PC Minutes-2014-07-14MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL A. ORGANIZATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTiON MiNUTES July 14, 2014 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE: The Chairman led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Tim Neely, Vice-chairman Evan Chaffee Roy Nunn Commissioners Absent: I an Gardiner Staff Present: Charlie View, Development Services Director David Contreras, Senior Planner Han Van Ugten, City Attorney B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None C. CONSENT CALENDAR: None. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. on 100% SAM ALLEVA TO L. BYRNES, LARRY KRAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR Adjourned PC Action Minutes 2 July 14. 2014 E. NEW BUSINESS: None. F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Consideration of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 14-002 to Establish the Historic Town Center Designation and Classification in the land Use Element including Residential Densities and Non-Residential Intensities and Code Amendment (CA) 14-005 for the Historic Tov1n Center Form Based Code to Allo"A' Single Family Residential as a Permitted Use (Project Manager: Charlie View, Development Services Director). Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 14-07-14-01, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT AND OFFICIAL LAND USE MAP OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO GENERAL PLAN TO ESTABLISH THE "HISTORIC TOWN CENTER" LAND USE DESIGNATION AND CLASSIFICATION, INCLUDING MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES AND NON-RESIDENTIAL INTENSITIES. Commissioner Chaffee made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nunn, to adopt a resolution recommending City Council approval of the General Plan Amendment; and requested that the City Council consider amending the Development Capacity Matrix (Table LU-4) to include an "up to maximum density" for the Historic Town Center (TC) District. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Tim Neely, Roy Nunn and Evan Chaffee. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 14-07-14-02, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DENIAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 9-3.316 (HISTORIC TOWN CENTER FORM BASED CODE) OF ARTICLE 3 OF CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 9 (lAND USE CODE) TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE HISTORIC TOWN CENTER. Adjourned PC Action Minutes 3 July 14, 2014 Commissioner Neely made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Chaffee, to adopt a resolution recommending City Council denial of the Code Amendment; and requested that the City Council consider assigning an Ad-hoc Committee to review the parking standards in the Form Based Code and to conduct a detailed review of the Historic Town Center park buffer. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Tim Neely, Roy Nunn and Evan Chaffee. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None G. STAFF & COMMISSION COMMENTS Mr. View briefed the Planning Commission on the items scheduled for the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, and the upcoming Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. H. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned at 8:05p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, July 22, 2014, at 6:30pm in the Council Chambers. C aries View, Development Service Director Planning Commission Secretary