PC Minutes-2009-01-2732400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493.1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org A. CALL TO ORDER January 27, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, Commissioner Tim Neely and Commissioner Ginny Kerr. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE E. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 13 2009 — REGULAR MEETING. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor identified the date in the title should be 2009. Motion by Commissioner Cardoza to approve the January 13, 2009 Planning Commission Minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0. A® San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future cp' Printed on 100% recycled paper F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 08-048, TOMRA PACIFIC RECYCLING CENTER (VON'S). A request for review of plans for a small recycling collection facility on an approximately 5.5 acre parcel located at 32401 Camino Capistrano, generally located on the west side of Camino Capistrano at Avenida Padre. (APN 668-091- 10)(Applicant: Tomra Pacific, Inc.)(Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planning Technician). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Planning Technician Nick Taylor presented the staff report and stated the applicant is requesting approval to install a 496 square foot "Re -Planet" recycling facility within the existing parking lot behind the Vons supermarket. The subject property is located at 31972 Camino Capistrano in the GC (General Commercial) zone. On December 4, 2008 the DRC forwarded to the Planning Commission with the following comments: • The proposed location is acceptable; • The sign and side panels should be eliminated, however, screening with fencing and landscaping is not necessary. Mr. Taylor commented that with the recycling facility the commercial center will have a sixteen (16) stall deficiency or 8% of the required parking. The parking deficiency requires a minor exception and findings can be made to support the Architectural Control and Minor Exception. Photographs were presented on the overhead projector. Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor commented the site plan not in the packet was previously forwarded to the Planning Commission via email and a hardcopy plan has also been provided, staff can add conditions to remove the signs and regulate leaving recyclables, and if the Planning Commission elects to continue the item the next available meeting is March 10, 2009. Planning Technician Nick Taylor answered Planning Commission inquiries stating the photograph of the recycling facility was taken in Dana Point, the signs on both recycling agenda items are identical, the Re -Planet facility would replace the existing recycling facility, the new facility would be unmanned and automated, the proposed color is consistent with the existing building, the applicant was present at the DRC meeting, no foundation is proposed, there is an existing directional sign on Camino Capistrano for the existing facility, and conditions can be added to remove the decal signs, dormer sign and address leaving recycle items. Associate Planner Justin Kirk commented State Law requires recycling facilities for stores with over $200,000 gross receipts otherwise large fines, PC Minutes 2 January 27, 2009 Public Comments None. The applicant was not present. Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Kerr inquired where the picture was taken, if other grocery stores and markets would request recycling facilities, including Costco, how will the public know the facility is on-site, commented she prefers no foundation as the structure is temporary and could be more easily removed and concurred with other comments from her colleagues. Chair Cohen inquired if the Tomra structures on the agenda were identical, if signs were the same, if the facility was unmanned, what if the facility gets full and recyclables are left outside, if an automatic receipt is provided, and if the applicant was at the DRC meeting. Chair Cohen commented that not much money is returned which may lead to leaving recyclables, the non-visible location does not justify a horrendous structure, the structure may be visible from the bike path and metrolink, the applicant is not present to answer questions, he cannot support at this time, and recommended the item be continued. Commissioner Neely inquired about the decal signs and sign on the dormer, if the structure color is consistent with the existing buildings, if the facility is required by State Law, and if other jurisdictions have better recycling facilities. Commissioner Neely commented he was under whelmed by the proposal at DRC, not normally supportive but State Law mandates recycling, the structure is utilitarian and the location in the rear is appropriate, recommended the sign decals and sign dormer be removed, and commented the facility is obvious and no directional signage is necessary. Commissioner Cardoza commented he was at the DRC to review the application, the structure is sub -par and an aesthetic nuisance, the location in the back is appropriate, the white color blends with the buildings and is acceptable, and inquired if a concrete foundation is proposed. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented the parking reduction is not a concern as the center has sufficient parking, does not like the sign decals or sign dormer and the location is inconspicuous. Motion by Commissioner Neely to continue the item to the March 10, 2009 regular Planning Commission meeting, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza. The motion to continue passed on a vote of 5-0. 