PC Resolution-09-10-13-01RESOLUTION NO. 09-10-13-01 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 09-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNTIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 09-01 TO DESIGNATE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY (APN 125-172-07 & 125-172-17) GENERAL OPEN SPACE (GOS) FOR ANNEXATION OF THE APPROXIMATELY ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (132) ACRE RANCHO MISSION VIEJO PROPERTY CONTAINING THE OAKS EQUESTRIAN FACILITY, PARK, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE AREAS PURSUANT TO THE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND MAPS ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF ORTEGA HIGHWAY, WEST OF LA PATA AVENUE, NORTH OF SAN JUAN HILL HIGH SCHOOL AND EAST OF THE CURRENT CITY LIMITS. WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano has initiated a General Plan Amendment to identify on the General Plan Land Use Map the annexation of approximately one hundred thirty-two (132) acres of property into the city limits as General Open Space (GOS) to maintain and preserve equestrian, park, recreation and open spaces areas; and, WHEREAS, Section 9-2.307, entitled Amendment of the General Plan of Title 9, of the Land Use Code grants the City Council sole authority to initiate consideration of General Plan Amendments and such approval was granted on September 15, 2009; and, WHEREAS, State Law requires that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing to provide a recommendation to the City Council of a General Plan Amendment (GPA); and, WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment would designate the subject property General Open Space (GOS) on the General Plan Land Use Map and the City would also pursue zoning designation(s) consistent with the GOS designation; and WHEREAS, the GOS land use designation is less intensive and more restrictive than the existing County of Orange Planned Community (PC) designation and Ranch Plan approvals; and WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano, pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement (PSA) would be deed restricted to maintain the equestrian, park, recreation, and open space areas and not conduct additional development; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano conducted a duly noticed public hearing and considered all oral and written public testimony on October 13, 2009; and PC Resolution — GPA 09-001 2 October 13, 2009 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend the City Council approve General Plan Amendment (GPA) 09-01 for the 132 acre Rancho Mission Viejo property designating the subject property General Open Space (GOS). In addition, the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby find that the project is exempt from environmental review under CEQA under Class 13 (Guidelines Section 15313) Acquisition of Lands for Wildlife Conservation Purposes; Class 16 (Guidelines Section 15316) Transfer of Ownership of Land in Order to Create parks; Class 19 (Guidelines Section 15319) Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facilities; and Class 25 (Guidelines Section 15325) Transfers of Ownership of Interest in Land to Preserve Existing Natural Conditions; and generally under Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13th day of October, 2009. AYES: Chairman Cohen, Vice -Chair Ratcliffe, Commissioners Neely, Kerr, Williams, Mocalis, and Tartarian. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Sheldon Cohen, Chairman Grant Taylor, ATsistant Community Development Director HU t i 1 A HUITT ttX[AR$ . 430 Exchangt r Suit* 200 . lrrim, Cly 92602.131b +.714.734.nop p{wm . 