PC Minutes-2010-08-1032400 PASEO .., R r. (949) 493-1171c 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 10, 2010 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURAFREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Jim Mocalis Tim Neely Bruce Tatarian Rob Williams r,0 Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Grant Taylor, Development Services Director David Contreras, Senior Planner Justin Kirk, Associate Planner ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of July 27, 2010: The Commission approved the subject minutes with revision to pg. 4, par. 3, line 6 to read "not precisely" by a 6-0-1 vote (Neely abstained). Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 Auqust 10, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 09-13, T -Mobile Cell Site on City Property; a request to develop and maintain a wireless telecommunications facility located at 29932 Camino Capistrano and more specifically referred to as (APN 650-023-09). (Applicant: T -Mobile, Robert Howell Representative) (Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner) Staff presentation & recommendation Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation and advised that the applicant's redesigned wireless facility is 58'-3" faux water tank that screens twelve paddle style antennas and six pieces of ground mounted equipment beneath the structure that are enclosed by an 8'-0" tall wrought iron fence. The proposed design facility has the ability to collocate another carrier in the future, without any modification to the water tank. The project is located at 29932 Camino Capistrano and more specifically referred to as Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 650-023-09. The property is situated between Camino Capistrano and Interstate -5. Mr. Kirk recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution conditional approving the proposed project. Commission Questions Commissioner Williams asked about the Design Review Committee's review of the proposed project and Mr. Kirk provided a brief summary of prior DRC review. Commissioner Kerr asked about the maximum height of the proposed faux water tank and Mr. Kirk responded the maximum height would be 53'-3". Chairman Cohen asked about the status of the City's co -location policy and Mr. Kirk replied that while the City has an informal policy of promoting co -location to reduce cell tower proliferation, there is no formal written policy. Applicant Presentation Dean Brown, planning consultant representing the applicant, stated that the proposed faux water tank had been designed in response to City Council direction and was Council's preferred approach to screening the antenna. Mr. Brown questioned condition of approval #17 requiring landscaping and requested that the cost of landscape improvements be capped at $10,000. Public Hearing Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing, no one came forward to provide public testimony, and Chairman Cohen closed the haaring. Commission Discussion Commissioner Williams stated that the proposed design should be referred back to Design Review Committee since they had not reviewed the proposed faux water tank design. He PC Meetina Minutes 3 Auaust 10, 2010 noted that $10,000 was not a significant amount with respect to landscaping and actual costs would likely be substantially greater. Commissioner Kerr asked if the proposed tank could accommodate any other cell carriers and Mr. Brown replied that one additional carrier's antenna could be accommodated. Commissioner Tatarian stated that the proposed tank would be screened by 15 gallon trees and asked how long would it be before the trees were mature enough to provide screening. Mr. Brown responded it would take at least 5 to 8 years for the trees to attain a height to provide effective screening. Commissioner Williams stated that it would be difficult for him to support or recommend Commission approval of the landscape plan without the benefit of having the Design Review Committee review that plan. Commissioner Kerr stated the applicant had done a "good job" overall on the design and massing of the proposed faux water tower. However, the structure needs to "disappear" into the grove of eucalyptus trees. She stated that the project applicant needs to prepare and submit a landscape plan for City review and approval. Commissioner Ratcliffe agreed that DRC review of the project, especially the building materials and the landscaping would be appropriate prior to Planning Commission review and action. She stated that the use of wrought -iron would be too "slick" and not compatible with the project design. The removal of trees should be deferred as long as possible and the landscape plan should seek to save as many trees as possible. Commissioner Mocalis stated that he was in agreement with the comments and sentiments expressed by his fellow Commissioners. Commissioner Neely stated that he agreed that the project design details need to be reviewed by the DRC and he also agreed with his fellow Commissioners. Commissioner Tatarian stated he could not presently support the proposed project because it's a case of "putting the cart before the horse." The City needs to develop a City-wide cellular site master plan to guide decisions on the location and design of cell sites. Chairman Cohen stated that he agreed with the comments and sentiments expressed by his fellow Commissioners and would support the City instituting a moratorium on the approval of cell site Conditional Use Permits until a cell site master plan had been adopted. He posed the rhetorical question of how many faux water towers can the City accommodate before they become a cliche. The city has continued to approve cell sites but has no overall plan. Commissioner Mocalis asked staff about the status of a cell site master plan and Mr. Taylor responded that such a plan was part of the City's Long Term Vision Plan but was not a top priority. Mr. Ramsey stated that along with that tactic, the City Council has also established a "fiscal sustainability" tactic which calls for the City to use public lands for revenue -generating uses. The proposed project is consistent with that City Councitadopted tactic. PC Meetina Minutes 4 Auqust 10, 2010 Commissioner Neely noted that the City Council has provided direction on the proposed project and that the Planning Commission needs to be deferential to that direction. Commissioner Tatarian reiterated the need for the City to establish a cell master plan. Commissioner Mocalis asked if the City Council addressed the issue of a lack of landscape plans and Mr. Taylor responded that Council did not. Commissioner Neely made a motion for conditional approval of the project subject to follow- up review of materials and landscape plans by the Design Review Committee (DRC). The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Williams stated that before the Planning Commission can take any action, the Design Review Committee (DRC) needs to review the proposed faux water tank and landscape plan. Mr. Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue consideration of the proposed project pending Design Review Committee review of the project design and landscaping. Commissioner Tatarian asked whether the cell site master plan could move forward and Mr. Taylor responded that would be at City Council's discretion. Commissioner Ratcliffe stated that the motion makes sense since the findings for approving the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) would require a Design Review Committee review and recommendation on the design elements. The motion passed by a 4-3 vote (Cohen, Neely, Tatarian opposed). Mr. Neely clarified that his opposition was to the process and specifically, referral of the project design to the Design Review Committee, not to the project designitself which had been previously reviewed by the City Council and forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and action, 2. Architectural Control (AC)10-019 Sun Dried Tomato; a request for a proposed modification to an existing lower level courtyard and the addition of 597 sf. of outside dining area located at 31781 Camino Capistrano, generally located adjacent to the intersection of Verdugo and Camino Capistrano (APN 121-150-27) (Applicant: Tim Algier) (Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation and advised that be proposed project consists of the following elements: • Demolition of one planter located at the lower level and the modification of an existing fountain to a planter area. • Demolition of a commercial exhibit box to be replaced with a wall mounted fountain. • Addition of 597 sf. of outdoor dining space located at the lower level, which is not contiguous to the primary dinning and service area of the existing restaurant, enclosed by a wrought iron perimeterfence, consistent with the existing wrought iron located in the center. • Remodel of an existing stairway that consists of the demolition of a42" high wall to be PC Meetina Minutes 5 Auaust 10. 2010 replaced with wrought iron, consistent with the existing wrought iron located in the center. Mr. Kirk recommended that the Planning Commission cpen the public hearing receive public testimony, close the public hearing and, by motion, adopt a resolution approving the proposed project. Applicant Presentation Rob Quest stated that Sun Dried Tomato operates restaurants in San Clemente and Laguna Beach and is excited about the prospect of improving service at this location. The recent opening of the Celebrity Theatre has increased foot traffic through the Plaza and the restaurant dining expansion will add needed capacity and vitality to serve patrons. The replacement of the stucco walls with wrought -iron will also open the lower plaza level to views. Commission Questions Commissioner Tatarian asked if having dining on two levels would be problematic for the restaurant and the applicant responded that the arrangement is not uncommon and will be easily accommodated by minor operational changes based on experience. Public Hearing Mr. John Fisher, owner of Ruby's Restaurant, stated that he had used the lower level of the plaza on an interim basis while the upper level patio was closed for remodeling and the arrangement worked fine for the restaurant, diners, and plaza patrons. With the recent opening of the theatre, restaurant business is up 40% and with the proposed changes the overall economic viability of Franciscan Plaza will be further enhanced. He expressed support for the project and asked the commission to approve the proposal. Liz Hammond stated she was considering opening a boutique on the lower level and the proposed addition of outdoor restaurant dining would add to the patron traffic and would enhance the attractiveness of the commercial space. Buddy Landa, owner of the Frio Yogurt shop adjoining the Celebrity Theatre, stated that from his business experience, the proposal could only result in positive economic impacts to the plaza and he recommended the Commission approve the project. David Belardes reminded the staff and Commission that the Valenzuela Adobe, now occupied by Sun Dried Tomato, was situated over cultural artifacts and that any subsurface work in the lower level needed to protect those artifacts. He also stated that the replacement Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for the Plaza needs to be completed. With no other speakers to provide testimony, Chairman Cohen closed the hearing. Commission Discussion Commissioner Tatarian stated the proposal was a "great project." Commissioner Neely stated that if the replacement of the "safety" wall with wrought -iron was intended to open visual access to the lower level, then the applicant should also consider PC Meeting Minutes 6 August 10, 2010 replacing the wall on the north (escalator) side with wrought -iron. By doing so, the final design would appear more integrated to the overall project as opposed to an afterthought. Commissioner Mocalis agreed with Mr. Neely's proposal to replace the wall adjoining the escalator with wrought -iron. Commissioner Ratcliffe stated that the proposed design details are fine and the planned operation of the outdoor dining appears feasible. Commissioner Kerr expressed support for the proposed project stating that it would needed economic vitality to the Franciscan Plaza. Commissioner Williams said the proposal was a "great project" that would result in excellent design changes to the plaza and agreed with Mr. Neely's proposed design change. Chairman Cohen expressed his agreement with the other Commissioners that the proposed project would be an excellent addition and add to the plaza's vitality. He asked staff to check the status of the Historic Depiction Program (HDP) and Mr. Ramsey stated he would follow up and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Neely stated that completing the HDP should be part of the current approval if it has not been previously completed. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-8-10-1, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-019, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING AN ADDITION OF 597 SF. OF OUTSIDE DINING AREA LOCATED AT 31781 CAMINO CAPISTRANO GENERALLY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE INTERSECTION OF VERDUGO AND CAMINO CAPISTRANO (APN 121-150-27). It was moved by Commissioner Mocalis and seconded by Commissioner Kerr to adopt a resolution approving the proposed project with the additional condition that the applicant may replace the wall adjoining the escalator (north side) along the edge of the stairway well with wrought -iron to match the proposed wrought -iron along the south edge of the well. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Gene Ratcliffe, Ginny Kerr, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, Bruce Tatarian and Rob Williams NOES: None ABSTAIN: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. PC Meetina Minutes 7 Auaust 10. 2010 NEW BUSINESS General Plan Amendment (GPA) 10-001, Rezone (RZ) 10-001, Architectural Control (AC) 10-002, Grading Plan Modification (GPM)10-001, Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 10-003, Site Plan Review (SPR) 10-001, Plaza Banderas Hotel; a proposed mixed-use development that encompasses a 74,973 square foot, 124 -room hotel, approximately 14,500 square feet of commercial land uses, including 6,509 square feet of retail commercial floor area, a 5,747 square foot restaurant, and a 1,971 square foot private office on an existing 3.18 acre property located at 26871 & 26891 Ortega Highway and generally located at the northeast corner of Ortega Highway and EI Camino Real (Assessor Parcel Number 124-170- 12,14,15,16)(Applicant: Stroscher G3, Gretchen Stroscher Thomson) (Pro iect Manager: David Contreras. Senior Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation David Contreras, Senior Planner made the staff presentation and advised that the proposed project consists of a proposed mixed use development that encompasses a 74,973 square foot, 124 -room hotel, approximately 14,500 square feet of commercial land uses, including 6,509 square feet of retail commercial floor area, a 5,747 square foot restaurant, and a 1,971 square foot private office. Primary access to the site is from Ortega Highway along the property's southern boundary. The main access into the project site will be from Ortega Highway, in addition a driveway is proposed on EI Camino Real and on Spring Street. A total of 185 parking spaces are proposed to accommodate guests of the hotel as well as the retail, office, and restaurant uses. The project site consists of 3.18 acres (138,521 SF). Mr. Contreras recommended that following staff and applicant presentations and public comments, that the Planning Commission conduct a worksession review and provide comments and direction to staff and the applicant and by motion, continue consideration of the proposed project to the Planning Commission's regularly scheduled August 24, 2010 public hearing. Chairman Cohen questioned how much parking would be required if the City applied the proposed parking standard from the hotel General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Rezone (RZ) project to the proposed project. Mr. Taylor responded that staff would need to calculate that parking requirement. Applicant presentation Tom Merrell, Civic Solutions, made the applicant presentation and reviewed the design changes that had been made to the project. He stressed that the shared parking study, completed by a professional traffic engineer, demonstrates that the proposed 185 parking spaces would be sufficient to adequately parkthe hotel. Commission Discussion Commissioner Tatarian questioned the view simulation from the Ortega Highway -Del Obispo Street intersection and questioned why parked cars on the hotel site weren't visible. Mr. Merrell replied that the parking would be slightly below grade and largely obstruct views of the parking. PC Meeting Minutes 8 August 10 2010 Commissioner Neely noted that, having been out of town for several weeks, he had not been able to follow the progress in design changes. The proposed architectural plans and elevations are "good" in responding to the subcommittee direction, but don't go nearly far enough. The I-5/Ortega Highway view simulation shows a portion of the view impact but should show the view from the SB off -ramp where the landscaping will be removed to show the impact of Caltrans proposed work. The proposed landscape plans are "under -whelming" and need additional work. The architectural character sketch of the plaza area at the intersection of Ortega Highway/EI Camino Real is taken from an elevated viewpoint and so, does not accurately depict the view. Neely stated he was of the impression that one-story buildings would dominate the intersection corner of the project; however, the project proposes one and two-story structures. He expressed disappointment with the overall architectural design indicating the project appeared to have been "designed by committee." The proposed color palette is too light. He stated he would be glad to meet with the project architect to provide guidance but at this time, was not comfortable with the architectural details. Commissioner Mocalis stated he was not yet satisfied that the project had adequately addressed the view impact to San Juan Elementary School. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that the tower element on the proposed commercial building was rather massive and would dominate views along State Route -74 (Ortega Highway). She stated that the over -use of stone veneer was contrived, would visually compete with the "Stone Church" ruins but shouldn't, and needs to be reconsidered. As an example of the limited, appropriate use of stone building material, she cited the Mission Purisima Mission ( Prelado de los Tesoros de la Purisima) in Lompoc. Ms. Ratcliffe advised that the landscaping along the Ortega Highway and 1-5 edges of the project needed to be supplemented to provide adequate buffering and the extensive use of palm trees was not appropriate. If palm trees are retained in the landscape design, they need to retain their "skirts" (dead palm fronds that typically hang below new palm growth) to convey a more natural and traditional appearance. Commissioner Kerr agreed with Commissioner Mocalis that the proposed design did not sufficiently address view impacts to the San Juan Elementary School. The design of the north and east building elevations has a distinctly unfinished appearance which requires attention. The height of the proposed stone veneer appears awkward and needs to be reconsidered. Commissioner Williams took issue with View Simulation 3 which indicates that the proposed project would be completely visually screened from views within the Mission forecourt area. Mr. Merrell responded that the view is taken from the fountain area and that the consultant who prepared the view simulations to staff had prepared and submitted a validation study to demonstrate the accuracy of the view. He expressed concern with the design of the architectural details and questioned whether the expedited process had provided adequate time for the Design Review Committee (DRC) to resolve design issues. Mr. Williams stated that the architectural details had to be reviewed by the DRC and that the overall development review process on this project was moving entirely too fast. He expressed the opinion that the proposed parking is an issue (insufficient number). Finally, he stated that a PC Meeting Minutes 9 August 10, 2010 fast-track review on a project of this scale and at such a significant location in the City was a mistake. Chairman Cohen expressed concern with the view of the project from the southwest corner of State Route -74 (Ortega Highway) -EI Camino Real. The architectural design does not have a "wow factor." He expressed the opinion that the architecture was not of a suitably high quality and appeared comparable to an "Extended Stay America." Mr. Cohen stated that the DRC would provide solid guidance on refining the project design and creating a project that would be an asset. He agreed with Commissioner Williams that the City is moving entirely too fast and shouldn't rush the review of the proposed project. Mr. Cohen stated that he wants to see a "great project" but the proposed architectural design is not there yet. Commissioner Williams replied that the Commission needs to refer the project to the DRC. Commissioner Tatarian stated that urgency is a "good thing" with respect to processing the project, but the City cannot miss any "box -checking." All issues need to be identified and addressed. Commissioner Neely stated that the Commission needs to be deferential to the City Council direction and he would be glad to meet one-on-one with the applicant and project architect to resolve remaining design issues. It's important that the Commission do all it canto keep the proposed project on schedule. Commissioner Williams agreed that if the DRC review of architectural details can be accomplished, then the project can move forward consistent with the City Council -mandated schedule. Commissioner Kerr stated that she did not want to see a repeat of the Marshall's Center monument sign project with the proposed hotel project. The architecture and details need to be completely resolved before approval. Commissioner Ratcliffe stated further DRC review of the project would be beneficial. Mr. Taylor again advised the Commission that the proposed project was scheduled for review and action by the City Council at their October 5 meeting. He stated he would agendize the project for an additional Design Review Committee review on August 19, 2010. However, the Commission should be prepared to make a recommendation on the project at the August 24 meeting, and will absolutely need to move the project forward to City Council by the September 14, 2010 meeting. 6:1 ga210F410Zi1► iI T1&-yareanwilUUMJE Mr. Ramsey briefed the Commission on the status of the Northwest Open Space, Phase 2, Land Use Allocation Plan and that the plan was scheduled for Commission review on September 14. Mr. Ramsey updated the Commission on the status of the City's open space -related grant efforts and advised that the City has previously applied for $16.6 million in grant funds with a required City match totaling $100,000. PC Meeting Minutes 10 August 10, 2010 Mr. Ramsey updated the Commission on the City Council's review of the proposed "Distrito La Novia-San Juan Meadows" project. Mr. Taylor briefed the Commission on the statusof several pending development projects that the Commission would be reviewing in the future including the Tuttle -Click Ford Dealership project, Chrysler Dealership project, and the Marriott Hotel project. Commissioner Ratcliffe advised the commission that the Housing Advisory Committee had completed its review of the Groves Affordable Housing project which would be coming to the Commission in the near future. Chairman Cohen advised his fellow Commissioners that he was honored to serve with a group of individuals (the Commission) that was not afraid to speak its mind with the interest of the community at heart. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 24, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved on August 24, 2010: William A. Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planning Commission Secretary f