PC Minutes-2017-04-11A. ORGANIZATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES April11, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m . 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Mark Speros, Chair Marc Franz Tim Neely Barrett Steele Rob Williams, Vice-Chair Commissioners Absent: none Staff Present: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director HongDao Nguyen, Deputy City Attorney Mathew Evans, Contract Planner 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Chair Speros led the Pledge of Allegiance . B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None . C. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. Draft March 28, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes . Approved the minutes, as presented, except for the minutes for Item F2 which were continued to the April25, 2017 Planning Commission meeting to allow Commissioners Franz and Steele to review the video recording, by a 3-0-2 vote, with Commissioners Franz and Steele abstaining. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. PC Action Minutes 2 April 11 . 2017 E. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Reorganization of the Planning Commission: Selection of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Appointment of Commissioner(s) to serve on the Design Review Committee (Project Manager: Sergio Klotz). Planning Commission made the following selections and appointments for the upcoming 2017-2018 term: Selection of Chair. Adoption of Motion Commissioner Neely made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Williams, to select Commissioner Speros as Chair. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES: Commissioners Franz, Neely, Speros, Steele and Williams. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Selection of Vice-Chair. Adoption of Motion Commissioner Neely made the motion, seconded by Chair Speros, to select Commissioner Williams as Vice-Chair. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES: Commissioners Franz, Neely, Speros, Steele and Williams. NOES: None ABSTAIN : None Appointment of a regular member to the Design Review Committee. Adoption of Motion Chair Speros made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Neely, to appoint Rob Williams as a regular member to the Design Review Committee. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES: Commissioners Franz, Neely, Speros, Steele and Williams. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Appointment of an alternate member to the Design Review Committee. PC Action Minutes 3 April 11 . 2017 Commissioner Williams made a motion, seconded by Chair Speros, to appoint Commissioner Neely as the alternate member to the Design Review Committee. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES : Commissioners Franz, Neely, Speros, Steele and Williams. NOES: None ABSTAIN : None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Sign Permit (SP) 17-003, Pacifica San Juan Sign Program; review of a revised temporary Real-Estate sign and banner program for the Pacifica San Juan residential development, generally located between the intersection of Camino Las Ramblas at Avenida California and Vista Marina at Valle Road west of Interstate 5 (Project Manager: Mathew Evans, Contract Planner). Mathew Evans made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Applicant Matt Land, as well as staff, responded to commissioner questions and comments. Chair Speros opened the Public Hearing. After no public comments were offered, Chair Speros then closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Resolutions PC RESOLUTION NO . 17-04-11-01. SIGN PROGR.AM (SP) 17-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO , CALIFORNIA APPROVING SIGN PROGRAM 17 -003, A TE MPORARY MASTE R REAL-E STATE SIGN AND BANNER P.~OGRAM FOR ALL TRACTS WITHIN THE PACIFICA SAN JUAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMB ERS 675 -081 -17 THROUGH -21 . 23 ; 675-085 -01 THROUGH -48 ; 675-351-17 ; 675-411-1 THROUGH -75; 675-421-01 THROUGH -19; 675-431-01 THROUGH -39; 675-441-01 THROUGH -03; 67 5-442-01 THROUGH -07; 675-443-01 THROUGH -03; 675 -444 -01 THROUGH -25 ; 67 5-451-01 T HROUGH -31 : 675 -461 -01 THROUGH -52; AND 675 -4 71-01 T HROUGH -41)(APPLICAN T : MATIHEW LAND , TAYLOR MORRISON HOMES) Commissioner Speros made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Neely, to approve the revised sign and banner program with the exception of the large freeway oriented banners and flags which are to be removed from the program, with a condition requiring that the signs be located out of the street intersection sight visibility triangle, and that a revised Resolution be brought back to the Planning Commission on the consent calendar for adoption at the next meeting. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. PC Action Minutes 4 April 11, 2017 AYES: Chair Speros, Vice-Chair Williams Commissioners Franz, Neely and Steele. NOES: None . ABSTAIN: None G. INFORMATION ITEM: H. COMMISSIONJSTAFF DISCUSSION: 1. Planning Commissioner Representatives reminder for upcoming City Council agenda items. The Commission was informed that the Trader Joe's Public Convenience or Necessity (PCN) item and the Planning Commission's recommendation on the proposed Blenheim Farms item will be heard at the April18, 2017, City Council meeting. 2. Planning Commission Update Report -Planning Commission Items to City Council. Report received and filed. I. ADJOURNMENT: At 7:35p.m., there being no further business, the Chair adjourned to Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at 6 :30p.m . in the Council Chambers. Approved on April25, 2017. Jo ~ Services Director Acting Planning Commission Secretary