714.734.5155 fox • h hhxollart.tom EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRJPTION RMV CON04UNITY DEVELOPMENT SAN JUAN PROJECT Parcel 7: 10-1159-20 (D) 06-26-09 That portion of Parcel 104 of Certificate of Compliance No. CC 2001-01, in the Unincorporated Territory of the County of Orange, State of California, recorded July 26, 2001 as instrument No, 20410508635 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as foilows; Beginning at the Southeasterly terminus of that certain course along the Southwesterly line of Rancho Mission Viejo, as shown on Record of Survey No. 2006-1181, in Book 218, Pages 14 through 24, inclusive, of Records of Survey, in the office of said County Recorder, described as having a bearing and distance of "North 52°5724" West 4459.27'" on said Record of Survey; thence along said Southwesterly line North 5nT24" West 526.36 feet to a Point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence leaving said Southwesterly line and along the Northwesterly line of Parcel Two of the Planning Area One Development Boundary as approved July 26, 2006 by the Orange County Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-05, as shown on said Record of Survey, the following courses: North 2'38115" East 301.76 feet, North 34'09'53" East 888.59 feet, and North 23'20'42" East 814.28 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of Ortega Highway, as described in Exhibit "C" in the Grant Deed to the County of Orange, recorded August 1, 2008 as Instalment No. 2008000368965 of said Official Records; thence along said ` Southerly. right-of-way line, the following courses: North 83112'45" East 344.58 feet, North 6'47'15° West 19.74 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 6326.27 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 3113'37" West, Easterly 24.26 feet along said curve through a central angle of (Y13'11", North 86'59'34" East 256.57 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 4579.70 feet, Easterly 139.48 feet along said curve through a central angle of 1°44`42", non -tangent South 8743155" East 90.93 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Northerly having a radius of 4591.70 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears South 5'52'42" East, Easterly 275.99 feet along said curve through a central angle of 3°26`381, non -tangent North 873161571' East 71.92 feet, South WIT54" East 4.17 feet, South 5904'37" East 84.63 feet, and North 8Y16107" East 18.27 feet to a point on a non -tangent curve concave. Northwesterly having a radius of 1554.00 fect, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 8,5'1719" East, said curve also being the Northwesterly right-of-way line of La Pata Avenue, as shown on said Record of Survey, thence along said Northwesterly right-of-way, the following courses: Southwesterly 1103.15 feet along said curve through a central angle of 404640", South 36'03'59" West 11/10.1159-20/a/VtvWsmVuem/zkApm EXHIBIT A 10-1159-20 (D) LEGAL DESCRIPTION -CONTINUED 06-26-09 RMV COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SAN JUAN PROJECT PAGE 2 40°46'40", South 36003'59" West 561.99 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 1650.00 feet, and Southwesterly 882.54 feet along said curve through a central angle of 30038146", to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B`; thence leaving said Northwesterly right-of-way line non -tangent South 84°26'50" West 703.78 feet to a point on said Southwesterly lige of Rancho Mission Viejo, said point being ' distant thereon South 190 17'44" East 213.59 feet from the point of beginning; thence North 19017'44" West 213.59 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 70.572 acres, more or less. Creek