PC Minutes-2009-02-2432400 PASEO ADE AN'ro SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (94.9) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAX www.sonjuancapistrano.org February 24, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. l ' ... ZT �Ty_l111.41/_11C434 Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Tim Neely, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner James Mocalis, Commissioner Bruce Tatarian and Commissioner Robert Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE City Attorney Omar Sandoval explained to the Commission, staff and the public that the City Council had approved an ordinance expanding the Planning Commission from five to seven members and the ordinance would not be effective until the first meeting in April. The City Council did appoint seven Planning Commissioners but until the ordinance becomes effective only five Commissioners may vote. Commissioners Tatarian and Williams will become voting members the first meeting in April. I� z6-1goi d r1cl44 17_17 Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the past to Enhance the Future clli Printed on 100% recycled paper MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL €0[6BP9RATIO SAM ALLEVATO [.AURA FREESE fSIABEISNEo ? �I THOMAS W. HRIBAR 1776 MARK NIELSEN 6R. LONDRES USO February 24, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. l ' ... ZT �Ty_l111.41/_11C434 Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Tim Neely, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner James Mocalis, Commissioner Bruce Tatarian and Commissioner Robert Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE City Attorney Omar Sandoval explained to the Commission, staff and the public that the City Council had approved an ordinance expanding the Planning Commission from five to seven members and the ordinance would not be effective until the first meeting in April. The City Council did appoint seven Planning Commissioners but until the ordinance becomes effective only five Commissioners may vote. Commissioners Tatarian and Williams will become voting members the first meeting in April. I� z6-1goi d r1cl44 17_17 Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the past to Enhance the Future clli Printed on 100% recycled paper 1. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 22 2009 — WORK SESSION. Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to approve the January 22, 2009 Planning Commission Work Session Minutes, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0-1 with Commissioner Neely abstaining. 2. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9,_2009 — WORK SESSION. The Commission expressed concern that only two members present tonight attended the work session. The City Attorney commented that it is not necessary for Commissioner's to have been present to approve the minutes. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to approve the February 9, 2009 Planning Commission Work Session Minutes, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0-1 with Commissioner Neely abstaining. 3. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 2009 — REGULAR MEETING. Commissioner Kerr commented on Page 5, fifth paragraph, that no mention was made regarding an inquiry of monitoring cultural resources, archeology, or paleontology and also consultant Keeton Kreitzer had responded to the monitoring inquiries. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented he remembered the discussion but could not recall the specific comments and recommended the Planning Commission continue the item to allow staff to check notes and the audio tape. The Planning Commission by general consensus continued the February 10, 2009 Planning Commission minutes to the next regular meeting on February 24, 2009. F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. REZONE (RZ) 07-02, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 07-17, GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION GPM 07-01 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TPM 07-191-, KOLL SAN JUAN. A request for review of preliminary design plans for a proposed 68,000 gross square foot, nine (9) building, commercial office complex on an existing 7.8 net acre parcel located along the east side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Spotted Bull Lane (APN: 650-011-34 & 39)(Applicant/Developer: Scott Meserve, Koll Company)(Project Manager: William Ramsey, Principal Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Principal Planner Bill Ramsey presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to construct a commercial office complex totaling 68,000 square feet in area, consisting of nine (9) buildings, with buildings 1, 4, 7 and 9 two -stories in height, on a 7.8 net acre (9.2 gross acre) parcel located on the east side of Rancho Viejo Road north of Spotted Bull lane just south of Mammoth Equities. The northerly portion of the property is in the Planned Community (PC) zoning district subject to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 90-02 and the