PC Minutes-2011-07-1232400 PASE0 ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAS STRANO, CA2,175 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org 3 10(@NH@A@Tk 1776 0 M PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 12, 2011 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cohen at 6:30 p.m. B. PLEDGE Chairman Cohen led the Pledge of Allegiance. C. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair Ginny Kerr Roy Nunn Tim Neely Jeff Parkhurst Rob Williams none Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Grant Taylor, Development Services Director Tram Tran, Deputy City Attorney Nick Taylor, Associate Planner None. SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE LARRY KRAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR 1. Minutes of June 14, 2011: By motion duly -made and seconded, the Commission approved the subject minutes with revisions by a 6-0-1 vote (Nunn abstained). San Juan Capistrano Preserving the Past to Enhance the Futur(� Printed on 100% recycled paper PC Meetinq Minutes 2 July 12, 2011 2. Minutes of June 28, 2011: By motion duly -made and seconded, the Commission approved the subject minutes with revisions by a 6-0-1 vote (Cohen abstained). 3. Appeal of the Development Services Department's Plan Check Approval of a Tenant Improvement for a "Convenience Store"; within the General Commercial Zone District Located at 32252 Camino Capistrano (APN: 668-453-16) (Appellant: Dan Friess) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation Nick Taylor, Associate Planner made a brief presentation and explained to the Commission that staff had prepared the resolution to reflect the action and direction of the Commission at the prior meeting at which time the Commission approved the appeal. Commission Discussion Commissioners Williams, Neely and Parkhurst stated that while they discussed the issue of the parking standard, they did not recall specifically including a determination in their motion at the prior meeting. Mr. Ramsey stated that, based on the discussion of the commission and the comments of the appellant, staff had inferred that the intent of the Commission was to provide a determination on the parking standards. A general discussion ensued on the draft resolution and Chairman Cohen suggested the Commission take a 5 -minute recess so that Deputy City Attorney Tran could assist Commissioner Williams with crafting a motion for Commission consideration. The Commission recessed for 5 -minutes and then re- convened. Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve Resolution 11-06-28-03 subject to the following revisions: • Replace the term "convenience store" with "property' in the long title. • Under finding #1, delete the term "convenience store" and after the word "use" in the first line, insert the term "of the property." • Delete finding #2 in its entirety. • In the last line of the Commission action, delete 7 space" so the text reads, "...and requires the property owner to resolve the current parking deficiency." Chairman Cohen called the question and the motion to conditionally approve the language of the resolution passed by a 3-0 vote of those Commissioners who adopted a resolution of approval at the prior June 28 meeting. F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PC Meeting Minutes 3 July 12 2011 G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. I m tmkTITA Chairman Sheldon Cohen advised the Commission that he represented the interests of the next applicant, recused himself and left the City Council chambers. Sign Permit (SP) 11-016, Orange Coast Chrysler; a request for approval of a new sign program for an auto dealer with an existing building situated in the Commercial Manufacturing Zone District and General Plan -designated 4.1 Quasi -Industrial, located at 32881 Camino Capistrano and generally located on the west side of Camino Capistrano north of Avenida Aeropuerto (APN: 668-291-13) (Applicant: Roy Courtney) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner). Staff presentation & recommendation Nick Taylor, Associate Planner stated that OC Chrysler, the applicant, was seeking approval of a new Sign Program to allow a new 25 foot tall, 60 square foot monument sign and 6 building mounted signs totaling 80 square feet. He stated that the signs had been installed under a Temporary Use Permit at the applicant's risk of having to make any modifications as a result of the Planning Commission review process. Mr. Taylor recommended that the Commission adopt a resolution conditionally -approving the proposed Sign Program for Orange Coast Chrysler subject to Design Review Committee -recommended design revisions. Applicant presentation John Gray of OC Chrysler stated that he had extremely limited discretion with respect to the monument sign and as a dealership owner, was required to comply with the design requirements of Chrysler's corporate office. He provided a lengthy explanation of Chrysler's process for establishing product branding for each line of autos and asked that the Commission not undo that effort. Commission Questions Commissioner Williams asked of building permits had been issued and Mr. Grant Taylor responded that they had not and that the sign permit issued by the Development Services Department contained the condition requiring the applicant to secure building permits and a follow-up e-mail to the applicant stated that building permit must be secured prior to beginning construction. Commissioner Kerr asked for clarification on the Design Review Committee (DRC)'s recommendation and Commissioner Neely stated that the intent was to make the Chrysler monument sign consistent with the other dealership signs by making the Chrysler portion of the sign larger and extending the wings beyond the edges of the sign. PC Meeting Minutes 4 July 12, 2011 Commissioner Parkhurst stated that he did not think that "Ram" was a separate brand that required its own sign and that the design was not compatible with the other dealership's monument signs. He expressed concern over the fact the signs were installed without building permits. He stated that the building -mounted signs were acceptable as designed and installed. Commissioner Nunn reviewed the history of auto dealership signs based on his knowledge from his lengthy tenure in the City and service on the Design Review Commission in the late 1980s and early 1990s noting that until fairly recently, auto dealership monument signs could not exceed 6 -feet in height. In the late 1990s, the City amended the Title 9, Land Use Code to allow such signs up to a maximum height of 25 -feet. He expressed concern that the multiple brands would create a billboard appearance which was not the intent of the Code. He stated that he supports the DRC recommendation to create a more visually -dominant sign element for Chrysler. Public Comment Acting Chairman Ratcliffe opened the floor for public comment. E. J. Constantine stated that while he did not know the applicant, had no professional association with him nor prior knowledge of this item, he had extensive experience in the auto industry and understood product development and marketing. He stressed the importance of differentiation in branding and expressed support for the Sign Program. Commission Discussion Commissioner Neely asked the applicant if the purpose of the monument sign was to give all four brands equal consideration with respect to signage. He noted that the building -mounted signs included those for each of the four brands (Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Ram) and John Gray replied that was correct and that the showroom is essentially divided into four quadrants to accommodate displays of all four brands. Commissioner Kerr stated that the applicant needs to secure a building permit as soon as possible to avoid potential liability and Mr. Grant Taylor advised that a Notice of Violation had been issued. Kerr requested the applicant be required to submit proof of compliance with California Building Code (CBC) standards. The sign contractor stated that he wasn't aware of what had occurred but he would investigate and assure that all permits are secured as required. Commissioner Ratcliffe stated that building -mounted signs are acceptable as proposed but would prefer consistency in the color and design. She expressed the opinion that the monument sign was "visually -busy" and inconsistent with the design of the other auto dealerships. Commissioner Williams noted that the DRC was attempting to increase the size of the Chrysler portion of the monument sign and although unusual, typically a change PC Meetina Minutes 5 Julv 12 viewed as beneficial by businesses. He stated that he would like to see the DRC, the applicant and Chrysler corporate come up with a solution for the design of the Chrysler component of the sign. Commissioner Nunn asked whether the City might see additional auto brands in the future which would result in the monument sign expanding. He expressed support for further DRC review as proposed by Commissioner Williams. Commissioner Neely questioned how productive additional DRC review would be in the event the corporate office won't "budge" on the design of the Chrysler component. He asked Mr. Taylor if the City had latitude to increase the sign size beyond the code -mandated 60 square feet (SF) maximum and Mr. Taylor responded that the Commission could in the context of the Sign Program. Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 11-07-12-01, SIGN PERMIT (SP)11-016, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CALIFORNIA APPROVING A SIGN PROGRAM FOR ORANGE COAST CHRYSLER LOCATED AT 32881 CAMINO CAPISTRANO (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 668-291-13 (ORANGE COAST CHRYSLER). Commissioner Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nunn, to adopt a resolution conditionally approving the proposed project subject to an additional condition that the monument sign component of the Sign Program be subject to final DRC review and approval of the "Chrysler sign" element and that the sign be enlarged or relocated to a lower position on the monument sign. The motion passed by a 6-0 vote. AYES: Acting -Chairman Gene Ratcliffe and Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Tim Neely, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Rob Williams. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Chairman Cohen returned to the chambers and chairman's seat on the dais. Architectural Control (AC) 11-006 (Modification to AC 05-05). Saddleback Valle Christian School (SVCS); a request for approval of a Master Plan for Phases 2 and 3 of an Existing Private School with Phase 2 consisting of a two-story, 21,050 square foot classroom building and a future Phase 3 consisting of a 14,000 square foot gymnasium to be constructed when funding becomes available on an existing property of approximately 6.13 acres (Assessor Parcel Numbers: 121-070-55 56)(Applicant: J7 Architecture Incorporated) (Project Manager: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director). PC Meeting Minutes 6 July 12, 2011 Staff presentation & recommendation Grant Taylor, Development Services Director made the staff presentation and advised the Commission that Saddleback Valley Christian School requests approval to complete the phased development plan for the construction of permanent, one- story and two-story buildings to replace the existing modular buildings. He noted that the site development includes the following previously approved Phase 1 has been constructed and consists of a two-story, 39,100 square foot classroom building and an 8,000 square foot temporary structure for chapel and gymnasium purposes. Proposed Phases 2 and 3 include the following elements: Phase 2 proposes construction of a 30' high, two-story, 21,050 square