Open Sp= parcel:, That portion of Parcel 104,of Certificate of Compliance No. CC 2001-01, in the Unincorporated Territory of the County of Orange, State of California, recorded July 26, 2001 as Instrument No. 20010508635 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at Point "A" as described in Parcel I herein above; thence along the Northwesterly line of Parcel Two of the Planning Area One Development Boundary as approved July 26, 2006 by the Orange County Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-05, as shown on Record of Survey No. 2006-1181, in Book 218, Pages 14 through 24, inclusive, of Records of Survey, in the office of said County Recorder, the following courses: North 2°38'15" East 301.76 feet, North 34004'53" East 888.59 feet, and North 23020'42" East 814.28 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of Ortega Highway, as described in Exhibit "C" in the Grant Heed to the County of Orange, recorded August 1, 2008 as Instrument No. 2008000368965 of said Official Records; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line, the fallowing courses: South 83112`45" West 55.42 feet, South 6047'15" East 40.00 feet, and South 83012'45" West 311,98 feet to the Southeasterly line of Parcel One of said Planning Area One Development Boundary, as shown on said Record of Survey, said point hereinafter referred to as Point "C"; thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line and along said Southeasterly line, the following courses: South 37143`28" West 358.30 feet, South 27°5.171" West 469.69 feet, South 38038101" West 422.80 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve Southeasterly having a radius of 500.00 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 5°39`07" West, and Southwesterly 445.03 feet along said curve through a central angle of 50159'50" to a point on the Southwesterly line of Rancho Mission, as shown on sand Record of Survey, said point being distant thereon North 52°5724" West 746.21 feet from the point of beginning; thence leaving said Southeasterly line and along said Southwesterly line South 52°5724" East 746.21 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 17.142 acres, more or less r/20-1I59.2pfVVrmvsa4 aa/zlclfyym EXHIBIT A 10-1159-20 (D) LEGAL DESCRIPTION -CON'T'INUED 06-26-09 RMV COMMUNI'T'Y DEVELOPMENT SAN JUAN PROJECT PAGE 3 Parcel 8: That portion of Parcel 104 of Certificate of Compliance No. CC 2001-01, in the Unincorporated Territory of the County of Orange, State of California, recorded July 26, 2001 as Instrument No. 20010508635 of Official records, in the o€lice of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at Point "C" as descn'bed in Parcel 2 herein above; thence along the Southeasterly line of Parcel One of the PIanning Area One Development Boundary as approved July 26, 2006 by the Orange County Planning Commission resolution No. 06-05, as shown on Record of Survey No. 2006-1181, in Book 218, Pages 14 through 24, inclusive, of Records of Survey, in the office of said County Recorder, the fallowing courses: South 37°4378" West 358.30 feet, South 27°51121" West 469.69 feet, South 38038'01" West 422,80 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 500.00 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 5039'07" West, and Southwesterly feet along said curve through a central angle of 50°59'50" to a point on the Southwesterly line of Rancho Mission Viejo, as shown on said Record of Survey; thence North 52057'24" West 640.24 feet along said Southwesterly line to the Southerly right-of-way lineof Ortega Highway, as described in Exhibit "C" in the Grant Deed to the County of Orange, recorded August 1, 2008 as Instrument No. 2008000368965 of said