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 08-027, TOMRA SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (RALPH'S). A request for review of site plans for a proposed small collection recycling facility located on a 2.714 acre parcel located at 31874 Del Obispo, approximately 800 feet west of the intersection of Del Obispo and Camino Capistrano and approximately 900 feet south of the intersection of Del Obispo and Ortega Highway. (APN 668 -241 - PC Minutes 3 January 27, 2009 19)(Applicant: Tomra Pacific Inc, Joe Perez agent)(Project Planner: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the applicant is proposing to install a "Re -Planet" recycling facility in the existing parking lot of the Ralph's supermarket center. The applicant has not submitted revised plans and staff recommends continuing the item to March 10, 2009. Public Comments None Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions Motion by Commissioner Cardoza to continue the item to the regular Planning Commission meeting on March 10, 2009, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to continue passed by a vote of 5-0. 3. GENERALPLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 08-002, REZONE (RZ) 08-007, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 08-005 & ZONE VARIANCE (ZV) 08-008, CACHIA MEDICAL OFFICES. A request for a General Plan Amendment for the change in General Plan Land Use Map Designation from Office/Research Park (ORP) to Planned Community (PC), a Rezone to change the official zoning designation from Office Commercial (OC) to Planned Community (PC) with a comprehensive development plan and review, and approval of final design plans for a proposed 7,488 square foot two story office building with a 12,539 square foot subterranean parking area on a 15,342 square foot parcel located at 31551 Avenida Los Cerritos. (APN 650-151-16)(Applicant: Vic Cachia)(Project Planner: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to develop a 7,488 square foot office building, two stories in height with subterranean parking that would replace a nonconforming residence. The project includes a General Plan Amendment from Office/Research Park to Planned Community, a Rezone from Office Commercial to Planned Community, an Architectural Control for the building and site plan, and a Zone Variance to allow a 5'10" encroachment in the rear yard setback and a 3-6" increase in building height. Mr. Kirk summarized the history of the project, the floor area ratio inconsistency between the General Plan and zoning code. Mr. Kirk recommended the Planning Commission authorize no minimum lot size in the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Mr. Kirk also commented that the Planning Commission may consider the zone variance or incorporate development standards into the CDP to remove the need for a zone variance. Associate Planner Kirk responding to Planning Commission inquiries stated there are more windows on the north elevation and deferred to the architect, the color board is the proposed colors, the DRC has not reviewed the light fixtures, a condition of approval is PC Minutes 4 January 27, 2009 included that a sign program shall be approved by the Planning Commission, deferred landscaping comments to the architect, the property has significant slope and maintaining a 35 foot roof height would result in a flat roof with unusable areas, clarified the variances would be acted upon rather than a CDP amendment, and clarified landscaping, lighting and building colors would return to the DRC. Public Comments Victor Cachia, 28334 Paseo Michelle, San Juan Capistrano spoke in support. John Staley, architect from Lake Forest spoke in support and commented there is a color variation on the stucco and lighter around the windows, and there are more windows on the north and west elevations. Planning Commission Comments and Questions Commissioner Kerr inquired about more windows on the north and west elevations, commented the white stucco color appears stark and should maybe be a brown tone, and window colors in palette are acceptable, commented the variances are acceptable as the site is unique, and appreciates the DRC comments. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired if the color board is the proposed colors as the rendering colors appear different, commented she was initially concerned with the building height but the design does make sense, does not support flat roofs or parapets, the landscaping is too much and should be simplified, prefers native trees especially Oaks, and the shrub palette should be simplified. Commissioner Cardoza inquired if the light fixtures had been reviewed by the DRC, if signs were part of the proposal, and commented the DRC proposed substitute landscaping that has not been incorporated and new landscaping has been included, the white stucco color is too stark, trim colors are acceptable, the lighting fixtures should be complimentary with the Gates building, and the desert willows are inappropriate and not reviewed by the DRC, the building height is acceptable, would like to move the project to the City Council, but would like landscaping and lighting to return to the DRC. Commissioner Neely commented he is satisfied with the project overall, the DRC reviewed the rear setback and building height and due to the awkward shape of the property supported