PC Resolution-09-05-26-01 PC RESOLUTION NO. 09-5-26-1 REZONE (RZ) 07-02, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 07-191 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A 68,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET (GSF) COMMERCIAL OFFICE PROJECT LOCATED ON THE EASTSIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO ROADAND NORTH OF SPOTTED BULL LANE(ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS: 650-011-34 & 39) (KOLL. SAN JUAN) Whereas, the Koll Company has requested approval of development plans for a proposed commercial office development with nine(9)buildings encompassing 58,000 gross square feet (GSF) of building area on an existing 7.8 net acre (9.2 gross acres) property located on the east side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Spotted Bull Lane. The subject property is General Plan-designated "5.0-Public & lnstitutional":The Public& Institutional designation provides forthe development of schools, churches, fire stations, community centers, utility substations and office complexes,and is classified as"PC"(Planned Community)on the Official Zoning Map and is subject to the provisions of Comprehensive Development Plan 90-02, Mammoth Equities; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, General Review Procedures of Title 9, Land Use Code of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator required preparation of an environmental impact report pursuant to Section 15081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; issued the Notice of Preparation pursuant to Section 15082 of those guidelines, has overseen the preparation of the draft environmental impact report prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines, has issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines, has provided for public review of the draft environmental impact report pursuant to Section 15087 of those guidelines; reviewed all comments and prepared responses to comments pursuant to Section 15088 of those guidelines; has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act(1970); and all mitigation measures have been included in a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP); and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator required re-circulation of the traffic and circulation chapter of the Draft Environmental Impact Report(EIR)to allow additional analysis of the project's Potentially Significant Impacts to the Avery Parkway intersections situated with the Cities of Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo based on comments received during the initial review and comment period; and, Whereas, the Transportation Commission conducted a duly-noticed public meeting on February 11, 2009 to consider the proposed project, potential traffic impacts, and proposed mitigation measures and, after due consideration,forwarded the project to the Planning Commission for final action with recommendations; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrators determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has considered all project environmental docu-nentation and technical studies; and, RZ 07-02, TPM 07-191, Koll San Juan PC Resolution 09-5-26-1 2 May 26, 2009 Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted duly-noticed public hearings on February 10, February 24, March 10, April 28, and May 26, 2009 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.335 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby finds the following with respect to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR): 1. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared pursuant to and in compliance with Section 15081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and, 2. The City issued the Notice of Preparation pursuant to and compliance with Section 15082 of the CEQA Guidelines, has addressed all CEQA-relevant issues raised as part of the Notice of Preparation(NOP)scoping process, and the Draft Environmental Impact Report(EIR)has been prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines, and, 3. The City issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines and provided a 45-day public review period and provided the requisite documents to the State Clearinghouse (SCH)for review and comment pursuant to Section 15087 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and, 4. The City has reviewed all comments and prepared responses to comments pursuant to and in full compliance with Section 15088 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and, 5. The City has identified and disclosed all potentially significant impacts, identified appropriate mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance, and all mitigation measures have been included in a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program prepared pursuant to and in full compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and where certain traffic impacts cannot be mitigated due to outside agency jurisdiction (California Department of Transportation, City of Mission Viejo, City of Laguna Niguel), the City Council will need to consider adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and, 6. Prior to City Council certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), the City Council will consider detailed Findings of Fact with respect to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and make all necessary findings prior to certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findingswith respect to the Rezone (RZ).. 1. The proposed zone change is consistent with the General Plan land use map and applicable goals and policies because the property is designated by the General Plan Land Use Element's Land Use Policy Map as "5.0-Public& Institutional"which allows provides for the development of"office complexes"as proposed by the subject application, and establishes RZ 07-02, TPM 07-191, Koll San Juan PC Resolution 09-5-26-1 3 May 26, 2009 an 0.40 floor area ratio (FAR) as the maximum intensity of development within the land use designation and the proposed project requests approval of 68,000 gross square feet(GSF) of commercial office space resulting in an 0.20 FAR which is half the maximum intensity permitted under the General Plan. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the Land Use Code, including Article 1 General Plan Review and Table 2-1,Zoning Consistency Matrix because the proposed"PC" (Planned Community) zone designation for the southerly portion of the project site is consistent with Table 2-1,Zoning Consistency Matrix which expressly provides that the"PC" (Planned Community) zoning designation is consistent with the "5.GPublic & Institutional" General Plan land use designation. Furthermore,the proposed zone change is consistent with the land use and development standards of Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 90-02, and the zoning standards related to parking, exterior lighting, noise, signs, tree preservation, and transportation demand management(TDM)subject to the recommended conditions of approval. 3. The site of the proposed zone change is suitable for the proposed land uses permitted within the"PC"(Planned Community)Zone District because the proposed zone change consists of an area of about 24,800 gross square feet (0.57 acres) which would be improved withthe site entrance, and all or a portion of fifteen(15)proposed parking spaces and no commercial office use nor structures are proposed within thearea subject to the zone change. 4. The uses allowed by the proposed zone change are compatible with existing and planned uses on surrounding properties and the community in general because no commercial office use nor structures are proposed within the area subject to the zone change and consequently,the zone change does not raise an issue of land use compatibility per se and furthermore, impacts to the existing residential lot to the southeast will be sufficiently addressed the provision of privacy walls and landscaping along the common property line. 5. The proposed zone change is reasonable and beneficial at this time because the 0.57 acre parcel which is subject to the zone change has the same General Plan land use designation of "5.0-Public & Institutional" as the adjoining property to the north, is under the same ownership as the property to the north, and the proposed zone change would place the subject parcel under the same "PC" (Planned Community) zoning. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to the Tentative Parcel Map (TPM): 1. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan and Comprehensive Development Plan 90-01, Mammoth Equities because the proposed map provides for the condominium ownership of the proposed commercial office project and the proposed use is consistent with the General Plan and the Comprehensive Development Plan which allow the development of"commercial offices" as a permitted use. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and Comprehensive Development Plan 90-01 because the proposed map is limited to providing for condominium ownership of individual office buildings or a portion of such buildings, and the subdivision map does not propose nor require subdivision streets with RZ 07-02, TPM 07-191, Koll San Juan PC Resolution 09-5-26-1 4 May 26, 2009 public improvements serving separately awned parcels. Furthermore,the project includes provisions for a sewer line extension at the southeast corner of the site to serve the Spotted Bull Lane neighborhood at a future date when the residents have formed a special assessment district or similar mechanism to fund aril construct sewer improvements. 1 The site is physically suitable for the type of development because as part of the General Plan update and review process, completed in December 1999, the City confirmed a "5.0- Public & Institutional" land use designation for the subject property and so, the City has made a General Plan determination that the site is physically suitability for commercial office development. 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development because due to the topographic limitations and shape/configuration, the developable area of the site is limited and so, the project proposes an 0.20 floor area ratio (FAR) which is one-half the 0.40 maximum intensity allowed under the General Plan Land Use Element. 5. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat because the project site consists of an in-fill parcel surrounded by existing office development, residential development, and arterial streets and highways and will not result in potentially significant environmental impacts because proposed mitigation provides that tree removals will not be permitted during the nesting season for raptors orother protected bird species. & The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision because the City will convey to Koll the appropriate slope and landscape easements for maintenance responsibility purposes while retaining the right,should the City deem necessary, to enter the property and complete certain slope, irrigation, drainage, or landscape improvements. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council certification of the Environmental Impact Report and approval of the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program(MMRP) established by Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council approval of Rezone 07-02 amending the boundaries.of Comprehensive Development Plan 90-01, Mammoth Equities as established by Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-191 subject to the conditions of approval established by Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein. RZ 07-02, TPM 07-191, Koll San Juan PC Resolution 09-5-26-1 5 May 26, 2009 PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26'�day of May, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Gene Ratcliffe, Ginny Kerr, Tim Neely, and Bruce Tatarian. NOES: Robert Williams ABSTAIN: none Gene Ratcliffe, Acting Chairman Grant Taylor, Assi t Planning Director EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM KOLL.SAN JUAN SAN JUAN CAPISRANO, CA Method of Tithing of SC/MM No.-1-::Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification TImplementation Responsibility Traffic and Circulation Prior to issuance of any site grading and/or right-of- way improvementpermits for the i importation/exportation of soil in excess of fifty (50) cubic yards to or from the project site,the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for, a Haul Route Plan specific to Prior to Issuance of any MM 4.2-1a the project and in compliance with all applicable Plan Check Site Grading or Right-of- Engineering Department City standards. The Haul Route Plan shall specify Way Permit dates, times, and routes for hauling activities within the City. Prior to commencing haul activities, the applicant shall obtain City approval of the required i Haul Route Permit and shall pay required fees to the Engineering Prior to issriance of any site grading and/or right-of- way improvement plans; the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and obtain approval of Traffic ! Control Plans and final improvement plans for all Prior to Issuance of any i traffic mitigation improvements, including both on- MM 4.2-1b site and off-site, as identified in the approved Plan Check Site Grading or Right-of- Engineering Department Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared pursuant to Way Permit City Council Policy 310. Any exception to this requirement shall be subject to review and written a ro val by the City Engineer. mm i [ Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall provide the Director € of Public Works for the City of San:Tuan Capistrano with a copy of a binding agreement, executed by E the Applicant, and sent by the Applicant to the City MM 4.2-2 of Mission Viejo expressing its commitment to Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Engineering Department either: (1) install a southbound right-turn lane at Certificate of Occupancy the Avery Parkway/Marguerite Parkway intersection as mitigation for the direct impact of the proposed project in exchange for execution of a reimbursement agreement from the City of Mission i Exhibit A KoY SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 1 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Mitigation MeasurelStandard Condition J Verification Irrrplementation Res onsibility Viejo, or(2) pay its fair share (2.02-percent) toward; the installation of such improvement. Based on I field measurements, this southbound right-turn lane can besteed within the existing pavement. ! Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide the Director Public Works of the City of San Juana Capistrano with a copy of a binding agreement, executed by the Applicant, and sent by the Applicant to the Cities of Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel expressing its commitment to the Cities of Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo to provide a fair share contribution Prior to Issuance of MM 4.2-3 j (122 percent) toward the cost for improvements to Plan Check Certificate of Occupancy Engineering Department the left-turn at the Avery Parkwayl1-5 northbound ramp and the Avery Parkwayl1-5 southbound ramp intersections and an additional westbound through lane at the northbound ramp to mitigate the significant project-related direct and cumulative impacts at this intersection. These improvements will improve the intersection's level of service to a " re- ro'ect"condition. m Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall construct a dual eastbound left- turn lanes and a shared through/right-turn lane to mitigate the project-related direct impact at the J. Serra Road/Rancho Viejo Road intersection. In addition, the applicant shall pay a fair share fee I (19.5 percent) for an exclusive eastbound right-turn lane and dual northbound left-turn lanes to mitigate the significant project-related cumulative impact at Prior to Issuance of MM 4.2-4 Plan Check I Engineering Department this intersection. Certificate of Occupancy i i Should a construction contract be awarded for these i improvements by the City, or construction of these improvements be undertaken by another entity, the applicant shall pay a fair share fee to be determined by the City for the project-related direct impact mitigation described above, in addition to the fair share fee for the project-related cumulative impact. Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall be required to construct a Prior to Issuance of MM 4.2-5 westbound right-turn lane to mitigate the direct Plan Check Certificate of Occupancy Engineering Department impacts resulting from project implementation. xhibit A Koff SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 2 Method of __ .. Timing of SCIMM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility Should a construction contract be awarded for these improvements by the City, or construction of these improvements be undertaken by another entity, the applicant shall pay a fair share fee (12.5 percent) for the project-related direct impact Lit described above. Air Quality Adherence to SCAQMD Rule 403, which sets I SC 4,3-1 ! requirements for dust control associated with On-Site Monitoring During Grading and public Works Department € grading and construction activities. Construction I Adherence to SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2, During Grading and _ SC 4.3-2 I which require the use of low sulfur fuel for On-Site Monitoring Construction Public Works Department stationary construction e ui ment. _ Adherence to SCAQMD Rule 1108, which sets Y i ; During Grading and SC 4.3-3 limitations on ROG content in asphalt. On-Site Monitoring Construction Public Works Department Adherence to SCAQMD Rule 1113, which sets I During Grading and SC 4.3-4 limitations on ROG content in architectural On-Site Monitoring Construction Public Works Department coatings. Adherence to Title 24 energy-efficient design requirements as well as the provision of window j SC 4.3-5 glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Community Development methods in accordance with the requirements of Building Permit Department the uniform Build"Code. The followingmeasuresshall be implemented during grading and construction by the project contractor(s) to ensure that potential construction impacts will be reduced to a less than significant level. • Use low emission mobile construction equipment. The property owner/developer During Grading and MM 4.3-1a shall comply with CARE requirements for On-Site Monitoring Construction Public Works Department heavy construction equipment. • Maintain construction equipment engines by keeping them tuned. € • Use low sulfur fuel for stationary construction eggipment. This is required by SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2. • Utilize existing ower sources i.e., ower Exhibit A Koll SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 3 Method ofTiming of SCtMM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility poles) when available. This measure would minimize the use of higher polluting gas or diesel generators. • Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference. • Minimize obstruction of through-traffic lanes. Construction.should be planned so that lane closures on existing streets are kept to a minimum. • Schedule construction operations affecting traffic for off-peak hours to the best extend when possible. • Develop a traffic plan to minimize traffic flow interference from construction activities (the plan may include advance public notice of routing, use of public transportation and satellite parking areas with a shuttle service.) • Prohibit truck idling in excess of five minutes. • Use emulsified diesel fuels, and equip construction equipment with oxidation catalysts particulate traps, and other verified/certified technologies, etc. • Provide temporary traffic controls such as a flag person, during all phases of construction to maintain smooth traffic flow. • Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on the arterial system to off-peak hour to the extent practicable. • Reroute construction trucks away from congested streets or sensitive receptor areas, and appoint a construction relations officer to act as a community liaison concerning on-site construction activity including resolution of issues related to PMio generation. • Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneou�ust)exceed 25 mph. _ _ Prior to issuance of the grading permit, the applicant shall submit an Air Quality Construction MM 4.3-1 b Phasing and Management Plan to the City of San Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Public Works Department Juan Capistrano for approval by the Planning Grading Permit Director, The Air Quality Construction Management Plan shall identi the numbers and Exhibit A Koi!SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 4 _. mm Method of Timing of SC/MM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility types of equipment that will be used on a daily basis and/or hours of operation of the equipment during the grading phase of the project. The Air Quality Construction Management Plan will include calculations for the daily grading and construction equipment operations, which confirm that construction equipment emissions for NOx do not exceed the daily significance threshold of 100 pounds per day recommended by the SCAQMD. Noise All construction activities shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday During Grading and i MM 4.4-1a through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. on Fielding Monitoring Construction Engineering Department Saturday. Construction and demolition should be prohibited on Sundays or national holidan.