PC Minutes-2009-06-2332400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER June 23, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Tim Neely, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner Jim Mocalis, Commissioner Robert Williams and Commissioner Bruce Tatarian. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Cameron Grenier, 31645 Rancho Viejo Road, SJC, thanked the Planning Commission for attending the special meeting on June 10, 2009 at the Forster Mansion for a sound check for the proposed wedding and special event application. Ms. Grenier commented the applicant has violated City codes by conducing unauthorized events and stated she has conducted two (2) additional events including June 17(" and June 20, 2009. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor stated they had received the inquiries from Ms. Grenier, had forwarded a request to incident calls to the Sheriff, and would report back. E. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future 0 Printed on 100% recycled paper discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Chair Cohen announced the two consent calendar items would be considered separately. 1. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 9 2009. Chair Cohen announced the item and inquired if the Planning Commission had any comments or corrections. Commissioner Tatarian identified a correction on Page 6, third paragraph from bottom of page, motion for appeal of sign permit denial. Mr. Tatarian requested deleting "motion died for lack of a second" and replace with "motion failed on a vote of 2-Y. Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to approve the June 9, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0-2 with Commissioners Kerr and Mocalis abstaining. 2. APPROVAL OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 10 2009. Chair Cohen announced the item and inquired if the Planning Commission had any comments or corrections. Motion by Commissioner Williams to approve the June 10, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0-2 with Vice Chair Ratcliffe and Commissioner Mocalis abstaining. F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE I. NEW BUSINESS Pursuant to staff request, Chair Cohen reorganized the agenda to consider New Business agenda Item #1. 1. FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT; a request by staff for the Planning Commission to receive and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report and provide any comments to the City Council. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Developer Director Taylor presented the staff report stating California Government Code Section 65400 mandates that cities submit an annual report on the status of the General Plan and progress toward its implementation to their legislative bodies, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). In accordance with State Law the report details the City's progress toward: (1) meeting its share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment established by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG); (2) implementing the housing objectives established by the PC Minutes 2 June 23, 2009 General Plan Housing Element; and (3) implementing the objectives of other Elements of the General Plan. Mr. Taylor briefly reviewed the report and attachments and thanked Commissioner Tatarian for providing the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Goals and Policies (Attachment 3.) Mr. Taylor responding to Commission comments stated Policy 2.2 in Attachment 3 only identifies single family zoning districts where in reality affordable housing is generally developed in the RM (Multiple -Family District) zone. The City Council has directed staff to perform a "mini -update" to the General Plan including amending policies to reflect current conditions and future goals. Public Comments None Planning Commission Comments and Questions Commissioner Kerr inquired about Policy 2.2 in Attachment 3 that states "Policy 2.2: To continue the City's program of allowing the placement of mobile homes, factory built housing on vacant residential parcels in single family zoning districts". By general consensus the Planning Commission received and filed the General Plan Annual Progress Report that will be forwarded to the City Council. G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 06-03, REZONE (RZ) 06-06, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 07-22, ST. MARGARET'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL MASTER PLAN; a request for approval of development plans to expand an existing K-12 private school campus by 69,977 gross square feet (GSF) from 157,731 to 227,708 GSF and to expand the campus acreage from 17.48 to 26.64 acres located at 31641 La Novia Avenue, and generally located along the west side of La Novia Avenue between Calle Arroyo and Rancho Viejo Road and the north side of Calle Arroyo between La Novia Avenue and Rancho Viejo Road. The master plan also includes a parcel of the southeast corner of Calle Arroyo and La Novia Avenue, and the Ortega Equestrian Center property. (APN 666-272-05 thru 08; 666-251-01 thru 05; 666- 261-01 thru 03 & 09 thru 11; 666-232=04; 666-123-01, 02)(Applicant: St. Margaret's Episcopal School, David Bush, Director of Finance & Operations)(Case Planner: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner). Commissioner Kerr recused herself from the item due to a potential conflict of interest and left the Council Chambers. Staff Presentation and Recommendation Principal Planner Bill Ramsey presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval of the St. Margaret's Episcopal School Master Plan that includes development plans to expand the existing K-12 private school campus by 69,977 square feet of building area from 157,731 to 227,708 square feet and expanding the acres from 17.48 to 26.64. The