Official Records; thence along said Southerly right-of-way lisle, the fallowing courses: North 53003'40" East 15.49 feet, South 3605670" East 3.50 feet, North 53003140" East 308.58 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 7044.30 feet, Northeasterly 299.61 feet along said curve through a central angle of 2026'13", North 50037`27" East 81.26 feet, South 391,2252" East 3.07 feet, North 50037`08" East 210.25 feet, North 57°51'04" East 71.12 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 1474.06 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point Fars North 39924'19" West, Northeasterly 210.68 feet along said curve through a central angle of 8°11'20", non - tangent South 25011'17" East 13.07 feet, North 80023'21" East 29.94 feet, North 61°08'36" East 68.00 feet, North 29011'32" West 11.61 feet, North 42004'13" East 30.05 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 1530.00 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 24°59`51" West, Northeasterly 254.57 feet along said curve through a central angle of 9°32'00", along a radial line of said curve non -tangent South 15°2751" East 50.00 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 1480.00 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 15°27'51" West, Northeasterly 224.13 feet along said curve through a central angle of 8°40 36" and North 83012'45" East 45.72 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 18.403 acres, more or less. ffl0-1159-20/animrvsenjneudztc/ ipm EXHTBITA 10-1159-20 (D) LEGAL DESCRIPTION -CONTINUED 06-26-09 RMV COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SAN JUAN PROJECT PAGE 4 La Pata Open Space Parcel That portion of Parcel 104 of Certificate of Compliance No. CC 2001-01, in the Unincorporated Territory of the County of Orange, State of California, recorded July 26, 2001 as Instrument No. 20010508635 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at Point "B" as described in Parcel 1 herein above; thence South 846'50" West 703.78 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of Rancho Mission Viejo, as shown ozu Record of Survey No. 2006-1181, in Book 218, Pages 14 through 24, inclusive, of Records of Survey, in the office of said County Recorder, said point being distant thereon South 1911744" East 213.59 feet from the point of beginning of said Paruel 1; thence along the Westerly, Southerly and Easterly lines of said Parcel 104, the following courses:. South 19=1744" East 1017.75 feet, North ST02'03" East 484.09 feet, North 5'46'10" West 452.96 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 1650.00 feet, and Northerly 322.24 feet along said curve through a central angle of 11°l 173" to the point of begiznzing. Containing an area of 11.562 acres, more or less. As shown. on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.' G C�. o �r ce NO. 5557 °- AMES GiLLEN, PLS 5557 EXi'. 04190l09 9 OF r dto- Ils9-2ae/UrrnV2*ua V&41gm K x • 7 r.SEE tiSNEET 5 _ t -1 S E sHEET 4 � -- -= y- p iR EQA FINwA Y ! P. ! I f ! AB. ! ( I PARCEL 31 1 I a I I I \ Pla-403 AC. ARGLL a MEEK ofvv I I PARCEL 7 I E 14 f I M572 AC. I PARCa i 17.141 AC I ! I if I I { _ ! �•� I I I i P.4.a I SEE .SHEEP 3 PARCEL z L..--._-_.....-___.,..__- .c NO. 5557 ERP. 9/30/09 tutu P.Q B, I PARCEL I i � I ! PARCEaL 4 ' f ! i i LA PAM . I QPEN_SPACE i I PARCEL i I ! 11.562 AC SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY A LEGAL DESCRIP77ON mow 9Y Q SAN JUAN PROJEor Rmv coAoduNlily f1,t7E 612612009 DevaomeNT �a 10-1159-20 R:\10115920jMAP11592®\vW\EEx\11582aAD(OZDWc SEE SHEET 4 to ti co S =200' r r PARM 7 70.572 AC. SEE SHEET S BEET z o� S NO jL e O 1 P. as PARCEL 1 SA �.a (XXX) INDICA TES RECORD DA TA PER R -S: 2006-1181, R.S8. 