PC Resolution-11-06-28-02PC RESOLUTION NO. 11-6-28-02 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 10-036, ZONE VARIANCE (ZV) 11-001, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 11-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MODIFICATIONS TO MISSION SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO'S MAIN ENTRY LOCATED AT 26801 ORTEGA HIGHWAY AND MORE PRECISELY REFERRED TO AS ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 124-180-06 (MISSION SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO GATE HOUSE PRESERVATION, ENTRY AND GIFT SHOP) Whereas, on November 4, 2010, an application was submitted and deemed complete on April 13, 2011, by Matt McKinlay, Barnard Ventures, 5100 Birch St. Ste 100, Newport Beach, CA 91660, for approval to allow removal of an existing circa 1954-56 entry gate, arch and ticket area with circa 1998-2001 additions; construction of new entry gate and arch to reference the circa 1920 arch appearance; and relocation of existing gift shop use from 1650 SF historic Sala building into a new 15' high, 1750 SF single story building that encroaches into the required front setback, including a 370 SF interior storage mezzanine and a small section of roof that is 18'-0" high, with entrances fronting the street at 26801 Ortega Highway (APN 124-180-06). The project also includes: adjacent new ticket/work area; electrical room; a new group entry gate, repair and rehabilitation of existing circa 1916 gate house; removal of approximately 126 lineal feet of circa 1952 and re -built 1997 perimeter wall sections; removal of 3 existing trees; addition of landscape planters, seat walls, benches and hardscape; lighting; and provisions for signage; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section. 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Development Services Department has reviewed the project pursuant to Section 15061 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines. Pursuant to Section 15070 of the CEQA Guidelines, the Development Services Department has issued a mitigated negative declaration and caused a Notice of Mitigated Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of the CEQA Guidelines. All mitigation measures have been included herein as conditions of approval. The Development Services Department has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, Whereas, the Cultural Heritage Commission conducted a noticed public hearing on May 24, 2011, pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code, Sections 9-2.327 and 9-2.302(f), considered public testimony on the proposed project, and approved Site Plan Review 10-002 subject to Planning Commission approval of AC 10-036/ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014; and PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 2 June 28, 2011 Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administratoros determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has considered all project environmental documentation and technical studies, and finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment of the City; and Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly -noticed public hearing on June 28, 2011, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.335, City Council Policy 5, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to Architectural Control 10-036: 1. The proposed use and design of the project comply with all applicable provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code and any applicable specific plan or comprehensive development plan because: a. The project complies with all development standards and the list of uses for the Public and Institutional zone district designation and supplemental zoning standards, with the exception of a five foot front yard setback where 20 feet is required, and the removal of three trees. b. The Land Use Code provides for deviations from development standards for non-residential properties and for removal of trees through approval of a zone variance application and tree removal permit, respectively, as outlined in the findings below. 2. The proposed use and design of the project are consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, including the Community Design, Land Use and Cultural Resources Elements because: a. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element Public & Institutional land use designation because it does not alter the existing uses of the site. b. The massing, design, materials, and pedestrian orientation of the project meet the objectives of the Community Design Element through: C. The project is designed to respect and preserve the historic character of the site, including the gate house and Sala buildings, and to protect or mitigate any potential impacts to historic and archaeological resources, thereby complying with the Cultural Resources Element goals and policies. PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 3 June 28, 2011 3. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces, setbacks, parking, access, and other features pertaining to the application, except as otherwise approved because: a. The site is an existing site developed over 230 years ago that is adequate to accommodate the relocation of the gift shop out of the Mission's historic core and provides a more efficient but sensitively designed entrance area. b. The reduced front setback for a portion of the project is appropriate as approved through Zone Variance 11-001, and the remaining portions of the new construction are located further away from the front setback than the existing gate house. C. The site layout provides appropriate separate visitor access points, and is not subject to additional parking space requirements. 4. The character, scale and quality of the architecture, site design and landscaping are consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City because: a. The project is of a design and quality that complements the unique character of the historic Mission and is consistent with applicable historic design standards and guidelines. b. The high-quality and human scale design complements the City's traditional, historic character. C. The project features a low -scale and pedestrian -oriented character, is situated adjacent to the sidewalk, and provides appropriate access and visibility. d. The project includes compatible materials that will blend with the historic character of the site and the surrounding downtown commercial area. e. The project will retain and enhance views to the Great Stone Church and the upper portions of other Mission buildings from numerous public vantage points. 