PC Minutes-2009-01-22324®0 PASS® ®ELAI�iTt> MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Cid 92676 //, 3 . 4949) 493.1171 — IRfORFOR8rE6 LAURA FREES LAURA FRI»ESE (949)493.1063 FAX ® www.saqivancapistrano.org WARMED 1776 THOMAS W,HRISAR MARK NIELSEN ® DR. LONDRES USO January 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL WORK SESSION Chair Cohen called the special work session of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE None C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, and Commissioner Ginny Kerr COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Tim Neely and Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Tom Hribar (Sign Committee Chair), Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer, and Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE E. CONSENT CALENDAR F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Fast to .Enhance the Future Printed on 100% recycled paper - G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS li•[r7►1% H. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONTINUED WORK SESSION — COMPREHENSIVE SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE (City Council Policy 12A). Review of the draft ordinance updating San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.543 regulating signs. The draft ordinance was reviewed by the Sign Committee, Planning Commission, and City Attorney's Office. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented a staff report stating the Planning Commission and Sign Committee members have conducted three (3) work sessions completing review of the entire draft sign ordinance. The purpose of this final work session is to review all edits and fine tune the ordinance for public hearing consideration. The Sign Committee approved the draft ordinance from November 13, 2008 that has been used in the first three work session reviews. Attachment 5 is the final track change draft ordinance and Attachment 6 is the final clean copy ordinance. Attachments 1, 2 and 3 are the work session meeting minutes. Mr. Taylor handed out a track change ordinance with edit numbers circled and pointing to the location of the edits for ease of tracking. Deputy City Attorney Jason Retterer distributed draft language for murals and also an edited draft combing the violations and enforcement & penalties chapters. Public Comments NONE Plann.i.n._q Commissioner / Sign Committee Questions and Comments The Planning Commission, Sign Subcommittee Chair and staff went through the final track change version of the draft sign ordinance page by page reviewing all 102 edits from the three work sessions. The Planning Commission, Sign Subcommittee and staff made the following edits and comments: 1) Page 23, (h)(6): Delete proposed language, "Flags, steamers, pennants subject to a sign program" and replace with "Freeway Signs". 2) Page 23, (i)(1): Amend proposed language to read, "Building Mounted (Flush) Signs (Wall Signs)", *3) Pages 23-31, (i)(1-11): Delete all proposed "photographs". PC Minutes 2 January 22, 2009 4) Page 23, (i)(A): Amend to read, "General Design Criteria: Building mounted (flush) signs "(wall signs)'" shall comply with the following criteria: 5) Page 23, (i)(1)(A)(2): Amend sentence to read, "Be painted on a wall or attached to a wall with approved materials pursuant to section 9-3.543(b)(3)". 6) Page 24, (i)(1)(13): Amend second sentence to read, "The maximum number of wall signs permitted shall not exceed one per exposure". 7) Page 24, (i)(1)(D): Delete "may" and replace with "shall", 8) Page 25, (i)(2)(B): Amend second sentence to read, "Only one monument sign is permitted per street frontage". Amend third sentence to add in part, two monument signs "one sign" each side of the main entrance ... 9) Page 25, (i)(2)(C): Amend to read, "Size. Monument signs may be a maximum of the area and height identified in Table 3-42. Sign area is calculated pursuant to Figure 3-5." x`10) Page 25, (i)(2)(D): Amend to read, "Illumination shall occur in accordance with Section 9-3.543(b)(6)." (Standard language) 11) Page 26, (i)(3)(D): Delete "may" and replace with "shall". 12) Page 26, (i)(4)(A)(2): Amend sentence to read, "Hanging signs are small and can hang over or adjacent to a building entry" 13) Page 26, (i)(4)(13): Amend first sentence to read, "A minimum clearance of seven (7) feet above any public right-of-way or sidewalk area must be maintained". 