PC Minutes-2009-01-1332400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAX www sanjuancapstrano. org uVoin4Mfoxc.101-0 ME MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SADA ALLEVATO iA(AAVASAIE6 LAURA FREESE (SIAALIWO THOMAS W. HR€BAR 1776 MARK NIELSEN ® DR. LONDRES USO January 13, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Robert Cardoza, Commissioner Tim Neely and Commissioner Ginny Kerr. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9 2008 — REGULAR MEETING. Commissioner Kerr identified an edit on Page 5, last paragraph at bottom of page, to add the provision "save mission tiles". Motion by Vice Chair Ratcliffe to approve the December 9, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Neely not present. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future Printed on 100 recycled paper 2. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 10 2008 — WORK SESSION. Commissioner Cardoza thanked his colleagues for their efforts at the Work Session to review the Sign Ordinance Update and made a motion to approve the December 10, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes, seconded by Chair Cohen. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Neely not present. 3. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15 2008 — WORK SESSION. Motion by Commissioner Cardoza to approve the December 15, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Neely not present. 4. CIP 111 — Del Obispo Street and Camino Capistrano Intersection Improvements- Comments m rovements-Comments from Planning Commission meetings of October 28, 2008 and December 9, 2008. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Nisha Patel). Chair Cohen requested that the item include a cost benefit analysis be added to the comments. Motion by Chair Cohen to approve the comments as amended, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Neely not present. F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Chair Cohen announced to the public that Rezone (RZ) 08-008 is to rezone a one acre parcel only. If persons wish to speak about a potential project, they should attend the Joint City Council 1 Planning Commission meeting on Monday, January 19, 2009 at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 08-014 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 08-012 AND REZONE (RZ) 08-002 JERWEL SELF STORAGE. An application to change the official Zoning Map designation of General Open Space to Planned Community, a textual amendment (rezone) to the Forster Canyon Comprehensive Development Plan, develop a 72,940 square foot commercial self storage facility, which consists of a 27,350 square foot basement, 25,807 square foot first floor and 19,747 square foot second floor on an undeveloped 1.769 acre lot and to establish and operate a commercial self storage facility that exceeds 50,000 square feet. The project is located at 33000 Valle Road, generally located 2,320 feet south of La Novia Avenue, and directly adjacent to Valle Road and more specifically referred to as Assessor parcel Number 666-301-13. (Applicant: Gerald Klein)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation PC Minutes 2 January 13, 2009 Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report and stated the applicant is requesting approval of a self storage facility totaling 72,940 square feet with nineteen parking stalls including one ADA stall. The project does not include a General Plan Amendment as the current General Plan Land Use Map Designation is Planned Community. The rezone would change the front portion of the property from GOS (General Open Space) to PC (Planned Community) as the rear portion of the property is already zoned PC within the Forster Canyon Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP 81-01). The GOS was previously zoned GM (Growth Management) that was a holding zone that has now been deleted from the municipal code and zoning map. Mr. Kirk summarized the history of the property regarding the impacts from the Suncal development, and subsequent agreement between Suncal, the City and developer regarding easements, lot line adjustment, impact fee and the City supporting commercial uses. The rezone also includes amending the Forster Canyon CDP to add a North Commercial Manufacturing designation that has development standards that mirror provisions in the CM (Commercial Manufacturing) zone in the Municipal Code. The Conditional use Permit (CUP) is required for storage facilities exceeding 50,000 square feet. Mr. Kirk discussed the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), including a condition to require Vista Marina Street be accessible to the project, view simulations, elevations and parking. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the AC, RZ, and CUP. Mr. Kirk stated Vista Marina is a public road that is not yet open and a condition of approval is included requiring the road provide access to the property prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Kirk commented an NDP is required by code and architectural details can be referred back to the DRC, Public Comments Jerry Klein, applicant and property owner spoke in support stating the City process has taken two years to complete and he summarized the litigation with Suncal and Agreement with the City, Suncal and Jerwel. Mr. Klein commented the building would be consistent with design guidelines and will have minimal traffic impacts. Richard Hill Adams, 33532 Forster Ranch Road, inquired why residents were not notified of the Development Review Committee (DRC) meetings, and commented the road grade is significant, Vista Marina is a private Suncal road, concerned about the building windows and stated Sycamore trees grow tall and could block resident views. Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Kerr commented the staff recommendation makes sense, supports the project, and inquired if a Historic Depiction Program (HDP) is required. Vice Chair Ratcliffe concurred with Commissioner Kerr, commented the property was impacted by the notorious 2002 Code update, and she supports the project. Commissioner Cardoza commented the rezone is acceptable, would like more architectural details regarding windows, signs and landscaping, participated in the DRC reviews, and the plant palette does not address all DRC comments. 'C Minutes 3 January 13, 2009 Commissioner Neely commented he was out when the project went through the DRC, the architecture falls short of the finish line, the project is not to the level of San Juan high quality, carriage lamps are inappropriate, the landscaping is a hodge podge, building massing is overbuilt, the zoning may be inappropriate, and the location is highly visible from the 1-5 freeway. Chair Cohen commented he attended the DRG meetings, the DRC refined the massing and appearance of the building, he can support referring architectural details back to DRC for fine tuning, and supports moving the project forward to City Council. Motion by Commission Kerr to recommend the City Council approve the rezone, seconded by Chair Cohen and refer architectural details back to DRC. The motion to recommend approval of the rezone passed on a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Neely voting no. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented the resolution recommends the City Council approve the zoning entitlements as a whole including certification of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and approval of the rezone, architectural control and conditional use permit. It would be cleaner to approve the project as a whole rather than by individual entitlements. Chair Cohen commented concerns were raised by the Commission pertaining to lighting, windows, landscaping, and signs and inquired if the Commission should rescind the rezone approval and act on all entitlements. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented she has concerns with landscaping and architectural details and would be comfortable with approval subject to refinement with the Planning Commission. Deputy City Attorney Reterrer commented the resolution includes the environmental review and all three zoning entitlements and it would be cleaner to rescind the rezone and act on all entitlements. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to rescind the rezone, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to rescind the rezone was approved by a vote of 5-0. Commissioner Kerr commented windows may not be desirable for a storage facility, the massing has been addressed by the DRC and the Planning Commission previously reviewed the floor area ratio (FAR). Commissioner Cardoza commented he had concerns with the lighting, type of fixtures, landscaping and signs and is comfortable with recommending approval to the City Council subject to fine tuning by the Planning Commission. PC Minutes 4 January 13, 2009 Associate Planner Kirk commented in the resolution that Condition #50 requires forwarding the lighting plan to the DRC and Condition #73 requires Planning Commission approval of a sign program. The resolution can be revised to require signs, landscaping, lighting and windows have final review by the Planning Commission. Mr. Kirk confirmed the Planning Commission provided conceptual approval of the FAR at a work session, and he can meet with Commissioner Neely, Vice Chair Ratcliffe and the applicant to discuss concerns. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to adopt the Resolution 09-01-13-01 recommending that the City Council certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the rezone, architectural control and conditional use permit subject to the Planning Commission refining landscaping, lighting, and windows but not massing, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approved passed by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Neely voting no. 2. REZONE (RZ) 08 -008 --LOWER ROSAN RANCH PRE -ZONE APN 121-240-36): Request to amend the official zoning map of the City of San Juan Capistrano by establishing a CM (Commercial Manufacturing) zoning district for a one (1) acre parcel (APN 121-240-36) owned by the Orange County Flood Control District (OCFCD) within the Lower Rosan Ranch property prior to annexation from the City of Dana Point to the City of San Juan Capistrano as required by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). A development project has not been identified at this time and the reorganization (annexation) is necessary for the City to pursue proper site planning (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano)(Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor presented the staff report stating the City of San Juan Capistrano is requesting approval to amend the official zoning map by establishing a CM (Commercial Manufacturing) zoning district for a one acre parcel (APN 121-240-36) owned by the OCFCD within the Lower Rosan Ranch property prior to annexation as required by LAFCO. No development project has been identified at this time. The remaining fifteen acres of Lower Rosan Ranch and the surrounding properties are zoned CM which is consistent with the "4.1 Quasi -Industrial" General Plan Land Use map designation, therefore, no General Plan Amendment would be required. Once the City Council identifies a development project, appropriate environmental review and zoning entitlements would be processed. Mr. Taylor summarized the rezone chronology of events and recommended that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council certify the Negative Declaration and adopt an ordinance approving Rezone (RZ) 08-008. Public Comments Doug Lowe, ?? (inaudible) Santa Domingo, San Juan Capistrano, requested that a map identifying the land swap between the City and OCFCD be provided. Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions C Minutes 5 January 13, 2009 Commissioner Kerr commented the rezone makes sense and she supports. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented she supports the rezone. Commissioner Neely commented the triangular parcel is problematic, annexation should be performed for a more rectangular property, and he supports the rezone. Commissioner Cardoza commented he supports the rezone and that a land use and landscaping would be reviewed when a project is identified. Chair Cohen commented the rezone is only for the use of land and not a project and he supports the rezone. Motion by Commissioner Cardoza to adopt the Resolution 09-01-13-02 recommending that the City Council certify the Negative Declaration and adopt an ordinance approving Rezone (RZ) 08-008, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0. H. OLD BUSINESS None f� I�►i►I�11�y I S I �E.'�.'� 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 08-043 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA. Consideration of a sign program modification for the existing Union Bank building located at 31971 Camino Capistrano (APN 121-150-17), generally located on the northwest corner of Camino Capistrano and Del Obispo. (Applicant: Juan Gonzalez, Adlmpact Signs)(Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planning Technician). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Planning Technician Nick Taylor presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval of a sign program for the Union Bank located at 31971 Camino Capistrano in the GC (General Commercial) zone. The sign program includes changing the sandblasted wood signs to four halo illuminated building signs mounted on wooden plans and painted red, a double sided cabinet monument sign with external illumination, replace freestanding parking signs and change of copy for the ATM directional sign. The applicants have not complied with staff or Design Review Committee (DRC) directions and have not been in contact with staff. Public Comments None Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Neely commented the building signs are overdone, three inch channel letters are inappropriate and illegible, the building looks cluttered, colors are PC Minutes 6 January 13, 2009 inappropriate, the small parking lot signs are acceptable, and the monument sign is terrible. Commissioner Cardoza commented that the DRC identified similar concerns identified by Commissioner Neely, they have not included recommended changes, and he opposes the sign program. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented this is her first view of the sign program, only the directional signs are acceptable, the monument sign is large and top heavy, and there are too many building mounted signs. Commissioner Kerr commented she drove through the Union Bank parking lot, the ATM sign has not changed much, she concurs with all comments from her colleagues on the other signs. Chair Cohen commented he concurs with his colleagues as they have identified all concerns. Motion by Commissioner Cardoza to adopt the Resolution 09-01-13-03 denying the Union Bank Sign Program, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to deny passed by a vote of 5-0. 2. SIGN PERMIT SP 07-22 PLAZA DEL OBISPO: A sign permit application proposal for one (1) free-standing, single -sided monument sign, located at 31882 Del Obispo Street. (APN 668-241-21)(Applicant: Stroscher Companies, Allison Perthou)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Associate Planner Justin Kirk presented the staff report and stated the applicant is proposing one single -sided monument sign, T-9" in height and 16'-0" in width totaling 50 square feet in area. The sign consists of a white smooth stucco finish, letters in papyrus font, with dark bronze letters and base. Ground illumination is proposed with base landscaping. Mr. Kirk summarized DRC comments, commented DRC Chair Jeff Parkhurst assisted with designing the sign. The design is acceptable except for the excessive number of tenant panels proposed. The three anchor tenants have their corporate colors and logos including Marshall's, Payless and Echo Blue. Staff recommends approval of the sign permit with a condition reducing the tenant panels from twelve to six. Public Comments Gretchen Stroscher-Thompson, property owner spoke in support commenting the Plaza del Obispo has an exposure problem, only the major tenants are visible, the economy is slow and tenants need help, the curve in Del Obispo Road requires a curved sign, and this is her tenth sign plan. PC Minutes / January 13, 2009 Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chair Ratcliffe asked the color of the Marshall's sign, confirmed minor tenants have the bronze color letters, commented she supports the curved sign with complimentary arches, location is appropriate, supports the colors, concerned with the font size and long tenant names, and the proliferation of small tenant names is disorganized. Commissioner Kerr commented reducing the tenant nameplates to six would be more appropriate, lettering for twelve tenants is too small, discussed letter sizes and length of tenant names, commented she likes the sign style, the sign fits the location, long tenant names may be problematic, and the variation in the number of letters may be chaotic. Commissioner Neely commented he missed the last DRC meeting but attended previous DRC reviews, does not like the ladder board signs with multiple tenant plates, likes the detailing, the curving works, concerned with the overall effectiveness of the monument sign, the sign should include major tenants and not minor tenants, approving multiple tenants may set a precedent. Commissioner Cardoza commented he attended all DRC reviews of the monument sign, the applicant has followed DRC direction regarding design and curve of the sign, can see the sign in either direction from Del Obispo, the DRC encouraged primary tenants with minimal panels, uncomfortable with the number of tenants, excessive panels could set a precedent, he understands the desire to be business friendly, and complimented the applicants for their efforts. Chair Cohen inquired about the number of tenants, if OCFA requires an address on the sign, discourages excessive tenant panels, cannot support without seeing view simulations of what the panel and letter sizes look like, recommends fewer tenant names, recommended continuing the item to allow the applicant time to provide elevations and/or view simulations. Ms. Stroscher-Thompson commented there are 27 tenants in the center, should would be supportive of reducing the tenant panels to 11, and encouraged the Planning Commission to approve. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to continue the item to the next regular meeting on January 27, 2009, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. Motion to continue passed by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Neely voting no. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented on the memorandum from staff to the Planning Commission dated January 13, 2009 providing information on the followings 12/16/08 City Council actions; ® 12/18/08 DRC actions; 0 1/6/09 City Council actions; PC Minutes 8 January 13, 2009 N 1114109 City Council Special Budget meeting; • 1115109 DRC agenda items; 1119109 Joint City Council 1 Planning Commission Meeting (Lower Rosan Ranch) P 1120109 City Council agenda items; • 1/27109 Planning Commission agenda items. Commissioner Kerr commented on sign violations in commercial centers including directional signs and for Mr. D's Pizza Grotto in Marbella Plaza. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented on a proliferation of directional signs and signs on sticks in several commercial centers. Commissioner Cardoza commended his colleagues for their efforts at the two sign ordinance work sessions. Commissioner Neely passed. Chair Cohen commented the temporary signs at the Montessori School in Marbella Plaza are back and new unauthorized temporary signs are appearing in Marbella Plaza. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented unauthorized temporary signs are an ongoing problem and code enforcement will be directed to enforce. Mr. Taylor identified potential dates for a third sign ordinance work session. The Planning Commission identified either January 21 or 22. Staff will poll members and schedule the work session. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Approved: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PG Minutes 9 January 13, 2009