PC Resolution-13-12-10-04 RESOLUTION 13-12-10-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT(GPA) 13-004 AND CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 13-002 AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AND AMENDING TITLE 9, LAND USE CODE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE WITH RF.qPFr.T Tn VFRY HIGH nr=Nj.qITY Hni 1.q1K1(1, AND DENSITY BONUS PROVISIONS Whereas, the City has initiated consideration of amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element and Title 9, Land Use Code of the Municipal Code to create and to establish provisions related to the General Plan Land Use Element's establishing a "Very High Density" Land Use designation and creating a"VHD"(Very High Density) Residential Zone District land use designation along with development and density standards for the "VHD" (Very High Density) Residential Zone District and density bonus provisions for affordable housing projects; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has evaluated General Plan Amendment (GPA) 13-004 and Code Amendment (CA) 13-002 and has caused an initial study to be prepared pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines and has issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration and caused a Notice of Mitigated Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines and submitted to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research State Clearinghouse, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and Whereas, in accordance with Government Code Section 65915, which has been amended multiple times since the City enacted Municipal Code Section9-3.505, the City of San Juan Capistrano amended Section 9-3.505 to update the Density Bonus Program to conform to State law; and, Whereas, in accordance with Government Code Section 65583.2(c),the City of San Juan Capistrano amended the General Plan Land Use Plan and Section 9-3.301 to the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code to create a maximum density of 30 dwelling units per acre; and, Whereas, on September 3, 2013, the City Council initiated the code amendment; and, Whereas, on December 10, 2013, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing, and considered all public, oral, and written communications; and, Whereas, the proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Code Amendment(CA)are substantially consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Land Use Element and the requirements for findings as outlined in the Land Use Code, Title 9. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration subject to the Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP) adopted with the updated Housing Element for the 2014-2021 planning period of a General Plan Ampnrimpnt to the I ;qn(i t I-,p Rpmt-ntnq nmvidpA by Fyhihit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, and a Code Amendment to the Title 9 of the City's Municipal Code as provided by Exhibit B and C, attached hereto and incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 2013. Tim' ly, Vi ,.e Ch r n San Juan Capistra o PI nning Commission Wi)i�iam Ramsey, AICP, Assistant Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary Major Land Use Dwelling Units Average Dwelling Land Use Designation and Summary Groupings per Acre Ranke Units Per Acre Description Residential 0-1.0 1 2.0 Very Low Density- Detached single-family dwellings. Allows up to 1 dwelling unit per gross acre. 1.1-2.0 2 2.1 Low Density- Detached single- family dwellings. Allows up to 2 dwelling unit per gross acre. 1).1) 4.4 1 V I tZ;U IUIII LV VV L./VI 101 L Y %.7 I I I 1J I V family dwellings. Allows up to 3.5 dwelling unit per gross acre. 3.6-5.0 4.5 2.3 Medium Density-Single-family dwellings, mobile home parks, duplexes, & multi-family dwellings including condominiums, & townhomes. Allows up to 5 dwelling unit per gross acre. 5.1-8.0 7.5 2.4 Medium High Density- Single- family dwellings, mobile home parks, duplexes, & multi-family dwellings including condominiums, & townhomes. Allows up to 8 dwelling unit per gross acre. 8.1-18.0 17 2.5 High Density- Single-family dwellings, mobile home parks, duplexes, & multi-family dwellings including condominiums, townhomes, & apartments. Allows up to 18 dwelling unit per gross acre. 18.1-2-530.0 2-530 2.6 Affordable Fam­4y/ Seni-o. MousingVery High Density-Affbfdable Single-family dwellings, mobile home parks, duplexes, and multi-family dwellings including condominiums, townhomes, apartments, and cooperatives. Allows up to 2-5-30 dwelling unit per gross acre. 2.6 Affcwdable-4;a"1y-kSeni-or-44Gami 4&&niar--Housing +;�� �r�­;App 41, A__s reskle-ntia4 land use desiz_JF`OU�11 for the-devellopn4eM­ef ,, 1. density rnultrk farnih., dwellings fOr--afkwdable , �­�J H, la......es- and se1nHors9--sud4-as, 9--apa,,4.rnen+.s9GOOpera...--, ­4 suGh. ­-S­4�nabjle a,— M QdJulaf-4!*mes, sea ­.Y -jnit­&7--west-bGuses-, f�^;l Ghur-c-besT­sr_-�,�fly day GaFe­-11�, plubli-_ --itia ether--s---Which-are he needs of se-nio, I aw.ng , je-^+,s rnay - -f -SP -s! -unitS---Gonsist�-wit-h-the-provi-, IT A Housing El--M--.