PC Minutes-2010-09-2832400 PASEO ADEL.ANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www sanjuancapistrano. org CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 28, 2010 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL - Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Sheldon Cohen, Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Jim Mocalis Tim Neely Bruce Tatarian Rob Williams none Staff Present: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director Justin Kirk, Associate Planner Nick Taylor, Planning Technician Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of September 14, 2010: The following corrections needed to be made to the draft minutes: page three, first sentence Commissioner Ratcliffe seconded resolution 10-8-24-02; page six, third paragraph down commissioner Neely and commissioner Williams met with Mr. Merrell; page seven on the motion of the hotel the recommendations need to address that the Architecture Design details and the San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future `� Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 September 28, 2010 concerns of the insufficient parking need to be brought back to the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission for review; and page 10 under "Staff & Commission Comments", paragraph six should be "Marriott Hotel". These will be brought back to the October 12, 2010 Planning Commission meeting under the Consent Calendar. 2. Architectural Control (AC) 10-024 Vito's Pizza, a request for review of preliminary design plans for a proposed modification to an existing commercial building and the addition of approximately 1,249 sf. of tenant space located at 31781 Camino Capistrano, generally located on the southwest corner of Verdugo Street and Camino Capistrano. (APN 121-150-27) (Applicant: Mario Sattro, Pratt Construction) (Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Neely made a motion for staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Williams to approve administratively, that the item be referred to the Development Services Director for final action. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS None NEW PUBLIC HEARING 1. Architectural Control (AC) 10-028 Orange Coast Chrysler, a request for review of design plans for a proposed remodel and a 3,483 sf addition to an existing 24,788 sf, building located at 32881 Camino Capistrano (APN 668-291-13), (Applicant: Keith Wyer) (Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Commissioner Cohen recused himself from consideration of this item, had a conflict with this project. The gavel was passed to Vice Chair Ratcliffe. Staff presentation & recommendation Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the proposed project include a new signage, entry, parts mezzanine, landscaping, reconfigured parking, remodel of the exterior fagade, renovation of the existing service area to provide eleven service bays, expansion of the showroom at the front of the building by 3,483 square feet, and the addition of a 2,405 square foot service canopy. The existing 24,788 square foot building would be expanded to a total of 28,271 square feet with a second story parking area. At this time the applicant has not submitted a proposed sign program or landscape plan and has requested that both items be deferred until Planning Commission approval has been obtained. PC Meetinq Minutes 3 September 28, 2010 The Design Review Committee (DRC) previously reviewed the proposed project at the September 2, 2010 meeting. At this meeting the DRC provided specific design direction on necessary changes to the proposed project. Specifically these changes were oriented to the front of the building and the proposed building finish. With respect to the front facade of the building the DRC recommended that the height of the proposed parapet wall needed to be reduced and a cornice trim be added. The DRC used the proposed signs as a reference point as these signs appeared to be "floating" and were not in scale with the fagade. In addition to the height issue, the DRC recommended the proposed reconfigured arches be further addressed as the proposed modifications generally reduced the architectural integrity of the structure. With respect to the proposed building finish the proposed "scoring" to the stucco created an overt modern appearance that detracted from the building's attempt to blend the existing Spanish architecture and the Chrysler corporate design requirements of a more modern appearance. The DRC directed the applicant to tone down the scoring of the stucco or eliminate it from the design altogether. Based upon these comments the applicant made the following modifications to the proposed design: • Reduced the height of the parapet wall by 6 (six) inches. • Added a 1'-0" cornice trim to the top of the wall. • Refined the proposed modification to the existing arches, to minimize the elongation of the arch. • Removed the scoring finish on the building fagade. Subsequently the DRC reviewed the item at the September 16, 2010 meeting. The DRC determined that the applicant's modifications to the design plan were reflective of the direction that was previously provided. In addition to these comments, the DRC identified two other areas that required additional modifications. The first was the use of an arched window on north and east fagades. The primary concern was that these windows were located on the first floor of a two story tower element, and traditional architectural design practice has been to use a squared window below an arched window, whereas the applicant had proposed two arched windows. The second area of concern was the proposed color; the applicant had proposed a cool grey color, which is part of the Chrysler design theme for its dealerships. The DRC discussed the potential issue of the blending