PC Minutes-2015-09-08MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8,2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING A.ORGANIZATION: 1.CALL TO ORDER: The Planning Commission Secretary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present:Sheldon Cohen,Chair Rob Williams,Vice-chair Lennie DeCaro Thomas Nelson Stephen Rice Mark Speros Commissioners Absent:Ted Shown Staff Present:Sergio Klotz,Acting Development Services Director Laura Stokes,Housing Coordinator/Assistant Planner HongDao Nguyen,Deputy City Attorney George Alvarez, City Engineer/Traffic Engineer 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Chair led the Pledge of Allegiance. Agendaitemsare presented in the originally agendized format forthe benefit ofthe minutes'reader,but were not necessarily heard in that order. B.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:Mr. Clint Worthington,City resident. C.CONSENT CALENDAR: 1.Approvedthe revised Draft August 11,2015,Meeting Minutes.Approved by a 4-0 vote (Commissioners De Caro and Rice abstained). 2.Continued Consideration of Architectural Control (AC)14-030,K-9 City; a new 2,276 square foot outdoor dog training area at a Commercial Kennel located at 32961 Calle Perfecto,Tenant Space 32967 (Assessor Parcel Number 668-431-08)(Applicant:K-9 City,Paul Yevilov c/o PRS Group,Phillip Schwartze)(Project Manager: Laura Stokes,Housing Coordinator/Assistant PC Action Minutes 2 September 8.2015 Planner). Laura Stokes,Housing Coordinator/Assistant Planner made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Adoption of Motion Vice-Chair Williams made a motion,seconded by Commissioner Speros recommending approval of K-9 City's exterior modifications as presented through AC14-030.The motion passed by a 6-0 vote. AYES:Chair Cohen,Vice-Chair Williams,Commissioners DeCaro, Nelson,Rice and Speros. NOES:None ABSTAIN:None D.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1.Consideration of Approval of Recommendation to City Council of Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Interstate 5/La Novia Avenue and Valle Road Intersection Improvements and General Plan Consistency Finding (Project Manager:George Alvarez,Contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer). George Alvarez made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Adoption of Motion PC RESOLUTION NO.15-09-08-02.INTERSTATE 5/LA NOVIA AVENUEA/ALLE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO.CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVALTO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT AT THE INTERSTATE 5/ LA NOVIA AVENUE/VALLE ROAD INTERSECTION (ROUNDABOUT)IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN. Vice-Chair Williams made a motion,seconded by Commissioner Speros to recommend to City Council to Adopt the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Interstate 5/La Novia and Valle Road Intersection Improvements and that is consistent with the City's General Plan with the following concerns and request further design refinement: •Concern with roundabout design relative to potential vehicular conflicts PC Action Minutes 3 September 8,2015 Introducing dedicated bike lane Stacking on Freeway off-ramp Transition from double lanes on freeway off-ramp to single lane Double lanes rather than single lane roundabout Dedicated lane on/off freeway Signage identifying cyclist sharing of the road exiting the freeway and in the roadway The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES:Chair Cohen,Vice-Chair Williams,Commissioners Decaro, Rice and Speros. NOES:None ABSTAIN:Nelson E.NEW BUSINESS: None. F.PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. G.INFORMATION ITEM: H.COMMISSION/STAFF DISCUSSION: I.ADJOURNMENT: At 7:05 p.m.,there being no further business,the Chair adjourned to Tuesday, September 22,2015,at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved on October 13,2015. Sergio Kfotz,Acting,Acting Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary