99-0504_CVWD_Minutes_Regular MeetingC May 4, 1999 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION (610.85) - None RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District was called to order by Chairman Jones, at 9:01 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Gil Jones, Chairman John Greiner, Vice Chairman Collene Campbell, Director Wyatt Hart, Director David M. Swerdlin, Director ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: George Scarborough, General Manager; Jennifer Murray, Assistant City Manager; John Shaw, Interim City Attorney; Cheryl Johnson, Clerk of the Board; Cynthia L. Russell, Administrative Services Director; William M. Huber, Engineering and Building Director; Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director; Al King, Community Services Director, Lt. Rick Stahr, Oraiige County Sheriffs Department; Bonnie Sanchez, Recording Secretary. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Director Swerdlin, seconded by Director Hart, that the staff recommendations be accepted for the following items listed on the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Swerdlin, Greiner, Hart, Campbell, and Chairman Jones NOES: None ABSENT: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING_ OF APRIL 61999 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1999, were approved as submitted. CVWD Minutes -1- 5/4/99 097 098 2. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - HOLLYWOOD WELL INTER -TIE PROJECT (600.70) As set forth in the Report dated May 4, 1999, from the Public Works Director, the plans and specifications for the Hollywood Well Inter -tie Project were approved and the Clerk of the Board was authorized to solicit bids. 3. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - MUNICIPAL SUPPLY WATER WELL - NORTH AREA DOMESTIC WELL 60( 0.70) As set forth in the Report dated May 4, 1999, from the Public Works Director, the plans and specifications for the Municipal Supply Water Well - North Area Domestic Well were approved and the CIerk of the Board was authorized to solicit bids. 4. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR MODIFICATIONS TO WATER FACILITIES TO SERVE TRACT 14196, PACIFIC POINT (SJD PARTNERS, LTD./SUNCAL) (600.70 As set forth in the Report dated May 4, 1999, from the Engineering and Building Director, the Agreement with SJD Partners, Ltd., providing for removal of the McCracken Hill Reservoir and construction of an interim water pipeline system and appurtenances, at the Developer's expense, to compensate for the McCracken Hill Reservoir until permanent replacement facilities are constructed, was approved. BOARD ACTIONS APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO INDEMNIFY RELATING TO USE OF "LOOKOUT" SOFTWARE ATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION 60( 0.70) Written Communications: Report dated May 4, 1999, from the Public Works Director, forwarding an agreement with National Instruments Corporation to, at its own expense, defend and indemnify the District against any litigation resulting from the purchase and/or use of National Instruments Corporation "Lookout" Software to the extent that the litigation alleges that the software infringes on the proprietary rights of TESCO Controls, Inc. The current existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer, software and peripheral equipment are obsolete; the peripheral equipment drivers are unique to the TESCO software; TESCO has stopped marketing the operating software and will no longer provide factory support. The Report advised that the District intended to use the software developed by National Instruments as the applications software for the new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer system enhancement project. The "Lookout" software would be able to communicate with existing TESCO remote terminal units until such time as the District replaced them. The District would be able to move to an open architecture CVWD Minutes -2- 5/4/99 1 1 system and free the SCADA system from the high maintenance costs associated with TESCO's proprietary system and from the TESCO proprietary drivers. Amy Amirani, Public Works Director, made an oral report. Approval of Agreement: It was moved by Director Swerdlin, seconded by Director Hart and unanimously carried to approve the Agreement to Indemnify with National Instruments Corporation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m., to the next meeting date of Tuesday, May 18 p.m at 5:30 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. Respectfully submitted, CHERYL JO N, TY CLERK CVWD Minutes -3- 5A/99 099