PC Minutes-2009-01-1932400 PASEO ADEL ANTO MEMBERS OF THE CIN COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 A X949) 493-1171 [__ to[ueaesn[[o SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE (949) 493-10531FAx ® ��� www.sal JldCIiYcgpislranaorg ESsnauSgEo 1776 THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN GIR, LONDRES USO January 19, 2009 CITY COUNCIL, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MINUTES A. ORGANIZATION 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Nielson and Chair Cohen called the joint meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. City Council and Community Redevelopment Agency: Mayor Mark Nielson, Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Londres Uso and Council Members Sam Allevato, Tom Hribar and Laura Freese. Planning Commission: Chair Sheldon Cohen and Commissioners Ginny Kerr and Robert Cardoza. Planning Commissioners Absent: Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe and Commissioner Tim Neely. Council Member Tom Hribar led the pledge of allegiance. B. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 1. Consideration of Draft Master Plan Report for the Lower Rosan Ranch. Consideration of Four (4) Development Alternatives for the fifteen (15) acre Lower Rosan Ranch property owned by the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency. Economic Development Manager Douglas Dumhart made a presentation stating the Agency owned Lower Rosan Ranch property is located north of Stonehill Drive, south of the Capistrano Valley Mobile Home Estates, between the Sart Juan Creek levee and the Orange County Transit Authority railroad tracks. On July 3, 2007 the Agency directed staff to pursue a mixed use development and on February 19, 2008 the Agency San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Fast to Enhance the Future Printed an 1 W% recycled paper retained Gafcon Inc., a professional land planning firm, to analyze various development scenarios for the Lower Rosan Ranch property that would culminate in a Master Plan for the site. Gafcon has prepared four (4) alternative development scenarios. Mr. Dumhart introduced the Gafcon team to include: • Andrew Regenberg, Gafcon • Cal Woolsey, Fuscoe • Ken Ryan, KTGY • Geoff Graney, KTGY The Gafcon team made a presentation to the City Council/Redevelopment Agency and Planning Commission that included purpose and scope, geotechnical perspective, site characteristics, market support, risks and opportunities, development scenarios and development deal points. The four development alternatives included: • Alternative 1: Mixed Use (i.e. commercial, affordable housing & vehicle storage); • Alternative 2: Residential (Mixed -Rate) • Alternative 3: Business Park & Retail • Alternative 4: Retail (Big Box) PLANNING COMMISSION QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Commissioner Kerr inquired about the proposed 60 foot setback from the Mobile Home Park (MHP), $9 to 10 million preparation costs, 100,000 cubic yards of fill costing $3 million, sewer, grading, soil compaction, current and potential revenue from Costco. Commissioner Kerr further commented she was on the Lower Rosan Committee, the poor economy points toward Costco or Target, car dealerships are in trouble, and commended the public for attending. Commissioner Cardoza inquired if access is the same for all alternatives, inquired about a 4 -way signal at the property entrance and Stonehill Drive, if a traffic study had been performed for all alternatives, and commented on the amount of fill, potential land uses, the finished pad would be eight feet (8') higher and out of the flood plain, and the setbacks in the alternatives vary from 60 feet to 100 feet. Commissioner Cardoza further commented by commending the Master Plan team, building design needs to be consistent with design guidelines, recommends a strong landscape buffer with riparian palette, the need to address lighting, screening, sound, promote a village atmosphere, and he supports Costco. Chair Cohen inquired about the City subsidizing alternatives, verified Alternative 1 has 113 residential units with a subsidy of $8 million plus the land, verified Alternative 2 proposed 2 -story garden apartments, and commented on potential revenue from a Costco at the site. Chair Cohen further commented he served on the Lower Rosan Committee, commended the consultants and staff, identified the need to maximize revenue, and supports Alternative 4, Costco. PC CC Joint Meeting Minutes 2 .January 19, 2009 CITY COUNCIL QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Council Member Allevato commented on liquefaction issues, need for enhanced slab and pilings, residential more costly with no commercial sales tax revenues, proximity to transportation, food and parks, minimal revenue from RV storage, and that a Costco and/or Target would need to provide higher design standards consistent with San Juan. Council Member Allevato further commented they must pursue a healthy financial future for the City, Costco has been a good corporate neighbor, $75,000 sales tax a year for Costco, supports Alternative 4, Costco, and he commended the consultants. Council Member Hribar commented on