foot classroom building. Phase 3 proposes construction of a 32' high, single -story, 14,000 square foot gymnasium, and removal of the remaining temporary structures. Mr. Taylor stated that the remainder of the site consists of a non -illuminated athletic field to the north and hard surface playground and eating areas located internal to the site. The existing perimeter landscaping and paved parking lots and access drives will remain with additional landscaping and parking area proposed with a total of 113 stalls provided. Mr. Taylor stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission conduct a work session review of the project plans and recommended conditions, accept public testimony, provide comments, and continue the item to a public hearing scheduled for the July 26, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. Commission Questions Commissioner Kerr asked staff that if the applicant's preferred trail alignment alternative is the mid -slope bench trail, is that alignment feasible? Mr. Taylor responded that if SVCS could secure the required Resource Agency permits, the alignment would be feasible. Commissioner Parkhurst asked staff that if the permanent trail alignment were established at the top of slope adjoining the campus, can a continuous 20'-0" wide trail be accommodated. Mr. Taylor responded that much of a General Plan -trail could be accommodated however, due to existing improvements, several 10'-0" section would likely be necessary. Applicant Presentation Terry Jacobson, the project architect representing the applicant, stated that the school was committed to constructing the interim trail alignment and working with the City to find a solution for the permanent trail alignment. He noted that the existing mid -slope, bench trail was an excellent location for the permanent trail but required both permits from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and California Department of Fish & Game as well as extensive repair/restoration. PC Meeting Minutes 7 July 12, 2011 Public Comment Chairman Cohen opened the floor for public comment. There was no response and the public comment period was closed. Commission Discussion Commissioner Neely asked the applicant or staff to explain "levee reserve" as noted on the project plans and would that allow the permanent trail to be constructed at the top of slope? Mr. Taylor responded that the intent was to provide an alternative location for the permanent trail in the event SVCS was unable to secure the necessary Resource Agency permits to maintain the mid -slope, bench trail. Commissioner Neely noted that the agenda report indicates the existing rip -rap at the base of the slope along Trabuco Creek would have to be removed and Terry Jacobson clarified that the Settlement Agreement required that the fill and rip -rap at the "north point" and the "west point" would need to be removed and effect only a portion of the existing trail alignment. Commissioner Neely asked how the long-term, permanent trail, if situated on the existing mid -slope, bench, secure protection from future floods and Terry Jacobson responded that he would need to have the project engineers respond to that issue at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Kerr stated that the repair of the existing permanent mid -slope bench trail would require extensive grading and geotechnical work and questioned the cost feasibility to which Terry Jacobson replied that SVCS was willing to undertake that expense and effort so as to preserve the athletic fields on the campus. She stated that the proposed interim trail needs to be treated as the potential future permanent trail. Commissioner Kerr stated that the existing 8 -foot fence metal poles (now used to support chainlink) to be used in the interim for the equestrian lodge -pole fence represent a safety hazard for equestrians and bikers. She stated that the "mulch" needs to be a fine -grade and that irrigation needs to be directed away from the trail. Commissioner Neely stated that he concurred with Commissioner Kerr and added that the interim trail should not discharge drainage down the slope into Trabuco Creek. He expressed concern that the trail connection at the northeast corner of the campus and the existing Trabuco Creek trail was too steep and that mulch could not be maintained. He advised that the design of this area needed further attention to detail. Chairman Cohen stated that the City needs to condition the completion of the interim trail improvement to a date -certain, not to the issuance of permits which could result in an inordinate delay of construction. He asked Terry Jacobson to assure that the project civil engineer and other design "experts" attended the public hearing on July 26 to respond to Planning Commission questions. PC Meeting Minutes 8 July 12, 2011 With no further Planning Commission comment, Chairman Cohen closed the worksession and continued consideration of the project to the July 26 meeting. I. STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Grant Taylor, Development Services Director briefed the Planning Commission on upcoming major projects of interest. Commissioner Kerr asked staff to check into the timing of availability of access to St. Margaret's Episcopal School's Ganado parking lot. Commissioner Cohen stated that Red -line Sports located in the Aeropuerto Industrial Park was continuing to conduct sports drills in the parking lot in violation of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Commissioner Kerr advised staff that the landscaping at the east well sites in Cook Park was in extremely poor condition and needed attention. J. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Cohen adjourned at 8:40 p.m. p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, July 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, 1.' William A. Ramsey, AICP, Priryeipallanner Planning Commission Secret ry