PC Minutes-2009-03-1032400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER March 10, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 7:05 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL rvMINININh I.VIVIIVIIJJIVIVtKJ VKtZ)tN I: unalr 5neiaon uonen, commissioners Ginny Kerr, James Mocalis, Tim Neely, Gene Ratcliffe, Bruce Tatarian, and Robert Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: none STAFF PRESENT: Council Member Tom Hribar (Sign Committee Chair), Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer, and AICP, Principal Planner, Bill Ramsey D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: none. E. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of February 10, 2009 Meeting: The Commission approved the February 10, 2009 meeting minutes by a 5-0 vote. 2. Minutes of February 24, 2009 Meeting: The Commission approved the minutes by a 5-0 vote and advised of a spelling correction on page 5. 3. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 06-08 Capistrano Business Center; Review of relocation sign. (Application: Capistrano Business Center)(Proiect Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner): The applicant has relocated the sign to an area adjacent to the San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future A 0, Printed on 100% recycled paper faux chimney, under an existing eave, which is consistent with other signs in the business park. The Commission approved the location for the relocated sign. F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Consideration of Rezone (RZ) 07-02, Architectural Control (AC) 07- 17, Gradinq Plan Modification (GPM) 07-01, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-191, Koll San Juan, a request for review of preliminary design plans for a proposed 68,000 gross square foot (GSF), nine (9) building, commercial office complex on an existing 7.8 net acre parcel located along the east side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Spotted Bull Lane (APN: 650-011-34 & 39) (Representative: Gloria Broming, LPA Inc.) (Applicant/Developer: Scott Meserve, Koll Company) (Case Planner: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner): Bill Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner made the staff presentation and advised the Commission that staff was preceding with revising the traffic impact analysis (TIA) and Draft EIR traffic and circulation chapter which would be subject to re -circulation. Based on the current status of the project, staff originally estimated that the project would be ready for review by the Commission at its June 9 meeting. However, based on recent guidance from the City of Laguna Niguel on the revisions to the TIA, staff estimated the project would be ready for Commission reconsideration at the May 26 meeting. Ramsey recommended that the Commission continue the public hearing on the project to May 26. continue the entitlements to the March 24 meeting, review and make a recommendation at that time, and subsequently review and recommend the Draft EIR for certification at a future meeting after close of the public review period. In response to questions by the Commission, he stated that it would save about two weeks of processing time. COMMISSION DISCUSSION A general discussion ensued by the Commissioners regarding the various date options with respect to a continuance. In order to be assured that the Commission could conclude its review by the May 26 meeting, Cohen suggested a continuance to May 12. Neely responded that he would be out of town on that date, but the Commission could proceed with review. A motion was made to continue the hearing to the April 28 meeting. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. 2. Architectural Control (AC) 08-048, Torma Pacific Recycling Center (Von's); continued consideration of plans for a small recycling collection facility on an approximately 5.5 acre parcel located at 32401 Camino Capistrano, generally located on the west side of Camino Capistrano at Avenida Padre (APN 668-091-10) (Applicant: Tomra Pacific, Inc.) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planning Technician): Nick Taylor, Planning Technician made the staff presentation and recommended PC Minutes 2 March 10, 2009 Planning Commission conditional approval of the project. He noted that the proposed facility was the result of State regulations which require recycling facilities for containers/packaging with redemption value. Mr. Perez, representing TORMA, responded to the Commissions questions regarding State law requirements on the proposed recycling facility and the operation. He noted that TORMA leases three parking spaces and also pays a percentage of the value of the collected recyclables to Vons. In response to questions by the Commission, Omar Sandoval, City Attorney summarized . the provisions of State law with respect to the locational requirements. He noted that because Ralphs was within one-half mile of Vons, Ralphs was not required to provide the redemption recycling facility. Commissioner Williams said he was encouraged that the design of the facility was being upgraded to provide a better overall appearance and he had no concerns. Commissioner Kerr said she supported the facility as an effort to make the community more "green" and would support as long as the logo signage was removed. Commissioner Ratcliffe said she was supportive of the concept and while some Commissioner Mocalis stated he had no concerns with the project as proposed given the State was requiring the facility. Commissioner Neely stated that he concurred with Mocalis. Commissioner Tatarian said that the final design would look more like "San Juan" and given the relatively isolated location, would work.. Chairman Cohen expressed concern that the facility would be within the railroad's (Southern California Regional Rail Authority) "scenic corridor" traveled by thousands of train riders each day, and the