southerly portion of the property is in the P & I (Public & Institutional) zone. The project includes a Rezone to change the southerly parcel from P & I to PC and amend the CDP, a Tentative Parcel Map to re -subdivide the property into two parcels, an Architectural Control for review of PC Minutes 2 February 24, 2009 buildings, landscaping and site improvements, and a Grading Plan Modification for elevation changes exceeding two feet. Mr. Ramsey referred to plans and renderings mounted on the wall behind the Commissioners. Mr. Ramsey stated that in response to a letter from the City of Mission Viejo, staff recommends performing a supplemental traffic analysis for the for Avery/Marguerite Parkway, Averyl1-5 NB ramp and Averyl1-5 SB ramp and that the traffic analysis portion of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) be re -circulated for the mandatory 45 days set forth by CEQA. Mr. Ramsey introduced environmental consultant Keeton Kreitzer who is available for questions. The Transportation Commission reviewed the project and traffic analysis, forwarded the project to the Planning Commission, and recommended mitigation measures be revised to include a provision that no occupancy permit be issued until the associated road improvements are completed. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue the item to the next regular meeting on March 10, 2009 where staff can present a tentative schedule. Public Comments Scott Meserve, applicant/developer with the Koll Company, 4343 Von Karman, Suite 150 Newport Beach, CA summarized the project chronology, commented the stakes have been installed to identify the project entrance, grading limits and knoll area, referred to the view simulations looking across the 1-5 freeway to the subject property, stated a tentative schedule would be at the next meeting, and invited the Planning Commissioner's to tour the property. Plann.i.n_q Commissioner Comments and Questions None. Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to continue the item to the next regular Planning Commission meeting on March 10, 2009, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to continue passed by a vote of 5-0. G. NEIN PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 08-051 SAN JUAN HILLS GOLF CLUB; a request for review of preliminary design plans for a proposed 2,285 square foot addition to an existing 6,447 square foot structure on a 3.3 acre parcel located at 32120 San Juan Creek Road, generally located at approximately 2,750 feet northeast of the intersection of Valle Road and San Juan Creek Road, and 2,200 feet southwest of the intersection of La Novia and San Juan Creek Road. (APN 666-181-01)(Applicant: Richard Finkel)(Project Planner: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to construct a 2,636 square foot single -story addition to an existing 6,447 square foot clubhouse consisting of additional storage areas, additional clubhouse space, and miscellaneous site improvements. Mr. Kirk reviewed the landscaping palette, lighting and photometric analysis, commented on the stone PC Minutes 3 February 24, 2009 columns veneer, and reviewed comments from the Development Review Committee (DRC). Mr. Kirk commented that Vice Chair Ratcliffe and DRC Member Robert Cardoza inspected the site with Mr. Kirk providing comments on landscaping. Mr. Kirk responding to Planning Commission comments and questions stated the resolution does condition photometric but not the number of lights, there are six light poles proposed in the parking lot, and fluorescent lights are permitted by code, Public Comments Dan Friess, 32120 San Juan Creek Road, project manager, spoke in support commenting the building is fifty years old and in need of renovation, concurs with DRC comments, discussed the sconce lighting, and introduced architect Richard Finkel and landscape architect Mike Imlay. Dan Friess responding to Planning Commission questions and comments stated the plans propose re -striping the parking lot to increase ADA stalls from two to four, the restaurant and bar are open till 10:00 p.m., the lighting is currently insufficient and dark, and they hope to improve security lighting. John Perry, 32175 Via Barrida, San Juan Capistrano, Block 7 HOA presidents lives near the clubhouse, and supports the project. Planninq Commissioner Comments and Questions Commissioner Kerr inquired about additional ADA parking, and commented the stone treatment on the columns has a richer look that she supports, the renovation is win-win for the community, the design is well thought out, the landscape plan is an improvement, and expressed concern with the lighting to include the number of fixtures and style. Commissioner Neely expressed concern with the wall sconces and metal halide lighting identified in the attachment, inquired about the lighting concept and security lighting, the improvements are long overdue, the architecture is good for the facility, and recommended the DRC review the lighting. Commissioner Williams inquired if the fluorescent lighting is permitted by code, and commented the project is a great improvement without destroying the building, and he supports the project. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented she supports the DRC comments, the project has a good design, and lighting is a concern regarding photometric reduction on the margin and fluorescent bulbs. Commissioner Tatarian commented the project is a great addition to the community. Commissioner Mocalis commented the renovation is long overdue. PC Minutes 4 February 24, 2009 Chair Cohen inquired about a condition on the photometric plans and the number of lights, supports the project, concurs with his colleagues comments, and recommended referring the lighting to the DRC. Motion by Commissioner Neely to adopt Resolution 09-02-24-01 approving Architectural Control 08-051 subject to the exterior lighting being reviewed by the DRC, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0. H. OLD BUSINESS 1. SIGN PERMIT (SP) 07-22 PLAZA DEL OBISPO; a sign permit application proposal for one (1) freestanding single -sided monument sign located at 31882 Del Obispo. (APN 668-241-21)(Appliicant: Stroscher Companies, Alison Perthou)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to construct one single -sided freestanding monument sign, T-9" in height by sixteen feet in width totaling fifty (50) square feet in area in the Plaza del Obispo shopping center located at 31882 Del Obispo Street in the GC (General Commercial) zone district. Mr. Kirk summarized the history of the project review, commented the applicant has reduced the number of tenant panels, the originally proposed halo illumination is now requested to be ground -lit and commented DRC Chair Parkhurst assisted with the design. Mr. Kirk reviewed the four (4) photo mock-up options on the overhead projector. Mr. Kirk responding to Commissioner questions and comments stated there is a condition for the DRC to review tenant copy changes, the landscaping includes jasmine that is low growing, the Municipal Code identifies sight distance requirements and a 4' maximum height near arterials, and staff can review the ground lighting. Public Comments Gretchen Stroscher, P.O. Box 129, San Juan Capistrano, CA spoke in support showing the Commission a sample of the bronze color lettering, identified four (4) photo mock- ups of the monument sign, and prefers Option #3. Planner Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Tatarian commented he has reviewed the minutes, the sign may be over designed that would reduce effectiveness, and he supports. Commissioner Kerr inquired that the sign on the plans is centered on the arch and the rendering shows the sign centered on the columns and verified the rendering is correct, and commented the sign has come a long way, big improvement, the papyrus font is not very visible on secondary tenants, prefers the option with an arch. PC Minutes 5 February 24, 2009 Commissioner Williams inquired about changing the tenant panels, if the traffic division had reviewed the sign location, and commented he supports the design. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired about the landscaping, and commented the option with the arches pushes the letters down a little and landscaping may obscure letters, the photo simulations are helpful, likes the option with papyrus for secondary tenants with different font for major tenants, and simple is better. Commissioner Neely commented the shopping center has a visibility problem, commended the applicant for her diligence, the sign is a multi -tenant reader board that is not effective advertising and is visual clutter, supports the major tenants only, does not support secondary tenants or Plaza del Obispo, and prefers the option with the arch on top. Commissioner Mocalis commented the applicant has done a good job, tenant exposure is very important to the tenants, and he has no specific preference to the options. Chair Cohen thanked the applicant for her efforts, commented the sign has improved through the review process, favors options 2 or 3, corporate logo on major tenants is acceptable, readability and landscaping are important, and recommended the lighting be referred back to staff. The Commissioners reviewed the four options on the overhead projector. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to adopt Resolution 09-02-24-02 approving Option #2 with staff reviewing lighting, seconded by Commissioner Mocalis. The motion to approve Option #2 with staff reviewing lighting passed on a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Neely voting no. 1. NEW BUSINESS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL LACI 08-019 CUSD SIGN PROGRAM; a request for approval of a comprehensive sign program for a developed office complex located at 33122 Valle Road and generally located 3100 feet south of San Juan Creek Road (APN 675-361 -1 0)(Applicant: Schools First Credit Union/IQ Vision, Jim Barnett Representative)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval of a sign program to include two building -mounted signs over the doorways of the buildings and