the building's color to the existing red clay "s" tile roof as the two colors would not appropriately blend. The applicant consented to the proposed modification and requested the deferral of a color selection until after the Planning Commission's action on the proposed project. Staff specified that the applicant had previously requested the deferral of the landscape plan and sign program and that staff had planned to incorporate the subsequent review into the Conditions of Approval and could do the same with the building color selection. The DRC found this action to be reasonable and subject to the modification to the first floor windows and forwarded the proposed project to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval. PC Meeting Minutes 4 September 28, 2010 Commission Questions Commissioner Kerr noticed on conditions of approval #13 Landscape Plan and #14 Building Color stated that they need to be submitted prior to the Certificate of Occupancy. It seemed late. It needed to be changed to prior to issuance of building permits. Mr. Kirk said he would correct the language on the conditions of approval #13 Landscape Plan and #14 Building Color to read "prior to the issuance of building permit". Commissioner Tatarian wanted to know if condition of approval #15 would also be amended. Mr. Kirk said he would amend conditions of approval #15 to be consisted with conditions of approval #13 and #14 with submittal requirements re requirements. He said he would change the language to read, "prior to the issuance of the building permit the applicant shall submit a sign program for review and approval". Applicant Presentation Jon Gray, Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge Dealership in Costa Mesa, made the applicant presentation. Initially job creation of 40 of people, grow from there. Have 80 employees in the Costa Mesa store. Sales tax estimated $2.5 to 3 million dollars over ten years. Public Hearing Vice Chair Ratcliffe opened the public hearing and closed the public hearing. No one provided public testimony. Commission Discussion Commissioner Williams stated he was pleased with the direction of the plan and the project, but still had concerns with colors need to be warmer, need to be on creamy side than gray. Commissioner Kerr stated she supports this project. She also stated that it's great modernization of the building and great use of the space. Commissioner Tatarian stated concurred with his colleagues, the Design Review Committee (DRC) did their work and is looking forward to project. Commissioner Neely stated he also concurs with his colleagues; he said that the applicant went out of their way to follow the Design Review Committee direction. PC Meeting Minutes 5 September 28, 2010 The applicant came up with a good product. He agreed with Commissioner Williams that colors need to be revisited. Commissioner Mocalis had no comments. Vice Chair Ratcliffe said that this was a nice project that DRC made some improvements and received cooperation from the applicant. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO.10-09-28-01 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 10-028 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-028 A REMODEL AND A 3,483 SF ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 24,788 SF BUILDING LOCATED AT 32881 CAMINO CAPISTRANO (APN 668-291-13) Commissioner Williams made a motion for staff recommendation, second by Commissioner Kerr to adopt a resolution with modifications to conditions of approval #13, #14 and #15 to reflect the changes stated. The motion passed by a 6-0-1 vote (note: Chair Cohen recused himself and left the chambers). AYES: Vice Chair Ratcliffe, Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Robert Williams, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, and Bruce Tatarian. NOES: None ABSTAIN: Chairman Cohen Due to the applicant for the San Juan Hills Golf Club Tournament Room not being present the agenda was reorganized by the Chairman Cohen and the Commissioners Architectural Control (AC) 10-010, Chevron Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparge Remediation System; consideration of an application to demolish an existing chain link fence and install a new vinyl fence for an above ground equipment compound located at 32001 Camino Capistrano; generally located at the southwest corner of Del Obispo Street and Camino Capistrano (APN: 668-073-01)(Applicant: Nick Pryor, Holguin Fahan & Associates) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planninq Technician). Staff presentation & recommendation Nick Taylor, Planning Technician made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the proposed project consists of a discretionary application to allow installation of vinyl fencing and above ground remediation equipment. The existing fuel station is the site of soil and groundwater contamination. The applicant PC Meeting Minutes 6 September 28 2010 has requested to install the remediation equipment to reduce contamination levels. The existing fuel station has a chain link fence enclosure on the south elevation of the building. The applicant has proposed to demolish the fence and install 6'-0" "Vinylcraft" fencing and new traffic bollards to create a compound for the above- ground remediation equipment. The fencing is proposed to be screened with Bougainvillea. An 11'-0" exhaust stack on top of the remediation structure would be visible above the fence line. The Design Review Committee preferred the vinyl fencing to the existing chain link. The DRC recommended that Bougainvillea or similar vine be substituted for the podocarpus trees which were originally proposed. The sample color for the fence provided by the applicant was determined to be acceptable. Bronze colored bollards were preferred. The noise level would be 68-77dB. The existing parking