PC Minutes-2009-03-2432400 PASEO ADEL.ANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER March 24, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL rvAwNINU UU1V11V11JNUN1zKJ F'KtJtN I: unalr 5neiaon uonen, vice L;nair Uene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Tim Neely, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner James Mocalis, and Commissioner Bruce Tatarian. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Robert Williams D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ►I156T N4 Chair Cohen announced to the public that the City Council had approved an ordinance expanding the Planning Commission from five to seven members and the ordinance would not be effective until the first meeting in April. The City Council did appoint seven Planning Commissioners but until the ordinance becomes effective only five Commissioners may vote. Commissioners Tatarian and Williams will become voting members beginning at the next regular meeting on April 14, 2009. E. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future w• it Printed on 100% recycled paper 1. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 10 2009 — WORK SESSION. Commissioner Tatarian identified an edit on Page 3, ninth paragraph, change "would" to "should". Motion by Commissioner Neely to approve the March 10, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0. 2. AMEND PLANNING COMMISSION BY LAWS — MEETING START TIMES. Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented a brief staff report stating the Planning Commission By Laws were approved on April 25, 1995 and set forth procedures and guidelines for the conduct of Planning Commission meetings. The Planning Commission meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and it was Commission consensus at a previous meeting that the By Laws be amended to change meeting start times to 6:30 p.m. Mr. Taylor recommended the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution. Commissioner Kerr commented the Commission now has seven members and other edits to the By Laws may be necessary. City Attorney Sandoval commented staff focus was on the meeting time, the By Laws are outdated, global amendments to the entire document may be appropriate and staff can bring back revisions at the next meeting. By general consensus the Planning Commission directed staff to edit the by laws in their entirety and continued theitem-to the next regular meeting on April -1-4, 2009. - - F. OLD BUSINESS 1. WORK SESSION: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 08-14, JERWEL SELF STORAGE; a request to develop a 74,730 square foot commercial self storage facility, which consists of a 27,893 square foot basement, 22,897 square foot first floor and 20,720 square foot second floor on an undeveloped 71,831 square foot lot. The proposal also includes 16,435 square feet of paved area and 30,577 square feet of landscaped areas. The project is located at 33000 Valle Road, generally located 2,320 feet south of La Novia Avenue and directly adjacent to Valle Road. (Applicant: Gerald Klein)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the Jerwel self storage project has been approved by both the Planning Commission and City Council subject to final review and approval of development details by the Planning Commission. Details include a revised landscaping plan, light fixtures, windows, color palette and roof tiles. Mr. Kirk summarized the analysis of each detail identified in the staff report and recommended the Planning Commission provide final direction for staff to bring back a consent calendar resolution for final approval. PC Minutes 2 March 24, 2009 Public Comments Jim Goodman, project architect spoke in favor and distributed roof and stucco color samples to the Planning Commission. Mr. Goodman commented the DRC recommended darker colors on larger buildings. The applicant recommends three colors with lighter in the foreground, darker columns, and dark parapet. Mr. Goodman also distributed the original colors reviewed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Goodman briefly discussed the pole lights and windows stating the revised light fixtures are Mission Bell and the window frames are the same with two options for glass color. Mr. Goodman explained the various shades of "EI Camino" color. Charles Lange, landscape architect summarized the changes to the landscaping plan that are consistent with DRC and Planning Commission direction. Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions The Planning Commission reviewed and discussed the following development details: • Landscape palette; • Lighting; • Building and Roof Colors; • Roof Materials; • Windows. comments on the development details separately. Commissioner Kerr inquired about building and roof colors that were originally reviewed by the Commission, and commented she defers landscaping to Vice Chair Ratcliffe, likes the original building and roof colors as they provide nice contrast, likes the opaque windows that are similar to the CUSD building, and likes the Mission Bell lighting fixtures. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired about both color and roof samples being "EI Camino", and commented she likes the simplified landscape palette as it is attractive and provides effective screening, likes the original building and roof colors, commented the roof tiles should be complimentary to the building, and likes the opaque windows. Commissioner Mocalis had no comments on landscaping, prefers the original roof and building colors, likes mission bell lights, and likes the opaque windows. Commissioner Neely had no comments on the landscaping, building or roof colors, lights or windows. Commissioner Tatarian had no comments on the landscaping palette, building or roof colors, likes the mission bell lights, and likes the opaque windows. PC Minutes 3 March 24, 2009 Chair Cohen inquired about four shades of the "EI Camino" color, deferred comments on the landscaping palette to Vice Chair Ratcliffe, and commented the original building and roof colors are acceptable, likes the mission bell lights verses carriage light fixture, concurs with his colleagues on the opaque windows stating they are not storage type windows. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to approve the development details to include the revised landscaping plan as proposed, the original building and roof colors, original roof tile, the mission bell light fixture, and the opaque windows, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Neely voting no. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 08-049, MISSION VILLAGE FAQADE IMPROVEMENT; consideration of a request for review of a proposed fagade improvement for an existing shopping center. The project site is located at 32151 and 32121 Camino Capistrano, generally located 450 feet south of Del Obispo Street. (APN 668-073-12)(Applicant: Aaron Peluso)(Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planning Technician). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Planning Technician Nick Taylor presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to implement fagade improvements to the existing Mission Village shopping- center located at 32151 and -32121--Camino Capistrano in the General Commercial zone. The proposal was reviewed by the DRC on January 15, 2009 with the DRC providing comments and forwarding to the Planning Commission. Mr. Taylor commented the applicant has eliminated the "Armored Steel" color from the bottom of the columns, the faces of the proposed entry elements are on the same plane, the signs are proposed to be relocated and centered on the new entry elements, the columns have been enlarged, wooden peg color is proposed, the entry elements do not exceed the roof height, and the Big Lot Store entry is still higher than the mansard. Public Comments Ken Friess, project applicant stated he was prepared to answer questions. Aaron Pelusso, 30001 Crown Valley, Laguna Niguel stating Ross is under separate ownership, they contacted the other owner to participate in the fagade improvement, the other owner was not interested so Ross did not participate. Roy Nunn, architect spoke in support and commented he thought the DRC wanted the gable roof brought down, the Big Lots roof is higher to provide roofline variation, mansards don't look like a full roof and provided sketches that were viewed on the overhead projector. PC Minutes 4 March 24, 2009 Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions The Planning Commission reviewed and discussed the following details: • Colors; • Entry Elements; • Signs; • Columns; • Roof. Commissioner Kerr inquired if the Ross owner was different from the rest of the center, and about the mansard, and commented she likes the mansard roof and the overall fagade project is a big improvement. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented on the Rite Aid column treatment, banding, and stucco finish and stated the project is an improvement. Commissioner Mocalis commented the project is an improvement. Commissioner Neely had no comments. Commissioner Tatarian inquired about the Rite Aid logo, and if the project will match Ross, and commented he likes the project overall and its good to see improvement. L;nair Bonen commentea its peen iu to -iz years since ine running Uommission last approved a facade project for Mission Village, Ross did not participate then and is not participating now, and the project is an improvement. Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to approve Architectural Control 08-049 with the mansard roof as shown, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0. NONE I. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 07-05, COMPREHENSIVE SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE; a review of the draft ordinance updating San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.543 regulating signs. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented the staff report stating the sign code update is a comprehensive amendment to the entire SJCMC Section 9-3.543, summarized the background and reviews with the Sign Subcommittee, PC Minutes 5 March 24, 2009 Planning Commission and City Council, the draft ordinance includes language from the cities of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo while retaining and reorganizing significant portions of the existing San Juan Capistrano Code, attached are track change and clean copy ordinances as well as existing code provisions, the City Attorney's Office has reviewed and edited the ordinance, an Negative Declaration/Initial Study was prepared for CEQA compliance, and summarized significant changes to include but not be limited to: • Figures 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 significantly enlarged; • Prohibited sign section expanded; • Signs exempt from a permit expanded; • General Design Criteria significantly amended; • Temporary signs requiring permits added; • Sign Permit Revocation added; • Banners and Temporary signs amended; • Appendix A definitions additions and amendments; • City Attorney significantly amended Enforcement and Penalties. Mr. Taylor responding to Commission comments and questions stated the sign code amendment was noticed in the paper, the agenda item was forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce and all Sign Subcommittee members and an a -blast was sent. Mr. Taylor stated the real estate signs increased in size for lots less than one acre, decreased in size for lots greater than one acre and provisions were added for lots directly adjacent to the 1-5 Freeway and deferred to the City Attorney on time limits and legal provisions. Mr. Taylor concurred with Commissioner Neely that fiberglass signs are not identified in the ordinance and will be, the conflict between plastic signs would be resolved, Page 2 subsection 7 of the track change ordinance should be deleted, and Title 7 Chapter 9 regulates temporary off-site signs including campaign signs. Mr. Taylor thanked the Commission and Council Member Hribar for their comments and stated the amendments would be ready for the April 28, 2009 Planning Commission meeting. City Attorney Omar Sandoval commented that real estate signs are protected by State law that pre-empts local zoning codes. It is legally defensible to regulate sign standards but not sign content. Public Comments City Council Member and Sign Subcommittee Chair Tom Hribar summarized the sign subcommittee review, Planning Commission work sessions and thanked the Commission for their time and diligence. Mr. Hribar commented the sign subcommittee included three realtors, the real estate sign section was amended to reflect the market and some sizes increased while some decreased based on the size of the lot. Mr. Hribar commented the City's architectural design guidelines identify awnings allowing 30% of the valence to have signage and the ordinance proposes 50%, discussed review of banners, and murals. PC Minutes 6 March 24, 2009 Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments The Planning Commission reviewed and discussed sign issues to include but not be limited to: • Number of signs; • Location; • Size/Area; • Illumination; • Colors; • Materials; • Sign Creativity; • Real Estate Signs; • Banners; • Awnings; • Murals. Commissioner Kerr commented on Page 17 of the clean copy ordinance limiting awning signs to the valence only may be too restrictive. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented on Page 2, subsection 7, of the track change ordinance the sentence may limit creativity and suggested deleting. Commissioner Mocalis concurred with Vice Ratcliffe regarding deleting the sentence on Page 2, subsection 7, of the track change ordinance. Commissioner Neely commented on Page 3, of the track change ordinance that cabinet signs will be prohibited, Page 21 of the track change ordinance that plastic letters are acceptable but prohibited in the acceptable materials section on Page 4, the ordinance does not clarify use of fiberglass and fiberglass can be acceptable, Page 3 subsection C of the track change ordinance the sentence should say canvas is unacceptable material except awnings, and Commissioner Neely was very concerned that the ordinance does not encourage and may limit sign creativity, especially Page 2 subsection 7 of the track change ordinance. Commissioner Tatarian commented campaign sign provisions have eliminated the 50 foot minimum separation, typographical errors on pages 10 and 11 of the track change ordinance regarding real estate signs and residential signs, and inquired about Page 10 of the track change ordinance with real estate signs increasing in size. Chair Cohen welcomed Council Member Tom Hribar, inquired about noticing, if the sign subcommittee members and Chamber of Commerce were invited, and is concerned about limited time for Commission to review of the ordinance, especially new members. Chair Cohen commented sign creativity can occur at DRC, banner colors should be regulated, would like more time to review the revised ordinance, and suggested formally inviting the Sign Subcommittee and Chamber of Commerce to the next meeting. Chair PC Minutes 7 March 24, 2009 Cohen stated he would be out of town for the next meeting and requested continuance to April 28, 2009. Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to continue the item to the regular Planning Commission meeting on April 28, 2009, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to continue was passed on a vote of 5-0. 2. CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 08-04, EQUESTRIAN COMMERCIAL STANDARDS: Consideration of a draft code amendment to amend SJCMC Title 9, Section 9-3.515 regulating equestrian stables standards; amendments to include revisions to the commercial stables standards, the addition of a nonconformities section, addition of a certificate of compliance section, and revisions to the Best Management Practices (BMP) section. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: David Contreras, Senior Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Senior Planner David Contreras presented the staff report stating the equestrian code amendment reflects requirements of State and Federal Laws and includes revisions to Section 9-3.515 Equestrian standards, specifically, amendments to commercial development standards, addition of a nonconformities section, addition of a certificate of compliance section, addition of a purpose and intent section, and removal of BMP. Mr. Contreras summarized the background review of the ordinance with the Equestrian Subcommittee, Parks, Recreation & Equestrian Commission, and Planning Commission. Mr. Contreras responding to Commission comments and questions stated the hearing was noticed in the newspaper, commercial stables were not directly notified, and no mailers are required, the Best Management Practices (BMP) were removed and a reference made to Chapter 14, their was a healthy discussion with the Equestrian Subcommittee regarding Director approval of special activity permits and that section could be modified to only require Director approval for large events open to the public, a checklist for stable owners can be added to the certificate of compliance section, staff needs updated site plans and information from the stable owners as information in City files is outdated or missing, and Page 5 of the ordinance references water quality. City Attorney Omar Sandoval commented on Page 4 of the draft ordinance regarding Director approval of special events stating the first and second paragraphs regarding Director review and approval of certain events can be linked, Chapter 14 Water Quality Regulations is self enforcing and everybody must comply, and other agencies do have enforcement authority. Public Comments NONE PC Minutes 8 March 24, 2009 Planning Commission Questions and Comments The Planning Commission reviewed and discussed equestrian standards including; • Commercial Standards; • Best Management Practices (BMP); • Nonconformities; • Certificate of Compliance; • Purpose and Intent; • Special Activities Review; • Water Quality. Commissioner Kerr commented there are revisions to residential standards which should be reflected in the resolution title, 30% building coverage is acceptable as was agreed to by the Equestrian Subcommittee, the provisions for Community Development Director review are still in the ordinance and should be removed for normal operations and events including horse shows, the certificate of compliance section should have a checklist for owners, and stated other agencies also have enforcement authority. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented the ordinance is acceptable to her and deferred to Commissioner Kerr. Commissioner Mocalis concurred with Commissioner Kerr. Commissioner Neely commented the ordinance is acceptable. Commissioner Tatarian commented the ordinance did not have a track change version, and is concerned of the building coverage increasing from 20% to 30%. Chair Cohen inquired about noticing, if the stable owners were invited, if Ziad Mazboudi had reviewed the ordinance, and commented the ordinance needs to comply with Chapter 14 water quality regulations, Motion by Commissioner Kerr to amend the sections pertaining to Community Development Director reviews and approval of special events, include a certificate of compliance checklist, and continue the item to the next regular meeting on April 14, 2008, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to continue the item passed by a vote of 5-0. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor reminded the Commission of the Special Joint Meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. with the City Council and all Commissions and Boards. PC Minutes 9 March 24, 2009 Commissioner Tatarian inquired about the number of equines in the City and if an equestrian impact fee was in effect. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor stated he would email the number of equines to the Commissioners. City Attorney Sandoval commented there is no hoof tax presently and such tax would require a vote of the people. Commissioner Neely commented he was disinterested in the first two items stating Jerwel self storage was a mistake, putting lipstick on a pig, the landscaping is a joke, the building is too visible from the freeway, the monument sign is unacceptable, the building should have darker colors, and the architecture is pitiful. Commissioner Neely commented the Mission Village Fagade exhibits were too small scale. Commissioner Mocalis commented he was sorry he missed the field trip with staff and Commissioners Williams and Tatarian. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented the Jerwel Storage facility was debated at City Council and a legal agreement signed, and commented she requested the liquor store owner on Ortega Highway remove his temporary sign which he did. Commissioner Kerr passed. Chair Cohen encouraged Commissioner Neely and his colleagues to identify project concerns during the item hearing, and thanked staff for addressing the Ortega Shell ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Approved: 34,1— -:� - Gra t Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes lu March 24, 2009