PC Resolution-11-03-08-01PC RESOLUTION NO. 11-03-08-01 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 09-031 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC)10-028 TO CONSTRUCT A 6,144 SQUARE FOOT, TOURNAMENT ROOM (BANQUET FACILITY) ON A 29.26 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT 32120 SAN JUAN CREEK RD (APN 666-011-27) WHEREAS, San Juan Hills Golf Course has proposed to construct a 6,144 sf, tournament room (banquet facility) on a 29.26 acre parcel. Additionally the applicant has proposed the new construction of a 250 sf. trash enclosure and adjacent service area and the reconfiguration of the existing parking lot with the addition of 70 parking spaces. The subject site is located within the Open Space Recreation (OSR) General Plan designation and classified as Open Space Recreation (OSR) on the Official Zoning Map; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.313, Architectural Control Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the project pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 3 (New construction or conversion of small structures) Categorical Exemption and caused a Notice of Exemption to be posted pursuant to Section 15062 of the CEQA Guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on September 28, 2010 pursuant to Section 9-2.313 of the Municipal Code to consider public testimony on the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: The proposed use and design of the project will comply with all applicable provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code because the subject site is located within the Open Space Recreation (OSR) zone district The "OSR District establishes 8 - hole or par 3 golf courses as conditional uses. Also, the Municipal Code establishes "eating and drinking establishments" as an accessory use permitted in conjunction with a principally -permitted or conditionally -permitted use and so, the proposed uses are consistent with the applicable zoning designation. Furthermore, the OSR zone district establishes maximum lot coverage of 10% while the project proposes lot coverage of 0.6%. The proposed project meets all "OSR" District requirements for minimum building setbacks and maximum building height. The Municipal Code requires a minimum of 316 parking spaces for the existing golf courses and driving range and the proposed banquet/tournament facility which the project proposes 229 permanent and 99 overflow PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 2 March 8, 2011 parking spaces for a total of 328 parking spaces, a surplus of 1.2 spaces. Finally, staff has included a recommended condition of approval requiring DRC review and approval of final lighting plans to assure Title 9, Land Use Code compliance. 2. The proposed use and design of the project will be consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, including the Community Design Element because the site is located within the Open Space Recreation (OSR) General Plan designation which provides for outdoor recreation facilities, including golf courses. The maximum intensity of development permitted on individual parcels that are General Plan -designated "1.1 - Open Space Recreation" is 0.10 floor area ratio (FAR) while the project proposes total aggregate building floor area of 7,694 square feet (SF) which given the 1,274,747 SF lot area results in an 0.006 FAR. Therefore, the proposed project intensity is consistent with that permitted by the General Plan land use designation. The project is will also be consistent with the General Plan Noise Element, Section 5- 30.01 of the Municipal Code and Section 9-3.531 of the Land Use Code contain specific goals, policies and threshold decibel levels for noise in the.community. Noise levels may not exceed 65 dB at any time during the day and will not impact noise sensitive uses. 3. The site will be adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces, setbacks, parking, access, and other features pertaining to the application, except as otherwise approved by the Planning Commission, because the proposed site plan demonstrates that all minimum building setbacks will be met. Further, the proposed building will be setback 85'-0" from San Juan Creek Road and provides for an appropriate amount of space for planting areas. Additionally, the redesigned internal circulation effectively provides safe vehicular and pedestrian paths of travel. The parking of the facility provides adequate permanent parking spaces for normal operations and overflow parking for special events with more parking demand. 4. The character, scale and quality of the architecture, site design and landscaping will be consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City because the proposed building has been designed in a manner compatible with the .California agrarian/ranching style of the existing buildings. The building mass is rather simple and barn -like, the design simplicity will allow the building to more easily blend visually into the background of the site when viewed from San Juan Creek Road. The use of a wrap around trellis provides architectural interest to the simplistic building and provides human scale to the building. The site design setbacks the building from San Juan Creek Rd. and through the incorporation of landscaping the building is largely shielded from San Juan Creek Rd. 5. The site plan provides functional and safe vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation because it reconfigures the existing and underused parking lot and expands the area to provide additional parking. All drive aisles have been designed to meet OCFA requirements. The proposed turning areas do not create any pinch points and the overall design functionally is well designed. The proposed site plan identifies pedestrian and golf cart paths of travel separated from vehicular traffic. 