would not to be changed. Commission Questions Commissioner Cohen wanted clarification regarding project completion. Mr. Taylor stated the expected maximum timeline would be 12-18 months. Commissioner Cohen asked if this included contaminates in the water table. Mr. Taylor said yes. Commissioner Tatarian asked if there was comparable noise now to the sound levels from the equipment, and where the noise levels are measured from. Mr. Taylor said the most appropriate place is to measure it from the property line to insure there are no excessive impacts on adjacent properties and businesses. Commissioner Tatarian asked how the noise could be characterized. He also asked how long and what is the noise like? Mr. Taylor deferred to the applicant. Commissioner Kerr asked if the bollards would after the compound is removed. Mr. Taylor stated that the bollards will be removed upon completion of remediation. Chairman Cohen asked if there was still a need for the fencing upon completion of remediation. Mr. Taylor deferred to the applicant. Commissioner Williams asked what could be done if the noise exceeded Municipal Code Requirements. Mr. Grant Taylor stated the Code Enforcement department has calibrator and a decimeter that periodically they can go out and measure noise. This could be added to the conditions of approval. Applicant Presentation Todd McFarland Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Senior Geologist on staff, asked if there were any questions. PC Meeting Minutes 7 September 28, 2010 Chairman Cohen asked if the migration is heading northerly. Mr. McFarland stated that it's headed southerly with ground water toward dance hall well. Commissioner Cohen also asked if any other type of monitoring is anticipated south of the site. Commissioner Williams asked if there was a reason to keep the fencing up past the 12-18 month remediation period. Chairman Cohen asked about how deep is the water table. Mr. McFarland stated that the depth of the water is 12'-15'. Commissioner Tatarian asked about characterization of the noise. Mr. McFarland stated that it's 24/7 operation and the low hum of a motor is audible, no high pitched noise. Some equipment cycles off and on, it has no clunky noises. Commissioner Tatarian asked if expected any complaints from the nearest retailers on the corner were expected. Mr. McFarland said he definitely doesn't expect any complaints from the nearest retailers. Commissioner Kerr asked if there would be monitoring after the 18 month time period. She also asked what about future leaks and asked what type of monitoring goes on once the equipment and fencing is taken down. The applicant stated once completed, they will have a monitoring network as required by the Water Board. This will continue monitoring and making sure that there is no rebounding concentration or maybe areas that they were not able to access that will come back and start feeding on ground water contaminants . The water board will being directing in a thorough methodical way. Public Hearing Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing and closed public hearing. No public comments were provided. Commission Discussion Commissioner Tatarian stated that he hoped the completion would be closer to 12 months than 18 months. He said to make sure the timeline is in the conditions of approval. Commissioner Neely stated that this is a necessary project. The design is reasonable for the purpose. Commissioner Mocalis hoped that the staff is reassured that this doesn't in any complicate the negotiations between the City and Chevron. PC Meeting Minutes 8 September 28, 2010 Commissioner Ratcliffe stated that she didn't like the fencing but should get it going and finish this as soon as possible. Commissioner Kerr concurred with her colleagues comments. Commissioner Williams concur with his colleagues comments. Chairman Cohen stated that he wanted in the resolution that the removal of the equipment and removal of the fencing be tied to the extraction process. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO.10-09-28-02 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 010-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-010 AN APPLICATION TO INSTALL 6'-0" VINYL FENCING LANDSCAPING AND ABOVE- GROUND SOIL REMEDIATION EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE (GC) GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE DISTRICT AT 32001 CAMINO CAPISTRANO (APN 668- 073-01 Commissioner Williams made a motion for staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Kerr to approve with conditions with the timing the fence be removed no longer than 18 months from the time of permit final and that the monitoring of noise levels is ongoing, and the final conditions be placed on Consent Calendar of the next meeting , The motion passed by a 7-0 vote. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Vice Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Robert Williams, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, and Bruce Tatarian. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None This resolution will be brought back on the Consent calendar to the October 14, 2010 Planning Commission meeting with revisions to the conditions of approval. 