14) Page 27, (i)(4)(D): Amend to read, "Illumination: Illumination shall occur in accordance with Section 9-3.543(b)(6)." Standard language, same as 10 above. 15) Page 27, (i)(5)(D): Same as 10 above. 16) Page 28, (i)(6)(A)(1 & 2): Delete subsection (1) in its entirety. Renumber subsection (2) to new subsection (1). x`17) Page 28, (i)(6)(C): Change size on awnings from "twenty-five percent (25%)" to "fifty percent (50%)". Amend Table 3-42 for consistency. 18) Page 28, (i)(6)(D): Amend to standard illumination language in 10 above. 19) Page 28, (i)(6)(E): At the end of the second sentence add, "pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.313." PC Minutes 3 January 22, 2009 20) Page 29, (i)(7)(A)(1 & 2): Delete subsection (1) in its entirety and renumber subsection (2) to (1). 21) Page 29, (i)(7)(13): Amend the last sentence to add, "located near the tenant entrance." *22) Page 29, (i)(8): Murals. The City Attorney's Office will research and provide recommendations. No changes at this time. 23) Page 30, (i)(9): Electronic Message Centers (FMC's). Delete in its entirety. Include EMC's in prohibited signs except for public facilities or services. 24) Page 31, (i)(10)(13): Amend to read, "Location and Number. Two residential subdivision signs are allowed at each project entry of a subdivision. The signs shall be located within a landscaped area." 25) Page 31, (i)(1 0)(D): Amend to standard illumination language in 10 above. 26) Page 31, (i)(10)E): Amend to add, allowed in all residential "and Planned Community" zones. 27) Page 31, (i)(1 1)(B): at end of last sentence change "premises" to "building". 28) Page 33, (j)(3): Delete flag/streamers/pennants in its entirety. Renumber remaining provisions in subsection (j). 29) Page 33, (j)(4): Construction major signs, in the first and second sentences change "7,200" to "10,000" square feet. 30) Page 34, (j)(5): Construction minor signs, change 7,200" to "10,000" square feet. 31) Page 34, (j)(6): Public Right -of -Way Signs, delete in its entirety. Renumber remaining provisions in subsection (j). 32) Page 35, (j)(8): Amend the second sentence to read, "Signs and banners identifying the event may be placed on the site no earlier than fourteen (14) days prior to the designated activity and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the special activity. Signs and banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet in area or ten (10) feet in height." 33) Page 35, (j)(9): Temporary signs required by CEQA, delete in its entirety. 34) Page 35, (k)(3 & 4): Amend subsection (3) to read, "The sign will not create a hazard to other adjacent properties or tenants." Delete subsection (4) in its entirety. PC Minutes 4 January 22, 2009 35) Page 35, (1): Nonconforming Signs, delete in its entirety. Re -letter remaining subsections. 36) Page 35, (m)(1)(13): Amend to read, "The application for permit contained any misrepresentation of fact." 37) Page 37, (o)(1)(C): Amend to read, "it shall be the duty of the Community Development Director to enforce this Chapter for any signs installed contrary to the approved plans or any conditions of approval., *38) Page 37, (o)(1)(D): In the first sentence, replace "deputies" with "designees". The City Attorney's Office shall review Subsection (o) Enforcement and Penalties. 39) Page 38, Appendix A — Definitions: The following recommendations were made: a) Sign, mural: Have the City Attorney's Office research and propose. b) Sign, area: Cross reference definition with Figures 3-5 and 3-6 for consistency. c) Sign, cabinet: Add a definition. d) Sign, commercial: Add a definition. *Indicates follow-up required or affects other code sections. At the conclusion of the work session, the Planning Commission and Sign Subcommittee members directed staff to complete incorporation of all edits and comments from the three work sessions into both the track change and clean copy ordinances, and conduct a final work session to review all proposed amendments and fine tuning prior to public hearing. I. NEW BUSINESS None J. COMMISSION 1 SUBCOMMITEE 1 STAFF COMMENTS ►1[=15 K. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:22 p.m. to the regular Planning Commission Meeting on January 13, 2009. Approved: gam,or � a, �xs �r Gran Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes 5 January 22, 2009