__„ Equipment will use available noise suppression; devices, including but not limited to soundproofing enclosures for compressors and properly] maintained residential grade mufflers on alll construction equipment. Construction noise will be 3 I reduced by using quiet or "new technology", equipment, particularly the quieting of exhaust During Grading and MM 4.4-1 b noises by use of improved mufflers where feasible. On-Site Monitoring Construction Engineering Department All internal combustion engines used at the Project site will be equipped with the type of muffler recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. In addition, all equipment will be maintained in good mechanical condition so as to minimize noise i created by faulty or. poorly maintained engine, drive-train and other components, During all site preparation," grading and construction, contractors shall minimize the staging of construction equipment and unnecessary idling of equipment in the vicinity of residential land uses. During Grading and MM 4.4-1c The equipment stating areas shall be located at On-Site Monitoring Construction Engineering Department least 150 feet from the nearest residence in order to minimize intrusive noise during the construction phase. Temporary walls,barriers, and/or enclosures will be During Grading and MM 4.4-1d erected around stationary construction equipment On-Site Monitoring Engineering Department _ when such equi ment will be operated within 50 Construction Exhibit A _ Koll SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 5 Method of Timing of SC/MM No.. "Mit, i lation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility feet of the homes located along the eastern property boundary. Noise barriers and enclosures will consist of absorptive material in order to prevent impacts upon other land uses due to noise reflection. In addition, complete enclosure structures will close or secure any openings where pipes, hoses or cables penetrate the enclosure structure. Notification will be given to residences within 300 feet of planned construction activities thirty (30) days prior to commencement of construction activity, and will include a brief description of the project, the overall duration of each construction Prior to Issuance of MM 4A-1 e stage, noise abatement measures that will taken, Notification Grading Permit Engineering Department I I and the name and phone number of the construction site supervisor or his designee to report any violation of a noise or mitigation standard. The air conditioning equipment shall operated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00' During Grading and MM 4.4-2a a.m. Accordingly, all air conditioning units shall be On-Site Monitoring Construction Engineering Department equipped with timers to ensure compliance with these operating restrictions. Prior to issuance of building permits for any building on the project site, the applicant shall submit for the City's review and approval a detailed final noise assessment to determine the exact location of the air conditioning units, the specific model to be used, and any additional sound control features necessary to ensure that the outdoor noise level at the property line of the nearest residence will not exceed 55 dB(A), which is the Municipal Code's maximum noise level that can occur during Prior to Issuance of MM 4,4-2b Plan Check Engineering Department the evening operating period between 7:00 a.m. Building Permit and 10:00 p.m. The noise assessment shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant and shall identify and quantify the sources of noise emanating from the air conditioning units and identify the specific design features that must be incorporated into the unit to achieve the City's standard. Specific design features include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: (1) the installation of a particular model of air Exhibit A Koll SJC Project Mitigation Monitoting and Reporting Program Page 6 Method of TTiming of - SOMM No Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility equipment that generates lower noise levels, (2) strategically locating the equipment to achieve maximum noise reduction, and/or (3) enclosing the equipment within insulated sound walls. Because of the proximity and orientation of the air conditioning units with respect to the sensitive receivers, sound walls around the mechanical equipment at their currently planned location would not be effective in reducing the noise level. Placement! sound walls around the mechanical equipment would only, achieve noise reduction if the equipment is relocated to a location more distant from the large retaining wall. The. City shall ensure that the specific design features identified in the final noise assessment are incorporated into the project plans. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, the ! applicant shall construct the 7-foot sound wall at the top of slope along the residential property line as illustrated on Exhibit 4.4-3 subject to agreement on design by the affected property owners. The l barrier shall be constructed of any masonry[ E material or 3/8"tempered glass or a combination of I these materials. The sound wall shall be continuous with no holes or gaps. Should i construction of the permanent sound wall prior to Prior to Issuance of MM 4.4-3 mass grading be deemed infeasible by the City Plan Check Grading Permit Engineering Department Engineer or his designee, then prior to issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall install a temporary construction noise barrier at the top of easterly slope adjoining the Spotted Bull Lane neighborhood. Following the completion of mass grading, and prior to the issuance of any building € permit for-on-site construction, the applicant shall i remove the temporary sound wall and construct the permanent 7-foot sound wall per Exhibit 4.4-3 Prior to issuance of building permits for all office ! buildings in the project area, the applicant shall ! submit for the City's review and approval a detailed final noise assessment to demonstrate that each Prior to Issuance of MM 4.4-4 office buildings interior noise level will not exceed