PC Minutes-2010-01-2632400 PAc4EO ADEA ANTO SAN JUAN C: APIST ANO, CA 92675 3 (943) 493-1171 (9413) 493-1C3 Fax t�ml�_.�crnpzrrrrrc�rjJr.crrcr��o c>���> A. CALL TO ORDER e MEMSERs OF THE CIT/ COiiNCIl. SAM ALI.EvATO j Fl[GFl€OdFl7iG LA9RAFREE8E dsrngdlsN[G � �� THOMAS W, HRIPAR 1776 ®AAA90001M MARK NIELSEN DR. LQNDRES US0 January 26, 2010 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Chair Cohen called the regular meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Cohen led the flag salute. C. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chair Gene Ratcliffe, Commissioner Ginny Kerr, Commissioner Tim Neely, Commissioner Bruce Tatarian, Commissioner Jim Mocalis, and Commissioner Robert Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion and one vote. There may be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. APPROVAL OF REGULARMEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 12, 2010. Chair Cohen announced the item and inquired if the Planning Commissioners had an comments or corrections. Commissioner Tatarian identified an edit on Page 6, 5X paragraph, 111h line stating the word "capping" should be replaced with "not reduce". In addition, Commissioner Neely identified an edit on Page 7, 1st paragraph, 1st line to insert the words "does not" before oppose. Motion by Commissioner Williams to approve the January 12, 2010 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by San ,Tuan C'apista-ano. Preserving the 'ast to Enhance the Future CIO P6ntOd on 106%; recycled paper Commissioner Neely. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 5-0-2 with Commissioners Kerr and Mocalis abstaining. Chair Cohen reorganized the agenda to consider the New Business item next. 1. NEW BUSINESS 1. GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION GPM 09-009 KNAPE RESIDENCE• a request for the construction of terraced retaining walls and new landscaping at an existing residence located at 27112 Highland Drive. (APN 650-512-05)(Applicant: Anthony Massaro)(Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Planning Technician). Staff Presentation and Recommendation Planning Technician Nick Taylor presented the staff report stating the applicant is requesting approval to construct a series of terraced retaining walls and new landscaping for an existing residence located at 27112 Highland Drive in the RA (Residential/Agriculture) zone district. My Taylor stated the Design Review Committee (DRC) recommended approval subject to comments that include: • Use cascading landscaping over the walls; • Secure Home Owner Association (HOA) and adjacent neighbor written approval; • Colors should be muted earth tone; • Applicant should consider using interlocking blocks. Planning Technician Nick Taylor responding to Planning Commission inquiries commented the wall is proposed to have a smooth finish to match the existing residence. Public Comments Anthony Massaro, 25333 Greenbriar Lane, Costa Mesa, is the applicant who spoke on behalf of the property owners in support of the project. Mr. Massaro commented he has the adjacent neighbors signatures, has submitted a request to the Homeowner's Association, and summarized the material and colors sample board. Planning Commissioner Questions and Comments The Planning Commission considered issues to include but not be limited to: • Municipal Code regulations and findings; • Aesthetics; • Potential Impacts on adjacent properties. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired about the finish for the wall and cap, and commented the site is isolated, the proposed wall height is acceptable, requested HOA approval, and prefers a darker wall color. Commissioner Kerr inquired about the wall finish, and commented the lighter wall color is a concern, the landscaping is sufficient, and she supports the project. Commissioner Williams commented the DRC supported interlocking block and staff can review the colors consistent with Planning Commission direction. PC Minutes 2 January 26, 2010 Commissioner Mocalis concurred with his colleagues comments. Commissioner Neely commented the wall is not readily visible from Highland Drive, does not like the lighter wall color, requested darker wall color be referred to DRC. Commissioner Tatarian commented he supports the project but HOA approval is essential. Chair Cohen supported the project and recommended the wall color and landscaping be referred to DRC for final approval. Motion by Commissioner Neely to adopt the Resolution approving Grading Plan Modification 09-009 with final wall material, color and landscape to be reviewed by the DRC, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve passed on a vote of 7-0. F. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED_ CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 06-03, REZONE (RZ) 06-06 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 07-22 ST. MARGARET'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL MASTER PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; a request for approval of development plans to expand an existing K-12 private school campus by 69,977 gross square feet (GSI=) from 157,731 to 227,708 GSF and to expand the campus acreage from 17.48 to 26.64 acres located at 31641 La Novia Avenue, and generally located along the west side of La Novia Avenue between Calle Arroyo and Rancho Viejo Road and the north side of Calle Arroyo between La Novia Avenue and Rancho Viejo Road. The master plan also includes a parcel of the southeast corner of Calle Arroyo and La Novia Avenue, and the Ortega Equestrian Center property. In addition, the project includes a Development Agreement that requires Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council. (APN 666-272-05 thru 08; 666-251-01 thru 05; 666-261-1 thru 3 & 9 thru 11; 666-232-04; 666-123-01, 02)(Applicant: St. Margaret's Episcopal School, David bush, Director of Finance & Operations)(Case Planner: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner). Commissioner Kerr recused herself for a potential conflict of interest and left the City Council Chambers. Staff Presentation and Recommendation Principal Planner Bill Ramsey presented the staff report identifying the entitlement applications, provided details of the master plan and development agreement, summarized the history of Planning Commission public hearings, and distributed a supplemental staff report to the Planning Commission. Chair Cohen called for a two minute recess to allow the Planning Commission to review the supplemental staff report. Principal Planner Bill Ramsey commented the master plan includes demolition of two buildings within the Ortega Business Center, additional vehicle access would be provided PC Minutes J January 26, 2010 through the Ortega Business Center, trip generation slightly decreases, and additional vehicle stacking capacity for drop-off and pick-up would be provided. Mr. Ramsey commented on the proposed Calle Arroyo (Ganado) parking lot stating the General Pian designates the proposed parking lot as Community Park however the parcel is private property, the lot is not needed to satisfy base code parking requirements, the parking lot would be beneficial for school special events, and the City supports the parking lot to provide parking facilities for Cook Park and the public trails as citizens currently use the Cottages Business Center. Mr. Ramsey said the development agreement would provide annual payment of mitigation fees and an increase of 40 students. Mr. Ramsey provided documents to the Planning Commission to include: • Letter from Robert Montgomery, Buie Stoddard Group; • Email from Katherine Holman; • Supplemental Agenda Staff Report. Principal Planner Bill Ramsey responding to Planning Commission questions and comments stated staff supports the Ganado parkiong lot as it provides benefits to the City, confirmed St. Margaret's proposes 412 parking stalls and the 50 stalls at the Ganado lot are not required by code, referred to the site plan on. the wall showing vehicle access points, stacking areas, and where the two-way access turns to one-way, and the temporary middle school currently causes stacking problems but build out will increase stacking capacity. Community Services Director Karen Crocker spoke in support of the Ganado parking lot as it would be substantially used by the public on weekends and in the evenings and there is limited street parking on Calle Arroyo. Karen Crocker responding to Planning Commission comments and questions stated Cook Park was built in 1984, the Cottages were built in the 1970's, if the Cottages parking lot is full street parking is limited, parking permits could be issued to residential properties in the area, enforcement of the Ganado parking lot would be similar to that of the Sports Park, Ganado could provide a staging area for equestrians and cyclists, and the City has no written agreement with the school for use of the gymnasium but verbal approval is often granted, Senior Traffic Engineer Alan Oswald responding to Planning Commission comments and questions stated the Ortega Highway access allows both right and left turns and no change is proposed, the Stoddard property wants left turns for clients, there is sufficient stacking proposed on-site, the peak traffic was analyzed in the TIA and can be mitigated, the TIA does not directly address regulating special events but a traffic management plan is required to limit special events to avoid parking conflicts, the TIA anticipates no traffic increase on Rancho Viejo Road. Traffic consultant Bill Darnell commented some vehicles will use Rancho Viejo Road but the impact is not significant, drop-off and pick-up would impact traffic in the short term, and special events are spread out from peak hours. Deputy City Attorney Diego Santana commented since there is no written shared parking