PC Minutes-2010-10-12Qq PTO (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www. sanjuancapistrano. org CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 12, 2010 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent Sheldon Cohen, Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Jim Mocalis Tim Neely Bruce Tatarian Rob Williams none Staff Present: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director William Ramsey, Principal Planner Alan Oswald, Senior Engineer -Traffic Justin Kirk, Associate Planner Nick Taylor, Planning Technician Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist None San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Fast to Enhance the Future 0, Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 October 12 2010 CONSENT CALENDAR Draft Minutes of September 14 2010 Meeting: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes with a revision to correct page 5, par. 5, line 2 and page 8, paragraph 10. The motion carried by a 7-0 vote. 2. Draft Minutes of September 28 2010 Meeting: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes with a revision to correct the following: page 4, par. 5, line 1 to read "Jon Gray" and page 7, par. 5, line 1 to read " expected". The motion carried by a 6-0-1 vote (Commissioner Kerr abstained). 3. Architectural Control (AC) 10-010 Chevron Soil Vapor Extraction: The Planning Commission approved the subject project on September 28 2010 via Resolution #10- 09-28-02. The Planning Commission directed staff to revise the conditions of approval to include clarification regarding noise mitigation and removal of improvements and equipment upon completion of vapor extraction and air sparginq (APN: 668-073-01) (Applicant: Nick Pryor Holguin Fahan & Associates) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor Planning Technician). There was no discussion and Commissioner Tatarian made a motion to approve the revised conditions approval with condition #2 and #3 modified to reflect the Planning Commission's direction, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote. •HUMEGURRAMMMM None NEW PUBLIC BEARING Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-009 Tuscany Day Spa; a request to establish an 1,289 square foot, five -room "massage therapy" business in the "PC" (Planned Community) Zone District with no exterior modifications located at 27184 Ortega Highway, Suite 103 (Assessor Parcel Number 666-241-08) (Applicant: Li Xu) (Project Manaqer: Nick Taylor Planning Technician) Staff presentation & recommendation Nick Taylor, Planning Technician made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the applicant proposes a tenant (interior) improvements to an existing 1,289 square foot suite which would create five treatment rooms. The balance of the floor area would provide lobby/reception area, office space, restroom and shower, kitchen/laundry, and lounge. The proposed hours of operation are daily, 10 am to 10 pm. Staff recommended the Commission adopt the draft resolution conditionally approving the proposed subject to the staff -recommended conditions of approval. PC Meetina Minutes 3 October 12. 2010 Commission Questions Commissioner Tatarian asked if staff was recommending closing time at 9:00 pm and Nick Taylor replied that to be consistent with the Title 5 Municipal Code, the closing time needs to be set at no later than 9:00 pm. Applicant Presentation Li Xu, the applicant stepped up to the lectern to answer questions from the Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Kerr asked the applicant if this was her first day spa business or if she had operated any other in the areas or had any spa currently in operation. The applicant stated that she has operated a Day Spa in Laguna Hills for three years. Public Hearing Notice having been given as required by law, Chairman Cohen opened the Public Hearing. Carry Hass, city resident, expressed concerns about the location which is "hidden" and setback within the Plaza and she also questioned the hours of operation and the request to stay open until 10:00 pm, noting those hours were late for a massage therapy business. She expressed the opinion that only "questionable" massage therapy businesses operate that late into the evening. Commission Discussion The Commissioner generally discussed hours of operation and asked staff about operating hour restrictions on other "massage therapy" businesses in the City. Nick Taylor stated that staff will review other conditional use permits to determine if the City has restricted the hours above and beyond Title V requirements and can inquire with other establishments as to their operating hours. Grant Taylor stated that the Planning Commission could take action this evening on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and staff would return with an item on the next meeting's consent calendar providing the commission with information on operating hours of existing licensed massage therapy establishments in the city. Adootion of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-10-12-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10-009 TUSCANY DAY SPA A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN 1,289 SQUARE FOOT "MASSAGE THERAPY" BUSINESS IN THE "PC" (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE DISTRICT WITHIN COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) 78-01, PLANNING SECTOR A-1 LOCATED AT 27184 ORTEGA HIGHWAY, SUITE 103 (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 666-241-08). Commissioner Williams made a motion to adopt the resolution, with the hours of operation to be considered by the Commission on the consent calendar at the next meeting, second by Commissioner Kerr. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote PC Meeting Minutes 4 October 12. 2010 AYES: Chairman Cohn, Vice Chair Ratcliffe, Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Kerr, Commissioner Mocalis, Commissioner Neely and Commissioner Tatarian NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 2. Ar)oeal of the Develooment Services Director's Aoproval of Sian Permit (SP) 10-004 Price Self Storage an approval of a 5'-8" by 10'-4" stucco finished free-standing monument sign with individually routed translucent letters and externally illuminated, located at located on the south east corner of Valle Rd. and a privately maintained. public access road, more specifically referred to as Assessor Parcel Number (APN: 675- 441-06) (Appellant: Gerald Klein) (Case Planner: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the proposed project consisted of an appeal of the Development Services Director's conditional approval of Sign Permit 10-04 for the relocation of an existing monument sign from its present location to adjacent property. Commission Questions Commissioner Kerr asked what year was the property sold to the Price Self storage and Mr. Kirk referred the question to the Price Self Storage representative. Appellant Presentation Gerald Klein, Owners of Proposed Self Storage Site, made the appellant presentation and explained his basis for challenging the staff approval. He asked the Commission to uphold the appeal and overturn the staff approval of the sign permit. Public Hearing Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing and seeing no one wanting to provide testimony, closed public hearing. Ronald Steinbach, Attorney for Gerald Klein (appellant), stated that the City can not authorize a trespass onto private property. The proper procedure would be to grant the permit subject to the permit applicant securing the necessary off-site easement, and if and when an easement were obtained, then the sign permit applicant could proceed with constructing the sign. He also stated that it was not within the City's authority to establish the rules of property ownership nor the rights. Wit Muller, resident of Dana Point, with an office in San Juan Capistrano stated that he supported Mr. Klein's appeal of the sign approval. Kelly Burt, Chairman of Price Self Storage, San Diego CA, stated that Price Self Storage was purchased in 2003 from Legacy (a public company) by himself and partner. When purchased.. there were no performance bonds held by the City remaining on the property, and all conditions, to his knowledge, had been met at that time. He stated that PC Meetina Minutes 5 October 12, 2010 he had been working cooperatively with staff on the current sign application to secure a resolution of the off-site issue. He expressed his desire that the Planning Commission would side with staff and reject the appeal. Carlos Albe, a resident of San Juan Capistrano, questioned how the Planning Commission could approve a sign permit without the applicant having first acquired the necessary easement for the sign location. Commission Discussion Vice Chair Ratcliffe stated she was confused and didn't understand some of the questions posed by the public, and she had questions that needed more clarification. She asked staff if the prior sign permit was still valid. Mr. Eggart replied that the Commission was being asked to consider an appeal of a new sign permit application. The sign permit applicant, Price Self Storage, is requesting City approval of a sign permit to be installed at the proposed location. Commissioner Kerr stated that there appeared to be a succession of errors and oversights that were made to allow the existing sign to be built in the first place. She also stated that the current situation is beyond the Commission's scope and felt this is not for the Planning Commission to make a decision. Commissioner Williams asked if the current sign location was permitted for the sign that had been constructed. Mr. Kirk stated that while the sign had been permitted, it had been installed at the incorrect location in violation of the permit. Mr. Williams asked if the permit had been approved. Mr. Kirk stated it had been approved, but in the wrong location. He stated that the applicant is willing to move the sign off Mr. Klein property to the new proposed location. Mr. Williams stated that he thought the current sign permit was valid and he liked the location. He also stated that Mr. Klein doesn't have any right to tell the applicant that they cannot build in the proposed location because Mr. Klein does not own the property. He noted that Price Self Storage will need to get clearance from the property owner before making any decision. Commissioner Mocalis asked the City Attorney