PC Resolution-08-05-13-03PC RESOLUTION NO. 08-5-13-3 GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING FOR THE SAN JUAN CREEK CHANNEL WEST LEVEE PROTECTION PROJECT, PHASE 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RENDERING A GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING FOR THE PROPOSED SAN JUAN CREEK CHANNEL WEST LEVEE PROTECTION PROJECT, PHASE 1 (COUNTY OF ORANGE, RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, NADEEM MAJAJ, P.E.) Whereas, the Orange County Resources Development & Management Department (RD&MD) has requested a General Plan conformity finding for the proposed San Juan Creek Channel West Levee Protection Project, Phase 1, which includes from approximately 1,700 feet upstream of Stonehill Drive to approximately 5,700 feet upstream of Stonehill Drive (Station 72+00 to 112+00) located in the City of San Juan Capistrano; and, Whereas, by letter dated September 1, 2005, the City requested the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Orange County Resources Development & Management Department (RD&MD) has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 and 15064 of the CEQA Guidelines, issued a mitigated negative declaration pursuant to Section 15070 of those guidelines; and has caused a Notice of Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); and, Whereas, the City has reviewed and commented on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and provided recommended mitigation to the Orange County Resources Development & Management Department (RD&MD) regarding the protection of the City's existing Groundwater Recovery Facility (GRF) wells located along San Juan Creek; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the proposed project for General Plan conformity pursuant to California Government Code Section 65402. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: The record of historic flooding along San Juan Creek demonstrates that flood events are becoming more severe and destructive and pose an eminent threat to the public health and safety of the residents and businesses of San Juan PC Resolution 08-5-13-3 2 May 13, 2008 Capistrano and require appropriate corrective action to protect the public health and safety; and, 2. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan, specifically, the General Plan Safety Element which establishes the Public Safety Goal to "Reduce the risk to the community from hazards related to geologic conditions, seismic activity, wildfires, structural fires and flooding." 3. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan, specifically, the General Plan Safety Element which establishes the Public Safety Policy to "Protect the community from flooding hazards by providing and maintaining flood control facilities and limiting development within the floodplain. " 4. The proposed project will be designed to provide important public safety improvements to the San Juan Creek levee to provide enhanced flood protection for residents and businesses situated along the creek. 5. The proposed project will be designed to assure that the City's Groundwater Recovery Facility (GRF) wells located along San Juan Creek will not be adversely affected by the project by maintaining an appropriate level of inter -flow between the creek channel and the groundwater basin as recommended by Psomas Engineering, the City's engineering consultant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby finds and determine that the proposed project will be consistent with the General Plan pursuant to Section 65402 of the California Government Code PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Cohen and Commissioners Cardoza, Kerr, and Ratcliffe. NOES: none ABSTAIN: none Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Grant Taylor, As istant Planning Director