Plan Check Building Permit Engineering ]department the City's interior noise standard of 45 CNEL. The final noise assessment shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant and shall identi Exhibit R Kola SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 7 - Method of Timing of m SC/MM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility and quantify the sources of noise impacting the building and identify the specific design features that must be incorporated into each building to I achieve the City's standard. Specific design I features shall include multi-pane windows and/or laminated glass windows and doors. The exact window sound rating and other sound proofing i features shall be specified by the acoustical i consultant. Other design features that may be required to provide the requisite attenuation include the installation of additional insulation in the roof and walls and additional layers of gypsum board on. the interior side of the walls. The City shall ensure that the specific design features measures are incorporated into the project plans. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), the City shall conduct noise level readings to verify that all office buildings comply with the City's interior noise standard for commercial office use. _ Aesthetics Prior-to issuance of the building permit, the final lighting plan shall be subject to review by the Community Development Director or his designee to verify compliance with the City's lighting standards prescribed in Section 9.3-629 for SC 5-1 maximum permitted illumination levels, lighting Prior to Issuance of Community Development type, light pole height, and the provision of Plan Check g p € Building Permit Department I shielding/cut-offs within the parking areas and € walkways. The plan shall also demonstrate to the I satisfaction of the Community Development Director or his designee that illumination will not Icreate off-site ISM and_c Tare. I j �_ .__ E I Drainage and Hydrology The project shall secure City approval of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which shall emphasize structural and non-structural [[[ Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance Prior to Issuance of I MM 16.8-1 with NPDS Program requirements. Specific Plan Check Building permit Engineering Department j measures shall include: j f I � � Siltation of drainage devices shall be handled Exhibit R � Koll SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 8 Method of Timing of SCIMM No, Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility through a maintenance program to remove silt/dirt from channels and parking areas. I 3 Surplus or waste material from construction' shall not be placed in drainage ways or within the 1 00-year floodplain of surface waters. ! All loose piles of soil, silt, clay, sand, debris, or other earthen materials shall be protected in a reasonable manner to eliminate any discharge to waters of the State. During construction, temporary gravel dikes shall be used as necessary to prevent discharge of earthen materials from the site during periods of precipitation or runoff. Stabilizing agents such as straw, wood chips and/or soil sealant/dust palliative shall be used during the interim period after grading in order to strengthen exposed soil until permanent solutions are implemented. Revegetated areas shall_ be continually maintained in order to assure adequate growth and root development. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, the I application shall prepare an Erosion Control Plan i that includes specific measures to reduce the Prior to Issuance of MM 16:8-2 Plan Check Engineering Department potential for erosion. The Erosion Control Plan will Grading Permit be subject to the review and approval of the City En ineer. Biological Resources Any construction activities associated with I development of the property shall be conducted outside of the raptor/avian breeding season (i.e., MM 16.4-1 February 15 through August 30). If this is not On-Site Monitoring Prior to Issuance of Community Development possible, a qualified biologist shall conduct a Grading Permit Department nesting bird survey(s) prior to removing tees, shrubs and tall herbaceous vegetation in order to E prevent any violations of the META. Exhibit A Koff SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 9 Method of Timing of SCIMM No, Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibilit Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare and 'submit to the City, a tree removal plan that complies with the San Juan MM 16.42 Capistrano Tree Removal Permit criteria. Each Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Community Development tree to be removed that exceeds six inches in Grading Permit Department diameter measured three feet above the ground shall be identified on that plan, which shall be subject to City review and approval. T Cultural/Scientific Resources Prior to issuance of any grading permit for mass grading, the project applicant shall secure City approval of the paleontological monitoring scope of work and shall provide the City with a copy of the executed contract for field monitoring of paleontological resources. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, the project applicant shall retain a paleontologist to monitor, identify, collect, and catalogue paleontological resources encountered Prior to Issuance of Community Development MM 18.5-1 during mass grading. Collections of exposed Plan Check Grading Permit Department fossils will be made by the paleontologist from the lithologic units of high paleontologic importance. All vertebrate and representative samples of mega- invertebrate and plant fossils will be collected. Productive sites will be excavated and approximately 2,000 pound rock samples will be collected to process for micro-vertebrate fossil remains. During any earth-moving activity associated with the development of this property,the paleontologist; will evaluate the geologic formations underlying the; site and develop a monitoring schedule based on [ the paleontologic importance of the rock unit underlying the area of effect. Paleontologic; MM 18.5-2 monitoring shall occur in accordance with theOn-Site Monitoring During Grading Community Development following importance criteria established by the,a Department paleontologist: 3 1) none-0% (0 days per week) 2) unknown- 40% (2 days per week) f 3) low-20% (1 day per week) 4 high-60- 100% (3 to 5 days per week) _ € MM 16.5-3 If any significant large fossil remains are uncovered On-Site MonitoringDurin Gradin Communit Dever Exhibit A Koff SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 10 Method of Timing of -.................... SC/MM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition ]_-Verification Im lernentation Responsibility during earth-moving activities the paleontologist will Department I have the authority to divert earth-moving equipment I away from the site until he or she has examined the