if because the City had signed off on the prior sign permit application for the existing sign, would that give any legal standing to the Price Self Storage people. James Eggart replied that those are legal issues that are not with the purview of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Mocalis stated that the City needs to "back out" of this and the most appropriate course of action would be to not approve the Price Self Storage sign location, and let the two parties settle the matter. Commissioner Neely stated the City Attorney comments confirmed his assumptions as to where the application stands. He agreed with Commissioner Mocalis and didn't think that the City should move forward on this application. Neely stated this is neither an appropriate sign design nor an appropriate location for the sign. The sign with an arrow pointing to the direction of the facility is not a business sign, but is an advertising sign. Commissioner Tatarian agreed with prior Commission comments, and stated that he was very uncomfortable with approving sign on property for which we don't know the PC Meetinq Minutes 6 October 12, 2010 owner. He said he couldn't support the sign application. On the issue of the existing sign, he acknowledged that that is a legal question. Chairman Cohen agreed with Commissioners Neely and Tatarian and said he couldn't support the sign application. James Eggart stated that if the Commission takes action to uphold appeal (and deny the sign permit), staff will need to draft the necessary findings and return to the Commission with a revised draft resolution for consideration. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-10-12-02 APPEAL OF APPROVAL OF SIGN PERMIT (SP) 10-004, PRICE SELF STORAGEA RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DENYING THE APPEAL REQUEST TO OVERTURN STAFF'S APPROVAL OF SIGN PERMIT (SP) 10-004, LOCATED AT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER (AW 675-441-06). Commissioner Mocalis made a motion to uphold the appeal, seconded by Commissioner Tatarian and directed staff to prepare the appropriate resolution and findings and return on the consent calendar for the next meeting. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote. 3. Architectural Control (AC) 10-012, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-006, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-007; and Rezone (RZ) 10-004, Costco Warehouse; an application to authorize expansion and renovation of an existing Costco Warehouse consisting of construction of a 23,999 square foot addition on the east side of the existing 125,445 square foot Costco Warehouse building along, replacing the existing entry canopy and providing new exterior food service area consisting of 1,113 square feet for a new total building area of 150,577 square feet, and develop a 4 -island (16 pumps) fuel dispensing station with a 3,840 square foot canopy and 72 square foot controller building, and construct a 3,235 square foot carwash along with accessory improvements on a proposed 18.79 acre lot located at 33961 Doheny Park Road (APN: 121-250-35, 38 & 40)(Applicants: Diana Salazar, Costco Wholesale and Terry Odle, Mulvanny G2 Architects) (Proiect Manager: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director). Staff presentation & recommendation Grant Taylor, Development Services Director made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the proposed project consists of expansion and renovation includes the following discretionary zoning entitlements: Architectural Control (AC) 10-012: Approval of site plan, architecture, landscaping, parking, removal of 246 trees, and various site improvements. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-006: Approval to develop a new 4 -island (16 pumps) fuel dispensing station with a 3,840 square foot canopy and 72 square foot controller building. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-007: Approval to develop a new 3,235 square foot automated car wash. PC Meeting Minutes 7 October 12, 2010 Rezone (RZ) 10-004: Approval to amend Specific Development Plan (SDP) 87- 01 to increase the maximum height of exterior parking lot pole lighting from twenty feet (20') to twenty-five feet (25). Sign Program. Approval of various wall signs for the Costco building, fuel dispensing station, and car wash. The proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse expansion and renovation includes two (2) lot line adjustments to realign existing lots that are ministerial zoning entitlements that are not part of this public hearing. Staff recommended the Commission adopt the draft resolutions approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Architectural Control (AC) 10-012, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-006, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 10-007, Rezone (RZ) 10-004 and a modified Sign Program. Commission Questions Commissioner Neely asked if the median in front of the new proposed driveway on Capistrano would be raised and Grant Taylor responded that it would be. Mr. Neely asked if the Southbound (SB), left -turn median on Camino Capistrano (going towards the ocean) permits u -turns. Alan Oswald responded that the