5. The site plan provides functional and safe vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation because: a. The project will enhance the ability of visitors to access the Mission and circulate and gather outside the entrance. b. Bicycle parking and an existing parking space designated for alternative fuel vehicles will be provided in a public location and the project's minor PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 4 June 28, 2011 scale does not warrant any additional vehicular or bicycle circulation features. 6. The proposed use and design of the project are compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses and community character, including scale, intensity, massing, architectural design, landscape design, and other development characteristics because the design features, materials, scale, massing, relationship to the public sidewalk, and landscape palette are all compatible with the surrounding downtown tourist commercial land uses and historic character. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to Zone Variance 11-001: 1. There are special circumstances applicable to the property including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings so that the strict application of the Code would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and with the same zoning classification because: a. The Mission's existing non -conforming setback pre -dates the incorporation of the City and adoption of its ordinances, and has, for over 100 years, been allowed to evolve in this same location. b. The siting of the proposed project minimizes the potential impacts on cultural and archaeological materials, better preserves the spatial relationships of the front courtyard, and avoids visual encroachment of the new structure on historically significant features. C. The properties within the surrounding tourist commercial area enjoy minimal or zero front setbacks and provide a presence on the street behind the sidewalk. They conform to their own zone district standards. The Mission is the only P&I zoned site that interfaces directly with the downtown Tourist Commercial zone district. Application of the much more restrictive P&I front setback would create an inappropriate separation of the entrance and buildings from the sidewalk in a pedestrian -oriented location. 2. Granting the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity and under the same zoning because: a. Imposing the required front setback would actually be an inconsistent limitation on the Mission at this key downtown location since other properties in the vicinity are not under the same zoning and have minimal front setbacks. PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 5 June 28. 2011 b. The Mission functions as a critical land use within the Tourist Commercial downtown area, even though the zoning designation related to its permitted use status is P&I; as such, there would be no grant of special privilege. 3. The variance would not result in development which is otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of Title 9 of the Municipal Code because the project meets all other provisions of the Municipal Code as supplemented by approval of TRP 11- 014 below. 4. Granting the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity and land use district in which the property is located because: a. Granting the variance would have no negative impact on public health, safety and welfare, or properties; conversely, not granting the variance could result in a significant negative impact on the historic Mission property. b. The impact of observing a 20' setback for the project could result in the removal of the courtyard's historic fountain, reduction of the courtyard's garden area and alter the historic setting and existing spatial relationships within the Mission's core, which would be inconsistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. C. By virtue of a reduced front setback, the project is able to provide a new building on the perimeter of the historic site, away from the original and most significant site features. d. The variance permits the construction of the new gift shop building, which in turn allows for the historic Sala building to be returned to a more passive museum use which is more appropriate and conducive to the long term preservation of the Sala than the existing commercial gift shop use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to Tree Removal Permit 11-014: 1. The removal of the trees will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties or the general welfare in that their removal will adversely impact views, public streetscapes, or other aesthetic considerations because: a. The three trees that are proposed for removal because they are located within or impacted by the footprint of the project are internal to the Mission grounds, PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 6 June 28, 2011 b. Although the tree canopies are visible to the public above the Mission's perimeter walls, the removal of the trees will actually enhance views of the Mission's core historic buildings including the Great Stone Church. 2. The trees are an unsuitable variety for the site in that the species are not a native variety, are not in keeping with the community character of San Juan Capistrano, are of -an invasive species, or otherwise conflict with the intent of Section 9-2.349 of the Land Use Code because: a. The tree species are part of the ornamental landscape palette that was introduced to the Mission grounds in the early to mid -20th century. b. The species are Ficus rubiginosa (Rusty Leaf Fig) and Chorisia speciosa (Silk Floss), neither of which is native to California. C. The tree species are incompatible with the Mission in growth characteristics and/or style because they appear to be damaging the foundations of existing buildings and generally have massive root systems and canopy potential, or have showy characteristics that are more of an oddity than an enhancement of the Mission's character and heritage. 