enrollment would remain at 1,194 full time students. PC Minutes 3 June 23, 2009 Mr. Ramsey made a power point presentation and he summarized the application that includes a General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Architectural Control. Mr. Ramsey commented the Master Plan consists of four phases with Phase 2 proposing a new intermediate School and Performing Arts Building, Phase 3 a second story to the Lower School, and Phase 4 vacating the Ortega Equestrian Center to provide athletic fields and develop a 56 -stall parking lot (Ganado) for school and recreation shared use. He noted that the school embodies a Spanish Colonial Revival architecture, two buildings at the rear of the Ortega Business Center would be demolished, the Transportation Commission as well as the Parks, Recreation and Equestrian Commission have reviewed the project, and, staff recommends that the Planning Commission provide comments and continue the item to the next regular meeting on July 14, 2009. Mr. Ramsey responding to Planning Commission comments and questions stated the following: • while the main performing arts center building does not exceed a height of 35'- 0", the building has architectural features higher than 35 feet. • the school owns the Ganado site, the Ganado and Ortega Equestrian facility are General Plan designated Community Park, • the stables and Ganado are in Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Sector C which allows athletic fields and equestrian facilities but parking lots must provide access to recreation uses, • the fiscal impact analysis is complete, • some parking will be inaccessible during demolition, and total parking provided under the master plan is 408 stalls, • Cook Park is owned by the City and other areas along the creek have various ownerships, • a striped crosswalk to Ganado and the athletics fields would provide safe access, • Traffic Engineer Alan Oswald will be at the next meeting, and staff will check if the Ortega Cottage Offices have a shared parking agreement • the City's Development Advisory Board (DAB) discouraged expansion of the school into the Ventanas property which is located within the Community Redevelopment Agency (RDA) planning area • a Development Agreement is not a condition of approval but a staff recommendation to the City Council. Ultimately, the applicant would have discretion as to whether to submit a proposed Development Agreement to the City. Public Comments David Bush, St. Margaret's Episcopal School, 31641 La Novia Avenue, SJC spoke in support. Mr. Bush distributed copies of his oral presentation (attached) to the Planning Commission and staff and summarized the 30 year history of the school beginning in 1979. He noted a correction to the agenda report that the Ganado parking lot site is General Plan -designated Community Park, not Open Space Recreation. Mr. Bush commented they have three primary areas of concern including: (1) the net fiscal impact of converting three parcels in the Ortega Village Center from "GC" (General PC Minutes 4 June 23, 2009 Commercial) to "P&I" (Public & Institutional); (2) staff -proposed mitigation related to Ortega Equestrian Facility relocation; and (3) the proposed trail alignment provisions under the General Plan Circulation Element. Mr. Bush made references to the City Development Advisory Board (DAB) Meetings, the David Taussig financial "report, planning case law, the General Plan, and stated the school would like to pursue a Development Agreement with the City Council and requested that the Planning Commission review the Development Agreement prior to City Council consideration. Mr. Bush responding to Commission questions and comments stated the David Tausig report identifies an annual loss of $2,903 to the City, maximum number of students is and will remain 1,194, the school is at or near capacity but usually under capacity with the number of students, the school will not build unless the financing is acquired first, the proposed athletic field (on the Ortega Equestrian Center site) is only for practices between 3-6 pm, students would be escorted by coaches or dropped off by buses, the cross country team does use City streets, the school does have first right of refusal of the Ortega Business Center, the school has no other real estate options, school build out would provide 412 parking stalls, a portion of the Ganado site is occupied by an old, private water well, and requested the Planning Commission to continue the item until the City Council can address a Development Agreement which could then be incorporated into the Commission's review. Mike McAndrew, 2961 Edinger Avenue, Tustin, Bastien and Associates, the project architect, summarized the project design, architecture and building heights. Delores David, 27601 Calle Arroyo, SJC stated that she lives across from the proposed Ganado parking lot, spoke in opposition, and requested the school provide her with sound proof windows, secure the parking lot after dark, provide security, and install landscaping to screen the lot. Larry Kramer, 28371 Paseo Establo, SJC spoke as a resident and not a Commissioner commenting on the proposed Ganado parking lot stating he has safety concerns for kids crossing streets or being dropped off, there should be a crossing guard, and the proposed parking lot should be a park. Peter DeForges, Newport Beach, chair of St. Margaret's Facilities Committee, spoke in support identifying the need for the Ganado parking lot, and the fact that the parking lot is for staff only and would be subject to a shared agreement with the City for recreation uses. David Bush, spoke in rebuttal stating the school has over 400 parking stalls, 200 employees, 70 to 80 students drive, and he has spoken with the City Community Services Director who supports the Ganado parking lot. Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions The Planning Commission considered application issues to include but not limited to: • General Plan Amendment; PC Minutes 5 June 23, 2009 • Rezone; • Architectural Control; • Environmental Review; • Ganado Parking Lot; • Ortega Equestrian Center; • Shared Parking Agreements; • Ortega Business Center; • Circulation, access and parking; • Drop-off/pick-up operations. Commissioner Williams inquired about the height of the proposed buildings, and commented he has concerns with parking and peak parking demand with events. Commissioner Neely inquired who owns the Ganado site, and if the Ortega Equestrian and Ganado site are General Plan designated Community Park. He asked whether the proposed land uses are permitted under the zoning, and would the Ganado site be subject to a shared parking agreement with the City. Neely asked if St. Margaret's Episcopal School would provide joint (public) use for athletic fields, and if the student cross country team runs along the streets. . Neely stated that the DRC had reviewed structure's massing from Ortega Highway and noted that the lower school 2nd story structure is a prominent exposure. He stated that the building's white color is stark, however the architecture is simple and utilitarian. Neely expressed general agreement with three of St. Margaret's concerns. Specifically, the City cannot impose a Development Agreement, the applicant must request such an agreement and staff has been attempting to help the school address its impacts. He stated that he can support the application with appropriate mitigations, the fiscal impact of the school expansion is limited, the multi-purpose trail is outside the project boundaries, and the Ganado parking lot could be an equestrian staging area. Neely stated that he prefers to see the Ortega Equestrian Center remain, however recreational fields are a permitted use. He acknowledged that the Ganado parking lot is not permitted unless it provides parking, at least in part, for recreation uses. He stated that the parking lot design should be similar to the Los Rios Park parking lot, and the lot should be secured to protect adjoining residences. Commissioner Neely commented he would not be able to attend July 14 Planning Commission meeting Commissioner Mocalis inquired of Mr. Bush if the school has right of first refusal on purchase of the Ortega Business Center, if the fiscal impact study of the commercial loss is complete, and commented he is concerned with the scope of the project, and the size of the school compared to other schools. Mr. Bush stated that the school has no plans at this time for potential future acquisition of the Ortega Village Center. Ramsey responded that the fiscal and economic impact report has been submitted, and staff would provide some comparative statistics on other schools (public & private). Commissioner Tatarian inquired if the equestrian use by the creek is City owned, and commented he has concerns with pedestrian safety at Ganado and the equestrian site, traffic concerns at Ortega Business Center, results of the fiscal impact study, the PC Minutes b June 23, 2009 maximum number of students allowed, age distribution of students, student safety at the future athletic fields, maybe an alternate use for the Ganado site, traffic impacts on Ortega Highway, and the second -story visual appearance at corner of La Novia and Calle Arroyo. Ramsey stated that the equestrian use is private and that the intersections are stop or signal controlled with crosswalks which provide for pedestrian safety. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired if the business cottages along Calle Arroyo have a shared parking agreement, and commented the athletic fields, Ganado parking and the business cottages should all have shared parking agreements with the City. Staff responded that they would verify whether a shared parking agreement existed with the Cottage Offices. Chair Cohen inquired about the loss of parking during construction, total parking available, is there a need for the Ganado parking lot, if the school has other real estate options in the area, school build out schedule, confirmed loss of three parcels in Ortega Business Center, total parking available at build out, figures of student public transportation use, restrictions on parking in Ortega Business Center, if the Ganado parking lot would affect the La Novia bridge widening project, and requested staff provide copies of previous staff reports for St. Margaret's Episcopal School. Mr. Bush responded to those questions related to St. Margaret's Episcopal School. Ramsey noted that staff would provide prior reports regarding the school's expansion, where available. Motion by Commissioner Tatarian to continue the public hearing to the next regular Planning Commission meeting on July 14, 2009, seconded by Commission Williams. The motion to continue passed on a vote of 7-0. H. OLD BUSINESS NONE J. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor distributed a memo from staff to the Planning Commission dated June 23, 2009 identifying zoning actions and future items for the Design Review Committee (DRC), Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Taylor reminded the Planning Commission of the Special Joint meeting of the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and Planning Commission scheduled for June 30, 2009 at 5pm to review the Mission Inn Mixed Use Hotel/Retail/Residential project. Mr. Taylor also informed the Commission that the Koll San Juan developer would be hosting two (2) public work sessions on June 29th and July 1, 2009 with the Spotted Bull community to review the project and discuss issues and alternatives. All seven Planning Commissioner's passed on comments. K. ADJOURNMENT PC Minutes 7 1June 23, 2009 Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m. Grant Taylor, Ass Community Development Director IED 711 qfq) I PC Minutes d June 23, 2009