PC Minutes-2010-06-0832400 PASEO ADEL4NTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www sanjuancapistrano. org CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 8, 2010 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Jim Mocalis Bruce Tatarian Rob Williams Tim Neely Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner, Secretary Grant Taylor, Community Development Director Justin Kirk, Associate Planner Nick Taylor, Planning Technician ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of May 25, 2010: Grant Taylor, Community Development Director advised the Commission that the draft May 25 minutes were still being prepared and would be available for review on the June 22 meeting agenda. A® San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future 0, Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meetinq Minutes 2 June 8 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS Architectural Control (AC) 10-004 Weseloh Kia Sign Program; a request for approval of a monument sign and building mounted signs located at 33611 Camino Capistrano, generally located at the northwest corner of Camino Capistrano and Stonehill Drive (APN 121-254-41) (Applicant: Williams Sign Co.) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor Planning Technician). Staff presentation & recommen-dation Nick Taylor, Planning Technician made the staff presentation and described the proposed project as a request to increase the height of the existing "Hummer" monument sign to 25 feet and add a new cabinet head replacing "Hummer" with "KIA". The project also requests approval of three (3) new channel -letter signs to be mounted on the existing building with proposed sizes (area) of 25, 18, and 8 square feet. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution conditionally approving the proposed project. Commissioner Neely arrived at 6:38 pm. Commission Questions The applicant waived the opportunity to make a presentation and the Commission had no questions of the applicant or staff. Public Hearing Notice having been given as required by law, Chairman Cohen opened the public hearing. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. Commission Discussion Commissioner Williams expressed concern with the overall massing and proportions of the monument sign and the fact that the "Kia" emblem appeared to float above the top of the sign. He indicated that the proposed building -mounted signs were acceptable as proposed. Commissioner Kerr stated that the proposed signage was fine and noted that landscaping should be provided at the base of the free-standing, monument sign. Commissioner Ratcliffe concurred with Commissioner Kerr's comments, especially the need to provide landscaping. Commissioner Mocalis indicated that the existing free-standing, monument sign appeared to be about the same height as the "Ford" dealership monument sign and so, he had no objection to the proposal. PC Meeting Minutes 3 June 8 2010 Commissioner Neely stated that he supported the proposed free-standing, monument sign with the use of a National corporate logo and noted that the provisions of landscaping at the base would help ameliorate the issue of scale. Commission Tatarian noted that the color of the free-standing, monument sign and the main building for the dealership appeared to be different. Nick Taylor responded that the intent of the color scheme was for the sign and the building to match. Based on the Design Review Committee's acceptance and recommendation, he had no concern with the proposed color scheme. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-6-8-1, WESELOH KIA SIGN PROGRAM (AC 10-04), A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING A 25'-0" TALL, 44 SQUARE FOOT MONUMENT SIGN AND THREE BUILDING MOUNTED CHANNEL LETTER SIGNS FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 33611 CAMINO CAPISTRANO (APN 121- 254-41) It was moved by Commissioner Neely and seconded by Commissioner Mocalis to adopt the resolution including a condition requiring landscaping at the base of the free-standing, monument sign. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Gene Ratcliffe, Ginny Kerr, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, Bruce Tatarian and Rob Williams NOES: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a 7-0-0 vote. 2. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 09-03 Wee Tartan Childcare Center: A reauest to allow the establishment of a non-commercial "child day care center" in Planning Sector "D" pursuant to Section VI I.C.1. of Comprehensive Development Plan 78-01 Ortega Business Center located at 31732 Rancho Viejo Road (APN 666-261-03) (Applicant: David Bush, St Margret's Episcopal School) (Project Manager Justin Kirk Associate Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation Justin Kirk, Associate Planner made the staff presentation and described the proposed project as for establishment and operation of an 1,561 square foot non- commercial day care facility in an existing multi -use commercial building. There are no exterior modifications associated with the proposed use. PC Meeting Minutes 4 June 8 2010 Staff recommended that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, receive testimony, close the public hearing and by motion, adopt a resolution conditionally approving the proposed project. Applicant presentation David Bush, Director of Finance & Operations for St. Margaret's Episcopal School made a brief presentation and described the childcare use as an employee benefit. The children in the childcare program do not count toward the school's enrollment cap established by the Conditional Use Permit. Bush noted that the childcare use is an existing use on the campus merely being relocated to the business office building. Most teachers/staff with children in the childcare program would park to the rear of the business offices and all parents are required to walk and sign -in each child. Commission Questions Chairman Cohen asked if the school ever enrolls any non -staff children at the childcare center. Bush responded that during periods where the childcare center has available openings and all employee's children have been accommodated, the school has allowed younger siblings of enrolled students. The school never enrolls children who are unrelated to enrolled students. Openings typically don't exceed 2 or 3 children whereas the childcare center is licensed by the State for up to a maximum of 20 children. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked whether adequate outdoor play area would be available for the children and Mr. Bush responded that the State imposes stringent requirements and that yes, the children would have access to the adjoining quadrangle and fields for play. Commissioner Tatarian asked if whether the proposed location would be permanent or interim and Mr. Bush responded that in the context of the St. Margaret's Episcopal School Master Plan approved by the City Council earlier in the Spring, the proposed location was intended to be permanent. Public Hearing Notice having been given as required by law, Chairman Cohen opened the Public Hearing. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. Commission Discussion Commissioner Mocalis stated that he had no concerns with the proposed use and Commissioner Neely stated that he concurred with Mr. Mocalis. Commissioner Neely stated that he concurred with Commissioner Mocalis PC Meeting Minutes 5 June 8 2010 Commissioner Tatarian stated that while he had no immediate concerns with the proposed use, should pick-ups/drop-offs in the Ortega Business Center create circulation issues, the city will need to re -visit the project. Justin Kirk, Associate Planner advised that the City would rely on Code Enforcement to assure that the designated pick-up/drop-off stalls at the front of the business offices were used for that purpose so that drive aisles weren't blocked. Commissioner Ratcliffe said the proposed use was perfectly acceptable and as a parent, she was sympathetic to the needs of parents with small children and thought the childcare benefit was an excellent provision by the school. Commissioner Kerr agreed that the childcare benefit was positive and supported the proposed project. Commissioner Williams concurred with the other Commissioner's support and comments. Chairman Cohen stated that while he supported the project, he concurred with Commissioner Tatarian on the issue of monitoring traffic circulation in the Ortega Business Center. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-6-8-2, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING A 1.561 SQUARE FOOT NON-COMMERCIAL DAY CARE FACILITY USE IN AN EXISTING MULTI -USE COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 31732 RANCHO VIEJO SUITE F (ASSESSOR PARCEL 666-261-03)(ST. MARGARET'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL) Motion It was moved by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Kerr to adopt the draft resolution. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Gene Ratcliffe, Ginny Kerr, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, Bruce Tatarian and Rob Williams NOES: None ABSTAIN: None This motion passed by a vote of 7-0-0. PC Meeting Minutes 6 June 8 2010 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT Staff presentation & recommendation Grant Taylor, Community Development Director, advised the Commission that Government Code Section 65400 mandates that cities submit an annual report on the status of the General Plan and the progress toward its implementation to their legislative bodies, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). The report details the City's progress toward: (1) meeting its share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment established by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG); (2) implementing the housing objectives established by the General Plan Housing Element; and (3) implementing the objectives of other Elements of the General Plan. He recommended that the Planning Commission receive and file the report. Commission Discussion Commissioner Ratcliffe noted that the Housing Advisory Committee has been working toward the objective of the State legislature amending State law with respect to what types of housing may meet Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirements. Commissioner Neely noted that the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process was not very practical, and if the City were to come under the scrutiny of State Clearinghouse (SCH), it would be because of the General Plan Housing Element. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 10-6-8-3. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENNDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FY 2009- 2010 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT. Motion It was moved by Commissioner Kerr and seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe to adopt the draft resolution. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Gene Ratcliffe, Ginny Kerr, Jim Mocalis, Tim Neely, Bruce Tatarian and Rob Williams PC Meeting Minutes 7 June 8 2010 NOES: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 7-0-0. NEW BUSINESS None. STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Grant Taylor, Community Development Director briefed the Planning Commission on the tentative project meeting schedule and significant project scheduled for future Commission review. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked about the status of the Chevron service Station sign violation and Mr. Taylor replied that he would check and report on the status. Commissioner Mocalis asked about the Toyota sign banners and Mr. Taylor replied that he had informed Toyota of their violation and compliance was pending. Commissioner Mocalis asked about the status of the Orchards Planned Community project (Rancho Capistrano -Crystal Cathedral (Schuller) Property) and Taylor replied that the application remained inactive at this time. Commissioner Neely briefed the Commission on the City Council presentation on the State Route -74 (Ortega Highway) Interchange design committee. He noted that the City should work to create a unified corridor design along Interstate -5 from J. Serra Road to Stonehill Drive. Commissioner Neely stated he would be traveling and unable to attend the June 15 Design Review Committee (DRC) meeting and the June 22 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Tatarian asked about the proposed Costco project and public input and Mr. Taylor replied that the applicant was engaging in public outreach with the owner and residents of the Villa San Juan Mobilehome Park (MHP) to the north. Commissioner Kerr asked about the status of the fencing installed with the Union Bank improvements and Mr. Taylor replied that the fencing was inconsistent with what staff had approved and the city was working with the bank on changes to the fencing. Chairman Cohen complimented Commissioner Neely on his efforts working with Caltrans on the Interstate-5/State Route -74 (Ortega Highway) interchange design. PC Meeting Minutes 8 June 8 2010 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. to the next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 22, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, r1op"O FED Mi iam A. Ramsey, AICP, Princip I nner:; r Planning Commission Secretaryi / r 31 to