3. Replacement trees are proposed as appropriate to maintain the urban forest canopy and the replacement trees are more appropriate to the site and to the planting area because: a. The three trees will be replaced, along with a fourth for the other tree previously approved and removed (Grevillea robusta or Silk Oak). b. The replacement species are Palo Verde and either an Engelman or a Coast Live Oak and are more appropriate to the historic nature of the Mission, and two orange trees within the courtyard's existing orchard just east of the Soldier's Barracks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves the project subject to those conditions of approval established by Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves a mitigated negative declaration subject to those mitigation measures established by the Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Program in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, and designates the Development Services Department as the location and custodian of the documents or other material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the decision is based. PC Resolution 11-6-28-02 7 June 28, 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (15) day appeal period without filing of an appeal application. The appeal period shall expire at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, 2011. This project approval shall be valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date of this approval, and shall expire on July 14, 2013, unless a time extension request or grading/building permit related to this discretionary approval has been issued by the City prior to that date. PROTEST OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of June, 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Acting Chairman Gene Ratcliffe and Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Tim Neely, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Rob Williams NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 4 Gene Ratph Acting C man William A. Ramsey, AICP, Princir4l Planner Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION # 11-6-28-02 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PROJECT LOG #: AC 10-036/ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014 PROJECT NAME: Mission SJC Gate House Preservation, Entry and Gift Shop APPROVAL DATE: June 28, 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE: July 14, 2011 These conditions of approval apply to the above -referenced project application described in more detail below. For the purpose of these conditions, the term "applicant" shall also mean the developer, the owner or any successor(s) in interest to the terms of this approval. General Conditions: The subject project proposes removal of an existing circa 1954-56 entry gate, arch and ticket area with circa 1998-2001 additions; construction of new entry gate and arch to reference the circa 1920 arch appearance; and relocation of existing gift shop use from 1650 SF historic Sala building into a new 15' high, 1750 SF single story building that encroaches into the required front setback, including a 370 SF interior storage mezzanine and a small section of roof that is 18'-0" high, with entrances fronting the street; adjacent new ticket/work area; electrical room; a new group entry gate; repair and rehabilitation of existing circa 1916 gate house; removal of approximately 126 lineal feet of circa 1952 and re -built 1997 perimeter wall sections; removal of 3 existing trees; addition of landscape planters, seat walls, benches and hardscape; lighting; and signage at the Mission San Juan Capistrano Located within a 0.25 acre project area at 26801 Ortega Highway (APN 124-180-06). This project approval is based on and subject to the application materials submitted by Mission San Juan Capistrano on November 4, 2010, which were re -submitted and deemed complete on April 13, 2011, including but not limited to the following plans date- stamped as received on March 24, 2011: site plan, floor plan, elevations, visual simulation and front gate history plan prepared by Lohrbach Studio; preliminary site topography plan prepared by Transtech; conceptual landscape plan prepared by Land Concern; Mission San Juan Capistrano Gate House Building Circa 1916 Conditions Assessment Report, prepared by Sam U'Ren, Mission San Juan Capistrano Preservation Project Manager, January 2011; Mission San Juan Capistrano South Wing Conditions Assessment Report, prepared by ARG, July 2006; and Gift Shop Moisture Investigation Report for Mission San Juan Capistrano, prepared by ARG, February 2007; color and materials exhibit date-stamped as received on January 7, 2011, and any other plans. These plans and the proposed use of the project site are hereby incorporated by reference into this approval as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. Minor modifications to this project approval may be approved by the Development Services Director pursuant to Section 9-2.303, Administrative approvals of Title 9, Land Use Code. 2. This project is also subject to the approval and all related conditions and requirements for Site Plan Review 10-002, approved by the Cultural Heritage Commission on May 24, 2011, by CHC Resolution No. 11-5-24-1. *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Page 2 of 12 3. Approval of this application does not relieve the applicant from complying with other applicable Federal, State, County or City regulations or requirements. 4. All plans, specifications, studies, reports, calculations, maps, notes, legal documents, and designs shall be prepared, stamped and signed, if required, only by those individuals legally authorized to do so. 5. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of San Juan Capistrano and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of San Juan Capistrano, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of San Juan Capistrano concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Community Development Commission, or City Planner. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for informing all subcontractors, consultants, engineers, or other business entities providing services related to the project of their responsibilities to comply with these conditions of approval and all pertinent requirements in the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, including the requirement that a business license be obtained by all entities doing business in the City. 7. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. If there are any disparities between these conditions and the plans or final revised plans that are approved for any subsequent phase, the conditions and/or plans as stipulated in the later approval shall prevail. _ 8. The use shall meet the standards and shall be developed within the limits established by the Municipal Code as related to emissions of noise, odor, dust, vibration, wastes, fumes, or any public nuisances arising or occurring incidental to the establishment or operation. 