PC Minutes-2010-05-1132400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493.1053 FAX www.sanjuancapistratio.org May 11, 2010 REGULAR MEETING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 4. i Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner Bruce Tatarian, Commissioner Robert Williams, Commissioner Neely and Commissioner Jim Mocalis. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None Assistant Community Development Director Grant Taylor introduced new Deputy City Attorney James Eggart from the law firm of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart. a •. • Trevor Dale commended the Planning Commission for recommending denial of the Distrito La Novia — San Juan Meadows project at the last Planning Commission meeting on April 27, 2010. Mr. Dale commented he was on the project subcommittee and the applicant did not follow through on the project as was originally proposed. Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. San .Tuan Capistrano: Preserving the fast to Enhance the Il'uture 0 Printed on 100% recycled paper 1. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 27 2010. Chair Cohen announced the item and inquired if the Planning Commissioners had any comments or corrections. Commissioner Tatarian identified an edit on Page 8, third paragraph from the bottom of the page, change "in" to "is". Motion by Commissioner Williams to adopt the April 27, 2010 minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Kerr. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 6-0-1 with Commissioner Neely abstaining. 2. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL RESOLUTION 10-4-27-2 RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 07-01, REZONE (RZ) 07- 01 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 17226, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 17280, GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION (GPM) 07-01, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, DISTRITO LA NOVIA — SAN JUAN MEADOWS; a request for approval of development plans for a mixed use development on the 18.7 acre Distrito La Novia site consisting of 75,100 gross square feet (68,200 net square feet) of commercial -retail use, 32,000 gross square feet (27,500 net square feet) of office use, and 140 residential units (90 for -sale condominiums & 50 rental apartments); and development plans for the 135 -acre San Juan Meadows site consisting of a 94 -lot residential estate subdivision and 775 -horse commercial equestrian facility. (Applicant: Advanced Real Estate Services)(Project Manager: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner). Commissioner Neely recused himself at left the Council Chambers. Staff Presentation and Recommendation Principal Planner Bill Ramsey stated at the last meeting on April 27, 2010 the Planning Commission voted 4-2 to deny the application and directed staff to bring back final findings of denial in the resolution. Staff is recommending the Planning Commission concur with the findings of denial and adopt the resolution. Public Comments None Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Kerr inquired about Finding #1 on Page 2, regarding the Planning Commission not satisfied with a Level of Service (LOS) D for traffic in the EIR. Chair Cohen suggested deleting the last part of the last sentence to include "despite the fact that with proposed mitigation measures, all arterial streets will operate at a level of service (LOS "D" or better; and". Motion by Commissioner Tatarian to adopt Resolution 10-4-27-2 recommending the City Council deny the Distrito La Novia f San Juan Meadows project as amended, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion to adopt the resolution as amended passed on a vote of 6-0-1 with Commissioner Neely abstaining. PC Minutes 2 May 11, 2010 F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 09-015, ARMSTRONG NURSERY (T - MOBILE); a request to develop and maintain a wireless telecommunication facility located at 32382 Del Obispo Street. (Applicant: T -Mobile, Aimee Weeks, Rep resentative)(Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner). Assistant Community Development Director Taylor stated the applicant and the property owner have not agreed on a proposed design and directions from the DRC. Staff recommends the item be continued to the regular Planning Commission meeting on June 22, 2010. Motion by Commissioner Kerr to continue the item to June 22, 2010, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to continue passed on a vote of 7-0. H. OLD BUSINESS NONE I. NEW BUSINESS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-012, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10-006, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 10-007; an application to expand and renovate an existing Costco Wholesale warehouse. The subject property currently totals 10.16 acres and is developed with an existing 118,724 square foot Costco Wholesale warehouse building and 6,721 square foot Tire Center. Costco is negotiating to purchase an additional 7.43 acres from the adjacent Ford Dealership lower pad for a total land area of 17.59 acres. The project scope is to construct a 23,999 square foot addition on the east side of the