PC Minutes-2009-02-093 400 PASEO A6ELANTO MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 �i�! (949) 493-1171 LAURA FREE1 AALREE O ' IAiARPARAiEA LAURA (949) 493-1053 FAx ® EsiAASIs�Ea � 1�6� THOMAS W. HRIBAR www.sanjuancapisirano.org 1776 MARK NIELSEN ® DR. LONDRES USO February00.. A. CALL TO ORDER Chair Cohen called the special work session of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE None C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, and Commissioner Ginny Kerr COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Tim Neely and Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Tom Hribar (Sign Committee Chair), Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer, and Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE E. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS I1WI411 San .Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future CAP Printed an 160 % recycled paper G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE H. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONTINUED WORK SESSION — COMPREHENSIVE SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE (City Council Policy 12A). Review of the draft ordinance updating San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.543 regulating signs. The draft ordinance was reviewed by the Sign Committee, Planning Commission, and City Attorney's Office. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented a staff report stating the Planning Commission and Sign Committee members have conducted three (3) work sessions completing review of the entire draft sign ordinance. The purpose of this final work session is to review all edits and fine tune the ordinance for public hearing consideration. The Sign Committee approved the draft ordinance dated November 13, 2008 that has been used in the first three work session reviews. Attachment 5 is the final track change draft sign ordinance and Attachment 6 is the final clean copy sign ordinance. Attachments 1, 2 and 3 are the work session meeting minutes. Mr. Taylor handed out a track change ordinance with edit numbers circled and pointing to the location of the edits for ease of tracking. Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer distributed draft language for murals and also an edited draft combing the violations and enforcement & penalties chapters. Public Comments NONE Plannin Commissioner 1 Si n Committee Questions and Comments The Planning Commission, Sign Subcommittee Chair and staff went through the final track change version of the draft sign ordinance page by page reviewing all 102 edits from the three work sessions. The following edits and comments were made: 1) Page 2, (a)(4)(D)(5): Amend subsection to read "Promote harmony with the building architecture". 2) Page 3, (b)(2): Delete the word "only" so the subsection reads in part "The text or copy of signs shall identify the name...,, *3) Page 4, (b)(6)(13): Delete the last sentence "Said signs shall be permitted in all districts except the Tourist Commercial (TC) District". PC Minutes 2 February 9, 2009 4) Page 4, (b)(6)(C): Amend proposed language to read, "New technology in lighting shall be reviewed by the Community Development Director who may refer to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9-1.109(f)". 5) Page 6, (c): Amend fist part of proposed sentence to read in part, "Sign Permit Required. Unless specifically exempted by Section 9-3..543(f), it is unlawful for any person to erect, alter, or relocate any sign...". 6) Page 6, (d): Amend proposed sentence to read, "Sign Programs. A conceptual sign program shall be included in the application for review of any discretionary entitlement that proposes new or non-residential development". 7) Page 7, (e)(4): Amend sentence to read, „Signs which are placed on or written on a vehicle providing direction where the vehicle is parked in such a way as to promote or advertise, whether on public or private property'. 8) Page 7, (e)(5): Amend sentence to read, "Off site signs except directional signs or signs that have been permitted by the Planning Commission pursuant to an approved sign program". 9) Page 7, (e)(12): Amend sentence to read, "Exposed neon signs exceeding two (2) square feet in area." 10) Page 7, (e)(13): Delete sentence in its entirety, "Exposed cabinet signs (except "Open" or "Closed" window signs)" 11) Page 7, (e)(15): Amend proposed sentence to read, "Any sign placed or maintained that interferes with free ingress or egress fro any door, walkway, window or fire escape". 12) Page 8, (e)(20): Amend proposed sentence to read, "Any signs including "snipe signs" that are tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise affixed to trees, poles, stakes, fences or the exterior of the building or other structures". 13) Page 8, (e)(22): Delete sentence in its entirety "Signs in open spaces zones (unless authorized by the City of law)" 14) Page 9, (f)(2)(C)(1): Add word "shall" for proposed sentence to read , "No sign shall exceed six feet (6) in height if freestanding, six (6) square feet in area, and "shall" be located below the roof eaves if building mounted". 15) Page 11, (f)(4); Amend sentence to read, ""Open" and "Closed" signs for a business .establishment may be illuminated, do not exceed two (2) square feet in area, and are located in a window or door". 