PC Minutes-2011-08-0932400 PASEO ADELANTO % MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 /%; LEVATO (949) 493-1171 /�fi LAURA FREES (949) 493-1053 FAx ® }y IAfOAPRWREEA LARRYKRAME ES1R1tISWEW I IA6I LARRY KRAMER www.sanjuancapistrano.org ir76 DEREK REEVE ® ® JOHN TAYLOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, August 9, 2011 A. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Ratcliffe at 6:30 p.m. B. PLEDGE Acting Chair Ratcliffe led the Pledge of Allegiance. C. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Roy Nunn Tim Neely Jeff Parkhurst Rob Williams Sheldon Cohen (excused) Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Grant Taylor, Development Services Director Tram Tran, Deputy City Attorney Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager David Contreras, Senior Planner D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. E. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of July 26, 2011: By motion duly -made and seconded, the Commission approved the subject minutes as submitted by a 6-0 vote. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future t, Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 August 9, 2011 F. PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Consideration of Architectural Control (AC) 11-006 (Modification to AC 05-05), Saddleback Valley Christian School (SVCS) Master Plan; a request for approval of Master Plan Phases 2 and 3 for an Existing Private School with Phase 2 consisting of a two-story, 21,050 square foot classroom building and a future Phase 3 consisting of a 14,000 square foot gymnasium on an existing 6.13 acre site located at the northwest corner of Camino Capistrano and Oso Road. (Assessor Parcel Numbers: 121-070-55,56)(Applicant: J7 Architecture Incorporated) (Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director). Grant Taylor, Development Services Director reviewed the project issues and the August 4 Design Review Committee's review of the trail details. He stated that Saddleback Valley Christian School (SVCS) requests approval to complete the phased development plan for the construction of permanent, one-story and two-story buildings to replace the existing modular buildings. The site development includes the following previously constructed Phase 1 and presently proposed Phase 2 and Phase 3 improvements: a. Phase 1 has been completed and consists of a two-story, 39,100 square foot building with varied height of 30'-35' for multi-purpose and classroom uses, and installation of an 8,000 square foot temporary structure for chapel and gymnasium purposes. b. Phase 2 proposes construction of a 30' high, two-story, 21,050 square foot classroom building and installation of interim multi -use recreational trail. c. Phase 3 proposes construction of a 32' high, single -story, 14,000 square foot gymnasium, and removal of the remaining temporary structures. Mr. Taylor noted that the remainder of the site consists of a non -illuminated athletic fields to the north and hard surface playground and eating areas located internal to the site. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, receive public testimony, close the public hearing and adopt a resolution conditionally approving Architectural Control (AC) 11-06. Public Hearing Acting Chairman Ratcliffe opened the public hearing. Terry Jacobsen, the project architect, made a brief presentation and covered the design changes in response to the Commission's July 26 comments. No members of the public in attendance provided public testimony. Commission Comments The Planning Commission made the following comments: • The design of the trail should be consistent with the Orange County Trail Standards as specified by the conditions of approval. The proposal to cover the trail with 2 inches of mulch and allow a 13% grade at the northeast corner of the project site may be inconsistent with those standards. PC Meeting Minutes 3 August 9, 2011 • The revisions made since the July 26 appear to sufficiently address the issues raised by the Planning Commission on July 26. • The applicant has been responsive to the issues raised by the Commission at the prior hearings and the slope erosion issue -along the edge of trail at the top of slope appears has been effectively remedied. • The plan revision depicting the 20'-0" wide trail reserve area along the west edge of the site at the top of slope shows that a potential permanent trail could be accommodated with relatively minor improvements to the project site. • The Commission stated that the dates in the conditions of approval should be amended by the City Council as Council deems appropriate. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 11 -08-09-01, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC)11-06, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CONDITIONALLY APPROVING MASTER PLAN PHASES 2 AND 3 FOR SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ON AN EXISTING APPROXIMATELY 6.13 ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 26333 OSO ROAD AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CAMINO CAPISTRANO AND OSO ROAD (APN 121- 070-55, 56, & 57). Commissioner Kerr made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nunn to adopt a resolution conditionally approving the proposed project and providing for staff to conduct a 6 -month inspection of the interim trail improvements and provide the Commission with a report on the status and functioning of that trail. The motion passed by a 5-1 vote (Neely opposed). AYES: Acting Chairman Gene Ratcliffe and Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Tim Neely, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Rob Williams NOES: Commissioner Neely ABSTAIN: None G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None H. NEW BUSINESS 1. Historic Los Rios Street Circulation Study Concept Plan; a request for review of the recommended concept plan for future streetscape improvements to Los Rios Street between Del Obispo Street and Mission Street located within the Los Rios Street National Register Historic District and Los Rios Specific Plan area (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano) (Project Manager: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager). Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager, explained that the City has partnered with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) under its Compass Blueprint Demonstration program, which aims to promote sustainable planning PC Meetinq Minutes 4 Auqust 9, 2011 practices in the region, to further the Los Rios Specific Plan Circulation Element. The Los Rios Specific Plan, approved by the City Council in 1978 and comprehensively updated in 1999, is designed to keep the historic integrity of the area intact while allowing for accessory commercial uses in the historic residential district and some growth and development in the overall area. She noted that SCAG had retained MIG, a land use planning and design consulting firm, to work with the City to develop a conceptual plan for the final phase circulation enhancements to Los Rios Street including landscaping, street furniture, signage, pedestrian enhancements and street lighting. MIG made a Powerpoint presentation to the Commission reviewing the "recommended concept plan." Staff recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a work session review and provide comments on the "recommended concept plan" for future streetscape improvements to Los Rios Street. Public Comment Acting Chairman Ratcliffe opened the public meeting for public comment' and no members of the public in attendance provided public testimony. Commission Comments The Planning Commission made the following comments on the proposed project: • The public participation process has been well-conducted and resulted in the development of an effective conceptual plan. • The recommended concept plan is a "great" project that will enhance the overall Los Rios National Register Historic District. • The recommended concept plan is sensitive and responsive to the needs of the District's residents. • The development of a linear park feature on the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) property at the north end of the street adjoining the railroad is a positive attribute that will contribute to the visual enhancement of the streetscape. • The ultimate landscape improvements to the district need to create a natural and native appearance and trees should not be over -planted in an attempt to create an immediate visual impact. Trees need to be provided with suitable spacing to assure that their full -growth canopies to do not infringe on each other. • Implementation of improvements should seek to enhance and build on the District's sense of "timelessness." With no further Commission comments, Acting Chairman Ratcliffe closed the public worksession. 2. Worksession on Architectural Control (AC) 10-031, Tuttle -Click Capistrano Ford; a request for a work session review of preliminary design plans for a remodel/addition to the Capistrano Ford dealership building located on 5.24 acres, specifically located at 33301 Camino Capistrano (APN 668-121-11 & 14) (Applicant: Tuttle -Click Automotive, Ed Yashar) (Project Manager: David Contreras, Senior Planner). David Contreras, Senior Planner made the staff presentation and advised the Commission PC Meeting Minutes 5 August 9, 2011 that the project consists of the complete remodel of the existing building on-site by adding a second floor and adding additional square footage to the side and rear elevations. Mr. Contreras provided verbal comments from the August 4, 2011 Design Review Committee meeting. The applicant also proposes to grade the rear portion of the property and construct a terraced parking lot which will be used to store the dealership's vehicles. The proposed project also includes a 46-10" tower element that would "house" three cellular wireless carriers (Verizon, T -Mobile, and Sprint/Nextel). Staff recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a worksession and provide review comments on the applicant's proposed project plans. Robert Bollin made a PowerPoint presentation to the commission describing on detail the proposed building architecture, access, grading -and operation of the proposed dealership improvements. Commission Comments The Planning Commission made the following comments: • The applicant was encouraged to follow the Design Review Committee's direction as to the project design, especially building architecture in order to have an acceptable project. • Proposed landscaping along the property lines appears rather "thin" and needs to be significantly supplemented. • The "Porte cochere" for the service area is too tall on relation to the building height. • The proposed architectural design is "boxy, modern and disproportionate" and appears awkward and incomplete. While traditional and contemporary design approaches can be acceptable, there needs to be continuity in the design theme. The proposed building appears to have been designed and constructed during different time periods. • The proposed tower element is out -of -scale with the rest of the building. The applicant noted that the height had been reduced from 46-10" to 38'-6" so that it would be within the administrative discretion of a 10% minor modification pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code. • The proposed "Ford" logo on the tower element is unnecessary and needs to be removed. Staff noted that building -mounted signs cannot exceed a height of 25'- 0" and the proposed tower element appeared to be a "vehicle" for the proposed signage and cell towers. • With appropriate color -treatment and landscaping, the proposed retaining walls can be effectively integrated into the overall site design. • The proposed light color for the building walls draws attention to the structure and a darker color tone would be more appropriate. • The south (left) end of the front building elevation is "boxy & geometric" and not cohesive with respect to the main building elevation which appears the designer is seeking to create a Spanish colonial architectural appearance. • The City's Nifty -Fifty plant guide provides a broad palette and the designer PC Meeting Minutes 6 August 9, 2011 needs to be selective in choosing appropriate plants for the project. With no further comments, Acting Chairman Ratcliffe closed the worksession. I. STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Grant Taylor and Bill Ramsey briefed the Commission on upcoming projects of interest. The Planning Commission advised staff that the Ganado Parking lot (St. Margaret's Episcopal School) appeared to remain closed and inaccessible for public use as required by the shared parking agreement. Staff responded that they would investigate the issue and report back to the Commission. J. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, Acting Chairman Ratcliffe adjourned at 9:12 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, August 2, 2011, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Secretary