6. The proposed use and design of the project will be compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses and community character, including scale, intensity, massing, architectural design, landscape design, and other development characteristics because PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 3 March 8, 2011 the subject site is bordered by San Juan Creek to the north, vacant lots to the east, other areas of the golf course to the south, and a senior care facility to the west. The nearest residences are situated about 500 feet from the proposed facility. The proposed building has been designed in a manner that is consistent with the existing and recently remodeled golf course structures. The proposed scale and intensity of development are more of an accessory use in nature to the existing golf course use and accessory buildings and will create an additional amenity to the golf course. The proposed structure is located a considerable distance from any other structure and therefore would not represent any undue impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby approve the project subject to the conditions of approval contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (15) day appeal period without filing of an appeal application. The appeal period shall expire at 5:30 p.m., Monday, March 23, 2011. This project approval shall be valid from the date of approval of this resolution, and shall expire two (2) years after, unless a time extension request or building/grading permit application related to this discretionary approval is submitted to the City prior to that date. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March, 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Cohen, Vice Chairwoman Ratcliffe, Commissioners Kerr, Neely, Nunn, Parkhurst and Williams. NOES: ABSTAIN: 5 L' e--, - Sheldon Cohen, Chairman William Ramsey, AICP, EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION: 11-03-08-01 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project #: Architectural Control (AC) 09-031 Project Name: San Juan Hills Golf Course Tournament Room APPROVAL DATE: March 8, 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 23, 2011 EXPIRATION DATE: March 8, 2013 These conditions of approval apply to Architectural Control (AC) 09-031, an approval for the construction of a new 6,144 sf, tournament room (banquet facility) on a 29.26 acre parcel. Additionally the applicant has proposed the new construction of a 250 sf. trash enclosure and adjacent service area and the reconfiguration of the existing parking lot with the addition of 70 parking spaces, located at 32120 San Juan Creek Rd., generally located at approximately 2,750 feet northeast of the intersection of Valle Rd, and San Juan Creek Rd. and 2,200 feet southwest of the intersection of La Novia and San Juan Creek Rd. (APN 666-011-27). Any proposed change of use or expansion of the building area or modifications to the site plan or signage shall be submitted to the City Development Services Department, along with the required application and fee, for review. For the purpose of these conditions, the term "applicant" shall also mean the developer, the owner or any successor(s) in interest to the terms of this approval. General Conditions: Architectural Control (AC) 09-031, an approval for the construction of a new 6,144 sf, tournament room (banquet facility) on a 29.26 acre parcel. Additionally the applicant has proposed the new construction of a 250 sf. trash enclosure and adjacent service area and the reconfiguration of the existing parking lot with the addition of 70 parking spaces, located at 32120 San Juan Creek Rd., generally located at approximately 2,750 feet northeast of the intersection of Valle Rd, and San Juan Creek Rd. and 2,200 feet southwest of the intersection of La Novia and San Juan Creek Rd. (APN 666-011-27). This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Dan Friess on September 23, 2010. This project is approved and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. Minor modifications to this approval which are determined by the Development Services Director to be in substantial conformance with the approved plan, and which do not increase the size, or otherwise intensify or change the use or require any deviations from adopted standards, may be approved by the Development Services Director upon submittal of an application and the required fee. If not appealed, this approval shall become effective PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 Conditions of Approval AC 09-31, SJ Hills GC Tournament Room I page 2 of 5 on the first business day following the fifteenth (15th) day after the date of the Planning Commission's approval and shall expire August 10, 2012 twenty-four (24) months after the date of the approval unless the project which is the subject of this action has been installed and approved and all conditions of approval have been met, or a time extension has been granted by the City. Any application for an extension of time shall be submitted to the Development Services Department, along with the required fee, at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this approval, except as otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. 2. Approval of this application does not relieve the applicant from complying with other applicable Federal, State, County or City regulations or requirements. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit architectural plans for the review and approval of the Fire Chief if required per the "Orange County Fire Authority Plan Submittal Criteria Form." Please contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0499 for a copy of the Site/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans prior to submittal. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval. Please contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0499 or visit the Orange County Fire Authority website to obtain a copy of the "Guideline for New and Existing Fire Alarm Systems." 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans for any required automatic fire sprinkler system in any structure to the Fire Chief for review and approval. Please contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0499 to request a copy of the "Orange County Fire Authority Notes for New NFPA 13 Commercial Sprinkler Systems." 6. The use shall meet the standards and shall be developed within the limits established by the Municipal Code as related to emissions of noise, odor, dust, vibration, wastes, fumes, or any public nuisances arising or occurring incidental to the establishment or operation. 7. _ The applicant shall pay all fees at the time fees are determined payable and comply with all requirements of the applicable federal, state, and local agencies. The duty of inquiry as to such requirements shall be upon the applicant. 8. All plans, specifications, studies, reports, calculations, maps, notes, legal documents, and designs shall be prepared, signed, and stamped (when required) only by those individuals legally authorized to do so. PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 Conditions of Approval AC 09-31, SJ Hills GC Tournament Room page 3 of 5 9. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of San Juan Capistrano and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of San Juan Capistrano, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of San Juan Capistrano concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Planner. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 10. The applicant shall be responsible for informing all subcontractors, consultants, engineers, or other business entities providing services related to the project of their responsibilities to comply with these conditions of approval and all pertinent requirements in the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, including the requirement that a business license be obtained by all entities doing business in the City. 11. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. If there are any disparities between these conditions and the plans or final revised plans that are approved for any subsequent phase, the conditions and/or plans as stipulated in the later approval shall prevail. 12. Prior to issuance of a precise grading permit., for any property wholly or partially located within the Special Flood Hazard Area A, as established by the Federal Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), building pad elevations may be required to be constructed above a specific elevation, which shall be confirmed with the . Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during Grading Plan Design. 13._ The applicant shall pay all fees at the time fees are determined payable and comply with all requirements of the applicable federal, state, and local agencies. The duty of inquiry as to such requirements shall be upon the applicant. 14. Prior to the issuance of right-of-way improvements permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and the Public Works Director for review, and shall obtain approval for, sewer and water plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. These plans shall be specific to the project and shall reflect consistency with the City's Sewer and Water Master Plans, City municipal codes, standards, specifications, and City water standard specifications. The sewer plans shall indicate that all proposed sewer manholes shall be lined with polyurethane, or equal approved material, at the applicant's cost to the satisfaction of the City Engineer PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 Conditions of Approval .AC 09-31, SJ Hills GC Tournament Room page 4 of 5 15. All applicable approvals and clearance from other departments and agencies shall be on file with the Building and Safety Department prior to issuance of any permits, final inspections, utility releases and/or release of securities, as specified in these conditions. (B&S) 16. Prior to acceptance of improvements and release of performance securities, any existing sections of curb and gutter damaged during construction may require to be repaired or replaced by the applicant, depending on the condition of these improvements prior to and after construction. (PW -ENG) . The following conditions shall be completed prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of building permits: 17. Building Permit. The applicant shall submit plans to the Building Official for issuance of a building permit. Such plans shall be fully dimensioned, in substantial conformance with those plans approved and modified by the Planning Commission and Design Review Committee: (PLN) 18. Applicable Codes. Prior to issuance of building permits (if required by the Building Official), plans for this project shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department for review and approval, and shall comply with the latest City -adopted edition of the applicable building codes. (B&S) 19. Consistency with Approved Plans and Elevations. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, landscape/irrigation plans, and sign elevations. (PLN) 20. Landscape Plan: Prior to the issuance of the Building Permits the applicant shall submit a landscape plan that also identifies all removal of trees. Said plan shall be reviewed by. the Design Review Committee and forwarded to the Planning Commission for action as a consent calendar item. 21. Lighting Plan: Prior to the issuance of Building Permits the applicant shall submit a photometric plan and fixture details for review and approval by the Design Review Committee. Lighting shall include either an additional street light or other onsite lighting as to reduce potential safety considerations. 22. Design Details: Prior to the issuance of Building Permits the applicant shall submit revised plans based upon the direction provided by the Planning Commission. Said plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee. PC Resolution 11-03-08-01 Conditions of Approval AC. 09-31, SJ Hills GC Tournament Room page 5 of 5 The following Conditions of Approval shall be followed at all times during the operation of the facility: 23. Occupancy: The maximum occupancy permitted for the facility is limited to 250 guests. In the happenstance that a proposed event exceeds the identified 250 guests, a Special Activity Permit shall be required. 24. Overflow Parking: Overflow parking located 32120 San Juan Creek Rd. shall be provided as a valet parking. All valets shall be shuttled using the underground cart path. 25. Parking Management Plan: Prior to the issuance of a building permit.the applicant shall submit a parking management plan that will address the necessity of overflow parking and will provide methodology for its deployment. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff. 26.— Acoustical Analysis: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall provide an acoustical analysis of the building that demonstrates that the facility with open windows and/or doors does not exceed the thresholds permitted for noise as defined by the Municipal Code. 27. Revision to parking layout: The applicant shall revise the proposed parking lot layout to remove the parking area located nearest to San Juan Creek and replace it with parking located on the opposite side of the parking lot. This shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee: Responsible Agencies: B&S = Building and Safety, ENG = Engineering PLN , Planning By:�- Applicant Signature Applicant Name -5--,7-ci/, Date Title