2. Architectural Control (AC) 09-031. San Juan Hills Golf Club Tournament Room; a request for review of design plans for a proposed 6,144 sf, new building, service area, and trash enclosure located at 32120 San Juan Creek Road, generally located at approximately 2,750 feet northeast of the intersection of Valle Road, and San Juan Creek Road (APN 666-011-27) (Applicant: Dan Friess) (Proiect Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner) Staff presentation & recommendation PC Meeting Minutes 9 September 28, 2010 Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation advising the Commission that the proposed project consists of the construction of a new 6,144 sf, tournament room (banquet facility) on a 29.26 acre parcel. Additionally the applicant has proposed the new construction of a 250 sf. trash enclosure and adjacent service area and the reconfiguration of the existing parking lot with the addition of 70 parking spaces. On May'20, 2010, the Design Review Committee reviewed the proposed project and made the following comments and recommendations; The building -mounted lighting needs to be subdued as much as possible. The project architect noted the project proposes to use the same type of sconce as on the existing, recently renovated clubhouse. The DRC reiterated the need for subdued lighting so that the building is not over -lit after dark. • The proposed design is generally consistent with the existing clubhouse building and while the building mass is rather simple and barn -like, the design simplicity will allow the building to more easily blend visually into the background of the site when viewed from San Juan Creek Road. • Proposed parking needs to be managed so that uses of the facility do not spillover into the San Juan Creek Road right-of-way. The DRC discussed the fact that the facility would lend itself to not only hosting tournaments, as planned, but could easily and would most likely host retirement parties, holiday parties, wedding reception, anniversary parties, family reunions and a host of other gathering events. If so, such events, in conjunction with the golf course use, could exceed the available parking. • Consider stone wainscoting around the building with depth of material to create appropriate massing and convey the appearance of a stone cobble foundation. • While horizontal lap siding would be preferable, the proposed board & batten siding is acceptable. • The DRC noted that while the proposed building mass was rather "boxey" and unarticulated, the simplicity would reduce the visual impact of the structure. The DRC recommended the project architect consider wrapping the proposed trellised cover around the south elevation and southeast building corner to add addition interest and "break-up" the continuous monotony of the wall plane. • The proposed clearstory windows above the lower windows are awkward and should be reconsidered. The project architect noted the objective was to allow as much natural light opportunity as possible to reduce energy consumption. The DRC concurred with the energy-saving objective, but noted that the building's exterior appearance and design needed to also be considered. • The main building entry could be better accented by making the entry PC Meeting Minutes 10 September 28, 2010 support columns full -height stone which would add mass and visual importance to the entry. • Instead of building -mounted sconce lighting, the architect was encouraged to incorporate accent lighting, perhaps ground -mounted, that would provide a more muted and less stark illumination. • The proposed landscaping is too tightly confined to the immediate vicinity of the proposed clubhouse building and needs to be expanded beyond the immediate project limit and "loosened." Landscape mass should also be added along San Juan Creek Road to visually buffer the building. • Consider planting riparian vegetation along the pond edge to create a more natural appearance. The turf extending to the water's edge creates a sterile and un -natural appearance. • The DRC discussed the proposed row of dwarf orange trees and concluded that because they were limited in area, they were deemed acceptable to the overall palette. • The DRC engaged in an extended discussion regarding the access drive, especially the "loop" drive to the front (west elevation) of the facility. The applicant noted that they needed to meet OCFA requirements for fire apparatus access. The DRC advised that was fine, but perhaps an alternative surface treatment could be used to reduce the expanse of sterile drive area at the entry which would increase opportunities for landscaping. • The DRC concluded that the proposed parking should be designed and managed to accommodate not only golf tournament events, but allow, special event and parties unrelated to the golf course/clubhouse use Commission Questions Commissioner Williams expressed on the landscaping, lighting, and lack of detailing in the architecture. Not part of the conditions and should be added. Commissioner Tatarian stated Conditions # 20 & 21, need to be revised to be submitted "prior to the issuance of a building permit" rather than prior to the issuance to the Certificate of Occupancy. Commissioner Tatarian asked where the spill over parking go for the big event that may take place once a year. Mr. Kirk answered the golf course across the street. Commissioner Tatarian inquired if the people would have to cross the street. Mr. Kirk answered that the people would need to cross the street. The DAB had talked about a golf cart shuttle or valet. Commissioner Williams commented the landscape architecture is lacking landscape plans. Commissioner Williams commented the Planning Commission is approving and the DRC has made comments. PC Meeting Minutes 11 September 28, 2010 Applicant Presentation Dan Friess, San Juan Hills Golf Course, made the applicant presentation and addressed the following topics - In 2004 northern portion of the golf course was approved for a 12,000 sf. car storage facility and 13,000 s.f. two-story Club house, but the project was abandoned three years ago. It is a drastic reduction in size and scope from the 2004 approval. He read all the Design Review Committee redlines, not bubbled on the plans butt they were incorporated. He stated that he was primarily concerned with condition of approval # 22. Commissioner Tatarian asked the applicant what the seating capacity is to have a wedding reception. The