PC Minutes-2012-04-24=_nl 32400 PASEO ADFLANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (9 49) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org U w N ivi I :I a g 10 61 ivi I I j lot g a U=t ffma M. wt, , F QNRUWNWM�m Chairman Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. : . B Chairman Cohen led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners Present: Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Ginny Kerr (left prior to Item G.2.) Roy Nunn Jeff Parkhurst Rob Williams MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Commissioners Absent: Gene Ratcliffe, Vice -Chair (excused) Tim Neely (excused) Staff Present: William Ramsey, AICP, Assistant Director Grant Taylor, Development Services Director David Contreras, Senior Planner Nick Taylor, Associate Planner James Eggart, Deputy City Attorney '11mroTemog Mal IRA I "IM IE=o F-WHE "001"Mr.wis wil San Juan Capistrano.- Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future PC Meeting Minutes 2 April 24, 2012 Valle Road and generally located at the southeast corner of Valle Road and Vista Marina in the Planned Community (CDP 81-01) "North Commercial Manufacturing" Zone District and General Plan -designated Planned CommunitV(APN: 675-441- 07)(Applicant: Caster Properties, Tom Kearny)(Promect Manager: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner). Nick Taylor, Associate Planner made the staff presentation and recommended that the Planning Commission consider the comments and recommendations of the Design Review Committee (DRC); provide direction to staff regarding required findings; and, by motion, direct staff to prepare a draft resolution of approval to be placed on the Consent Calendar of the May 8, 2012 meeting. Commission Discussion a. Commissioner Parkhurst stated that the design of the free-standing, monument sign substantially complies with the Design Review Committee's direction. b. Commissioner Nunn thanked the DRC for their effort in improving the sign plans and the applicant for the substantial revisions to the sign program. c. Commissioner Kerr indicated that the revised sign plans were a substantial improvement and that she supported the building -mounted sign on the north elevation. d. Commissioner Williams stated that he concurred with his fellow Commissioners, that the applicant had made substantial revisions to the sign program as directed by the Design Review Committee. Adoption of Resolution Oren-, 03 0 R e]" .4kIIfAVAJ:J:J-•i T 1[ 11WIMEToTeR."i L eVl. [CJ X L 1:4 11 4 - 0 A Commissioner Williams made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Kerr to adopt a resolution approving the proposed project and requested staff to prepare a resolution wit modified findings with the following additional condition and the motion passed by a 5-0 vote: AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Rob Williams. •SEEMED =*Z, PC Meeting Minutes 3 April 24, 2012 an existing street level opening to create 879 square feet of outdoor dining area, a 31781 Camino Capistrano (APN 121-150-27) (Applicant: Robert Quest, Sundried Tomato Cafe) (Project Manager: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner). Nick Taylor, Associate Planner made the staff presentation and recommended that the Planning Commission provide review comments on the proposed project; forward the project plans and details to the DRC for formal review and action; and, continue consideration of the monument sign. Commission Discussion a. Commissioner Williams stated that eliminating the stairwell and open courtyard at the plaza -level, without re -working the subterranean level, would be problematic. The Design Review Committee (DRC) needs to review this aspect of the overall project. There needs to be an overall plan that addresses both the plaza level and the subterranean level in order for the project to be successful. b. Commissioner Kerr stated that subterranean level has never been successful from a commercial business perspective. Covering the plaza and eliminating the stairwell would essentially render the subterranean level "un -useable." There needs to be a better approach or plan. c. Commissioner Nunn stated that the subterranean level was essentially a "dead - zone" and conversion to office use makes sense from a market perspective. He suggested that a natural light well could be retained by relocating and re- designing the stairwell so that stair access was retained with natural light while expanding the outdoor dining area. He stressed that natural light and ventilation for the subterranean level would be important to making that space attractive for potential office use. Mr. Nunn supported the expansion of the outdoor dining into the plaza level. d. Commissioner Parkhurst stated that the proposed expansion of outdoor dining in the plaza level which require displacement of the stairwell, was an excellent way to improve the plaza level. He said that the stairwell appears as a "hole" when viewed from the public sidewalk and street. He suggested that perhaps the subterranean level could be used for storage purposes to serve users at the plaza and upper level. e. Chairman Cohen concurred with Commissioner Nunn and Commissioner Parkhurst and stated that the proposal will be an improvement for both restaurants. The Franciscan Plaza owner will need to balance the demands between the plaza level and subterranean level. Security of the subterranean level will need to be addressed. Adoption of Motion The Planning Commission unanimously agreed to refer the proposed project to the Design Review Committee for formal review and recommendation, and continued consideration of the project for formal final action to a future date to be determined. 