the variance to accommodate better building design, the project is consistent with surrounding developments including the Gates Building, the trim color is acceptable but not the white stucco, concerned with the landscaping palette and prefers native trees, the sample sign is not permitted, he opposes carriage lamps and the lighting requires DRC review, the project is a good development, and the applicant was responsive. Chair Cohen inquired about the building height exceeding 35 feet, and commented he appreciates his Planning Commission colleagues comments, the proposal is a good project, the DRC made the project better, and recommends that the landscaping, lighting and colors be referred to the DRC. PC Minutes 0 January 27, 2009 Motion by Commissioner Kerr to adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve the project subject to the DRC reviewing landscaping, lighting and building colors, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza. The motion recommending approval passed by a vote of 5-0. H. OLD BUSINESS 1. SIGN PERMIT (SP) 07-22 PLAZA DEL OBISPO: A sign permit application proposal for one (1) free-standing, single -sided monument sign, located at 31882 Del Obispo Street. (APN 668-241-21)(Applicant: Stroscher Companies, Allison Perthou)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report and stated the applicant is requesting approval to install one free-standing single -sided monument sign 3'9' in height by 16 feet in width totaling 50 square feet in area. The item was continued from the last meeting to allow the applicant to reduce the number of tenant panels and provide mock ups of the sign verbiage and tenant panels. Associate Planner Kirk responding to Planning Commission comments measured the sign mock ups stating the Plaza Del Obispo lettering is 59" wide, the minor tenants (i.e. Verizon, Thai Juan On, and UPS) are 27" wide with 4" letter height, and the major tenants (i.e. Marshall's and Blue Echo) are 29" wide with 5" letter heights. Mr. Kirk commented the Commission could request photo shop and offered to meet with the applicant and sign contractor, Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented the next available Planning Commission meeting for a continuance is February 24, 2009. Public Comments Gretchen Stroscher-Thompson, property owner spoke in support referring to mock ups of the tenant panels. Ms. Stroscher-Thompson responding to Planning Commission comments and inquiries stated the mock ups in the back of the room are farther than cars would be from the real sign, the printer made the letters crowded and not to scale, an 8 %2 X 11 mock up did not work, the sign maker does not follow directions, can photo shop the proposal, this proposal has taken two years, her budget is blown, she is ready to withdraw, and if the item is continued would need more than two weeks to the next meeting. Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Chair Cohen commented the plans identify 42 letters and the mock ups do not appear to match, the letters appear out of scale, has a problem visualizing the sign without accurate depictions, recommended a print shop realistic visual depiction, sign programs are normally to scale, concerned with this monument sign setting a precedent, maybe PC Minutes 6 January 27, 2009 the 16 foot width is not appropriate, and suggested continuing the item to review accurate to scale mockups of the lettering and tenant panels. Commissioner Cardoza commented the lettering should be more spread out, concerned about the final length of the letters, the sign is rounded/curved, not comfortable with the mock ups, referred to the Cachia sign rendering that is accurate and to scale, suggested the applicant obtain a different sign contractor, and thanked the applicant for her efforts. Commissioner Kerr commented the major tenants lettering is acceptable, minor tenants lettering is too narrow, Plaza Del Obispo lettering should be spread out, and the sign plans and rendering should be to scale. Commissioner Neely concurred with his colleagues concerns. Vice Chair Ratcliffe concurred with her colleagues comments. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to continue the item to the next regular meeting on February 24, 2009, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to continue passed by a vote of 5-0. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented on the memorandum from staff to the Planning Commission dated January 27, 2009 providing information on the following: • 1/15/09 DRC actions; • 1/19/09 Joint City Council / Planning Commission Recommendation • 1/20/09 City Council actions; • 2/3/09 City Council agenda items; • 2/5/09 DRC agenda items; • 2/10/09 Planning Commission agenda items. Commissioner Cardoza inquired about the status of the Mammoth sign litigation. Vice Chair Ratcliffe passed. Commissioner Kerr passed. Commissioner Neely passed. Chair Cohen commented that City Council appointments to Commissions and Boards is coming up, hopes he and his colleagues will be back, and thanked his colleagues and staff for their dedication. PC Minutes 7 January 27, 2009 Deputy City Attorney Retterer commented that a trial for the Mammoth sign litigation is scheduled for late February. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor apologized for the delay in temporary sign code enforcement that will be addressed. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Approved: Grant Taylor, ' M. Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes d January 27, 2009