facility would add to the visual blight along the corridor. For this reason, he stated he couldn't support the project. Motion A motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution No. 09-03-10-01 conditionally approving plans for a small recycling collection facility and approving a minor parking exception located at 32401 Camino Capistrano. The motion passed by a vote of 4-1 (Cohen dissenting). PC Minutes 6 March 10, 2009 3. Architectural Control (AC) 08-027 Tomra San Juan Capistrano, a request of approval of plans for a small collection recycling facility located on a 2.714 acre parcel located at 31874 Del Obispo, generally located approximately 800 feet east of the intersection of Del Obispo and Camino Capistrano and approximately 900 feet south of the intersection of Del Obispo and Ortega Highway. (APN 668- 241-19) (Applicant: Tomra Pacific Inc, Joe Perez agent) (Case Planner: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner): Staff advised the Commission that the applicant had withdrawn the application and no action was necessary on the part of the Commission. G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: none H. OLD BUSINESS: none I. NEW BUSINESS Worksession on the Northwest Open Space Conceptual Land Use Plan Alternative #1A, Phase 1 Park Improvements. (Proiect Manager: Bill Ramsey, Principal Planner)(Co- project manager: David Contreras, senior Planner): Ramsey made the staff presentation and provided the Commission with an overview of the process leading to the development of the Northwest Open Space Phase 1 Conceptual Plan. He stated that the City Council had endorsed the conceptual plan at its February 3 meeting, wanted to have the benefit of the Commission's review and input. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Mocalis asked whether the existing Swanner water tank could be used for irrigation of the community gardens to which staff responded that the capacity was limited and the condition may not allow such use. However, staff was intent on using groundwater pumped from existing wells on-site. He stated the gardens would be a great community resource. Commissioner Williams encouraged staff to use a "green" approach to the overall design and minimize grading of the site. Ramsey responded that staff has planned a composting facility for the garden and is studying the potential use of self - composting toilets similar to those used at the Bronx Zoo. Commissioner Kerr asked about scheduling and Ramsey responded that preliminary design should be completed by summer of 2009, construction documents completed by spring/summer of 2010, and construction completed by summer/fall 2010. Kerr asked whether Camino Capistrano would need to be widened and Ramsey responded that staff anticipated the project would require widening for a northbound left -turn lane into the park entrance. Kerr asked if the railroad right-of-way would be fenced and Ramsey responded that staff was investigating this aspect. In other areas of the City, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SORRA) has installed PC Minutes 4 March 10, 2009 fencing to protect the public. The landscape plan will include a dense buffer to provide a green barrier. Kerr noted that the provision of an equestrian staging area would bea positive and needed improvement to the park. Commissioner Ratcliffe stated that the design concept was promising and the passive nature was appropriate for the area. She indicated that the community gardens will need to have adequate access. Ramsey replied that staff was designing a 20'-0 wide decomposed granite loop drive for service/emergency access to the gardens and would provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking near the entrance and ADA -designated garden plots. Commissioner Neely made a presentation on the City's overall open space preservation and habitat restoration efforts within the greater Northwest Open Space. He noted that the entire Northwest Open Space area created an important habitat linkage between the Trabuco Creek corridor to the northeast and the Salt Creek open space to the southwest. With respect to the design of Phase 1, he encouraged the minimum amount of parking with adequate area for future expansion. Ramsey responded that staff was considering converting a portion of the proposed parking to bus turn -out areas which would reduce the parking area. Neely also noted that grant funding was available to install fish ladders along Trabuco Creek, and that the former "Carey Miller" equestrian area could serve as a potential future equestrian site with access from Alipaz Street. Commissioner Tatarian--stated that --the- process --is remarkable and asked-- about — -- – funding the project design. Ramsey advised that the conceptual and preliminary design were being handled in-house, and the construction documents would be contracted. The City has about $250,000 allocated for the open space planning process which should be adequate. Chairman Cohen stated that he was very satisfied with the overall open space planning process and City staff support. Cohen inquired if a formal motion would be necessary and Ramsey responded that the verbal comments by the Commission would suffice. J. COMMISSION / SUBCOMMITEE / STAFF COMMENTS David Contreras, Senior Planner provided the Commission with an update on the status of Capital Improvement Project 488, a landscape improvement plan for the City owned parcel at the northwest corner of San Juan Creek Road and La Novia. He also provided copies of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) conflict of interest map to assist Commissioners in deciding whether they may have a conflict based on the relative proximity of their private homes to proposed development projects. PC Minutes March 10, 2009 K. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. to the regular Planning Commission Meeting on January 13, 2009. Approved: PC Minutes 6 March 10, 2009