PC Minutes-2011-09-1332400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 4931171 (949) 4931053 FAx wwwsanjuancapistranaoT A. CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, September 13, 2011 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m, B. PLEDGE Chairman Cohen led the. Pledge of Allegiance, C. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Sheldon Cohen, Chairman J Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Roy Nunn Jeff Parkhurst Rob Williams Commissioners Absent: Tim Neely MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Grant Taylor, Development Services Director Tram Tran, Deputy City Attorney Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None, E. CONSENT CALENDAR None. SAM ALLEVATO LAURAFREESE LARRYKRAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR Chairman Cohen proposed the meeting agenda be amended to hear the Whispering Hills Estates -Rancho San Juan item before the Forster Mansion item and the Commission San Juan Capistrano; Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future `� Pdeled o0100%recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 September 13, 2011 concurred, F. NEW BUSINESS 1, Consideration of San Juan, Phase 2; preliminary architectural & site plans, colors & materials, and fence plans for Phase 2 of the East Canyon area of Whispering Hills Estates -Rancho San Juan, a portion of a 404 -acre planned community located west of La Pata Avenue and south of Vista Montana (APN: 664.241.01 t20:251-02-08; 252.01 N2; 253.01 to 36:254-01 to 23; and 255.01 to 42) (Applicant: Woodbridge Homes) (Project Manager; William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner). Bill Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner made the staff presentation noting that the proposed project had been through several Design Review Committee (DRC) worksessions and the applicant had responded to the staff and DRC issues and staff recommended approval of the project plans as submitted. Commission discussion The Commission stated that the applicant had satisfactorily addressed also issues raised by the Design Review Committee and the project was well-designed. The, applicant was requested by the Commission not to "value -engineer" the architectural details so that the finished project would lose the detailing and architectural quality reflected in the elevations and design plans, Planning Commission Action Commissioner Rob Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ginny Kerr for staff recommendation and the motion passed by a 6-0 vote. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, and Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst, Gene Ratcliffe and Rob Williams. NOES: None, ABSTAIN; None. G, PUBLIC HEARINGS 1, Consideration of Potential Revocation or Modification of Conditional 08-011, Forster Mansion Exclusive Events; the Planning Commission will consider a range of actions from modification to the existing conditions and/or site plan up to and including potential revocation of CUP 08.011, a wedding and special events facility on a Commercial" General Plan land use designation and a "Sector A-1, Commercial" Zoning designation under Comprehensive Development Plan 78.01, Ortega Planned lanned Community (CDP 78.01), as a result of ongoing notices of violation and administrative citations that have been issued by the City for the operator's violations of the City's Code, (Operator: Arpi Evans) (Project Manager: Teri Nigro), Teri Delcamp, Historic PC Meetina Minutes 3 September 13, 2011 Preservation Manager, made the staff presentation and provided an extensive background on the project and the Code violations, She noted that the CUP revocation/modification hearing was the result of prior and/or on-going violations of the following conditions of approval established by the City for the operation of the conditional use: a. Condition 2: Compliance with Other Applicable Federal, State, County or City Regulations or Requirements. b. Condition 8: Use Shall Conform with San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Regarding Noise, Odor, Dust, Waste, Vibration, Traffic Safety or Public Nuisances, c, Condition 14: Landscape Screen. d. Condition 15: Historical Depiction Program, e, Condition 16: Irrigation Audit. f. Condition 20: Sanitation, g, Condition 22: Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), h. Condition No. 24: Hours of Operation, i. Condition 25: Noise, j. Condition No, 27: Parking Management, Ms, Delcamp recommended that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, accept public oral and written testimony, and close the public hearing. Ms, Delcamp also recommended that the Planning Commission by motion, adopt a resolution revoking CUP 08.011, pursuant to specific findings, and declare CUP 08-011 to be null and void and no longer in force or effect immediately upon the expiration of the 15 -day appeal period. Mr. Taylor also noted to the Commission that there have been several attempts by staff to