PC Resolution-12-01-10-01X -A :I I r -Al x I Ivi I U :191TIA ivi 1:4 LI ..• *911gLM I gs 11YA11 M11 ZICIA LI k &*A I 01 -AN 11:154 144:j N 1541 N k lira k, relpm • 0 A A A A A • A A •A is A A Whereas, the City Council listed the project as Urgent Strategic Priority No. 3(2) and requested that staff and consultants develop engineering and site plans for the project located at the northwest open space, specifically located north of Junipero Serra road and west of Camino Capistrano which is General Plan -designated Community Park (CP) and classified as Community Park (CP) on the Official Zoning Map and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 and 15064 of the CEQA Guidelines, has issued a negative declaration pursuant to Section 15070 of those guidelines; has caused a Notice of Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); and all mitigation measures have been included herein; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has considered all project environmental documentation and technical studies; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly -noticed public meeting on January 10, 2012 pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.339, Public Meeting Procedures, Administrative Policy 409, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comment; and, Whereas, the Utilities Commission conducted a duly -noticed public meeting on September 26, 2011 pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.339; and, Whereas, the Design Review Committee conducted a duly -noticed public meeting on November 17, 2011 pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.339; and, Whereas, the Open Space, Trails & Equestrian Commission and Parks, Recreation & Senior Services Commission conducted a duly -noticed joint public meeting on December 5, 2011 pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 92.339. PC Resolution 12-01-10-01 2 January 10, 2012 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings with respect to approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND): Whereas, the Planning Commission finds on the basis of the evidence presented and the whole record before it, including the negative declaration/mitigated negative declaration, and comments received, that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment and, Whereas, the Planning Commission further finds that the adoption of the mitigated negative declaration reflects the Planning Commission's independent judgment and analysis; and, Whereas, the record of proceedings on which the Planning Commission's decision is based, is located at City Hall for the City of San Juan Capistrano, located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California and the custodian of record of proceedings is the Development Services Department Administrative Specialist;and, Whereas, staff is hereby authorized and directed to file a Notice of Determination within five working days of adoption of this resolution as required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15075. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano Is the project consistent with the goals, policies, and recommendations of the Land Use Element? The project site is situated within the Community Park ("CP") land use designation. The project is compatible with the surrounding existing and proposed land uses because the CP land use is intended for "major active recreation sites, serving a larger population and geographic area". The project will provide a pedestrian connection to the multi -use trail located along Trabuco Creek; and, 2. Is the project consistent with the goals, policies, and recommendations of other relevant General Plan elements? The project design is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Conservation and Open Space Element because the project is consistent with the Open Space Master Plan. The project is specifically consistent with: Goal 1: 'Retain the character and natural beauty of the environment through the preservation, conservation, enhancement and maintenance of open space;" and, Policy 1.11: 'To guide and regulate development to ensure that the character and natural beauty of the City is retained; "and, Goal 4: "Conserve open space lands needed for recreation, education and scientific activities, as well as culturakhistoric preservation;" and, PC Resolution 12-01-10-01 January 10, 2012 Objective 4.1: " To plan for the acquisition, development, maintenance, operation, and financing of open space lands which provide recreational, scenic, aesthetic, scientific, cultural/historic, Native American and educational opportunities;" and, Goal 6: "Educate the citizens on the need for and benefit of open space conservation, preservation and resource management,*" and, Objective 6.2: "To establish successful partnerships with non-profit, educational, governmental, and volunteer organizations that can assist and enhance the City's open space education and outreach efforts" The project design is generally consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the Open Space Master Plan; as well as, all other applicable provisions of the General Plan; and, 3. Is the proposed use and design of the project consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, including the Community Design Element? The project design is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Community Design Element because the project is consistent with the following policies under the Community Design Goal 1: Policy 1.2: "Encourage high-quality and human scale design in development to maintain the character of the City; "and, Policy 1.3: "Encourage the participation by all members of the community in activities which promote the City and create local pride, -"and, The project is also consistent with the following policy under the Community Design Goal 2: Policy 2.1: "Encourage development which compliments the City's traditional, historic character through site design, architecture, and landscaping" The project design is generally consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the Community Design Element; as well as, all other applicable provisions of the General Plan; and, 4. Are the character, scale and quality of the architecture, site design and landscaping consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City? The City's Architectural Design Guidelines do not specifically contain standards for parks; however the project is consistent with the adoptedArchitectural Design Guidelines because the following design principles are applicable to the proposed project: a. Design Issue/ Principal 1: Human Scale. The proposed project design has a well-balanced pedestrian orientation and human scale. The location of the parking lot is located above the dog park area which is located in the lower bench of the Northwest Open Space. The dog park will be designed to blend PC Resolution 12-01-10-01 4 January 10, 2012 into the existing natural open space area, designed to complement the historic character of the agricultural area and will be enhanced with California native trees and shrubs; and, b. Design Issue/ Principal 5: Heritage and Tradition. The proposed project contains a pedestrian access connection to the equestrian staging area that is reflected in the history and tradition of San Juan Capistrano. The project includes access to the multi -use trail, picnic tables, and a drinking fountain. The construction materials used in this area will be rustic in form and will be in keeping with the character and heritage of the equestrian tradition of the City; and, c. Desiqn Issue/ Principal 7: Relationship to Natural Settings. The proposed project is located west of Trabuco Creek and will be designed to complement the cultural characteristic of the historic agriculture uses on the property and the natural setting. The project includes the protection of native Oak trees, Avocado trees, and Citrus trees. The site will include plantings of trees and shrubs that complement the existing landscape palette found along Trabuco Creek. The park areas are designed as open areas with mulch and native grasses and to allow for open views throughout the park area; and, d. Design Issue/ Principal 8: Linkages and Connections. The proposed project maximizes the linkages and connections to surrounding public uses, activities, pedestrian & equestrian trails. The proposed plan provides a connection to the equestrian staging area and to the multi -use trail located along Trabuco Creek. The trail will provide a link to other open space areas and trails through -out the City; and, 5. Will the proposed use and design of the project comply with all applicable provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code and any applicable specific plan or comprehensive development plan? The proposed project has been designed to be in compliance with the applicable provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Land Use Code with regards to access, parking, fencing, development standards, and landscape; and, 6. Does the site plan provide functional and safe vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation? The proposed project is functional and safe in regards to circulation conditions because the purpose and intent of the parking lot is to provide a separate access to the parking area exclusively for dog park visitors; and primarily to ensure that dogs and horses are not intermingling in the parking areas. A separate parking area will also provide a safer pedestrian environment. The project includes a pedestrian walkway that will connect the dog park parking area to the equestrian staging area; and, 7. Are the proposed use and design of the project compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses and community character, including scale, intensity, massing, architectural design, landscape design, and other development characteristics? The proposed project is consistent with the landscape design requirements because the plan will provide California native plants that are PC Resolution 12-01-10-01 January 10. 2012 consistent with the common plants found along Trabuco Creek and the Northwest open Space area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves a Mitigated Negative Declaration subject to those mitigation measures established by Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (15) day appeal period without filing of an appeal application. The appeal period shall expire at 5:00pm, Thursday, January 26, 2012. PROTEST OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of January, 2012, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Kerr, Williams, Parkhurst and Nunn. RECUSE: Chairman Cohen, Commissioner Neely ABSENT: Vice -Chair Ratcliffe Ginny Kerr;,ommissioner 'V 61 -%1'111J -2x1' Wflham A. Ramsey, AICP, Principal Pnn6r Secretary