remains. If the remains are determined to be important, the paleontologist will remove them. If warranted, a sample of rock will be collected for processing. The technician will be equipped to allow for the rapid removal of fossil remains andlor matrix and thus reduce the potential for construction delays. mmIf significant fossil remains are observed and if safety restrictions permit, the construction contractor will allow the paleontologist to safely Community Development MM 16.5-4 determine if the material is significant. At the On-Site Monitoring During Grading Department paleontologist's discretion, the grading contractor may assist in the removal of the fossil remains and rock to reduce any delay in construction. For rock units with a high probability of yielding - paleontological resources, including River Terrace Deposits of San Juan and Trabuco Creeks (Qtr), the rock will be examined periodically for MM 16.5-5 microfossils by wet or dry screening. If important On-Site Monitoring During Grading Community Development fossil remains are found as a result of screening, Department ' samples of sufficient size to .generate a representation of the organisms preserved will be collected and processed, if warranted, onsite or at a convenient location. Fossils recovered from the field or by processing will be prepared, identified, and along with the MM 16.5-6 accompanying field notes, maps, and photographs l On-Site Monitoring During Grading Community Development I accessioned into the collections of a designated,! Department accredited museum approved by the City's Historic! Preservation Manager. If grading is undertaken in the finer-grained deposits, a paleontological monitor shall be on-site .to examine the rocks and determine if fossils are present or if there is a potential for fossils to be Community Development MM 16.5-7 encountered during any future grading. In areas On-Site Monitoring During Grading Department where the deposits are coarse-grained pebble to cobble sandstones, a monitor shall be on-site periodically to determine if fossils may occur in interbedded sandstones. ExhibitA Koli SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 11 Method of Timing of SC/MM No T. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility _ Soils and Geology Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the City MM 16 6-1 f shall ensure that the grading plan incorporates the Pian Check Prior to Issuance of Engineering Department € recommendations presented in the geotechnical Grading Permit resort prepared for the project. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a sloped _ stability analysis shall be conducted to determine? MM 16.6-2 the specific stability of the proposed slopes. The: Plan Check Prior to issuance of Engineering Department slope stability analysis shall identify the design; Grading Permit parameters for the on-site slopes. I Corrective grading of approximately two feet inj m - depth shall be required under building slabs and! MM 16.6-3 On-Site Monitoring During Grading ? Engineering Department foundations to five feet outside of the building envelopes. _ All soil materials used as compacted fill, or material processed in plane or used to backfill trenches, should be moistened, dried, or blended as MM 16.6-4 necessary to achieve a minimum of two percent On-Site Monitoring During Grading Engineering Department 1 over optimum moisture content, and densified to at least 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM Test Method D 1557, i Public Services Prior to approval of a building permit, the applicant Prior to Issuance of MM16.13-1 shall submit proof of OCFA review and approval of Plan Check Building Permit OCFA the site plan. _ Prior to approval of any subdivision or comprehensive plan approval for the project, if determined necessary by the OCFA, the designated site developer shall enter into a MM 16.13-2 Secured Fire Protection Agreement with the Plan Check Prior to Project Approval OCFA Orange County Fire Authority. This Agreement shall specify the developer's pro rata share funding of capital improvements necessary to establish adequate fire protection facilities and equipment, and/or personnel. _ All traffic signals on public access ways should Prior to Installation of MM 16.13-3 include the installation of optical preemption Plan Check Traffic Required Traffic Engineering Department devices. Signal(s) Exhibit A Kat!SJC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Page 12 CDP -t , Mammoth Equities Planned Communit Limits: .... . 1 � A L� e � } f U o � a s VVIOW rod L: e P 5` (CDP - 2 6 t • Area to be annexed into the boundaries of the Comprehensive P Development Plan planning area $ g 6 �4Q • e •� Planned Community limits o' —z City Soundary Parcels N s ��•: A -- 0 150 $00 000 a Feet Comprehensive Development Plan 90-02 Mammoth Equities P.C, page 6 EXHIBIT C PC RESOLUTION #09-5-26-1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PROJECT LOG #: Tentative Parcel Map (TPM)07-191 PROJECT NAME: Koll San Juan ACTION DATE: May 26, 2009 These recommended conditions of approval apply to the above-referenced project application described in more detail below. For the purpose of these conditions,the term "applicant"shall also mean the developer, the owner or any successor(s) in interest to the terms of this approval. GENERAL CONDITIONS: A. The subject project requests approval of a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to allow condominium ownership of commercial suite space in a 68,000 gross square foot (GSF) commercial office project on 7.8 net acre (9.2 gross acres)acres located at located on the east side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Spotted Bull Lane (Assessors Parcel Numbers: 650-011-34 & 39). This project approval is based on and subject to the application materials prepared by LPA, incorporated,the project architects including site plan(s), building elevation(s), floor plan(s), preliminary landscape plan(s), preliminary grading plan(s), tree removal plan(s), and any other plans. These plans and the proposed use of the project site are hereby incorporated by reference into this approval as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. Minor modifications to this project approval may be approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9-2.303,Administrative approvals of Title 9, Land Use Code. _ B. Approval of this application does not relieve the applicant from complying with other applicable Federal, State, County or City regulations or requirements. C. All plans, specifications, studies, reports, calculations, maps, notes; legal documents, and designs shall be prepared,stamped and signed, if required, only by those individuals legally authorized to do so. D. Legal Defense. The applicant/subdivider, its agents, and assignees shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of San Juan Capistrano, its elected and appointed officials and employees, and its contract consultants, from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul any land use approval associated with this project, including but not limited to environmental impact report requirements under CEQA, rezoning approvals, subdivision map approvals,or other applicable City Municipal Code Title 9 land use approvals. Upon notice provided by City to the applicant/subdivider, its agents, or assignees, of service of process of such claims or actions, the project proponent, its agents, and assignees, shall immediately act to provide an appropriate defense to such claims or actions. The applicant/subdivider shall consult with the City Attorney regarding appropriate defense counsel in the event of the filing of such claims or actions. (DD) Exhibit C PC Resolution##09-5-26-1 Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-191 Conditions of Approval Koll San Juan Page 2 of 6 E. Mitigation Monitorin &-.