PC Resolution-12-02-28-04RESOLUTION NO. 12-02-28-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS (GPA) RELATED TO THE HISTORIC TOWN CENTER MASTER PLAN. Whereas, the City has prepared an updated Master Plan for the 150 acre Historic Town Center planning area establishing policies and recommendations for guiding future development of the Historic Town Center and has prepared a Form -Based Code to establish new land use and development standards for that historic downtown; and, Whereas, the General Plan Land Use Element establishes the limits of the Historic Town Center Master Plan planning area and identifies the planning area for the development of commercial and service uses which balance the community's commercial needs with those of tourism -based development while maintaining fiscal and economic viability. The Land Use Element also provides that the City will continue to implement a Historic Town Center revitalization plan to provide additional housing opportunities and population to support these commercial services and retail sales; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301, Development Review of the Title 9, Land Use Code of the City's Municipal Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has required preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the project pursuant to Section 15081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; has issued a Notice of Preparation pursuant to Section 15082 of those guidelines; has overseen the preparation of the Draft PEIR prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines; has issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines to provide for public review and comment and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, Whereas, the Design Review Committee conducted public meetings on January 5, 2012, January 19, 2012, and February 2, 2012; and the Transportation Commission conducted a public meeting on November 9, 2011; and the Park, Recreation & Equestrian Commission conducted a public meeting on November 21, 2012 and the Cultural Heritage Commission conducted a special public meeting on November 30, 2012 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code to consider the proposed project and public testimony on the proposed project; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly -noticed public meeting on December 13, 2011 and conducted duly -noticed public hearings on January 24, 2012 and February 14, 2012 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.335, Public Hearing Procedures to consider public testimony on the proposed project. 2/28/2012 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby finds that: 1. The project is consistent with Land Use Goal 1 which states that the City will "Develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibility for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities" because the Master Plan provides for the revitalization of the Historic Town Center and the repositioning of the Del Obispo Street corridor with economically diverse uses that are intended to promote re -investment and would result in the addition of about 500,000 gross square feet (GSF) of new commercial space within the planning area. 2. The project is consistent with Land Use Goal 5 which states that the City will "Encourage commercial development which serves community needs and is located in the existing central business district" because the Master Plan and implementing Form -Based Code promote a wide variety of commercial and service uses that serve both residents and tourists within the planning area; and, 3. The project is consistent with Land Use Goal 6 which states that the City will "Enhance or redevelop underperforming commercial centers" because the Master Plan allows commercial property owners the option of developing new residential neighborhoods along the south edge of the Del Obispo Street corridorto reduce the over -abundance of commercial retail use throughout the planning area while providing more potential market support for commercial, office, and service uses in the planning area. 4. The project is consistent with Circulation Goal 1 which states that the City will "Provide a system of roadways that meets the needs of the community" because the Master Plan includes planned street extensions and changes to the geometric design of streets to will improve overall circulation throughout the Historic Town Center especially through the planned extension of Forster Street. 5. The project is consistent with Circulation Goal 2 which states that the City will "Promote an advanced public transportation networW' because the Master Plan promotes an intensification within the floor area ratio (FAR) limits of the 1999 General Plan as well as mixed-use development with a strong residential component which would likely result in increased use of rail transportation due to the convenient proximity of the depot station; and, 6. The project is consistent with Cultural Resources Goal 1 which states that the City will "Preserve and protect historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources" because the Master Plan integrates and preserves existing historic buildings within the planning area, establishes development standards which protect such structures, and because new development would be subject to City Council Policy 601 regarding historic and cultural resource protection; and, 2 2/28/2012 7. The project is consistent with Parks & Recreation Element Goal 1 which states that the City will "Provide, develop, and maintain ample park and recreational facilities that provide a diversity of recreational activities" because the Master Plan maintains the Historic Town Center Park as a center -piece to the downtown with the capability of accommodating a variety of community events; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends that the City Council adopt General Plan Amendments (GPA) Related to the Historic Town Center Master Plan as provided by Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of February, 2012, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Commissioners Ginny Kerr, Roy Nunn, Jeff Parkhurst and Rob Williams. NOES: Commissioner Tim Neely. ABSTAIN: None. Sheldon Cohen, Chairman William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Plan/rfer Secretary 2/28/2012 Exhibit "A" General Plan Amendments (GPA) Related to Adoption of the Historic Town Center Master Plan 1. Land Use Element: Revise the Land Use Element as follows: a. Revise the description of the "Historic Town Center Master Plan Area" to read as follows: • . '. 10 ONNIPM ••KILUO • • Business Pla �ng a framework for the redevelopment of the downtown P�_pjivate. • ..' • the CitV. he MasterPlan establishes. • 1.• capacitv, but rather,♦ r degree of flexibilitVof land use mix to accommodate future chanqes in market conditions. b. Revise General Plan Land Use Element "Figure LU -4, Historic Town Center" to conform the boundaries to the adopted Historic Town Center Master Plan. 2. Circulation Element: Revise the Circulation Element as follows: a. Revise the Circulation Element "Related Plans and Programs" to add the following section: Historic Town Center "Park Once" Strategy The Historic Town Center Master Plan provides for the development of on -street diagonal parking, existing parking structure expansion, and the construction of the Ortega "Park Once" structure to accommodate parking needs in the downtown and serve existing and future businesses. The City's approach to parking within the Historic Town Center Master Plan area is to provide for parking needs through both private and public parking facilities and reduce the cost burden on new businesses of providing on-site parking to meet Title 9, Land Use Code parking standards. b. Revise the Circulation Element "Figure C-2, Arterial Highway System" to remove Ortega Highway between Camino Capistrano and Del Obispo Street from the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH). c. Revise the Circulation Element "Figure C-2, Arterial Highway System" to classify Camino Capistrano between State Route -74 (Ortega Highway) and Camino Capistrano as "H, (space -constrained Hot Spot)". d. Revise the Circulation Element "Figure C-2, Arterial Highway System" to designate the Yorba Street, Forster Street, EI Camino Real, and Avenida los Amigos extensions as "two-lane local arterials" subject to the voluntary dedication or "friendly" condemnation of public right-of-way by private property owners consistent with the City's eminent domain policy established by the Historic Town Center Master Plan and subject. e. Revise the Circulation Element to add "Figure C-4, Bikeways and Trails Master Plan" showing existing and proposed bikeway and trail connections within the Historic Town Center Master Plan area. 3. Parks and Recreation Element: Revise Parks & Recreation Element "Figure PR -1, Parks and Recreation Facilities" to eliminate bikeways and trails which will be incorporated into the Circulation Element as provided by 2.e. above. 2