PC Resolution-12-03-07-03RESOLUTION NO. 12-03-7-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVING A TWELVE (12) MONTH TIME EXTENSION FOR PLANNING APPLICATIONS A PROPOSED 225,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET (GSF) FLEX -INDUSTRIAL PROJECT ON 13.99 ACRES LOCATED AT THE WEST TERMINUS OF CALLE ARROYO BORDERING INTERSTATE 1-5 TO THE WEST AND SAN JUAN CREEK TO THE SOUTH (APN'S 666-131-09,013,14,15&16) (VENTANAS BUSINESS CENTER) WHEREAS, Project Dimensions, Inc., pursuant to a letter dated January 31, 2012, has requested a time extension of twelve (12) months for ten (10) zoning entitlements including Architectural Control, Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, Grading Plan Modification, Tree Removal Permit, Floodplain Land Use Permit, Public Right -of -Way Vacation, License Agreement, Shared/Joint Use Parking Agreement, and Community Facilities District in order to develop the Ventanas Business Center project consisting of eleven (11) buildings, two -stories in height, totaling approximately 225,000 square feet; and, WHEREAS, the applicant has not proposed any changes to the project as approved by the San Juan Capistrano City Council on May 6, 2008; and, WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the Industrial Park and General Open Space Designations on the General Plan Land Use Map; and, WHEREAS, a final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified by the City Council that was posted with the Orange County Clerk -Recorder on May 9, 2008; and, WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the PC (Planned Community) zone district and is consistent with permitted uses and development standards set forth in Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 78-01, Ortega Planned Community, Planning Sectors "B" and "C"; and, WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the City's adopted Architectural Design Guidelines; and WHEREAS, on March 25, 2010 the Zoning Administrator granted a twelve month time extension of the Ventanas Business Center zoning entitlements; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2011 the Zoning Administrator granted a twelve month time extension of the Ventanas Business Center zoning entitlements; and WHEREAS, the zoning entitlements for the Ventanas Business Center project would expire on May 6, 2011 if not extended by the Zoning Administrator who may extend such entitlement for twelve (12) months per request for a maximum of five (5) years from approval pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.313(e); and, ZA Resolution 12-03-7-03 2 March 7 2012 WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator of the City of San Juan Capistrano is granted the authority to approve time extensions pursuant to Municipal Code section 9- 1.11(e)(1); and WHEREAS, this public hearing was duly noticed in a local newspaper, was mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, and mailed to interested persons who testified at previous public hearings; and, WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator has considered all oral and written testimony offered at the public hearing; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Zoning Administrator of the City of San Juan Capistrano grants a time extension of twelve (12) months subject to conditions of approval set forth in City Council Resolution 08-05-06-05 . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the zoning entitlements for the Ventanas Business Center project Architectural Control (AC) 07-01 shall expire on Monday, May 7, 2013. Pursuant to the ,Municipal code this is final extension of time that may be granted for a total of five (5) years. If building permits have not been obtained and construction underway all zoning entitlements shall lapse and become null and void. EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: The decision of the Zoning Administrator shall become final on March 22, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. if an appeal has not been filed prior to that date and time. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of March, 2012. Miam A. Ramsey, AICP Zoning Administrator ATTEST: Grant Taylor, De lopment Services Director