-Reporting Program, This project shall comply with the Mitigation Monitoring& Reporting Program adopted in conjunction with the approval of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) determination prepared for the project. (CD) F. CDP. This project shall comply with the provisions of Comprehensive Development Plan 90-02 for the project. (CD & PW) 1. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FIRST FINAL MAP OR FINAL MAP, AS INDICATED BELOW, OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT; 1.1 Compliance with Map Act and Municipal Code. Prior to approval of the final parcel map, said map shall be prepared and submitted in full compliance with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and the City of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, except as authorized by the City Council and/or Planning Commission. PW). 1.2 Payment of Fees and Posting of Sureties. Prior to approval of the final parcel map, the applicant/subdivider shall fulfill all applicable engineering fee requirements in accordance with the City Municipal Code, as last revised,the City Water Schedules of Rates and Charges, as last revised, and post securities to insure satisfaction performance of proposed improvements,including but not limited to, on-site and off- site grading, drainage, landscape and irrigation, erosion and sediment control, sewer, water, street and all appurtenant improvements. PW) 1.3 Public Facility Easements. Prior to approval of the final parcel map, the applicant/subdivider shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that public facilities, such as drainage, sewer and water, are designed to be located within adequate width and accessible easements and their surfaces shall be maintained by the Property Owner's Association. Any exception shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (PW) 1.4 Tentative Map Compliance and Closure Calculations. Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant/subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer for review, and shall obtain approval of, a final map in substantial compliance with the approved tentative map. Said map shall be accompanied with traverse closure calculations and an updated Title Search Report. (PW) 1.5 Property Owner's Association-Maintained Im rovements. Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant/subdivider shall indicate on the final map that all improvements,including but not limited to driveways, parking,drainage, street lights, street signage, striping improvements, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) improvements/features, graded slopes, retaining walls, sound walls, landscaping, and irrigation facilities shall be maintained by the Property Owner's Association or shall make other provisions for maintenance to be approved by the City.(PW) 1.6 Dedications and Maintenance Responsibility, Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant/subdivider shall indicate on the final map, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, all appropriate dedication and access rights, stating their purposes and their maintenance responsibilities. (PW) Exhibit C PC Resolution#09-5-26-1 Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-191 Conditions of Approval Koll San Juan Page 3 of 6 1.7 CC&Rs. Prior to approval of final map, the applicant/subdivider shall submit for review, and shall obtain the approval of, the Community Development Director, City Engineer, Public Works Director, and City Attorney, a set of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). Said CC&Rs shall be recorded with the final map and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Creation of a Property Owner's Association for the purpose of providing perpetual maintenance responsibility of all on-site areas and improvements including, but not limited to, common areas, open space, project entries, slopes, private medians and greenbelts, irrigation systems, landscaped areas, retaining/privacy/sound walls, driveways, parking areas, structures, drainage facilities, and all other areas to be owned and maintained by the Association. (PW) b. A statement indicating that proposed amendments to any of the CC&Rs shall be submitted for review to the Community.Development Director and that, if the Director determines that the amendment affects any project conditions of approval or other City regulations or requirements, the amendment will then require City Council approval prior to the amendment becoming valid. QD) c. Eire prevention and defense provisions including: 1) a fire lane map, if required by the Eire Chief; 2) provisions which prohibit parking in fire lanes and a method of enforcement; 3) a method for keeping fire protection access easements unobstructed; and 4) a requirement for approval of the Fire Chief for modifications such as installation of speed humps or bumps, control gate changes; or parking changes. (Fire) d. Maintenance provisions for and a prohibition against building construction or ornamental landscaping within private drainage easements and slopes within the project by the Property Owner's Association(PW) e. Provisions for the Property Owner's Association to maintain all Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP)improvements/features, including retention/detention basins, that are made a part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) permit issued by the City,and for inspection of open channels and catch basins annually. In addition, a provision shall be included which establishes a separate maintenance fund for the sole purpose of maintaining such facilities. (PW) f. A provision that gives the City the right to assume maintenance of any NPDES facilities, if the City determines that the Property Owner's Association Property Owner's Association has not maintained said facilities in accordance with the permit requirements, and that, in such event, the Property Owner's Association shall be financially responsible to pay City for the costs the City incurs in such maintenance role. (PW) g. A statement indicating that by October first of every year, annual fiscal year reports will be