16) Page 15, (Table 3-42)(13anners): Fifth column replace "not" with "nor",. PC Minutes 3 February 9, 2009 17) Page 17, (Table 3-42)(Murals): First column add, "Murals (artistic proposals not classified as wall signs); second column add, "Non -Residential Districts"; fifth column add, "Requires Planning Commission approval processed as an Architectural Control pursuant to Section 9-2.313". 18) Page 18, (Table 3-42)(Menu board signs): First column add, "Drive-thru menu boards"; 'Fifth column add, "Requires Planning Commission approval pursuant to a sign program". 19) Page 18, (Table 3-42)(Subdivision Signs (temporary): First column, amend to read "Subdivision signs (temporary)"; third column change "15" to "12" feet. 20) Page 19, (Table 3-42)(Temporary Window Signs): Amend first column to read, "Temporary window signs (including neon signs)"; fifth column, amend to read, "Not to exceed two (2) square feet in area". 21) Page 19, (Table 3-42)(Vehicle signs): Amend fifth column to read, "Painted directly on vehicle. May include text or trademark log. Temporary signs shall not be affixed to the vehicle or used for directional signage". 22) Page 21, (h)(7): Add proposed subsection to read "Drive-thru menu boards". 23) Page 23, (i)(3)(13): Amend Building Mounted (Projecting) Signs to read, "Location and Number. A minimum clearance of seven (7) feet must be maintained above the public right-of-way or private sidewalk area. One (1) projecting sign is allowed per tenant space". 24) Page 23, (i)(4)(13): Amend Building Mounted (Hanging and Suspended) Signs to read, "Location and Number. A minimum clearance of seven (7) feet must be maintained above any public right-of-way or private sidewalk area. One (1) hanging or suspended sign is allowed per tenant space". 25) Page 25, (i)(8): Directed staff to create a new subsection. Staff proposes entire new section to read as follows: (8) Murals. (A) General Design Criteria: Murals shall comply with the following design criteria; (1) Murals shall require Planning Commission approval subject to an Architectural Control application as set forth in Section 9-2.313. (2) Murals proposed on any historic building listed on the "Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks" (IHCL) shall be reviewed by the Cultural Heritage Commission and forward recommendations to the Planning Commission. (3) Murals shall not contain text or any specific commercial message, shall be strictly an artistic expression and shall not be used for advertising purposes, otherwise they are classified as a wall sign and shall conform to the design standards applicable to wall signs. PC Minutes 4 February 9, 2009 (4) Murals shall provide visual enhancement to the site, shall provide artistic excellence that exemplifies high artistic duality of original artwork, and shall not create a public safety issue. (5) Murals shall be maintained in good condition for the life of the mural. (B) Location and Number. Murals may be located on any building wall. There is no specific limit on the number of murals permitted. (C) Size. Murals may be any size, subject to approval of the Planning Commission. (D) Illumination. May be externally illuminated in accordance with Section 9- 3.543(b)(6). (E) Zoning. Murals may be located in non-residential zoning districts. 26) Page 29, (j)(6): Amend proposed paragraph to read, "Special Activities. Special activities signs, under Section 9-3.547 Special Activities, shall be permitted. Signs and banners identifying the event may be placed on the site no earlier than fourteen (14) days prior to the designated activity and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the special activity. Signs and banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet in area or six feet (6) in height". 27) Page 29, (k)(4): Delete sentence in its entirety, "The sign is an integral component of a coordinated sign program for the building or development". 28) Pages 30-32, (n)&(o): City Attorney deleted subsection (n) Violations, and re -wrote old subsection (o) Enforcement and Penalties in its entirety. Refer to new draft sign ordinance dated February 9, 2009, 29) Page 32, (Appendix A — Definitions): Amendments include the following: • AMEND: Sign, area: Shall be as set forth in Figures 3-5 and 3-6 of this section. • ADD: Sign, commercial: Any sign which is intended to attract attention to a commercial activity, business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold or offered, and which is to be viewed from public streets or public parking areas". • ADD: Sign, mural: An original work of art that is applied or attached to an exterior wall. A mural shall be considered a wall sign if it contains words, logos, trademarks or graphic representation of any person, product or service that identify a business". At the conclusion of the work session, the Planning Commission and Sign Subcommittee members directed staff to complete incorporation of all edits, improve the draft ordinance to be more user friendly with bolding and indentations and schedule the item for public hearing consideration before the Planning Commission at a regular meeting. I. NEW BUSINESS None PC Minutes 5 February 9, 2009 J. COMMISSION ! SUBCOMMITEE 1 STAFF COMMENTS None K. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. to the regular Planning Commission Meeting on January 13, 2009. Approved: Grant Taylor,° Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes 6 February 9, 2009