one free-standing monument sign facing the 1--5 Freeway. The subject property is the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) buildings located at 33122 Valle Road in the R&D (Research & Development) zoning district. The signs are for Schools First Credit Union and IQ Invision. Mr. Kirk commented that the architecture of the elevations facing the freeway are not conducive to wall signs and the DRC did not support any signs visible from the freeway for this site. The intent of the PC Minutes 10 February 24, 2009 R&D (Research & Development) zone and the CUSD buildings was not for commercial businesses requiring advertising. Staff recommends denial of the sign program. Mr. Kirk responding to Commission questions and comments stated the proposed freeway monument sign is intended to be directional, no CEQA review was required as the signs are categorically exempt, credit union customers can use either San Juan Creek Road or Ortega Highway to get to the credit union, and the sign program includes the three signs as a program, and the sign program is approve all or deny all. Public Comments Mike Eggars, CUSD & Schools First Representative, spoke in favor of the sign program and the freeway sign commenting the site is a unique and challenging location, the monument sign is low profile and tasteful, and the 400,000 credit union members have a difficult time finding the credit union. Christina Quintera, 1343 Hacienda, Anaheim, CA is an employee for Schools First Credit Union and commented the signs would attract new members. Ms. Quintera responding to Commission questions stated there are four main branches and 20 quick center branches, they are always looking for new members, and they receive complaints from clients not being able to locate this branch. Jim Barnet, 740 W. Estrella, Arcadia, CA is the sign contractor with Encore Images who commented the sign is a mile or more from the off -ramp, is located in front of a trash enclosure, and is low profile only 4'-6" in height. Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Tatarian inquired if the monument sign is advertising or directional, and commented if the members are teachers or CUSD employees they should know where the credit union is located, the monument sign is marketing and not directional, its overkill for small business, and he does not support the monument sign. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired if CEQA review was required, and commented she could see the trash enclosure from the Stonehill onramp, freeway signs are sensitive, the monument sign proposal is not compelling, when the CUSD project was approved commercial uses were not proposed, and she cannot support the freeway monument sign. Commissioner Williams commented the sign is not that visible, and concurs with his colleagues comments. Commissioner Mocalis commented the wall signs are acceptable but cannot support the freeway monument sign, and he concurs with Vice Chair Ratcliffe's comments. Commissioner Neely commented the sign is visible for up to a half mile from the freeway, the R&D zone is not intended for commercial uses, any commercial use should PC Minutes 7 February 24, 2009 be secondary and not primary, the building fagades facing the freeway were not designed for signage, and he does not support the freeway monument sign. Commissioner Kerr concurs with Vice Chair Ratcliffe's comments, the freeway monument sign is inconsistent with the Municipal Code, the credit union may be difficult to find the first time then customers would know the location, the buildings were not intended for commercial uses, other uses such as churches were denied freeway signs, and the freeway monument sign may set a precedent. Commissioner Kerr inquired if the sign program could be split to approve the two building mounted signs and deny the freeway monument sign, Chair Cohen inquired how many School First Credit Unions there are, how close is the sign to the freeway, and commented it would be difficult to see the proposed freeway sign at 70 mph, when CUSD was approved commercial uses were to be incidental only, and he cannot support the freeway monument sign. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to adopt Resolution 09--02-24-03 denying Architectural Control (AC) 08-019 the CUSD Sign Program, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to deny was passed on a vote of 5-0. 