work with Ms. Evans to comply with all conditions of approval and to correct all violations. As recently as July of 2011, staff sent Ms, Evans a letter concerning all the outstanding issues that needed to be resolved, , Public Hearing Arpi Evans, the operator of Forster Mansion Exclusive Events, spoke in opposition to the revocation of the CUP based on several considerations including the fact that the project site and surrounding area are regulated by a commercial zoning designation and have a commercial character. She provided packets of information to the Commission in support of the use, including ABC documents, a 1995 City Council resolution regarding commercial zoning of the area, and noise monitoring reports, The following persons spoke in opposition to the revocation or expressed a neutral position on potential revocation/modification: Buck McClain (la Jolla, California), Peter Evans. PC Meeting Minutes 4 September 13, 2011 Shannon Harshman, who submitted and read a letter from Best Western manager Rito Armenta into the record. The following persons spoke in favor of revocation of the Conditional use permit (CUP); Helen Day, Clint Worthington, Benjamin Benumof, Esq. (Attorney for the Greniers), Barbara Cole, Robert Hansen. Commission Questions In an effort to better understand the nature of the operational impacts of the Forster Mansion Exclusive Events on the adjoining residential uses, the Commission requested Pierre Grenier if he could respond to questions by the Commission, Commissioners asked Mr. Grenier questions related to his experiences residing next to the Forster Mansion Exclusive Events and the impact of that use on his property. Chair Cohen provided Ms. Evans with a short rebuttal opportunity. The Commission took a five minute recess in order to review the information provided in Ms. Evans packet, Maryanne Charis, owner of the Forster Mansion, stated for the record, in response to Commission discussion and questions, that she did not intend her letter refusing to allow building permits to prevent Ms, Evans from erecting temporary sound blankets. Ms, Charis clarified that her objection was to permanent block walls, Commission Comments a. The Commission needs to undertake a comprehensive examination of the recent history of the operation of the Forster Mansion Exclusive Events; consider the public comments from residents of the Season Senior Apartments; and the "poor" record of Code violations compiled over the past few years, b. The Forster Mansion property is a "good fit" for a special event use and could work if all conditions of approval are met by the operator. However, the established pattern of ongoing and recurrent violations is the issue. c. The sheer number of violations and the fact that there have been continuing violations of the Code and conditions of approval make continuation of the conditional use problematic and difficult to support, d. The number and nature of the violations; the noise impacts and ABC license violations; and the Sheriff's Reports on violations are, taken together, compelling evidence, e. Concern regarding the September, 2011, report included in the agenda packet, which showed that the operator has continued to violate the conditions of approval, PC Meeting Minutes 5 September 13, 2011 f, More than one family is being affected as evidenced by the letters and attendance at the hearing by residents of the Season's Senior Apartments (one of whom testified that she co -wrote the opposition letter and obtained other senior's signatures), g. But for the noise impacts, the other complaints would probably not result in a code enforcement issue resulting in consideration of possible revocation of the conditional use permit, The close proximity of the Forster Mansion Exclusive Events to the Seasons Apartments and the Grenier residence, even though located in a commercial zone, make noise impacts difficult to manage, This is complicated by the fee owner's refusal to authorize a building permit for the installation of noise attenuation, Planning Commission Action Commissioner Ginny Kerr made a motion for staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Roy Nunn and the motion passed by a 5.1 vote, AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, and Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Gene Ratcliffe, NOES: Rob Williams, ABSTAIN: None. H. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. I, STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS The Commission requested staff to agendize an item for an upcoming Planning Commission meeting providing for designating Jeff Parkhurst as a Planning Commissioner representative to the Design Review Committee and designating Tim Neely as an alternate member, J. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Cohen adjourned at 8:25 p,m, to the next regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, August 2, 2011, at 6:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, William A, Ramsey, A Planning Commission