furnished to the City in compliance with the reporting requirements of codes and ordinances adopted by the City with respect to the NPDES Exhibit C PC Resolution#09-5-26-1 Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-199 Conditions of Approval Koll San Juan Page 4 of 6 program. (PW) h. A provision requiring that all landscape contractors properly train their field crews so as to prevent improper pruning/trimming or ornamental maintenance of the California native plants, and providing an enforceable penalty which the HOA may impose on the landscape contractor for violation of this provision including but not limited to replacement of plant material with comparably sized new plant material. (CD) k. A provision that the Property Owner's Association (POA)would be responsible for the cost of replacing any enhanced paving or stamped-concrete removed by the City for the purpose of maintaining, replacing, repairing, or otherwise conducting work on underground utilities including but not limited to waterlines, sanitary sewer lines, and storm drainage lines within the proposed private streets. (Pull) 1.8 Submission of Digital Map. Prior to recordation of final map,the applicant/subdivider shall submit for review, and shall obtain approval from the Orange County surveyor, of a digitized map pursuant to Orange County Ordinance 3809 of January 28, 1991. The applicant/subdivider shall pay for all cost of said digital submittal, including supplying digital copies to the City,of the final County Surveyor approved digital map in DXF format. In addition, the applicant/subdivider shall provide the City with digitized copies of all improvement (as-built) plans. (PW) 1.9 Dedication of Water Facilities. Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant/ subdivider shall dedicate on the final map, at no cost to the City, all public water facilities, water rights and the required easements to the City for project improvements. (Util) 1.10 Fire Protection Area Notation. Priorto approval of final map,the applicant/subdivider shall place a note on the map or site plan meeting the approval of the Fire Chief that all requirements for development and construction within a "Fire Protection Area", including increased street widths, Class A roof assemblies,fire sprinklers, etc.will be met. (Fire) 1.11 Sprinkler Notation. Prior to approval of final map, the applicant/subdivider shall include a note on the map stating that all shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (Fire) 2, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIE=D PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE GRADING AND/OR RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENT PERMITS SPECIFIED BELOW,OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WATER IMPROVEMENT PHASING PLAN: 2.1 Permits Required: Prior to the commencement of any grading or construction activity not provided for in previously-approved permits, the appropriate permit shall be required.All improvement work,whether performed on-site or off-site,shall require a building and/or grading permit to ensure the integrity and safety of all existing and proposed improvements affected by construction activities.(PW) Exhibit C PC Resolution#09-5-26-1 Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-191 Conditions of Approval Koll San Juan Page 5 of 6 2.2 Mylar of Final Mai?. Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits subsequent to final map recordation,the applicant/subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer a reproducible copy/mylarofthe project's recorded final map.The applicant shall also submit for review, and shall obtain approval of, the Orange County surveyor of a digital Map pursuant to Orange County Ordinance 3809 of January 28, 1991. The applicant shall pay for all costs of said digital submittal, including supplying digital copies to the City of the final County Surveyor-approved digital map in DXF format.All Digital Submissions shall conform to the latest edition of the City of San Juan Capistrano Digital Submission Standards.(PW) 3. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY 3.1 Fling of..Property Corner Survey Records. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant/subd€v€der's surveyor shall file the appropriate property corner survey records with the County Surveyor and show written confirmation indicating compliance with the County Recorder, as required by Section 8771 of the Business and Professions Code (PW) 5. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE SECURITIES 5.1 Provide As-Built Mylars. Prior to acceptance of the works of improvements and release of performance securities, the applicant/subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer for review, and shall obtain approval of, the reproducible "as-built" mylar plans of all on-site and off-site improvement works completed and accepted. Said plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Also, the applicant/ subdivider shall submit digital copies of all as-built plans in accordance with the latest edition of the "City of San Juan Capistrano Digital Submission Standards". (PW} 5.2 Videotape of Sewers and Storm Drain Pipes. Prior to acceptance of improvements and release of performance securities, the applicant/subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer for review, and shall obtain approval of, a videotape, filmed in the presence of a City Staff representative/inspector, of all sewer and drainage improvements. The videotape shall become the property of the City.(PW) 5.3 Monumentation and Corner Records. Prior to acceptance of improvements and release of performance securities, the applicant/subdivider's surveyor shall set all required monumentation and re-establish any damaged or destroyed monumentation during construction. Monumentation, street centerline ties and appropriate corner records shall be submitted to the City Engineer and filed with the County Surveyor in compliance with AB 1414 and Sec. 8771 of the Business and Professions Code. (PW) 5.4 Mylar Record Drawings Prior to the acceptance of water improvements and release of performance securities, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and the Water Engineering Manager for review, and shall obtain approval of, reproducible "record drawing" mylar plans that call out any deviations from the approved signed Exhibit C PC Resolution##09-5-26-1 Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-991 Conditions of Approval Koll San Juan Page 6 of 6 plans of all the domestic water system, non-domestic water system, and the landscape irrigation system. These record drawings shall also be submitted to the City in digital format in accordance with the latest edition of the City of San Juan Capistrano Digital Submission Standards. (Utilities & PW) Responsible Agencies: CD: Community Development Department CD-B&S: Community Development-Building & Safety PW-ENG: Public Works-Engineering Division UTI L: Utilities Department OCFA: Orange County Fire Authority