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) 488, SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD AND LA NOVIA; Landscape Improvement Plan for the City owned parcel at the northwest corner of San Juan Creek Road and La Novia. (APN 666-011-26)(Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: David Contreras, Senior Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Senior Planner David Contreras presented the staff report stating CIP 488 is a landscape improvement plan for a City owned parcel at the northwest corner of San Juan Creek Road and La Novia that includes an equestrian/hiking trail, hitching posts, picnic tables, benches, native trees and shrubs, and a native flower meadow. The plan identifies three (3) Oak trees but Joan Irvine Smith donated 110 Oak trees so additional Oaks are available. The Parks, Recreation and Equestrian Commission reviewed and supports CIP 488. Mr. Contreras responding to Commission questions and comments stated weed control is in the budget, there is the potential for loss of project funding, and staff can bring back a consent calendar item with Commission comments. Community Development Director Steven Apple responding to Commission questions stated the City Council will finalize their priority list for the year that will identify funding for all projects, one or two Council Members commented on possibly deferring funding for CIP 488. Public Comments None PC Minutes 0 February 24, 2009 Planning Commission Questions and Comments Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired about site preparation and weed control as the site is currently fouled with weeds, and commented this CIP is an opportunity to install trees that are not specimen now but would grow into specimen size, she likes the transparency of Sycamores, specimen Oaks are spectacular, suggested more spacing for full canopy, less regimented and use clusters, include fewer trees, and this project is a great opportunity as no power lines or concrete interferes. Commissioner Mocaiis inquired about the Sheriff proposing tree areas closer to the street for defensible space, and commented he thinks the trees should be closer to the creek, the majority of equestrian use is near the creek, and the La Novia Bridge will eventually be widened. Commissioner Neely commented CIP 488 was reviewed by the DRC, there are few remaining distant views areas of hillsides, the DRC recommended the trees be near the creek to leave an open foreground, adding trees may be problematic, complimented staff on the plant palette and rustic design, accent trees on corners are acceptable, willow trees by the creek are appropriate, and maybe more trees by the golf course. Commissioner Williams commented he likes the design and supports the project. Commissioner Kerr commented she reviewed the project at the DRC, open space areas have problems with homeless people, trees away from the creek would discourage the homeless, the palette and design concept are great, and natural tree placement is encouraged. Commissioner Tatarian commented CIP 488 is a great project, and inquired if there is a danger of loss of funding. Chair Cohen commented the plant palette is excellent, the symmetry does not look natural, concurs with Commissioner Neely and Vice Chair Ratcliffe on tree placement comments, and suggested bringing back the Commission comments for consent calendar at the next meeting. By general consensus the item was continued to the next regular meeting on March 10, 2009 to review Commission comments on the consent calendar. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor welcomed the new commissioners, commented the Planning Commission is a strong team, referred to the project status memo dated March 10, 2009, and commented on enforcement of temporary signs at Marbella Plaza. Community Development Director Steven Apple thanked the Planning Commission for their efforts and hard work, and welcomed the new commissioners. PG Minutes 9 February 24, 2009 City Attorney Omar Sandoval welcomed the new Planning Commissioner's, congratulated the incumbents on being reappointed, announced Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer has accepted a position in Monterey, and he will attend Planning Commission meetings until he appoints a replacement. Chair Cohen suggested the Planning Commissioners provide a brief biography. Commissioner Williams stated he is an architect with a firm in Irvine, he built his home in San Juan Capistrano, and he has a wife and three children. Commissioner Neely stated he is the Orange County Planning Director soon to be retired, is a DRC member, and an Open Space Committee member. Commissioner Mocalis commented he was the San Juan Capistrano City Manager from 1975-81, a City Manager at several other cities, a General Manager of two Water Districts, teaches at USC and Long Beach State, is a reserve Deputy, and a former homicide detective. Vice Chair Ratcliffe stated she is a botanist, works at Tree of Life Nursery, and teaches at Saddleback College. Commissioner Kerr stated she worked for the building industry, project manager on high end residential subdivisions, and has experience with archaeology and paleontology. Commissioner Tatarian stated he is a business consultant primarily for bio -medical businesses, his wife is a teacher at Ambuhl School, has no development background, but is willing to learn. Chair Cohen stated he is an attorney working for the automotive industry, has been a Planning Commissioner since 1995, was on the Transportation Commission, the Planning Commission has a great legacy, and the City had a good Planning Commission before and now has a great Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director ' PC Minutes 10 February 24, 2009