agreement with the Cottages the City has no liability and there is no estoppels concerns, PC Minutes 4 January 26, 2010 Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented the Planning Commission recommendations on the Master Plan and Development Agreement will be forwarded to the City Council on February 16, 2010 and the resolution can be revised to remove the Ganado parking lot from the Master Plan. Public Comments David Bush, 31641 La Novia Avenue, San Juan Capistrano, CA is the applicant who spoke in support of the project and commented he concurs with the staff report, if there are any traffic problems the parents will complain and the school will address, they have modified the drop-off and pick-up areas to improve traffic, there are multiple vehicle access areas and sufficient stacking capacity to distribute traffic, and the school will monitor traffic. David Bush responding to Planning Commission comments and questions stated the middle school has 300 students dropped off from Ortega Highway, of the 300 at least 50 use the bus, pick-up trips are reduced due to multiple after school activities, the pre-school will not move, on the site plan identified where the middle school is and will be relocated to, and stated the school has been implementing conditions of approval. David Bush in rebuttal to public testimony stated the school is concerned with children's safety, Ganado parking lot is for employees only, Ganado would free up parking on campus, and parents are required to drop-off and pick-up on campus only. Larry Thomas, 31107 Rancho Viejo Road, SJC commented he is the President of the San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce, supports the project, and St. Margaret's continues to contribute positively to the community. Jim Reardon, 28261 Via Rueda, SJC stated he is satisfied with the revised language in mitigation measure LU -2 regarding the Ortega Equestrian Center. Linda Hall, 27565 Brockside Lane, SJC stated she lives next door to St. Margaret's, traffic on La Novia is fast, fears for children's safety, opposes the Ganado parking lot, and school parents do not obey traffic laws. Planning Commissioner Comments and Questions The Planning Commission considered application issues to include but not be limited to: • Municipal Code Requirements; • SMES Master Plan; • Environmental Review and Mitigations; • Development Agreement language; • Conditions of approval language; • Ortega Equestrian Center; • Calle Arroyo (Ganado) parking lot; • Traffic. Commissioner Williams inquired if the City had any legal exposure for residents using the Cottages parking lot for Cook Park and the trails, is the Ortega Highway driveway right turn PC Minutes 5 January 26, 2010 only, and is there an interior circulation bottleneck. Commissioner Williams commented he has concerns with the serpentine driveway off Ortega Highway, concern with potential stacking onto Ortega Highway, potential increased traffic, the Ganado parking lot is problematic as it is a parking lot in an open space area. Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired about overlapping uses that may conflict, the neighborhood area is dense, trip generation being reduced with loss of commercial buildings, and stated peak traffic is the primary concern not the total traffic, and Mitigation Measure on page 10 regarding staggered pick-up and drop-off times is problematic for parents.. Vice Chair Ratcliffe commented she is concerned with the serpentine driveway but if OCFA approves she is comfortable with it, and Ganado parking lot aesthetics in an open space area is problematic as is control and enforcement of the proposed parking lot use. Commissioner Tatarian confirmed parking at 412 for St. Margaret's and 56 for Ganado parking lot, inquired at what point in the parking lot is vehicle access one-way and vehicles cannot turn around, inquired about traffic from Rancho Viejo Road before and after build out, and inquired about the last paragraph on Page 3 of the staff report. Commissioner Tatarian commented he is concerned with traffic impacts on Ortega Highway, the City should monitor traffic counts, liked the revised language for the Ortega Equestrian Center mitigation, equestrian facilities are a resource and St. Margaret's should participate financially with relocation, firmly opposes the Ganado parking lot due to visual impacts, traffic safety, and the proximity of the creek, and the existing parking works for Cook Park and the trails. Commissioner Tatarian commented the resolution includes approval of the Ganado parking lot and it appears the Commission will not support so it should be removed. Commissioner Neely inquired about the trip generation reduction with the loss of commercial buildings, commented peak traffic is the biggest concern, suggested a two way drive access during normal hours with one way access during peak drop-off and pick-up hours, and stated