11-0325_AUDITING FINANCE_Minutes_Special MeetingMINUTES March 25, 2011 AUDITING FINANCE AD-HOC COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER: Maria Morris, City Clerk, called the Special Meeting of the Auditing Finance Ad -Hoc Committee of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 3:34 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Allevato led the Pledge of Allegiance. Rf)l 1 CAI I COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: John Harper, Ray Miller, John Perry, Jim Reardon, Council Member Derek Reeve, and Mayor Allevato COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: None Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR: JOHN HARPER SELECTED TO SERVE AS CHAIR AND JOHN PERRY SELECTED TO SERVE AS VICE -CHAIR FOR THE AUDITING FINANCE AD-HOC COMMITTEE Maria Morris, City Clerk, called for nominations for Chair. Mayor Allevato nominated Council Member Derek Reeve as Chair. Council Member Reeve respectfully declined the nomination. Committee Action: Moved by Mayor Allevato, seconded by Committee Member Miller, and carried 4-2, with Committee Member Perry and Committee Member Reardon opposed to select John Harper as Chair. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Miller, Reeve, Allevato and Chair Harper NOES: COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Perry and Reardon ABSENT: COMMITTEE MEMBER: None Maria Morris, City Clerk, called for nominations for Vice -Chair. Committee Action: Moved by Council Member Reeve, seconded by Mayor Allevato, and carried unanimously to select John Perry as Vice -Chair. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 1 3/25/2011 DISCUSSION ITEMS: ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT SELECTED FOR RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT AUDITING SERVICES (310.70) The following three firms provided a presentation and responded to questions: • Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott • Teaman, Ramirez & Smith • Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. The representative of Teaman, Ramirez and Smith appeared with a limited presentation and indicated to the Committee that his firm had already been informed they were the Td choice out of three applicants, by City staff, and that they were not selected." Omar Sandoval, City Attorney, provided a staff report and responded to questions. Cindy Russell, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer; Laura Rocha, Accounting Manager; and Bradford Rockabrand, Accountant, provided information on the request for proposal (RFP) process and responded to questions. Bradford Rockabrand, Accountant, disclosed his prior employment with Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott. Committee Comments: • Expressed concern with the negative impression of hiring the former City of Bell Auditor, (Mayer Hoffman McCann). Felt that Mayer Hoffman McCann has probably improved their service as a result of the City of Bell incident. • Felt that Mayer Hoffman McCann would particularly avoid further incidents due to their work experience with the City of Bell. • Would not like the potential newspaper headline if Mayer Hoffman McCann is selected; felt that Roger, Anderson, Malody & Scott is more customer oriented; felt comfortable recommending to the City Council either Roger, Anderson, Malady & Scott or Mayer Hoffman McCann. • Expressed concern with the following language used in the Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2010 (page 54), "Opinion Letter" of the Community Redevelopment Agency: "however, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit;" felt that the prior auditor were directed not to apply State Controller Guidelines. Jennifer Farr, Mayer Hoffman McCann, clarified that the statement referenced above is required by Auditing Standards to be included by all auditors within their audits. • Consensus on the negative impression Mayer, Hoffman, McCann would give the City, if selected as the independent auditor. Committee Action: Moved by Committee Member Perry, seconded by Committee Member Miller and carried unanimously to recommend Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott to the City Council to perform independent auditing services. 2 3/25/2011 2. CONSIDERATION OF SCOPE OF WORK FOR SPECIAL AUDITING SERVICES — ITEM CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 2011 MEETING (310.70) Committee Comment: • Requested that Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott attend the April 15, 2011 meeting, in order to provide assistance with the "scope of work" for the special audition services. 3. ADDITIONAL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2011 AT 3:00 P.M. (310.70) Mayor Allevato requested the appointment of Richard Hard, Utilities Commissioner, to the Auditing Finance Ad -Hoc Committee; felt that he could contribute with his knowledge of Utilities and his financial background; clarified that the intention to select three members was not to have control over the committee but to have an odd number of members to avoid split votes on recommendations. Omar Sandoval, City Attorney, clarified that the City Council appointed Mayor Allevato and Council Member Reeve to select members of the public with auditing/finance background to the Ad -Hoc Committee, and clarified that the motion did not limit the number of members that could be appointed to the committee. Consensus to appoint Richard Hard to the Auditing Finance Ad -Hoc Committee. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Harper adjourned the meeting at 5:41 p.m. to Friday, April 15, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Respectfully subm CHRJ8TY'JAKQDEP0TYY CITY CLERK Approved: April 29, 2011 ATTEST: JC)6'4��� JOHN HARP HAIRMAN 3 3/25/2011