02-0402_CVWD_Minutes_Regular MeetingMINUTES April 2, 2002 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION (610.851_ - None Chairman Bathgate called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District to order at 9:35 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wyatt Hart, Collene Campbell, David M. Swerdlin, Vice Chairman John S. Gelff and Chairman Diane Bathgate BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: George Scarborough, General Manager; John Shaw, Legal Counsel; Cynthia L. Russell, Administrative Services Director; Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director; William M. Huber, Engineering and Building Director; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director; Al King, Jr., Community Services Director; Lt. Rick Stahr, Chief of Police Services; Dawn Schanderl, Deputy City Clerk and Maria Guevara, Secretary. CONSENT CALENDAR Board Action: Moved by Director Swerdlin, seconded by Vice Chairman Gelff and carried unanimously, 5-0, to approve item 1 as recommended by Staff. MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 5, 2002, APPROVED AS SUBMITTED BOARD ACTIONS: C1. RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 02-04-02-01 ADOPTED ACCEPTING PUBLIC WATER FACILITIES EASEMENT FOR THE PRIMA DESHECHA LANDFILL; OFFER AND AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE EASEMENTS WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $18,035; AND, GENERAL MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT (600.70) CVWD Minutes 4-2-02 Project Description: The water system improvements known as the SC -04 Pipeline Project will enhance overall water service reliability and increase capacity on the southeast side of the District. On October 2, 2001, the Board authorized the General Manager to enter into a right-of-way agreement with the County to allow construction to begin in the interim until an easement agreement with the County was completed. The details of the Offer and Agreement to Purchase Easements have been resolved, and the agreement is now prepared for the Board's consideration. Written Communications: Report dated April 2, 2002, prepared by Amy Amirani, Public Works Director. Oral Presentation: Amy Amirani, Public Works Director, reviewed the staff recommendation. Board Action: Moved by Director Campbell, seconded by Vice Chairman Gelff and carried unanimously, 5-0, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 02-04-02-01 ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, ACCEPTING PUBLIC WATER FACILITIES EASEMENT COUNTY OF ORANGE, INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT FOR THE PRIMA DESHECHA LANDFILL;" Offer and Agreement to Purchase Easement with the County of Orange approved in the amount of $18,035; and, the General Manager authorized to execute the agreement. 2. PERSONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT APPROVED WITH CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INC., FOR THE TERMINAL RESERVOIR NO. 2 FOUNDATION AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN IN THE AMOUNT OF $313,220; AND, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT (600.70) Project Description: Due to prior leakage and damage to the foundation of the 10 - million -gallon T. J. Meadows Terminal Reservoir No. 2 staff interviewed three (3) consultants to provide geotechnical and structural testing and analysis; and, to prepare design plans and specifications for foundation remediation work, or replacement of the reservoir. Staff is recommending the consulting firm of Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. Written Communications: Report dated April 2, 2002, from Amy Amirani, Public Works Director. Board Action: Moved by Director Hart, seconded by Vice Chairman Gelff and carried unanimously, 5-0, to approve the Personal Services Agreement with Camp Dresser& McKee, Inc., to perform geotechnical, structural investigations and design repairs or replacement for the Terminal Reservoir No. 2, in the amount of $313,220; CVWD Minutes 2 4-2-02 $313,220 appropriated from the Water Capital Improvement Fund to cover the project costs; and, Chairman of the Board authorized to execute the agreement. 3. EASTERN TRANSMISSION MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION AND TEST STATION INSTALLATION - PHASE II PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED; AND, CLERK OF THE BOARD AUTHORIZED TO SOLICIT BIDS (CIP NO. 751, PIPELINE CATHODIC PROTECTION) (800.70) Project Description: Staff is recommending approval of plans, specifications and solicitation of bids for Phase II of the Eastern Transmission Main Cathodic Protection for the system's main trunkline running from Camino Capistrano and Paseo de las Colinas to Rancho Viejo Road and EI Horno Street. Written Communication: Report dated April 2, 2002, from Amy Amirani, Public Works Director. Board Action: Moved by Director Swerdlin, seconded by Director Hart and carried unanimously, 5-0, to approve the plans and specifications for the Eastern Transmission Cathodic Protection and Test Station Installation - Phase II (CIP No. 751); and, authorize the Clerk of the Board to solicit bids. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Bathgate adjourned the meeting at 9:38 p.m. to Tuesday, May 7, 2002, in the City Council Chamber. Respectfully submitted, /2 MAIC(XARET R. MONAHAN, CLERK OF THE Adopted: May 7, 2002 ATTEST: CHAIRMAN BATHG CVWD Minutes 3 4-2-02