30791 Marbella . Vista, Marbella Homeowners Association President, spoke in support of the rezone, and asked if the applicant would be required to make improvements to Rancho Viejo Road. Mr. Cunningham said the original traffic study and mitigation measures have been revised to reflect that the applicant will pay fees rather than make road improvements to Rancho Viejo Road. PC Meeting 6 February 12, 2008 Christine Speed, 42 Plaza Vivienda, asked about the implications to Marbella of a rezone from fire station to office, the criteria for setbacks, and said there is a need for a pedestrian pathway and turn -in into the project. Mr. Cunningham said that 20 ft. setbacks from the property line are proposed, staff looked at the possibility of providing some sidewalk and a crosswalk and will contact the owners of Marbella, and the City Traffic Engineer and Mr. Darnell determined that there is no need for an additional turn -in. Mr. Dumhart said the Centra Pointe Office project is located within the Central Redevelopment project area, and the office use is consistent with the land use and will provide opportunities for sole proprietors and small business owners to buy into the community. Frequent property exchanges could result in increased tax increments into the community and provide employment opportunities for local residents. Commission Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cohen said he does not want the project to look like Ortega Ranch and asked for a sample color board for Ortega Ranch. Commissioner Kerr said it would be helpful to see colors of Ventanas and Ortega Ranch. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked that the stone, architecture, and colors on this project not be identical with Ventanas or other Centra projects. Chairman Cardoza asked that the DRC review the final palette. Motion Vice Chairman Cohen moved to continue the item to the February 26, 2008 Planning Commission meeting and requested that the Traffic Engineer and City Engineer attend the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. 2. REZONE (RZ) 07-008, STEVENS RESIDENCE; A REZONE APPLICATION TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON THE PROPERTY FROM "RSE- 20,000" TO "SP/PP SPECIFIC PLAN/PRECISE PLAN" (APN: 650-201-12) (APPLICANT: ROY STEVENS) Written Communications February 12, 2008 Applicant Roy Stevens, 27401 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Representative PC Meeting 7 February 12, 2008 S.C.F.F.O. LLC, Attn: Kurt A. Conone, 162'/ Avenida Serra, San Clemente, CA 92672 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Lawrence asked that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and continue the item to April 22, 2008 at the request of the applicant Motion Vice Chairman Cohen moved to continue the item to the April 22, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. 3. CODE AMENDMENT CA 07-03 (EQUESTRIAN STANDARDS & DOG APPEALS); CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT TO AMEND SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO MUNICIPAL CODE (SJCMC) SECTION 9- 3.515 REGULATING EQUESTRIAN STANDARDS AND SJCMC SECTION 9- 3.525 REGULATING KENNELS. Written Communications February 12, 2008 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Taylor presented the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission receive the staff report, open the public hearing, accept public testimony, and take the following actions: 1) Provide any comments on the proposed code amendments pertaining to equestrian standards and dog appeals; and 2) Adopt the attached Notice of Exemption approving a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15321 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and 3) Adopt the attached Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Code Amendment CA 07-03. Motion Vice Chairman Cohen moved to adopt a Notice of Exemption approving a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15321 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and adopt Resolution 08-2-12-1 recommending that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Code Amendment CA 07-03, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Mr. Taylor said there are four items to be considered at the February 26, 2008 Planning Commission meeting and that the Commission will be reorganizing at the April 8, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. PC Meeting 8 February 12, 2008 Commissioner Ratcliffe voiced concern regarding the lack of pedestrian access to shopping centers. Commissioner Kerr said there are signs on sticks for Golden Spoon and for a florist in the same center. Vice Chairman Cohen said the Open Space Committee helped the City acquire the 110 -acre Shea property on the north side of town, and there is a Montessori School sign on the rear portion of the building fronting the freeway. Chairman Cardoza said he attended the state of the City address by Mayor Joe Soto, the Marbella Shopping Center is being painted, the Mammoth sign and lighting have been installed, and that Commissioner Kerr and Vice Chairman Cohen will be attending the League of California Cities conference. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Approved: ff- 4-7(- 1*�,k 6/ � Steven A. Appl , AICP Planning Director 'se"' . t,: