PC Minutes-2017-04-25MINUTES April 25, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION A. ORGANIZATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Mark Speros, Chair Marc Franz Barrett Steele Rob Williams, Vice -Chair Commissioners Absent: Tim Neely Staff Present: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Elizabeth Hull, Deputy City Attorney David Contreras, Senior Planner Mathew Evans, Contract Planner 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Speros led the Pledge of Allegiance. B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. C. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. Draft March 28, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes for only Item F2. Approved as presented by a 3-0-1 vote with Commissioner Williams abstaining. 2. Draft April 11, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes. Approved as presented by a 4-0 vote. PC Action Minutes 2 April 25, 2017 Continued Consideration of Sign Permit Program (SP) 17-003; review of a revised Temporary Real Estate Sign and Banner Program for the Pacifica San Juan development, generally located between the intersection of Camino Las Ramblas at Avenida California and Vista Marina at Valle Road west of Interstate 5, south and east of McCracken Hill, south of the San Juan Meadows project, and west of the Lomas San Juan neighborhood (Applicant: Matthew Land, Taylor -Morrison Homes.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 675- 081-17 through -21, 23; 675-085-01 through -48; 675-351-17; 675-411-1 through -75; 675-421- 01 through -19; 675-431-01 through -39; 675-441-01 through -03; 675- 442-01 through -07; 675-443-01 through -03; 675-444-01 through -25; 675-451-01 through -31; 675-461-01 through -52; and 675-471-01 through-41)(Project Manager: Mathew Evans, Contract Planner). Adoption of Resolutions A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CALIFORNIA APPROVING SIGN PROGRAM 17-003, AS AMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION, A TEMPORARY MASTER REAL-ESTATE SIGN AND BANNER PROGRAM FOR ALL TRACTS WITHIN THE PACIFICA SAN JUAN RES.DENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 675-081-17 THROUGH -21 23:675-085-01 THROUGH -48: 675-351-17: 675-411-1 THROUGH -75• 675-421- 01 THROUGH -% 675-431-01 THROUGH -39: 675-441-01 THROUGH -03� 675- 442-01 THROUGH -076 675-443-01 THROUGH -03; 675-444-01 THROUGH -256 675451-01 THROUGH -31; 675-461-01 THROUGH -52a AND 675-471-01 THROUGH -41) (APPLICANT: MATTHEW LAND TAYLOR MORRISON HOMES) Commissioner Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Speros, recommending City Council approval of a Sign Permit Program. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. AYES: Chair Speros, Commissioners Franz, Steele, and Williams. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. E. NEW BUSINESS: None PC Action Minutes 3 April 25, 2017 F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Consideration of Development Agreement (DA) Amendment 17-001, Plaza Banderas Hotel; Consideration of the "Second Amendment to Development Agreement" Extending the Term of the Development Agreement for an additional year between the City of San Juan Capistrano and South Coast Investors II, LLC for a 3.18 -acre site located at 26891 Ortega Highway (Assessor Parcel Numbers 124-170-12, 14, 15, & 16)(Applicant: South Coast Investors Il, LLC) (Project Manager: David Contreras, Senior Planner). David Contreras made the staff presentation and responded to questions Applicant Dan Friess, provided a presentation and responded to Commissioner questions and comments. Chair Speros opened the Public Hearing. Chuck Krolikowski and Steve Behmerwold, members of public provided comments. Chair Speros then, closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Resolutions PC RESOLUTION NO 17-04-25-02 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 17- 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A "SECOND AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT' EXTENDING THE TERM OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT E,ETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AND SOUTH COAST INVESTORS II LLC FOR A 3.18 -ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 26891 O_R_TEGA HIGHWAY (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 124-170-12 14 15, & 16) KNOWN AS THE PLAZA BANDERAS HOTEL AND MIXED USE PROJECT)(APPLICANT: JAKE GRIFFITH SOUTH COAST INVESTORS II, LLC) Commissioner Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Steele, recommending City Council approval of a "Second Amendment to Development Agreement' extending the term of the Development Agreement for one additional year. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. AYES: Chair Speros, Commissioners Franz, Steele, and Williams NOES: None. I_R%NL11ZEN ►=- Commissioner Williams made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Speros to select Commissioner Williams as the affirmative representative and Commissioner Speros as the Alternate affirmative representative to attend the City Council meeting to represent the view of the Commission and to answer any question the City Council may have. PC Action Minutes 4 April 25, 2017 AYES: Chair Speros, Commissioners Franz, Steele, and Williams. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. 2. Consideration of Development Agreement (DA) Amendment 17-002; a request to amend the November 16, 2010 Development Agreement between the City of San Juan Capistrano and Advanced Group 99 -SJ and Advanced Group 03- 79-2 for the purpose of extending the Distrito La Novia - San Juan Meadows Development Agreement for a period not to exceed 6 months. Distrito La Novia — San Juan Meadows is a 154 -acre mixed -used residential and commercial project generally located east of Interstate 5 and Valle Road, southwest of the San Juan Hills Golf Club, south of San Juan Creek Road to La Novia Avenue, and north of Vista Marina to La Novia Avenue (Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 666-292-01, and 02, 666-311-02, through 04 and 666-312- 001)(Project Manager: Mathew Evans, Contract Planner). Mathew Evans made the staff presentation and responded to questions Applicant Robb Cerruti, provided presentation and responded to Commissioner questions and comments. Chair Speros opened the Public Hearing. After no public comments were offered, Chair Speros then closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Resolutions PC RESOLUTION NO 17-04-25-03 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 17- 002 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A ONE-TIME FOUR (4) YEAR EXTENSION TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DISTRITO LA NOVIA— SAN JUAN MEADOWS 154 -ACRE MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROJECT GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND VALLE ROAD SOUTHWEST OF THE SAN JUAN HILLS GOLF CLUB SOUTH OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD TO LA NOVIA AVENUE AND NORTH OF VISTA MARINA TO LA NOVIA AVENUE AND SUBJECT TO COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) 09-01 (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 666-292-01 AND 02 666-311-02 THROUGH 04 AND 666-312-001) (APPLICANT ADVANCED GROUP 99 -SJ AND ADVANCED GROUP 03-79- 2) Commissioner Williams made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Franz, recommending City Council approval of a one-time four year extension of the Development Agreement, instead of the six month extension recommended by staff. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. PC Action Minutes 5 April 25, 2017 AYES: Chair Speros, Commissioners Franz, Steele, and Williams. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Williams made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Speros to select Commissioner Williams as the affirmative representative and Commissioner Speros as the Alternate affirmative representative to attend the City Council meeting to represent the view of the Commission and to answer any question the City Council may have. AYES: Chair Speros, Commissioners Franz, Steele, and Williams. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. G. INFORMATION ITEM: None. H. COMMISSION/STAFF DISCUSSION: 1. Planning Commissioner Representatives reminder for upcoming City Council agenda items. 2. Planning Commission Update Report — Planning Commission Items to City Council. Report received and filed. I. ADJOURNMENT: At 7:35 p.m., there being no further business, the Chair adjourned to Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved on June 13, 2017. Sergio F�6tz, Assistant Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary