99-0817_CVWD_Minutes_Adjourned Regular Meeting1 AUGUST 17, 1999 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION (610 - None RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District was called to order by Chairman Jones, at 7:31 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Gil Jones, Chairman John Greiner, Vice Chairman Collene Campbell, Director Wyatt Hart, Director David M. Swerdlin, Director ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: George Scarborough, General Manager; Jennifer Murray, Assistant City Manager; John Shaw, Interim City Attorney; Cheryl Johnson, Clerk of the Board; Cynthia L. Russell, Treasurer; William M. Huber, Engineering and Building Director; Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director; Al King, Community Services Director, Sgt. Gus De LaTorre, Orange County Sheriffs Department; Bonnie Sanchez, Recording Secretary. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Director Campbell, seconded by Director Swerdlin, that the staff recommendations be accepted for the following items listed on the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Swerdlin, Greiner, Hart, Campbell, and Chairman Jones NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 20 1999 The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of July 20, 1999, were approved as submitted. CVVVD Minutes -1- 8117199 119 120 2. ANNUAL REVIEW OF INVESTMENT POLICY (350.30 As set forth in the Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Administrative Services Director, the Investment Policy for the Capistrano Valley Water District for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 was adopted. 3. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY - ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 121-171-45 ALIPAZAT SAN JUAN CREEK AND 675-331-19 AND -20 (MCCRACKEN HILL RESERVOIR) (670.70) As set forth in the Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Treasurer, the following Resolutions were adopted declaring property surplus prior to offering it for sale: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD99-8-17-1, _DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY - ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 121-171-45 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DECLARING PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO SAN JUAN CREEK, EAST OF ALIPAZ, IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 121-171-45, AS SURPLUS PROPERTY RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 99-8-17-2, DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY - ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 675-331-19 AND 675- 331-20 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DECLARING PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE MCCRACKEN HILL RESERVOIR, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEASTERLY AREA OF VALLE ROAD AND FORSTER RANCH ROAD, IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 675-331-29 AND 675-331-20 AS SURPLUS PROPERTY 4. APPROVAL OF RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF PROPERTY AT 31301 ANDRES PICO ROAD (THOMAS J. MEADOWS) 600.7Q As set forth in the Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Treasurer, the Residential Purchase Agreement, Counter Offer, and related documents were approved for the sale of the property at 31301 Andres Pico Road to Thomas J. Meadows. The Chairman was authorized to execute the documents on behalf of the District. BOARD ACTIONS APPROVAL OF 1999-2006 SEVEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (WATER CAPITAUREPLACEMENT PROJECTS) (330.40) Written Communications: Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Engineering and Building Director, forwarding the proposed Capital Improvement Program for Water Capital and Water Replacement projects. The 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Program funds $2,083,400 in Water CVWD Minutes -2- 8117199 121 Capital Projects and $519,000 in Water Replacement Projects. Total authorized expenditures amounted to $27,339,900. The Engineering and Building Director provided an oral presentation. Adoption of Capital Improvement Program: It was moved by Director Greiner, seconded by Director Hart that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 99-8-17-3, ADOPTING 1999-2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, ADOPTING APPROPRIATIONS AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES RELATED TO THE WATER CAPITAL AND WATER REPLACEMENT PROJECTS OF THE 1999-2006 SEVEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Swerdlin, Greiner, Hart, Campbell and Chairman Jones NOES: None ABSENT: None 2. APPROVAL OF JOINT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND THE CAPISTRANO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ON BEHALF OF THE PACIFIC POINT PROJECT (SUNCAL COMPANIES) (600.50) (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 3 1, 999) Written Communications: (1) Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Administrative Services Director, advising that the Capistrano Unified School had requested approval the Community Facilities District in order to use public financing for the acquisition of the school site on Camino Las Ramblas and for the construction of the Kinoshita Elementary School. The Community Facilities District would also assist in the funding of certain major City and Water District facilities required for the Pacific Point development. The Report advised that the anticipated tax rate of 1.63% would generate an $11,765,000 bond based on the estimated property values; however, property values were being further evaluated and a supplemental report would be provided prior to the meeting. (2) Supplemental Report dated August 17, 1999, from the Treasurer, advising that further evaluation concluded that the estimated property values should be based on $182 per square foot for finished construction, rather than the initial estimate of $200 per square foot. Based on that conclusion, the property $11,765,000 CVWD Minutes -3- 8117199 122 bond would result in an estimated total tax rate of 1.7%. The Report recommended approval of the requested District. The Treasurer made an oral presentation. Approval of Joint Community Facilities Agreement: It was moved by Director Hart, seconded by Director Greiner and unanimously carried to approve the Joint Community Facilities Agreement with the anticipated total tax rate not to exceed 1.7%. 3. CERTIFICATION OF MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPLYTO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD TO PUMP GROUNDWATER FROM THE SAN JUAN BASIN ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST _3, 1999) (1050_60) Written Communications: Report dated August 17,1999, from the Planning Director, advising that the City and the District had submitted an application to the State Water Resources Board in order to obtain formal recognition of the right to continue to pump up to 3,325 acre feet of groundwater per year from the San Juan Basin, in accordance with its existing, planned and historic use. As part of the application process, the District had prepared an initial study and issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Comments received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration were included for consideration. The Planning Director made an oral presentation. Certification of Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration: There being no one wishing to comment, it was moved by Director Campbell and seconded by Director Greiner that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 99-8-17-4. CERTIFYING_ EXPANDED INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATION MEASURE - APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER FROM THE SAN JUAN BASIN - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, CERTIFYING THE ADOPTION OF AN EXPANDED INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATION MEASURE PREPARED FOR APPLICATION NO. 30696 TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD TO APPROPRIATE 3,325 ACRE FEET OF WATER ANNUALLY FROM THE SAN JUAN BASIN The motion carried by the following vote: CVWD Minutes AYES: Directors Swerdlin, Greiner, Hart, Campbell and Chairman Jones NOES: None ABSENT: None -4- 8/17199 I U J ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m., to the next regular meeting date of Tuesday, September 7, 1999 p.m at the San Juan Capistrano Community Center. Respectfully submitted, CHERYL JOH ON ITY CLERK ATTEST: GIL JONES, CVVVD Minutes -5- 8117199 123