applicant answered the facility would seat 250 for wedding, depending on seating layout Mr. Kirk suggested with respect to condition of approval #22 and some design detail issues that this project be continued for consideration to the next Planning Commission meeting, so that the details can be worked out. Public Hearing Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing and closed the public hearing. No public testimony. Commission Discussion Commissioner Williams agreed to continue this project. Also stated the Engineering Department needs to look at Condition #22. Commissioner Kerr concurred with Commissioner Williams. Vice Chair Ratcliffe stated that valet parking in the conditions of approval might be useful. Commissioner Mocalis concurred with Commissioner Williams. Commissioner Neely disagreed with the other Commissioners. He stated this project doesn't merit a continuance. PC is not the forum for going into the all the necessary levels of details, the Design Review Committee performs this. He had no fundamental disagreement on the building placement or building massing. Also unclear what Condition #22 means. Commissioner Tatarian stated that he supports the project and supports the continuance only because of Condition #22. This needs to be clarified before it moves forward. Chairman Cohen stated the Planning Commission is not the place to modify the design that is for the Design Review Committee to do. He also stated that condition # 22 needs to be clarified. He also stated that the parking is another concern that PC Meeting Minutes 12 September 28, 2010 needs to be addressed in a worst case scenario if there was a banquet for 150 people. Not many places for parking or parking options. Maybe explore shared agreement with what is in the vicinity. This needs to be determined before as opposed to after the project is build out. Commissioner Kerr stated the noise should not be addressed after the fact. Requested conditions state the noise level cannot exceed a certain level. Mr. Kirk stated that it is in condition #6. Chairman Cohen inquired if live entertainment will require a CUP. Mr. Kirk answered only for alcohol sale. Commissioner Mocalis stated that condition of approval # 22 needs to be clarified. Commissioner Tatarian asked if traffic is controlled with a light or signage. Commissioner Tatarian stated his concern on the safety of people on the road when people are driving 55- 60 mph. Commissioner Williams stated that this needs to be continued because he does not see recommended plan corrections. The applicant thought the corrections were made on the plans. Planning Commission cannot rule because the Design Review Committee comments were not identified. Commissioner Neely stated need to separate the architecture issue from the policy issues Commissioner Mocalis concurred with his colleagues. Mr. Kirk stated due to the concerns and the issues the item be brought back to the 11/9 Planning Commission to continue consideration. He said this would allow issues to be addressed. Commissioner Williams stated that it would be appropriate to bring this project back to the Design Review Committee. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO 10-09-28-02 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC)10-031 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-028 TO CONSTRUCT A 6,144 SQUARE FOOT TOURNAMENT ROOM (BANQUET FACILITY) ON A 29.26 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT 32120 SAN JUAN CREEK RD (APN 666-011-27) PC Meeting Minutes 13 September 28, 2010 Commissioner Kerr made a motion to continue to the November 9, 2010 Planning Commission meeting with direction that it be agenized for the Design Review Committee, seconded by Commissioner Tatarian. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Mr. Taylor reviewed the Tentative Meeting Schedule and briefed the commission on the projects scheduled for the future meetings. Also updated the commission on meetings scheduled for next week: 10/4 Open Space, 10/5 City Council, 10/6 Distrito La Novia, 10/7 Design Review Committee and the 10/7 Mobile home Park Closure. Commissioner Tatarian asked about the feedback on Caltrans Interchange Project memo. Commissioner Neely asked what is an air sparge on the staff report? Mr. Grant Taylor said he will check and report back. Caltrans said that they would work with us and the whole process is very frustrating. He stated that Utilities was still a big issue the City must consider. Vice Chair Ratcliffe questioned the San Juan Creek Road side walk on one side of the golf course. There is no place for the pedestrian to walk. There is no legal way to cross the road. Commissioner Williams stated that he will be absent for the 10/26 Planning Commission meeting. He also stated that he did not get the Caltrans Interchange Project memo. Chairman Cohen asked about the chain link fence that is behind Arby's, Chevron and Del Taco that runs parallel to the Creek if it was private property? Mr. Grant Taylor said he would check. Commissioner Neely inquired about the upcoming Downtown Master Plan meeting. Commissioner Williams stated this is a conceptual plan. Grant Taylor said'staff is reviewing the 85% draft. He has encouraged consultant to PC Meeting Minutes 14 September 28, 2010 get the plan to the Planning Commission as soon as possible prior to the Joint meeting on 11/2. Commissioner Tatarian stated that the Downtown Master Plan right now is a concept guideline. Commissioner Williams agreed with commission Tatarian and inquired if Studio 111 were to incorporate the latest version of the Hotel. He also stated that this is concept of what could happen in 10 to 20 years or none of it could happen. Chairman Cohen thanked James Eggart for his service. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Grant Taylor, Development Services Director