he and Commissioner Tatarian met with the applicant last week on-site to review the proposal. Commissioner Neely commented he has witnessed the traffic problems on La Novia, the project improves traffic better than existing conditions, double stacking on-site should provide enough stacking capacity, the serpentine driveway rarely has vehicles making left turns onto Ortega Highway, he is comfortable with the proposed circulation improvements, the Ortega Equestrian Center relocation language has been adequately clarified, the Ganado parking lot would be for faculty use and not students during school hours, the lot would be used by residents to access Cook Park and the trails, the parking lot can be appropriate for open space area if correctly designed, and removes the parking burden on the Stoddard property. In addition, Commissioner Neely identified several late additions to include the City should reconsider trail design along San Juan Creek on La Novia, the trail leading to Ventanas should be adjacent to the creek, the trail on the backside of Ortega Equestrian Center and the Stoddard property should be improved and the trails along the creek should be connected and included on the City's master plan of trails. Commissioner Neely also commented that the testimony from Ms. Hall regarding traffic on La Novia is valid. PC Minutes 6 January 26, 2010 Commissioner Mocalis inquired about access onto Ortega Highway, asked the City Attorney if the City has the right to change vehicle access areas, and commented he is concerned with off-site impacts and concurs with comments from his colleagues. Chair Cohen inquired when Cook Park was developed, when the Cottages were developed, inquired of the City Attorney if he had any "estoppels" concerns, inquired about an agreement with St. Margaret's for use of the gymnasium, the number of students dropped off from Ortega Highway to the middle school, of the number of students dropped off from Ortega Highway how many use the bus verses private vehicles, what is the reduction of pick-up of students due to after school activities, will the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) address special events at the school, concerned with special events spilling into the residential areas and backing onto Ortega Highway, inquired if the pre-school would move, inquired about crossing guards, and stated he and Commissioner Mocalis met with the applicant on-site last week to review the proposed project. Chair Cohen commented the revised Ortega Equestrian Center language is acceptable, the serpentine drive on Ortega Highway may become the entrance of choice in the future, would like to see a parking management plan, parents will notify the school of parking traffic problems, encouraged the applicant to visit La Novia and Calle Arroyo at 7:30 a.m. to see the traffic and pedestrians crossing the street, residents use Calle Arroyo as a shortcut to Ortega Highway, the Ganado parking lot is problematic and existing parking works, the City should look at other parking options in the area, and the Ganado lot is more convenience than necessity. Motion by Commissioner Tatarian to adopt the attached resolution as amended to remove the Ganado parking lot from the Master Plan and approve the Development Agreement, seconded by Vice Chair Ratcliffe. The motion to approve as amended passed on a vote of 5-1-1 with Chair Cohen voting no and Commissioner Kerr recused. G. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS H. OLD BUSINESS None J. COMMISSION / STAFF COMMENTS Assistant Community Development Director Taylor provided a memo dated January 26, 2010 summarizing upcoming zoning and planning applications to the Development Advisory Board, Design Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council. Mr. Taylor invited Commissioners to attend DAB meetings. Commissioner Neely confirmed that the February 9, 2010 Planning Commission meeting is cancelled, and commented that he and Commissioner Williams are on the City Aesthetics Team and had met with City staff and Caltrans regarding the 1-5 / Ortega Highway Interchange project. PC Minutes 7 January 26, 2010 Vice Chair Ratcliffe inquired if the Chevron monument sign on Del Obispo is consistent with Planning Commission approval. Commissioner Mocalis commented the Ganado parking lot was previously owned by the water district in the 1970's. Chair Cohen inquired if the City easement on the Mauer property had been deeded back to Mauer and commented on Belford Drive there is a large fence on the left side at the first turn that appears to exceed the height limit and inquired if a permit had been obtained. Assistant Community Development Director Taylor commented he would follow-up on the Commissioners comments and report back. K. ADJOURNMENT Chair Cohen adjourned the meeting at 8:22 p.m. Approved! Vi UI [l I GE jI IVE, Assistant Community Development Director PC Minutes 8 January 26, 2010