PC Resolution-08-04-22-01PC RESOLUTION NO. 08-04-22-01 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 07-01, GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION 07-08, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT, PARKING EXCEPTION A RESOLUTION OF THE. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DENYING THE VENTANAS INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, A VACANT PARCEL TOTALING 20.33 GROSS ACRES (13.83 NET ACRES) LOCATED AT THE WEST TERMINUS OF CALLE ARROYO BORDERING INTERSTATE 1-5 TO THE WEST AND SAN JUAN CREEK TO THE SOUTH AND LOCATED WITHIN THE PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE DISTRICT SUBJECT TO COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) 78-01, ORTEGA PLANNED COMMUNITY WITHIN PLANNING SECTORS "B" AND "C" (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 666-131-09, 013, 014, 015 & 016) Whereas, Centra Realty Corporation has requested approval of Architectural Control 07-01, Grading Plan Modification 07-08, a Tree Removal Permit for eleven (11) trees, and a Parking Exception for a deficiency of forty-five (45) stalls in order to develop the. Ventanas Industrial Park project consisting of construction of eleven (11) buildings, two -stories in height, totaling 236,329 square feet of building area, 664 parking stalls and three vehicle drive entrances on the south side of Calle Arroyo (the "Project'); and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted several noticed public hearings on the Project, including public hearings on January 22, 2008, February 26, 2008, March 11, 2008, and April 8, 2008; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission considered all the information presented by Staff, the applicant, and public oral and written testimony on the Project; and Whereas, on April 8, 2008 the Planning Commission adopted a resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and applicable documents; and Whereas, on April 8, 2008 the Planning Commission denied zoning entitlements within the Planning Commission's authority and recommended denial of the entitlements within the City Council's jurisdiction and directed staff to bring back a resolution of denial with Findings of Fact consistent with the Planning Commission's denial at the next regular meeting on April 22, 2008; and, Whereas, on April 22, 2008 the Planning Commission considered this resolution of denial and the following findings of fact. PC Resolution 08-04-22-01 2 April 22, 2008 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. While the Project is generally consistent with the Industrial Park designation on the General Plan Land Use Map and the underlying zoning, the Planning Commission disapproves of the overall architectural style of the proposed buildings and site plan. Specifically, the Planning Commission finds: a) The Project does not provide sufficient set backs from public viewing areas, including the adjacent San Juan Creek and the 1-5 Freeway. Even . though the project is setback between 75 feet and 95 feet from the freeway right-of-way, the first row of buildings closest to the 1-5 Freeway are still too close and negatively impact views of the hillside east of the Project site. The height and overall massing of these buildings, particularly the first row of buildings adjacent to the 1-5 Freeway, detract from the 1-5 view corridor. b) Even though the Project can be characterized as infill development, the Project site is located in sensitive setting with San Juan Creek adjacent to the site on the South and the highly traveled 1-5 corridor to the west. The Project does not represent an appropriate balance of development and open space in this sensitive setting. The Project proposes 11 buildings with 236,329 square feet of development and an accompanying 664 space surface parking lot on 13.83 net acres. While the Project may be below the maximum Floor Area Ratio and includes some perimeter open space areas, the Project still appears massive and barrack -like with an insufficient amount of open space to off -set the massing. In addition, the Project's use of a designated open space area for a portion of the parking lot is inconsistent with the City's ongoing efforts to preserve open space areas. c) The Project site is currently vacant and undeveloped except for a City owned water pump station (0.92 acre lot). Development of the Project at the density proposed does not create a sufficient buffer between San Juan Creek and recreational users of the trail system. The building setback from the relocated General Plan -designated trail is 35 feet and from the creek jurisdictional boundary is 57 feet. The parking lot areas are setback five feet from the edge of trail and 27 feet from the creek jurisdictional boundary. This insufficient buffer would adversely impact existing and future users of the adjacent trail by increasing nighttime lighting and converting the existing natural setting into a substantial urban development. PC Resolution 08-04-22-01 3 April 22, 2008 d) To accommodate the substantial surface parking area and numerous buildings, the Project requires significant lighting, which includes a total of 96 light fixtures, as shown on the photometric plans. Some of these fixtures will be located around the perimeter of the Project site thereby creating spillover onto adjacent areas such as San Juan Creek and the Ortega Equestrian Center. e) Because the Project provides minimal setbacks for the relatively large scale buildings that are proposed, there is an insufficient buffer area to provide adequate landscaping to soften the building mass or screen truck loading areas from Calle Arroyo; and, Q To address direct and cumulative traffic impacts, the Environmental Impact Report and Traffic Impact Analysis recommend traffic mitigation by requiring installation of a second left hand turn lane on Ortega Highway at the 1-5 Freeway southbound on-ramp. The Caltrans preferred alternative and construction schedule for the I-5/Ortega Highway Interchange improvement project are undetermined at this time. In addition, Caltrans may not allow the City or developer to perform interim improvements that would require removal at a later date. Therefore, the possibility exists that this project's traffic impacts will remain unaddressed for an extended duration. 2. Due to the proposed density of the Project, the Project site cannot accommodate the, minimum parking required for the Project. The Project is inconsistent with the parking requirements set forth in San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, Title 9 - Land Use and will be deficient by forty-five (45) stalls. Although one solution to creating additional parking is to replace landscape areas with parking stalls, this solution would have negative aesthetic and visual quality impacts and can not be supported. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby denies Architectural Control 07-01, Grading Plan Modification 07-08, Tree Removal Permit, and Parking Exception and, based upon these denials, recommends that the City Council deny the Tentative Parcel Map, Floodplain Land Use Permit, Lot Line Adjustment/Easement, Public Right -of -Way Vacation, License Agreement, and Shared/Joint Use Parking Agreement. PC Resolution 08-04-22-01 4 April 22 2008 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of April, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Sheldon Cohen,, Planning Commission Chair Jot�r , Steven 4ple,PT&nning Director, Secretary