the pad elevation height after fill, flood control height, and retail revenue potential. Council Member Hribar further commented the public comments were well taken, he served on the CRA Committee, prevailing winds come across the creek, need to mitigate noise and recommended acoustical studies and a wall with berms, need a walking trail from the park to Costco, and he supports Alternative 4, Costco. Council Member Freese commented the pad elevation would be eight (8) higher with a project, a buffer zone between the project and MHP would be necessary, need flexibility in various elevations, sufficient landscaping, residential alternatives have about 20 feet building height, and the height of the retail building alternative would be 30 to 35 feet, location of condensers away from MHP, project review by DRC and Planning Commission, and the level of interest from Costco and Target. Council Member Freese further commented by commending the consultants, the financial overview graphs show Alternative 4 is clearly superior, Costco does not have outside storage, limit delivery times, install condensers far from residences and screen, mitigate sound and lighting, provide a good landscape buffer, and she supports Alternative 4, Costco. Mayor Pro Tem Uso commented Lower Rosan is not suitable for open space, was annexed in 1985-86, was farmland in the 1950's, the site is unique and appropriate for commercial use, and inquired if other cities were courting Costco. Mayor Pro Tem Uso further commented he encourages the City and residents to work together, the City needs Costco, Costco impacts can be mitigated, and he has to look out for the welfare of the entire City. Mayor Nielson commented Alternative 1 would require an $8 million subsidy plus land, and the City owes the bank $5 million which would be a total of $13 million. Alternative 2, residential would be at least eight feet higher than the MNP. Alternative 3 business park and retail would generate only $2.5 million over 20 years. Alternative 4 would be a building 30 feet in height, maybe move the building further south away from the MHP, concerned with access and parking. Mayor Nielson further commented by commending the consultants, staff and committee, must balance impacts with revenue, must pursue benefit to entire community, previously opposed Home Depot but supports Costco, the Costco traffic is already present, Lower Rosan is not suitable for open space, requested staff to stake the 60 foot buffer area and install building elevation poles, and recommended the City take the next step. PC CC Joint Meeting Minutes 3 January 19, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL COMMON DISCUSSION ITEMS • Economic situation • Car dealerships in jeopardy and lack of sales tax diversity • More village design • Lighting and security lighting • 60 foot buffer to MHP • Pedestrian access • Alternative 4 — Retail best option for the community • New Costco provides better amenities • Community walking access • Impacts to City if Costco leaves • Prevailing winds • Acoustical studies • Trail access • Need for revenue diversity • Appropriate location for commercial • Sound abatement • Buffer area between MHP • Working with the community • Affordable housing not financially feasible • Costco different from Home Depot • Not suitable for open space • Building and site plan specifics • Costco delivery times and methods • The Costco project would be good for all San Juan Capistrano Economic Development Manager Dumhart commented he would formulate findings in support of Alternative 4 - Costco, Gafcon will complete the report, he will return a resolution with findings to support the Alternative 4 Costco Master Plan, and will draft a Development Agreement. C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Minder, Capistrano Valley Mobile Home Estates (CVMHE), concerned with safety and needs of the residents. Irma Thomas, CVMHE, concerned with traffic, delivery trucks, light, noise air pollution and ocean breeze. Steve Behmerworld, CVMHE, prefers Costco and concerned with buffer zones. Mike Debroto, Costco representative, commented on Costco needs to modernize facilities, provide pharmacy, service station, foods. Commented on working hours, PC CC Joint Meeting Minutes 4 January 19, 2009 delivery schedules and methods, lighting, building location, and that other cities are courting Costco. Gary Hilde, CVMHE, opposed to commercial and industrial uses. Brenda Baumohl, CVMHE, concerned with ocean breeze. Bobbie Decker -Austin, CVMHE, concerned with noise. David Ott, CVMHE, concerned with noise, dust, and lights. Doug Lowe, resident, preferred open space use. Dave Solt, resident, preferred leasing the property. Lucky Dudek, resident, preferred boat storage. Cheryl Fuller, CVMHE, concerned with emergency access. Richard Gardner, Capistrano Beach, concerned with lighting, buffer areas, trails and a signal at Stonehill Drive, AW, 91114111 Mayor Nielson and Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The Planning Commission was adjourned to the regular Planning Commission Meeting on January 27, 2009. Approved: t Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC CC Joint Meeting Minutes January 19, 2009