westbound, left - turn on Camino Capistrano does not provide enough room to make a u -turn. He said that a traffic control sign should be installed to prevent this, but stated it would be difficult to enforce. Commission Tatarian stated that the new northerly right-in/right-out only entrance will attract more traffic from the main entrance for people seeking access to the gas station. It will be an easier entrance to access. He asked Mr. Oswald how drivers would get back on to Camino Capistrano northbound and Oswald responded that you can make a U-turn at the main drive way on Doheny Road or drivers could exit the main Costco entrance. Chairman Cohen asked if there were in shopping centers in the City that have been allowed to develop with 25 ft. light poles. Mr. Taylor said the Comprehensive Development Plan limits poles to a maximum 20 foot height, but wasn't sure if any older commercial centers exceed that height. Chairman Cohen asked how many light poles would Costco lose by going to 25 feet and would the proposed reduce the number of light poles. Mr. Taylor deferred to the applicant. Chairman Cohen asked about any halo effect from higher light standards that might affect other areas of Dana Point and will lighting be screened. Commissioner Kerr asked that if the light poles are taller and fewer, will the resulting light intensity be greater coming from each pole in order to illuminate the area. Mr. Taylor deferred to the applicant. Commissioner Williams asked if the Ford Dealership has any light poles and what the height of those poles are. Mr. Grant Taylor said the lighting is more intense for the Ford Dealer, but didn't know how tall they are. PC Meeting Minutes 8 October 12, 2010 Commissioner Williams asked about the two existing signs at the back of Pollo Loco and the existing Ford dealership and whether those were being considered by the Commission. Mr. Taylor said no, but they will be reviewed separately at a later date. Commissioner Williams asked it the screen wall will be architectural or solid and Mr. Taylor replied it would be solid, block for better noise and privacy. He said the design had been agreed upon by the Mobile Home Park and Costco. Vice Chairman Ratcliffe referred to the Sign Program (p. 17) and the view of the car wash from the west side of the creek. Grant Taylor stated that was a good catch and would need to be clarified by the applicant. Applicant Presentation Diana Salazar, Real Estate Development Director with Costco, made the applicant presentation and addressed the following: • The expansion and addition would give an opportunity to implement environmental sustainable features that would be incorporated in the new facility which would include the water quality management program and the bio - detention areas. • Landscape setbacks on the north side of property adjoining the Villa Mobilehome Park would increase from 23 to 43 feet. • The light poles would be changed to be photo sensor and time control -operated. • All the non -vegetative landscaping would be replaced with native landscaping. She also stated that they had several meetings with the Villa San Juan Mobile Home Park owners and agreed with them to address their concerns on the following: • All the pine trees would be removed because they are a fire hazard and these would be replaced with native landscape. • An 8 ft. split -face block wall would be constructed between the Villa San Juan Mobile Home Park and Costco parking area. • 20 ft tall light poles are proposed along only the north (Villa MHP) property line, and the remained would be 25 ft. tall poles. • Agreed to provide an access gate to restrict gas station access at the northerly entrance. She also stated the northerly entrance on Camino Capistrano would not be a truck entrance. • The car wash hours would be 7 am — 7 pm. • The northerly driveway on Camino Capistrano would be limited to incoming traffic. She stated that they have been working with the other shopping center owners to the south and have received approval from the major tenants within the Costco shopping center. Commissioner Tatarian asked about the gas station queue of cars and how that would affect circulation within the parking lot. Ms. Salazar said the queue wouldn't spill over to the street and would extend along drive aisles where parking wouldn't be blocked. PC Meeting Minutes 9 October 12, 2010 Commissioner Tatarian asked if the car wash was "bullet proof' and never breaks down and asked about Costco's experience with fully -automated car washes. Terry Odle said there is attendant at the gas station at all times when the car wash is in operation and they have access to an emergency shut off should any problem arise. Cars are able to exit the car wash after the emergency shut off has been engaged. Chairman Cohen asked about the number of light standards currently on the property and Ms. Salazar responded she didn't know. Chairman Cohen asked how can the City be sure that fuel trucks servicing the gas station would follow the designated truck route and not affect adjoining resident, and Ms. Salazar proposed to install a sign prohibiting truck access at the northerly entrance. Terry Odle Mulvanny G2 Architects said the 24 additional light poles on northern property will be 20 feet in height. Those have additional shielding which will assure that light would not spill out into the Villa San Juan MHP. He also noted that the light fixtures will use flush lenses. He questioned condition of approval #30 which appears to be incomplete; questioned conditions #76 & #77 related to installing the Costco Center on a single water meter because Costco prefers to keep the existing Ford Dealer irrigation system on a separate meter; mitigation N1 should be revised to provide the option for either a temporary construction noise wall or permanent solid wall depending on Costco's timing of improvements. Public Hearing Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing and the following persons provided public testimony. Lucy Trette, a resident of Villa San Juan, stated her main concern was that Costco would replace all the pine trees along the north property line. She fully agreed to what they are doing. Ron Everly, resident of Villa San Juan, stated that Costco Development would be an improvement to the area and that the Villa San Juan MNP had been working with Costco. He expressed concerns about the additional traffic and resulting air pollution and noise. He asked that parking lot lighting be turned off at 10:00 pm to reduce light impacts on park residents. Deirdre M. Hurd, president of Villa San Juan HOA, stated that Costco has been sensitive to the neighborhood's needs. She stated they asked for an 8 foot wall to reduce the noise and air pollution and Costco has agreed. She has concern with the right in and right out access on Camino Capistrano. She stated that the existing air pollution along Camino Capistrano is ridiculous. Nevertheless, she said the Villa San Juan MHP welcomes the Costco project. Dee Sampson resident of Villa San Juan asked the Planning Commission how many of them would like to a have a gas station and car wash in their backyard and have it open from 6 am to 10 pm. She asked the commission to establish opening and closing times that were considerate of the neighbors. PC Meeting Minutes 10 October 12, 2010 Robert Smith, resident of Villa San Juan, he said he knows of nine people that are against this project, and that for "big" projects like this, not everybody is going to be happy. However, he stated that the majority of residents supported the Costco project. Terry Odle Mulvanny G2 Architects said he had an issue with restricting the hours of the gas station. Commission Discussion Commissioner Williams stated that he had a couple concerns including the proposed right -in and right -out entrance. If the entrance is used mainly for the gas station and does not affect Camino Capistrano, and hours of operation match the warehouse hours, he could support that. He said that he was in full support of the 25 foot tall light poles. He stated that the applicant has done a good job working with the neighbors and staff. Commissioner Kerr commended Costco for working together with the Villa San Juan residents. She said would prefer the 20 ft lighting along the north property line and the 25 ft at the other end of the property. She said it was important to be able to reduce the parking lot lighting to a security level of lighting after store hours. Vice Chair Ratcliffe stated that the parking lot design and circulation has been greatly improved. She said she would support the 25 foot light poles. On the landscape plan, the parking lot needs to include trees that provide additional shade. The proposed use of the new roofing material will be a great advantage. Commissioner Mocalis stated he was very pleased with the Park residents and Costco for having worked together. He said he was not concerned about the traffic or parking lot because the project will have four entrances compared to the Costco on Crown Valley which has only two entrances. He stated that the traffic flow will work better here than the Costco gas station on Crown Valley. Commissioner Neely echoed all the comments from the other commissioners and agreed that the solution to the lighting is appropriate. He stated that the new driveway approach needs to be narrower and get more landscaping. Commissioner Tatarian expressed kudos to everybody for working together and said would like to see more of the 25 foot light poles to get more landscaping. With respect to the proposed north entrance on Camino Capistrano, he would like to see it as a right -in only. Commissioner Neely stated that the design of the northerly driveway needs to be re-examined. Chairman Cohen thanked the Villa San Juan residents and Costco for working together. He agreed with Commissioner Neely on the changes to the northerly entrance. On the parking lot lighting, he stated he would like to take a look at the security lighting after installation. The commission needs to re -visit the hours of operation for the gas station and the car wash and needs to address the temporary fencing. He expressed support for the project but did not concur with the rest of the comments from the dais. Meetina Minutes 11 October 12, 2010 Commissioner Williams said the approving resolution could be brought back on the consent calendar and he would propose that the gas station operating