216/14-24, a j•X1fX) INDICATES REcoRD DATA PER GRANT DEED. INST N0. 2008000368965, O.R. GROUND DISTANCES o 9 J IIVS I' IM0, r / ljr E R• \ 10115920\MAP11a"M\DWG`EX \ 115920XX02.OWG 4 t P4 NT "S' N84' ^E 70.3.76' ' P 0 B. I I PARCEL 4 RAD LA PA M OPEM SPAX PA ?M 11.562 AC, q fl\/sT. Mol H 200V500635, ,� (XXX) INDICA TES RECORD DA TA PER R -S: 2006-1181, R.S8. 216/14-24, a j•X1fX) INDICATES REcoRD DATA PER GRANT DEED. INST N0. 2008000368965, O.R. GROUND DISTANCES o 9 J IIVS I' IM0, r / ljr E R• \ 10115920\MAP11a"M\DWG`EX \ 115920XX02.OWG �. \ � `r4�1• tai f 3�, f , f , SEE DETAIL 'A' HEREON �'o PARCEL 8 18.403 AC P,11,RC—Fl --/�'"- q' 5o.69 0t NO 0.' (I` h�.0Ls 9 Ki Nay 33_'t?7_w' 1 RAO 0 ti ti a tN CREEK UPON SPACE PARD(, 17.142 Ar INS -r tai. 1 0 50 Ir L f 'lr�' PARCEL 8 18.403 Ac. 1 ,� F 1 F RIro f POW 2006-1181, INDICA rES RECORD DATA PER PO R S 2006.1181, R.S.D: 218/14-24, P.Q.B. DETAIL 'A' i 1=1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PL'R GRANT l�ARCEL DEED, INST, NO; 2008000368964 O.R° --------NOT TU SCALE -------y% GROUND D67AIVCES N3410953 88859' (A4 & R) Y R: t 10115920 \UAP115920 \DWG\EX ` 115920JEX02. DWG SHEET 3 OF 5 468.69' (A4 do R) v .r7 / �4� `V W, {` 4=087 T,4-0 co % f ' R- r, 4 74,06 L=210.68' (M & R) - N39'24'19'W -_-_ _- RAO ° )o o y PARCEL 8 18.403 AC P,11,RC—Fl --/�'"- q' 5o.69 0t NO 0.' (I` h�.0Ls 9 Ki Nay 33_'t?7_w' 1 RAO 0 ti ti a tN CREEK UPON SPACE PARD(, 17.142 Ar INS -r tai. 1 0 50 Ir L f 'lr�' PARCEL 8 18.403 Ac. 1 ,� F 1 F RIro f POW 2006-1181, INDICA rES RECORD DATA PER PO R S 2006.1181, R.S.D: 218/14-24, P.Q.B. DETAIL 'A' i 1=1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PL'R GRANT l�ARCEL DEED, INST, NO; 2008000368964 O.R° --------NOT TU SCALE -------y% GROUND D67AIVCES N3410953 88859' (A4 & R) Y R: t 10115920 \UAP115920 \DWG\EX ` 115920JEX02. DWG N2751'21 "E 468.69' (A4 do R) v .r7 PARCEL 8 18.403 AC P,11,RC—Fl --/�'"- q' 5o.69 0t NO 0.' (I` h�.0Ls 9 Ki Nay 33_'t?7_w' 1 RAO 0 ti ti a tN CREEK UPON SPACE PARD(, 17.142 Ar INS -r tai. 1 0 50 Ir L f 'lr�' PARCEL 8 18.403 Ac. 1 ,� F 1 F RIro f POW 2006-1181, INDICA rES RECORD DATA PER PO R S 2006.1181, R.S.D: 218/14-24, P.Q.B. DETAIL 'A' i 1=1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PL'R GRANT l�ARCEL DEED, INST, NO; 2008000368964 O.R° --------NOT TU SCALE -------y% GROUND D67AIVCES N3410953 88859' (A4 & R) Y R: t 10115920 \UAP115920 \DWG\EX ` 115920JEX02. DWG INS -r tai. 1 0 50 Ir L f 'lr�' PARCEL 8 18.403 Ac. 1 ,� F 1 F RIro f POW 2006-1181, INDICA rES RECORD DATA PER PO R S 2006.1181, R.S.D: 218/14-24, P.Q.B. DETAIL 'A' i 1=1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PL'R GRANT l�ARCEL DEED, INST, NO; 2008000368964 O.R° --------NOT TU SCALE -------y% GROUND D67AIVCES N3410953 88859' (A4 & R) Y R: t 10115920 \UAP115920 \DWG\EX ` 115920JEX02. DWG WEE'T 4 OF 5 ( i ORTEGA! H'GHWA "�` ---- N$ 11'45 r - '15"W 42 400.00' N06'47 08'40,36' 45.72 40.00' (m & R1 /�- ✓ 00 _1460.10, T183'12`45"C 344.58' Og 3 .00 R1 -224.13 357.70 [� & R1 SLY R� it�1254.5� " (M k RI 311.98' ORTrGA NwY . ;. 27'St Y� ; ti� PARCEL 3 �� Nt5 00 50sl .fig x �,.53 N42T14.1325*- I .30.05' [sa 04 a LO } 0 N2571'r7"w M297rJ2`w f 13.0r fu &- Rj 11.61' fU & R] NX 72'59'W N61 t78 :36 E' ( RAD 68 00' fM dt RI ( 0 NBO 2.3'21 E' ( 1 6 29.94' [U & RJ PARC U 8 f {XXV INMATES RE-CORO DAFA PER sP ` 7NO' 18.403 AC I R:a 2006.1181, R.S.S. 218/14--24. ( 4 DETAIL 'C' ( GRA INDICA Dap,iAisENORD DATA PER I SCALE. r "-- t00' 2008000366965. O.R. GROUND R: \10115920\UAPt153204DtW\CX\tt5920JEX02.0M i SEE DETAIL 'C' HEREAN i �,�--------------------------- _• e, PARCa 7 70.572 Ac to 0) LU PARCEL Gy OPEN SPACE ~ tv PARca 8 PARCEL 18.403 AC, �yry �0, 17. t42 AG twU INS'7 l�J, �� iJ ��� �' �J, O.r`? SCALE: 