existing building to include replacing the existing Entry Canopy, a new exterior Food Service area totaling 1,113 square feet for a new total building area of 150,577 square feet. In addition, to the north of the existing Costco the project proposes to develop a four (4) island fuel dispensing facility with a canopy area totaling 3,840 square feet with a 72 square foot controller enclosure and a car wash totaling 3,235 square feet. The subject property is located at 33961 Doheny Park Road on the west side of Doheny Park Road north of the Dana Point City limits and south of the Villa San Juan Mobilehome Park. (APN: 121-250-35 — existing & 121-250-40 — add ition)(Applicant: Terry Odle, Mulvanny G2 Arch itecture) (Prope rty Owner: Costco Wholesale, Diana Salazar)(Project Planner: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Taylor presented the staff report referring to plans on the overhead projector and stated the item is a work session for the Planning Commission provide preliminary review, conceptually approve the site plan, identify PC Minutes May 11, 2010 pertinent issues, provide comments and direction, and forward to the Design Review Committee (DRC). The subject property is located at 33961 Doheny Park Road and has a General Plan Designation of "Quasi -Industrial" with a "Planned Community" zoning subject to Specific Plan (SP) 87-01 which sets forth GC (General Commercial) standards and land uses. This is the third revision of the project and proposes to construct a 24,000 square foot addition to the east side of the building, install a new entry canopy, install a new food service area for a total building area of 150,577 square feet. The project includes development of a four island gas station and a carwash at the rear of the property near the rail lines. The existing Ford service, sales, and office buildings would all be demolished. Vehicle access is provided from Doheny Park Road leading to 686 parking stalls at a ratio of 4.57 stalls per 1,000 exceeding the minimum code requirement. Prior to Planning Commission public hearing the Transportation Commission and DRC will review and provide comments and the decision of the Planning Commission is final unless an appeal is filed. The General Plan authorizes a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.30:1 and the project proposes a 0.20:1 FAR. The zoning code authorizes retail sales, eating and drinking establishments and auto service repair as permitted by right and the gas station and car wash both require conditional use permit approval. Mr. Taylor recommended the Planning Commission conceptually approve the site pan, provide comments and forward to the DRC. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor responding to Planning Commission questions and comments stated the City traffic engineer will require a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), the Municipal Code requires 602 parking stalls and the applicant proposes 686 for a surplus of 84 stalls, additional plans will be brought back for the Planning Commission public hearing including landscaping, lighting, elevations, and signs. Public Comments Terry Odle, 924 Dana Street, Santa Ana CA, the architect spoke in support, provided a brief project summary and is available to answer questions. Responding to Planning Commissioner questions and comments Mr. Odle stated Costco prefers the gas station near the street and far from the front door and residences, Air Quality Management District requires that gas stations be a minimum 300 feet from residences, summarized the design of the parking area by the gas station and carwash, suggested installing parking lot directional signs, can redesign and widen main parking lot drive, staff parking is on the north and south ends of the lot, focused on the primary access to improve traffic flow and eliminating cross aisles, customers usually get gas before shopping, the Laguna Niguel store is about the same building size with 780 stalls and the Tustin store is about 10,000 square feet larger, Costco performed a carwash noise study that went up to 75 dBA and suggested installing a muffler, construction would take eleven months, and he reviewed a phasing plan map on the overhead projector. Diana Salazar, 14842 Canterbury Avenue, Tustin CA representing Costco spoke in support and summarized the existing property and the acquisition purchase, the Air Quality Management District requires a Health Risk Assessment, and Costco prefers the gas station near the street but there is not enough separation from the mobilehome park. PC Minutes 4 May 11, 2010 Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments The Planning Commission considered issues to include but not be limited to.. • Project proposal; • Site Planning; • Aesthetics; • Municipal Code Requirements. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented vehicle access and parking lot circulation design would create congestion, and access to the rear of the lot adjacent to the gas station and car wash is problematic. Commissioner Mocalis suggested a significant buffer to protect the adjacent mobilehome park to the north, stated Costco installed the signal at the main entrance, the existing signal may be in the wrong location for the new project and may be better suited at the northerly drive access. Commissioner Tatarian commented the parking lot circulation around the gas station is problematic, inquired if a traffic study would be required, why the gas station is not at the front of the property, concerned with carwash noise to the mobilehome park, the main parking drive access should line up, inquired where have other Costco's build their gas stations, and if the car wash was removed could the gas station be moved near Doheny Park Road. Commissioner Neely inquired about employee parking areas, how will customers safely navigate to the gas station and car wash, and commented the property is a constrained site and difficult to develop, likes access but parking lot circulation is problematic, north access should be controlled with a stop sign, stacking in the main vehicle access aisle may be problematic, the site may be over parked, too many aisles and turns in the parking lot, should provide a dedicated collector aisle to the carwash and gas station, the main entrance area looks good, some people would only come for gas, and a signal may be necessary by the trailer park, Commissioner Kerr inquired if the new total building area is comparable to other Costco's, what is the parking for the Laguna Niguel Costco, concerned with parking lot circulation, and vehicle stacking at the gas station. Commissioner Williams concurred with his colleagues comments. Chair Cohen commented some customers just purchase gas, concurs with his colleagues that parking lot circulation is problematic, inquired about the project time schedule, and phasing. By general consensus the Planning Commission conceptually supported the site pan and directed staff to forward to the DRC with their comments. PC Minutes 5 May 11, 2010 2. CALTRANS 1-5/ORTEGA HWY. INTERCHANGE PROJECT — ALTERNATIVE #3; a work session to review the City "Aesthetics Team" recommendations to visually enhance the improvements of the 1-5/Ortega Highway Interchange Project. (Project Planner: Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Assistant Community Development Director Taylor presented the staff report stating the City formed the "Aesthetics Team" comprised of three staff, two Planning Commissioners and one DRC member to work with Caltrans to enhance the aesthetics of the 1-5 / Ortega Highway Interchange project. Caltrans approved the project, certified the EIR for Alternative #3 that includes reconfigured Del Obispo Street intersection and partial cloverleaf interchange, has completed 35% design and requested final City comments by July 1, 2010. Staff has met with Caltrans five (5) times to review the project aesthetics and has provided comments and recommendations to include but not be limited to: • Bridge • Retaining walls • Landscaping • Lighting • Sidewalks • Fencing • Colors • Materials • Utility Box Locations • Undergrounding Utilities • Remnant Parcels Mr. Taylor referred to attachments including agenda reports, minutes, project schedule, location map, plans, and a power point presentation. The project is classified as a "Major Capital Improvement" by the Municipal Code and has been reviewed by the Development Advisory Board, Transportation Commission, DRC, City Council and now the Planning Commission before final review, comments and direction by the City Council. Mr. Taylor thanked Tim Neely, Rob Williams and Bob Cardoza for their efforts. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor responding to Planning Commissioner questions and comments stated he is not aware of a City or Caltrans study for loss of sales tax, the time frame is the Aesthetic Team recommendations and commissions comments go to City Council June 1, final comments to Caltrans by July 1, final bridge design August 1, 2009, constructions starts October 2012 with completion November 2014. The Aesthetics Team will likely meet with Caltrans only one more time after June 1, 2009 to provide final City Council comments and direction. Public Comments None PC Minutes 6 May 11, 2010 Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments The Planning Commission considered issues to include but not be limited to: • Project scope; • Role of the Aesthetics team; • Caltrans position; • City Council direction. Commissioner Neely made a power point presentation consisting of thirty-two (32) slides commenting Caltrans listens but is largely uncooperative. On the west side of the freeway the southbound off -ramp will be raised four feet, has significant retaining walls making a tunnel, requires a bridge sign, the Pepper Trees would all be removed, Ortega Highway and Del Obispo would be reconfigured into a T -Intersection, and a proposed 80 foot wide access would lead into Del Taco. On the east side of the freeway the northbound on-ramp raised with significant retaining walls up to 30 feet in height by 24 -Hour Fitness, half clover leaf would remove Chevron and Denny's, the back of the Best Western Motel would be exposed with a view of orange doors, the Union 76 propane tanks and pole sign would be exposed, and all landscaping removed. Commissioner Neely also commented some sidewalks extend to nowhere, double ADA ramps provide excessive concrete, Caltrans requires a 30' landscape setback from road edge, the City controls the area outside the Caltrans ROW, the bridge sidewalk would only be 5 feet wide with an 8 foot wide shoulder, reviewed slides showing loss of significant landscape areas, no left turn from Ortega Highway into Del Taco as the intersection is too close to the off -ramp, vehicles will go down Del Obispo and make U-turns, remnant parcels at intersections are critical for landscaping opportunities, remnant parcels are awkward shapes that could lead to poor developments, the project will remove two Chevron stations, Jack in the Box, Arby's and Denny's, time is running out and Caltrans is moving forward, remnant parcel by Best West is very critical and the property owner is interested in working with the City, Caltrans will not auction remnant parcels until construction is completed, large lag time between completion and City obtaining parcels, 10 foot wide sidewalk in front of Shell Station should be reduced to 5 feet, pavers under bridge would be appropriate, Caltrans requires "suicide fences" on the bridge, recommends galvanized chain link to blend, remove 90 degree corners on fence, can get interior bridge design consideration but not exterior, San Juan Capistrano is in the Mission Rural Zone, and opposes Godzilla swallows and blue fences. Commissioner Neely commented the Aesthetics Team wish list includes simple bridge design, no lights on bridge, native landscaping similar to 1-73, galvanized chain link fencing, brown color retaining walls, landscaping should tie into Junipero Serra Road, cap metal barrier on open retaining walls. Commissioner Neely reviewed the retaining walls sectional plans on the overhead projector and stressed the loss of landscaping. Commissioner Neely responding to Planning Commission questions and comments stated Caltrans will not allow a left turn from Ortega Highway for access behind the fast food restaurants, City can do what it wants outside the Caltrans ROW, Caltrans agreed to remove double ADA ramps to provide single ramps and remove sidewalks to nowhere, PC Minutes 7 May 11, 2010 Caltrans will likely finish in 2 years to not exceed budget, the bridge will have 8 lanes 12 feet in width, Caltrans refuses to compromise on the bridge sidewalk and shoulder widths, not aware of any other Orange County City with 8 foot shoulders, suggested City should get what they can now and not delay, and Caltrans will not install pavers in their ROW unless City pays and maintains. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented the project will put Del Taco out of business, supports reducing sidewalk width by Shell and increasing sidewalk width over the bridge, commented the 8 foot shoulder on the bridge will be a "sneak lane" and supports the Aesthetics Team recommendations. Commissioner Kerr inquired if there is a study for loss of sales tax, concurs with Vice Chair Ratcliffe's comments and supports the Aesthetics Team recommendations. Commissioner Tatarian inquired if the remnant parcels are acquired can the City do what they want with them, will Caltrans complete the project in 2 years, and commented less concrete would save Caltrans money, the community will oppose the improvements as proposed by Caltrans, the project will wipe out landscaping, and the City gets very little in return. Commissioner Williams commented Caltrans had 35% design completion before inviting City comments, Caltrans not cooperative in meetings, Caltrans claims the City conceptually approved their plans, the next meeting with Caltrans is May 18th prior to final City Council review, Caltrans claims budget restrictions to not cooperate with City, and Aesthetics Team has pushed as much as possible. Commissioner Mocalis inquired if the Stonehill intersection was ever discussed, sidewalks leading to nowhere are problematic, and concurs with his colleagues comments. Chair Cohen inquired about the access to Del Taco leading behind the other fast food restaurants, time frame for City and Caltrans, nice bridge designs are on the 1-805 and 1-15 Freeways south, suggested brick pavers at intersections, inquired if the City should hold the line, commented the southbound off -ramp will be a high speed area, and concurred with the Aesthetics Team recommendations. J. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor referred to a memo identifying planning application actions and future items by the Development Advisory Board, Design Review Committee, Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Taylor responding to Planning Commissioner concerns at the last meeting on April 27, 2010 stated staff had inspected the rear parking area at the Ortega/Del Obispo Chevron station per Chair Cohen's request regarding selling used cars and directed code enforcement to issue a citation as they have previously been warned. Mr. Taylor stated staff inspected the recycling facility behind Von's on Camino Capistrano per Commissioner Williams request, stated the facility is inconsistent with approved plans and conditions, and forwarded a letter to the owner requesting they remedy. PC Minutes b May 11, 2010 Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 8:44 p.m. Approved: .. �I vo Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes U May 11, 2010