01-0306_CVWD_Minutes_Regular Meeting243 March 6, 2001 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION (610.85) - None RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District was called to order by Chairman Swerdlin, at 8:06 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Hart had previously indicated there were no actions to report from the Closed Session. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: David M. Swerdlin, Chairman Diane Bathgate, Vice Chairman John S. Gelff, Director John Greiner, Director Wyatt Hart, Director ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: George Scarborough, General Manager; Jennifer Murray, Assistant City Manager; John Shaw, Interim Legal Counsel; Cheryl Johnson, Clerk of the Board; Cynthia L. Russell, Treasurer; William M. Huber, Engineering and Building Director; Thomas Tomlinson, . Planning Director; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director; Al King, Community Services Director; Lt. Rick Stahr, Orange County Sheriff's Department; Jennifer Carlin, Recording Secretary. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Director Greiner, seconded by Director Hart, that the staff recommendations be accepted for the following items listed on the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Bathgate, Greiner, Hart, Gelff and Chairman Swerdlin NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6. 2001 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2001, were approved as submitted. 2. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 RESOLUTION, NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND FINAL REPORT — HUNT CLUB RESERVOIR SLOPE REPAIR (BRONGO CONSTRUCTION) (CIP NO. 759) (600.70 As set forth in the Report dated March 6, 2001, from the Public Works Director, Change Order No. 1 was approved to increase the construction amount; and the following resolution to approve work as complete was adopted: CVWD Minutes -1- 03/06/01 244 RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 01-3-6-1 COMPLETION OF THE HUNT CLUB RESERVOIR SLOPE REPAIR (BRONGO CONSTRUCTION) - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED AS TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE HUNT CLUB RESERVOIR SLOPE REPAIR PROJECT (BRONGO CONSTRUCTION) The City Clerk was directed to forward the Notice of Completion to the County Recorder. 3. APPROVE RESOLUTION, NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND FINAL REPORT — SCADA SYSTEM DESIGN, INSTALLATION, AND INTEGRATION (CIP NO. 768) (NORTHERN DIGITAL, INC.) (600.70) As set forth in the Report dated March 6, 2001, from the Public Works Director, the following Resolution declaring work complete for the SCADA System Design, Installation and Integration was approved: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 01-3-6-2 COMPLETION SCADA SYSTEM DESIGN INSTALLATION, AND INTEGRATION (NORTHERN DIGITAL, INC.) — A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED FOR THE SCADA SYSTEM DESIGN, INSTALLATION, AND INTEGRATION (NORTHERN DIGITAL, INC.) The City Clerk was directed to forward the Notice of Completion to the County Recorder. 4. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION, NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND FINAL REPORT _= NORTH OPEN SPACE WELL PUMP STATION INCLUDING CHLORINATION FACILITIES (CIP NO. 772) (NORMAN A. OLSSON CONSTRUCTION INC.) (600.70) As set forth in the Report dated March 6, 2001 from the Public Works Director, the following Resolution declaring work complete for the North Open Space Well Pump Station including Chlorination Facilities was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 01-3-6-3, COMPLETION OF THE NORTH OPEN SPACE WELL PUMP STATION INCLUDING CHLORINATION FACILITIES (NORMAN A. OLSSON CONSTRUCTION) — A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED AS TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE NORTH OPEN WELL PUMP STATION INCLUDING CHLORINATION FACILITIES (NORMAN A. OLSSON CONSTRUCTION, INC.) The City Clerk was directed to forward the Notice of Completion to the County Recorder. PUBLIC HEARING 1. APPROVE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2000 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (1050.30) Proposal_: Adopt a Resolution adopting the Urban Water Management Plan 2000 pursuant to Section 10642 of the California Water Code. CVWD Minutes -2- 03/06/01 1 Written Communication: Report date March 6, 2001 from the Public Works Director, recommending adoption of a resolution to adopt the Urban Water Management Plan 2000. Public Works Director, Amy Amirani, gave a brief oral presentation outlining the staff report. Public Hearing: Notice having been given as required by law, Chairman Swerdlin opened the Public Hearing, and there being no response closed the Hearing with the right to re -open at any time. Approval of Resolution: It was moved by Director Hart, seconded by Director Greiner and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 01-3-6-4. ADOPTION OF URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2000 — A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, ADOPTING THE URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2000, EFFECTIVE MARCH 6, 2001 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: BOARD ACTIONS Directors Bathgate, Greiner, Hart, Gelff and Chairman Swerdlin None None APPROVE 2000-2001 MID -YEAR WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (330.40) Written Communications: Report dated March 6, 2001, from the Engineering and Building Director recommending approval of the 2000-2001 Mid -Year Water Capital Improvement and Capital Replacement Capital Improvement Programs. The Report forwarded revised revenges and project changes for consideration. William M. Huber, Director of Engineering and Building, made an oral presentation outlining the staff report. Approval of the of the 2000-2001 Mid -Year Water Capital Improvement and Capital Replacement Capital Improvement Programs: It was moved by Director Hart, seconded by Director Bathgate and unanimously carried that the 2000-2001 Mid -Year Water Capital Improvement and Capital Improvement Programs be approved to reflect revised revenues and project changes. The motion carried by the following vote: CVWD Minutes -3- 03/06/01 245 246 AYES: Directors Bathgate, Greiner, Hart, Gelff and Chairman Swerdlin NOES: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. to the next regular meeting date of Tuesday, April 3, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, i DAWN SCHANDERL, ACTING CLERK OF THE BOARD ATTEST: r DAVID M. SWERDLIN, CHAIRMAN CVWD Minutes -4- 03/06/01