1"200`��fi g� 4°�g1 L� F SEE SET 2 X2.00 7 �,.53 N42T14.1325*- I .30.05' [sa 04 a LO } 0 N2571'r7"w M297rJ2`w f 13.0r fu &- Rj 11.61' fU & R] NX 72'59'W N61 t78 :36 E' ( RAD 68 00' fM dt RI ( 0 NBO 2.3'21 E' ( 1 6 29.94' [U & RJ PARC U 8 f {XXV INMATES RE-CORO DAFA PER sP ` 7NO' 18.403 AC I R:a 2006.1181, R.S.S. 218/14--24. ( 4 DETAIL 'C' ( GRA INDICA Dap,iAisENORD DATA PER I SCALE. r "-- t00' 2008000366965. O.R. GROUND R: \10115920\UAPt153204DtW\CX\tt5920JEX02.0M SHEET 5 OF 5 r- 00 f a y Y 6 y I NN X1'47'75"W'q "r~ N8372`45 400:00' ,,4 r 344.58' 6. W Z UO o) Lu— co ORTEGA Ntt xwA , N43733)",W RAD ..-.-�Npg•r92a_w , RAO RAD 57'43'SSJ rd.032g Q, �i----------- 90.9.5* Ir� t N8639'34 rM R� =, , t r �! t 256.57' r f�•0326°13" � ` i {M QC RJ o 3i i L -275.44)- a (/ Nh, zpp1 �� �a$iry I 0 V iia iii 2 i SEL Y RjW OR7FGA HWY PER j MfST, N0. 20080003668965, 0. R. `� r o PARCEL 7 i 70.572 AC. f ------------------------------------ N1Q7254"W ORTEGA {EA RJ 4.17' {AI do RJc� %�tiA N8576 OT E• 1a 27' {18.28') s Wes'r7Yt9 �' `i RAD o�P� PARCEL 7 o , az 70-572 AC. v: i o ! DETAIL V i S NOT SCALE -- VS SCALE: 1 =200' 1f 1S r 1Vo, 2 -00V5.0863 -p-, OR q°+�� � (m) tAvcA7E5'. RE'CQRD DATA PER RS 2006--1181, R.&9. 218f14--24, fYYY7 rNavcA 7r5 ReCORD DA rA PER �R A h SEE .SHEET' 2 / DEED, 1NSr NO. 2008000368965; 0.R NT GROUND DISTANCE'S 6--4115010.9' R=1, 650.00' ,,L=1.204.78' ('d1 & R) klOYIS9201MAPrr5920\DW kCX\115920Xx02.DWG lit TKOttAn INC • 430 Exchange a Suile 700 - twin', CA 926024315 1 714.734.5100 pha,s - 714.734.5155 iaz Guitt•zatlarr wm 10-1159-20 (D) 06-26-09 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION DME SAN JUAN INVESTMENT NORTH LA PATA OPEN SPACE PARCEL SAN JUAN PROJECT That portion of Parcel 2 of Lot Line Adjustment LL 2003-004, in the Unincorporated Territory of the County of Orange, State of California, recorded March 19, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003000294469 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, lying Westerly of La Pata Avenue. Containing an area of 13.855 acres, more or less, As shown on .Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. ��'ics �• Gi1U - �• a No. EXP, 09/30/09 S GI LEN, PLS 5557 IPA ox CA>-%'' - r/t0-► t5s-24lp/Vdmbtanjua�xklhpm LA (XXX) WD14 TES RECORD e' `� OA TA PER" 200.E-004, � INS,T. NO. 2003000294469, O.R. ,-I EXP. 9 'n OF HUITF-ZOLIARS Hint-zaNars. krc wlvkw 430 Mmtw�. "a 200, "M CA 92602 -IM Pt r"* (7$4) 734 -SM Fax (714) 734-5iss M. - SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY aVALL 1 0-,Y0V' A tEGAG DESCRIpFOV "W eY 0W SAN JUAN FROJE'GT d*-W6n VY PA40 DMB SAN JilAN DAM s/zs/2009 AVVESTME'NT NOFDTff ,Kxr Ala 10-1159--20 R. \1ar1592OJ MAP115920\DW( \EX\11592t1JEXOJDWO C pcil V4 nST. W � .flZ 0 f1 op�A SPACE z lJ-8W AG A � " C7 if N q_ ` t tl W s LA (XXX) WD14 TES RECORD e' `� OA TA PER" 200.E-004, � INS,T. NO. 2003000294469, O.R. ,-I EXP. 9 'n OF HUITF-ZOLIARS Hint-zaNars. krc wlvkw 430 Mmtw�. "a 200, "M CA 92602 -IM Pt r"* (7$4) 734 -SM Fax (714) 734-5iss M. - SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY aVALL 1 0-,Y0V' A tEGAG DESCRIpFOV "W eY 0W SAN JUAN FROJE'GT d*-W6n VY PA40 DMB SAN JilAN DAM s/zs/2009 AVVESTME'NT NOFDTff ,Kxr Ala 10-1159--20 R. \1ar1592OJ MAP115920\DW( \EX\11592t1JEXOJDWO C (XXX) WD14 TES RECORD e' `� OA TA PER" 200.E-004, � INS,T. NO. 2003000294469, O.R. ,-I EXP. 9 'n OF HUITF-ZOLIARS Hint-zaNars. krc wlvkw 430 Mmtw�. "a 200, "M CA 92602 -IM Pt r"* (7$4) 734 -SM Fax (714) 734-5iss M. - SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY aVALL 1 0-,Y0V' A tEGAG DESCRIpFOV "W eY 0W SAN JUAN FROJE'GT d*-W6n VY PA40 DMB SAN JilAN DAM s/zs/2009 AVVESTME'NT NOFDTff ,Kxr Ala 10-1159--20 R. \1ar1592OJ MAP115920\DW( \EX\11592t1JEXOJDWO C