9. The applicant shall pay all fees at the time fees are determined payable and comply with all requirements of the applicable federal, state, and local agencies. The duty of inquiry as to such requirements shall be upon the applicant. 10. The applicant is responsible for paying required fees to the California Department of Fish and Game, and any related fee of the County of Orange for processing environmental documents. 11. All applicable approvals and clearance from other departments and agencies shall be on file with the Building and Safety Division prior to issuance of any permits, final inspections, utility releases and/or release of securities, as specified in these conditions. (B&S) 12. In conjunction with these conditions of approval, the project shall adhere to and comply with all Mitigation Measures (MM's) that are listed in the Mitigated Negative *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Page 3 of 12 Declaration approved for the Project in accordance with the Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Program. The following conditions of approval shall be met prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of building demolition permit(s): 13. *Restoration and rehabilitation of the gate house shall be completed in accordance with the findings and recommendations of the Mission San Juan Capistrano Gate House Building Circa 1916 Conditions Assessment Report. Restoration plans for the gate house may be submitted concurrent with the gift shop permit plans or as part of a separate permit if the work will be conducted by a different contractor or by Mission personnel. However, any work to or around the gate house that is necessitated by the new construction project shall be included with the new construction plans and permit. Unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Director, no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for the new gift shop until the final inspection for the historic gate house has been approved by the City. (DSD) 14. *The applicant shall obtain the services of a qualified archaeologist (certified by the County of Orange) to prepare a research design and plan for archaeological testing in the project area south and southeast of the fountain between the fountain and the pergola. The plan shall be submitted for approval of the Development Services Department prior to submittal of plans for demolition, grading, foundation and construction permits. The testing itself and a final report shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit. Recommendations of the final report shall be incorporated into the project. (DSD) 15. *Prior to submittal of building demolition permit plans, the building area square footage calculations shall be corrected to accurately reflect the extent of planned demolition. No demolition permit will be issued until any discrepancies in, or clarification of, square footage calculations are resolved to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director or designee. Any modification to the project that results in the demolition of existing features or improvements that are not contemplated within this analysis shall be subject to additional discretionary review and CEQA analysis. (DSD) 16. *Prior to issuance of building demolition, grading or foundation permits, the applicant shall prepare and submit a structural assessment required to develop a gate house stabilization plan that is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The City anticipates that preparation of the plan may necessitate a 1 X 1 meter or similar excavation unit(s) on the south side of the gate house (once the perimeter wall is removed in that area) to assess the composition and condition of the building's foundation and to allow for preparation of appropriate structural recommendations. The unit(s) shall be excavated by a qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist certified by the County of Orange) or an archaeologist under the supervision of a "qualified archeologist" and shall be observed by a Native American monitor. (DSD) *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Pape 4 of 12 The following conditions of approval shall be met prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of any grading permit(s): 17. Pay Fees and Post Sureties. Prior to issuance of grading permit, the applicant shall fulfill all applicable engineering fee requirements in accordance with the City Municipal Code and the Water Department fee schedule, as last revised, and post securities to ensure satisfactory performance of proposed on-site and off-site grading, drainage, landscape and irrigation, erosion and sediment control, sewer, water, street, and all appurtenant improvements. (PW -ENG) 18. Construction Cost Estimate. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review, and obtain approval for, an estimate of quantity and construction costs prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Said estimate shall include costs for construction of all applicable street improvements, signing and striping, street lights, storm drains, water, sewers, recreational trails, landscape, irrigation systems, setting of survey monuments and centerline ties. (PW - ENG) 19. Post Bond/Provide Securities. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall provide Performance Bonds/securities for 100% of each estimated improvement cost as prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney for each applicable, but not limited to, street improvements, signing, signalization, striping and street lights; storm drains, sewer, recreational trails, landscaping and irrigation in rights-of-way, private slopes and open space. In addition, the applicant shall provide Labor and Materials Bonds/Securities for 100% of the above estimated improvement costs as determined by the City Engineer. (PW - ENG) 20. Grading Plans. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit the required number of copies of grading plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, to the Engineering and Building Department for review and approval by applicable departments. Precise grading shall be consistent with the approved conceptual grading plan and site plan. These plans shall show, at minimum, the limits of grading, the drainage, any applicable retention/detention basins, sewer, water, trails, parkways, streets and all appurtenant improvements. The extent of the topography shall be extended enough to determine the geological and drainage impacts to adjacent properties. The elevations shall correspond with the orange County benchmark datum. All drainage must be treated prior to being conveyed to the street or a City approved drainage facility in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. In addition, the grading plans shall show the following information: (PW-ENG/DSD) a. Location of all existing trees and indicate trees to be removed and trees to remain in place (DSD) b. Show and identify all pedestrian access ways and traffic crossings on the site plan. Design of these areas shall be reviewed and approved by the applicable City departments and shall comply with Title 24 Handicapped Accessibility Standards and City Building Codes. (DSD) . c. Areas to be protected from grading in order to protect environmental resources (biological, cultural, or historical), and method of protection proposed during grading operations. (DSD) *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution # 11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014 Mission SJC Gate House Entry & Gift Shop Page 5 of 12 d. Location, height, materials and colors of any retaining walls. (DSD) 21. Soils/Geology. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for a Soils Report/Geotechnical Feasibility Study prepared by a Registered Geologist and Soil Engineer to determine the seismic safety and soils stability of all proposed grading and development improvements for the project and preliminary pavement sections and substructure bedding/backfill recommendations. (PW -ENG) 22. Erosion & Sediment Control Plans. Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and shall obtain approval for Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, using Best Management Practices prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. These plans shall show, in accordance with the NPDES Permit, all temporary and/or permanent erosion and sediment control measures, effective planting of graded slopes, practical accessibility for maintenance purposes and proper precautions to prevent public trespass onto certain areas where impounded water may create a hazardous condition. (PW -ENG) 23. Submit Haul Route Plan. Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits, for importation/exportation of soil in excess of fifty cubic yards in and out of the project site, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for, a Haul Route Plan specific to. the project and in compliance with all applicable City standards. The Haul Route Plan shall specify dates, times, and headways for hauling activities. Prior to commencement of haul activities, the applicant shall obtain a Haul Route Permit and pay required fees to the Engineering Department. (PW -ENG) 24. Traffic/Visitor Control Plan. Prior to issuance of grading permits and right-of-way improvement priority, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of the City Engineer for a Traffic/Visitor Control Plan and final improvement plans for all right-of- way improvements, including but not limited to sidewalk, accessible ramps and bollards. The Traffic/Visitor Control Plan shall address and ensure public access and travel for vehicles and pedestrians on public streets and sidewalks to the extent feasible, and shall indicate the location and method for visitor ingress and egress to Mission San Juan Capistrano, during all phases of demolition, grading and construction,. (PW -ENG) 25. Recycling/Reduce Debris Act of 1989 (CIWMA). Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for a program complying with the requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 to reduce construction and demolition debris through recycling. (PW -ENG) 26. Connection to City Drain must be Documented and Filed. Prior to issuance of grading permit, any proposed connections to existing public storm drain system, from on-site drains, must be approved by the City Engineer. All documentation and revisions to exiting plans, where points of connections are permitted, shall be provided and submitted by the applicant's engineer at applicant's expense, prior to acceptance to improvements and release of performance securities. (PW -ENG) *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014 Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Pape 6 of 12 27. License Agreement. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall obtain and record a license agreement from the City for proposed private improvements within the public right-of-way (i.e. bollards, tree grates, etc.). The applicant shall bear all costs for obtaining said license agreement. The City Engineer shall have the right to withhold approval of the affected improvement plans for failure to satisfy this condition. (PW -ENG) 28. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall submit an inventory of existing plaques and monuments or similar within the project area limits including material, age and purpose, and a proposed plan for the disposition of the objects including location of archiving, or re -installation if proposed. The California Historical Landmark, and any other public agency's, plaque and EI Camino Real bell shall be re -installed in locations that are visible to the public before they enter the Mission, to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director. (DSD) 29. *Archaeological Monitoring_ Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the Development Services Department documentation that a qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) has been retained to monitor grading and excavation activities and to implement any recommendations of the archaeological testing report, stating the name, qualifications, and contact information for the archaeologist. (DSD) 30. *Archaeological Monitor. The qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) retained by the project applicant shall be present at pre -construction meetings to advise construction contractors about the sensitive nature of cultural resources located on and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring requirements. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelor's degree in anthropology with archaeological monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified archaeologist, shall observe on - and off-site construction activities that result in grading, and/or excavating on or below the original ground surface (including during project -related off-site utility [natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). Should nonhuman cultural resources be discovered, the monitor shall have the power to temporarily halt or divert construction activities until the qualified archaeologist can determine if the resources are significant and, if significant, until recovered by the archaeologist. In the event that human remains are discovered, construction activities shall be halted or diverted until the provisions of §7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and §5097.98 of the Public Resources Code have been implemented. (DSD) 31. *Native American Monitor. During construction/grading activities, a Native American monitor shall observe construction/ grading activities that result in grading, excavating, and/or trenching on or below the original ground surface (including during project -related off-site utility [e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). The Native American monitor shall consult with the archaeological monitor regarding objects and remains encountered during grading that may be considered sacred or important. In the event that evidence of human remains is discovered, the Native American monitor shall verify that the archaeologist has notified the Coroner. (DSD) *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution # 11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 1'0-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014 Mission SJC Gate House Entry & Gift Shop Page 7 of 12 The following conditions shall be met prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of any building permit(s): 32. Applicable Codes. Prior to issuance of building permits, plans for this project shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for review and approval, and shall comply with the latest City -adopted edition of the applicable building codes. (B&S) 33. Following submittal of the application for zoning compliance plancheck and prior to issuance of permits, the applicant shall submit the required number of construction plan sets to the Development Services Department for confirmation review by the Design Review Committee that the plans and details reflect consistency with the approved project and these conditions of approval. (DSD) (added by PC 6/28/11) _ 34. Buildinq Construction Plans. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit final construction plans, building elevations and floor plans to the Building and Safety Division for review and approval by all applicable departments. Such plans shall be fully dimensioned and in substantial conformance with those plans approved by the Cultural Heritage Commission, Design Review Committee, Planning Commission and/or Development Services Director (as applicable). Plans shall address the following: (DSD) a. The final conditions of approval shall be incorporated into the construction plans and shall be reproduced on the front page of the construction plans. b. Location and method of screening for all roof -mounted and building -mounted equipment shall be demonstrated on the elevations, including but not limited to kitchen exhaust vents, air conditioning and heating units, utility boxes, and backflow devices. All equipment shall be screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the building design. All roof -mounted equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls or other architectural means. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Planner that no roof -mounted equipment will be. visible from the public right-of-way. Screening shall be compatible with main structures and include landscaping where appropriate. c. Location of all building -mounted light fixtures shall be shown on the elevations. A detail of said fixtures shall be shown on the elevations, and fixtures shall be decorative and complementary to the building architecture. e. Show the location and method of screening for all ground -mounted equipment on the site plan, including but not limited to air conditioning and heating units, utility boxes, and backflow devices. All equipment shall be screened from public view. Screening shall be compatible with main structures and include landscaping where appropriate. f. Show the locations of the bicycle racks and alternative fuel vehicle parking space required by the California Green Building Code. 35. Street Improvement Plans. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for Street Improvement Plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Said plans shall be designed per City standards and shall show all existing and proposed improvements in the project area, including but not limited to street grades, striping, signage, and all related appurtenances. In addition, the Street Improvement Plans shall show the following improvements for this project: (PW -ENG) *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House Entry & Gift Shop Pape 8 of 12 a. Sidewalks shall be replaced along the street frontage along Ortega Highway as indicated on the approved conceptual plans. b. If existing accessible ramps are to be replaced, they shall be designed in a configuration and location approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall include associated crosswalk re -striping as necessary. c. Bollards and tree grates within the public right-of-way shall be located to maximize pedestrian accessibility. d. Striping and signage of designated parking space for alternative fuel vehicle as required by the California Green Building Code. 36. Dry Utilities. Prior to issuance of building permits and approval of dry utility plans, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, for review and obtain approval for, Electrical Gas, Telephone and Cable Television Installation Plans which include the size and location of all above ground pedestal, to ensure compatibility with existing and proposed improvements. Pedestals shall be located in areas with limited visibility to the general public, and screened with landscaping to the extent feasible. The applicant shall coordinate with utility providers to ensure that required public improvements are not in conflict with existing or proposed utilities, and that utility devices may be screened on the site to the extent practicable. Any exception shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (PW -ENG) 37. Final Landscape Plans. Prior to issuance of building permits, final landscape plans shall be submitted to the Development Services Department for review and approval. Plans shall include all project entries, parking areas, landscaped slopes, common open areas, etc. Final landscape plans shall show the following information and shall be consistent with the Planning Commission -approved landscape plans: (DSD) a. Type, location, and size of all proposed plant material. Proposed landscaping shall incorporate water conservation techniques and use California native or friendly drought -tolerant plants. b. All existing on-site trees approved for removal, replacement trees and all existing trees to be preserved in the project area consistent with the approved preliminary landscape plans. Replacement trees shall be provided at a one-to-one ratio for the total of four approved for removal. The two external trees count toward the requirement, and two additional trees internal to the project shall be provided. c. Decorative hardscape and walkways indicating materials and colors. d. Location, height, materials and colors of all proposed walls. e. Location and details for all street furniture including bicycle racks, benches, trash receptacles, etc. f. All landscaping shall be provided with a permanent, automatic irrigation system designed for water conservation unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Department. 38. Surety for Tree Preservation. The applicant shall provide surety in the form of a bond or other method as approved by the Development Services Director and City Attorney, to ensure that trees to be preserved and/or planted on the site are protected during construction and remain viable and healthy for twenty-four (24) months after issuance of a certificate of occupancy. (DSD) 39. Final Lighting & Photometric Plans. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit the final lighting & photometric plan for the project for Development *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-0011IRP 11-014 Mission SJC Gate House Entry & Gift Shop Page 9 of 12 Services Department review and approval. Plans shall include the following information and meet the following requirements: (DSD) a. Show the location of all light standards and fixtures, free-standing and building -mounted, that illuminate areas accessible to the public and the proposed illumination levels in footcandles (fc) extending five (5) feet beyond the property line. b. Illumination levels shall comply with the Lighting Standards of Title 9, Land Use Code. C. Building -mounted fixtures shall be mounted below the roof eaves. d. Illumination shall be either metal halide, high-pressure sodium (HPS) or other as approved by the Development Services Director. e. Exterior lighting shall be reduced to the extent feasible during hours that the use is not in operation. f. The design of all fixtures shall be consistent with the Planning Commission -approved design plans for the project. _ 40. OCFA Review of Architectural Building Plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit architectural plans for the review and approval of the Fire Chief if required per the "Orange County Fire Authority Plan Submittal Criteria Form." Please contact the OCFA at (714) 573-6100 for a copy of the Site/ Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans prior to submittal. (OCFA) 41. `Prior to issuance of building permits for construction of the gift shop building or restoration of the gate house, whichever occurs first, the City will review the submitted historic gate house stabilization plan for determination of consistency with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Depending on the scope and nature of the proposed plan, the City reserves the right to retain a third party architect and/or structural engineer familiar with historic adobe construction techniques and restoration to conduct a peer review at the applicant's expense. Any proposal that substantially alters historic fabric and/or the integrity of the appearance of gate house character -defining features beyond the extent addressed in the project plans and the Mitigated Negative Declaration approved for the project shall be subject to additional discretionary review and CEQA analysis at the determination of the Development Services Director. (DSD) 42. *All excavation for new construction foundations and grade adjustments adjacent to and within close proximity to the historic gate house shall be conducted manually with non -powered hand tools. Any ditch witch, back hoe or other type of mechanical equipment shall be operated parallel to, and no closer than five feet from, the walls of the historic gate house. Notes to this effect shall be included in the new construction plans and permit. (DSD) The following conditions shall be met continuously during construction and prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy: 43. Compliance with approved plans. At all times during construction, the applicant shall ensure compliance with approved construction mitigation plans, including: (PW -ENG) a. Erosion Control Plan b. Haul Route Plan *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution # 11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Pape 10 of 12 c. Traffic Control Plan d. Construction Debris Recycling Plan 44. Pre -construction Meeting. Contractor shall attend a pre -construction meeting with the Building and Safety Division prior to commencement of any construction on the site. (DSD-B&S) 45. Drainage Problems. During the entire grading and construction operation, the applicant shall adhere to the following conditions to address unforeseen drainage issues: (PW -ENG) a. . If any drainage problem is identified or does occur during construction, the applicant shall provide and implement a solution acceptable to the City Engineer at no cost to the City, and submit a recorded instrument to insure the future of the solution. (PW -ENG) b. Any grading work beyond the limits of grading shown on the approved grading plans shall require a written approval from the City Engineer and shall be subject to supplemental Geotechnical Soils Report and additional fees. (PW -ENG) 46. Waste Disposal and Sanitation. At all times during construction, the applicant shall maintain adequate sanitary disposal facilities and solid waste disposal containers on site. The accumulation of refuse and debris constituting a public nuisance is not permitted. (PW -ENG) 47. Construction hours. Construction hours shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., Monday through Friday and between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Construction activity shall not be permitted on Sundays or any Federal holiday.(DSD) 48. Sign Program. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the gift shop, the applicant shall submit a sign program to the Development Services Department for review and approval by the Design Review Committee and the City's Planning Commission or as otherwise provided by Title 9 of the Municipal Code. The following conditions shall be met prior to acceptance of improvements, release of bonds and/or surety and final utility clearances: 49. Complete all Improvements to the City's Satisfaction. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy or prior to acceptance of improvements and release of performance securities, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall complete, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, all facility improvements required and necessary to serve the development in accordance with the approved plan and approved exceptions. In the case of a phased project, the provisions of this condition shall be applied to each phase (PW -ENG) 50. Curb and Gutter Repair. Prior to acceptance of improvements and release of performance securities, any existing sections of curb and gutter damaged during construction may require to be repaired or replaced by the applicant, depending on the condition of these improvements prior to and after construction. (PW -ENG) 51. Installation of Landscaping. Prior to approval of final inspection the developer shall install all landscaping and irrigation. The developer shall provide a certification, from a Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014 Mission SJC Gate House Entry & Gift Shop Pape 11 of 12 licensed Landscape Architect, stating that the landscape materials and irrigation system (tested for full coverage) have been planted and installed in compliance with the approved landscape plans. Additionally, all bicycle racks, pedestrian walkways, seating, and other improvements shown on the Final Landscape Plan shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department. (DSD) 52. Consistency with Approved Plans and Elevations. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, grading plans, wall plans, landscape/irrigation plans, lighting plans, and elevations. If all improvements cannot be installed prior to occupancy, the City may approve a Deferred Improvement Agreement to defer the completion of the improvements provided that a bond, cash deposit, or other surety in a form and substance approved by the City Attorney, is submitted to the City in lieu of installation of the improvements, that application and required fees are submitted, and that the incomplete improvements will not create an unsafe condition on the site. The term of the deferral shall be as determined by the Development Services Director. (DSD) 53. *Final Cultural Resource Reports. Prior to final inspection by the Development Services Department, the applicant shall submit evidence that final reports for any historical, cultural or archaeological resources recovered from the project site during grading or construction have been filed with the appropriate information repository. Reports shall include information on disposition of resources. (DSD) 54. Final Development Services Inspection. Prior to application for a final occupancy permit, the applicant shall schedule a final inspection by the Development Services Department, and shall pay any outstanding balance in the Developer Deposit Account assigned to this application. Development Services Department shall not conduct a final inspection until any outstanding balance has been paid in full. (DSD) The following ongoing conditions shall be complied with at all times after completion of the project. 55. Business License. The applicant, its contractor(s), tenants, or successors in interest shall comply with the City's business license requirements. (DSD) 56. Site Maintenance. The applicant shall maintain all portions of the site, including undeveloped areas, pursuant to Municipal Code requirements for property maintenance. (DSD) 57. Noise. The applicant shall ensure that noise levels do not exceed levels permitted by Section 9-3.531. Noise standards (residential and non-residential) of the Municipal Code. (DSD) Responsible Departments/Agencies: DSD: Development Services Department DSD-B&S: DSD Building & Safety Division PW -ENG: Public Works -Engineering Division UTIL: Utilities Department OCFA: Orange County Fire Authority *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Resolution #11-6-28-02 Conditions of Approval AC 10-0361ZV 11-001/TRP 11-014, Mission SJC Gate House, Entry & Gift Shop Page 12 of 12 Applicant Acceptance of Conditions of Approval: Applicant Signature #xGGA k C a cU�e n Ca A&VltS Applicant's name/title (print) SCC co -Ave Rr\(-) cfv✓IIIQ c -- *Denotes Environmental Mitigation Measure Date EXHIBIT B [VESOLUTIO 1 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. 10-036/SITE PLAN REVIEW 10-002/ZONE VARIANCE 11-001/TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 11-014, MISSION SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO GATE HOUSE PRESERVATION, ENTRY AND GIFT SHOP CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA INTRODUCTION The City of San Juan Capistrano has adopted this Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP) in accordance with Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081.6 and Section 15097 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The purpose of the MMRP is to ensure that the proposed project complies with all applicable environmental mitigation and permit requirements. Mitigation measures for the project have been adopted by the City's approving body in conjunction with the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Those adopted mitigation measures are integrated into this MMRP and are stated in the conditions of approval. Within this document, approved mitigation measures are organized and referenced by subject category (e.g. Aesthetics, Air Quality, Noise, Hydrology & Water Quality, etc.) and include those for all topical areas evaluated in the MND for the project. Each mitigation measure is provided with a numerical reference. The mitigation measures also include information on the method and timing of verification and the responsible party that will ensure that each measure is implemented. Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 requires the Lead Agency, for each project that is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to monitor performance of the mitigation measures included in any environmental document to ensure that implementation does, in fact, take place. The City is the designated lead agency for the MMRP and is responsible for review of any monitoring reports, enforcement actions, and document disposition. ,O ° C L CL 4 � Q) � r3) O i O � O 00 Q') �Q uj Qa= O g Z o� U Lu .� CO Z a) N O a) a) N O a) a) N O a) L a) E a) L a) E a) L as Q U O O Q U O C Q.0 p c CL a) a) L a) °� o a) o °s a) _ -0 _ > _ wo. ❑f/)❑ ❑cn❑� Qcn❑� 2 LL _ N ° p O I► N _N U C . a) p p C)❑_ L O 0 c a) L E•o o Q CLQ 2 U N E N L U Q C N L a)- E c C& N d O •L Z-- c a) uj a) U o o 0 i O () () n- O d -t- U 0 d U 4.- m LL Q O U d LL. 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