hours be reduced to match those of the warehouse. Commissioner Kerr asked about the process to expand the hours. Bill Ramsey stated that hours could be subsequently amended through a modification to the conditions of approval which require a public hearing. Grant Taylor concurred that modification to conditions are a public hearing item. Chairman Cohen re -opened the public hearing_ Ms. Salazar stated that in order to eliminate the traffic noise impact on the Villa San Juan residents during early morning hours, Costco could install a chain across the northerly entrance between the hours of 6 am and 8 am. The Commission had a long discussion regarding the operating hours for the car wash and gas station. Deirdre Hurd, Villa San Juan HOA President, stated she thought the wall was going to go up before the construction. If so, this is not going to work. Grant Taylor advised the Commission that on the temporary construction wall, staff needs to verify mitigation measure implementation method with the acoustical engineer. There is no staff -proposed condition on the hours of operation. He stated that all Pine Trees are proposed for removal. On condition #30, he would need to check with City Engineer. On conditions #76 & &77, those are standard conditions that need to be retained and the applicant needs to work directly with the City's water engineer on compliance. The proposed northerly driveway design could be referred to the Design Review Committee for design changes. Commissioner Williams asked if the project was going to be built in phases. Chairman Cohere asked when the demolition of the Ford Dealership building would occur. Mr. Taylor said demolition occurs in phase two, and Costco would than need to build the 8 - foot block wall along the property line. Grant Taylor stated that the car wash hours can be amended in the conditions of approval to reflect 8 am — 6 pm. in Condition # 83. Grant Taylor stated condition #84 could provide for the new proposed drive access to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee. The northerly entrance drive shall not be accessible for trucks and shall be right in and right out only. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-10-03- ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-012, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10-006 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10- 007, REZONE (RZ 10-004, SIGN PROGRAM AND A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING ZONING ENTITLEMENTS TO INCLUDE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-012, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10-006, CONDITIONAL USE PC Meeting Minutes 12 October 12, 2010 PERMIT 10-007, REZONE (RZ) 10-004 AND SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE COSTCO WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE EXPANSION AND RENOVATION FUEL DISPENSING STATION AND CAR WASH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 33961 DOHENY PARK ROAD (APN 121-250-35, 38 & 40) AN 18.79 ACRE PARCEL IN THE PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE DISTRICT SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SDP) 87-01 Commissioner Tatarian made a motion for staff recommendation, second by Commissioner Kerr to adopt a resolution with modifications to conditions of approval and the changes made with the exception on the fuel facility hours for the temporary six months period that the hours of operation start at 8 am. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote AYES: Chairman Cohen, Vice Chair Ratcliffe, Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Kerr, Commissioner Mocalis, Commissioner Neely and Commissioner Tatarian NOES: None ABSTAIN: None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Mr. Ramsey updated the Commission that the Distrito had been to City Council and the project was continued to the City Council's November 2 meeting for consideration of final action. The City Council directed revisions to the project. The design changes to the "Distrito" site will come back to Design Review Committee. Mr. Taylor gave the Commissioners the status of upcoming projects. He said that the Planning Commission and the Design Review Committee is getting booked up until December and City Council is getting busy also. The Joint meeting on the Historic Town Center has been moved up to 3:00 PM. Mr. James Eggart said goodbye to the Commission and stated that he has had a great experience working with the Commission and a great group of staff. Commissioner Williams stated that he would be at the October 26 Planning Commission meeting and also asked if there is a Caltrans Meeting on Thursday (October 14). Mr. Grant Taylor answered yes. PC Meeting Minutes 13 October 12, 2010 Commissioner Kerr stated that she noticed the City had been getting quite a few development applications for day spas and for massage therapy and asked if there was some sort of oversight by the City. Mr. Ramsey stated that finger printing, photographing and full background checks are done on the massage therapists that are working at these facilities. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Wfliam Ramsey, AICP, Principal Plan Planning Commission Secretary