2. Continued Consideration of a Passive Park Master Plan for the East Open Space, Parcel No. 8 Lemon Grove: located at the southwest corner of Ortega Highway and Reata Road, specifically located west of La Pata Avenue (APN 125-172-09)(Project PC Meeting Minutes 4 April 24, 2012 Manager: David Contreras, Senior Plan ner)(Applicant: San Juan Capistrano Open Space Foundation)(CitV Council Urgent Strategic Priority No. 3(1)). David Contreras, Senior Planner made the staff presentation and recommended that the Planning Commission review and provide comments on the proposed conceptual design for the East Open Space Passive Park Master Plan. Public Comment Renee Ritchie presented an alternative design option for the equestrian staging area and several speakers spoke in favor of revisions to the staging area design to better accommodate equestrian users. Ms. Ritchie provided copies to staff for distribution to the Commissioners. Staff also provided copies to the members of the San Juan Capistrano Open Space Foundation. Jim Carter with American Horse Products noted that he was the designer of the alternative design that Renee Ritchie presented. He provided an overview of the design and explained the vehicular and trailer circulation. John Clifton noted that he was a resident of San Juan Capistrano and that he liked the equestrian concept but was concerned with the quantity of proposed trees and water consumption. Shelli Barker expressed that she was concerned with the Class 1 Bikeway due to the proximity and crossing of the equestrian trail. Cathy Crair noted that she was a resident • Coto •- Caza and that the equestrian pens needed to be separated; that she is a horse owner and purchases equin- • •• products and services in San Juan Capistrano. Brad Gates with the San Juan Capistrano Open Space Foundation provided an overview of the master plan and responded to Commissioner questions and speaker comments. Mike Sweeny with Land Concern Landscape Architects answered Commissioner questions and speaker comments. Commission Discussion a. Commissioner Parkhurst expressed concern with the auto parking area located in the middle of the proposed staging area. He concurred with the planned preservation of existing mature trees and noted that the inclusion of the existing trees is an important component to successful site design. He indicated that the proposed concept design appeared to be equestrian -intensive and that the design needed to provide better balance in meeting all the community's passive park needs. Parkhurst stated that it made sense to incorporate the staging area holding pens into the area proposed for trailer parking. He also noted that the proposed equestrian arenas appeared to be well -dimensioned and of sufficient size. He questioned the extent of citrus planting along the State Route -74 (Ortega Highway) frontage and recommended that it be scaled-back. Overall, PC Meeting Minutes 5 April 24, 2012 Commissioner Parkhurst concluded that the concept plan was well-balanced, would be beneficial to the community, and did a "good" job at serving all community needs. b. Commissioner Nunn stated that integrating the existing mature specimen trees, as proposed by the concept plan, was critical to creating an effective master plan. He encouraged the equestrian interest groups to work directly with the Open Space Foundation in working out the details of the "equestrian staging area." He complimented the foundation on their efforts and stated the master plan was well-designed. c. Commissioner Williams expressed appreciation for the Open Space Foundation's efforts and contribution to the community and was impressed with the master plan concept. He stated that the plan design is still evolving and City Council will need to ultimately address the additional issues that have been surfaced through the worksession review process. Commissioner Williams stated that the concept plan needs to be fully vetted before proceeding to the next phase of design. d. Chairman Cohen stated that he agreed with Commissioner Williams and encouraged the equestrian community and Open Space Foundation to work together collaboratively. He indicated that the internal circulation of the concept plan needs to be improved. The park concept plan needs to serve the needs of the entire community. Chairman Cohen asked that the project be expedited as much as possible so the park improvements could be completed to serve the community. 3. Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair, two Design Review Committee Members and one Housing Advisory Committee Member. By motions duly made and unanimously approved, the Planning Commission made the following selections for the upcoming 2012-2013 term: Rob Williams was selected as Chairman. Jeff Parkhurst was selected as Vice-chairman. Rob Williams was selected as a PC representative to the Design Review Committee. Roy Nunn was selected as a PC representative to the Design Review Committee. Jeff Parkhurst was selected as the Alternate PC representative to the Design Review Committee. Minutes of April 10, 2012: By motion duly -made and seconded, the Commission approved the subject minutes as submitted by a 4-0 vote. PC Meeting Minutes 6 April 24, 2012 Staff advised the Planning Commission that beginning May 8, Planning Commission meetings would be live -streamed on the City's website. There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Cohen adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, May 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, -7- 117 ?Y - William A. Ramsey, AICP, Assista�t Director Planning Commission Secretary )