-FII. allows a maximum of -255.01 dwelling unift pef-gro-ss, 1-h i,s -Ies-6g m7 ��ee1 harvh density c-aarac-teF.The--rnaxi,�,;;u;m-de y--o#t-has-4a A—usee__.designat-ice...-may--be -exceeded--to e-Gmptem nt-Gener-al-Pta -H sing-€-ler-hent-potiGyr-tn--ace-erdance--with-t-he-density-bent-s ---Sect-ien-6 Very High_Density: The Very High Density residential land use designation provides for the development of ve high density single family detached and attached dwelling units mobile homes modular homes du lexes and multi-famil dwellin s such as townhomes rnnrinminh emc gngrtmpntq anri rrnnnarntivpc ac \NAZI ac arr.Accnry hi iilriinnc I Icpc such as mobile and modular homes, second single-family units, c uest houses, churches schools familv dav care homes ublic facilities and others which are compatible with and oriented toward servin the needs of hi h densit sin I_g e-family neighborhoods may also be allowed. This designation allows a maximum of 30.0 dwelling units per dross acre of Land. Development under this designation should maintain a very high density character. The maximum densitv of this land use clesicination mav be exceeded to com lement General Plan Housing Element policy in accordance with the densit bonus rovisions of Section 65 915 of the California Government Code. Sec. 9-3.505. - Affordable housing requirements. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the affordable housing requirements in this section are to achieve the following: (1) To create affordable housing requirements to facilitate the development of residential housing opportunities for low and very low income senior/households within the City; (2) To comply with state law to provide twenty-five (25) percent density bonuses for therrpnfinn of nffrirrinhip hni mina nmiar+z xA/hith ni inrnnfaa nrr,,nccihi1ifx/ rif ,..- -1­11— — ­­_­_ ..__­1Z, 11. 1_ J­ -1 housing for qualified low and very low income seniors and households for ten (10) years; (3) To comply with state law to provide density bonuses and an additional incentive for the creation of affordable housing projects which guarantee long-term (thirty (30) years) accessibility of housing for qualified low and very low income seniors and households; (4) To establish development criteria to ensure that the design of affordable senior and household housing projects are consistent with the City's General Plan Community Design Element and Architectural Guidelines. (b) Affordable housing policies. City policies aimed at achieving the purpose and intent of this section are as follows: (1) Development restrictions. Development should be designed to be compatible with adjacent uses and to promote high quality affordable housing projects within all zone districts. (2) Materials and design. Materials and design shall be of high quality and architectural design and should be consistent with other City design standards. (3) Affordable Housing In-lieu Fees. In-lieu fees shall be collected pursuant to Section 9-5.103 Housing In-lieu Fee to facilitate the development of affordable housing opportunities. (c) Density bonus description. (1) The Density Bonus program is hereby created to permit affordable senior/household residential units subject to City Council approval of a density bonus permit in the following districts: (A) Hillside Residential (HR), Single-Family-10,000 (RS-10,000), Single- Family-7,000 (RS-7,000), and Single-Family-4,000 (RS-4,000); (B) Residential Garden-7,000 (RG-7,000) and Residential Garden-4,000 (RG- . 4,000); (C) Multiple-Family (RM) and-AoF-Heng-(AFH Very High DensityJVHD); (D) Mobilehome Park (MHP); (E) Tourist Commercial (TC), General Commercial (GC), and Office Commercial (OC); (F) Specific Plan/Precise Plan (SP/PP); and (G) Planned Community (PC). (d) Density bonus program—Ten (10) years --filb-Fal-able housing pr--,-- 0+_AaP ,_ 11[Ly_ r e�sAy-bonus. To q,-a4fy-for-a sity bonus t! lowing Griterlawl EXHIBIT B AN j-rA+ l­f t`vv-n+®i /r rrc quaMedd-vei 4ow4nG 3d ; {-B) At4east-fift-y--(W1 perGent of total unift -niust-be-affefdab-le--afara-vailable-"uafified 9 l7T recarded against the-prroperty, (D) The density-booms -shat-k�e--as-c-alcu ��ef-stty �onu desGriptien.. f )--A-pplic�ty.-af-density ee#i-ve-.-T"ualify--fer-�f-t-he density-bonus and a nal �nGent;,ve, tll I— wing-criteria appfy' /A\ A t 'least twenty 1201 perGent of total urvils !ilij1 5:! . -ineerae and-a-n-additienal ten /7 n\ nn Bent of ti uni -,affofdable.-to "ifaed.-very-iew ir�c-orae-leo u seh6ld s-;-o r (G- Atef-t-he-abeve e-ignated-u„ tsnTist-be-i-neured-continual--affardability-far t-hidy (W8 years-b y-execut-i)n of an-afferdability , , c y: The number of umite $hat-c-anbe_censidered fer "cr�lin - lrnno��...shal,ll___bbe d pravldP, d+vidPer 17 venci4®e onuses with. 'n ATA"-nc 1 Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this section is to im lement the provisions of (�neir�rnmr�rrt ( Il Ceetion 65915 and the rCity'c Hrmcing Pill— rarinril the VVY 11VIIt VV6AV V 6 y provision of density bonuses and other regulatory incentives for affordable and senior housing proiects. 2 Applicability. The p.rovisions of this section shall apply to projects qualifying for density. bonuses provided for by Government Code Section 65915, in accordance with Section 9-3.505(d)(3). (3) Standards City Obligation to Provide Density Bonuses and Incentives. When an applicant seeks a density bonus for a housing development within or for the donation of land for housing within, the City, the City shall provide the applicant with incentives or concessions for the production of housin units and child care facilities as prescribed in this Section. LB Development Entitled To Bonuses and Incentives. The City shall grant one density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in subdivision C.6� page 2 of 11 and incentives or concessions, as described in subdivision CA when an applicant for a housing development seeks and agrees to construct a housing development, excluding any units permitted by the density bonus awarded pursuant to this section, that will contain at least an one of the following: (i) Ten percent of the total units of a housinq development for lower income households, as defined in Section 50079.5 of the California Healtil and Safety Code. (ii) Fivepercentof the total units of a housin_q-development for very low income households, as defined in Section 50105 of the California Health and Safely Code. (iii) A senior citizen housing development, as defined in Sections 51.3 and 51.12 of the California Civil Code and reprinted in Section 9- 3.505(d)(6)(a) below, or mobile home park that limits residency based on age reguirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799.5 of the California Civil Code. (iv) Ten percent of the total dwelling units in a common interest development as defined in Section 1351 of the California Civil Code for persons and families of moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of Me California Health and Safetv Code, provided that all units in the development are offered to the public for purchase. (C) Forpurposes of calculating the amount of the density bonus pursuant to Section 9-3.505(d)(3) thea licant who reguests a density bonus pursuant to this Section shall elect whether the bonus shall be awarded on the basis of subparagraph (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B) above. (D) For the purposes of this Section, "total units" or "total dwelling units" do not include units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to this Section. (E) An applicant shall agree to, and the City shall ensure, continued affordability of all low- and very low income units that qualified the applicant for the award of the density bonus for 30 years or a longer period of time if reguired by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. Rents for the Jowel, inCOI—Ile density bonus units shall be set at an affordable Tent as defined in Section 50053 of the California Health and Safety Code. Owner- occupied units shall be available at an affordable housing cost as defined in Section 50052.5 of the California Health and Safely Code. (F) The initial occupant of the moderate-income units that are directly related to the receipt of the density bonus in the common interest development, as defined in Section 1351 of the California Civil Code, shall be r)ersons and families of moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of the California Health and Safety Code, and the units shall be offered at an affordable housing cost, as that cost is defined in Section 50052.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. The City shall enforce an equity sharing agreement, unless it is in conflict with the reguirements of another Publi funding source or law. The following apply to the eguity sharing agreement: (i) Upon resale, the seller of the unit shall retain the value of an page 3 of 11 the minimum building standards approved by, the California Building Standards Commission as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the California Health and Safety Code, including, but not limited to, a reduction in setback and square footage requirements and in the ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required that results in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions. (ii) Approval of mixed use zoninq in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development and if the commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses are compatible with the housina proiect and the existing or planned development in the area where the proposed housing_project will be located. (iii) Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the developer or the City that result in identifiable financial) sufficient and actual cost reductions. (1) The applicant shall receive the following number of incentives or concessions: (i) One incentive or concession for proiects that include at least 10 percen of the total units for lower income households, at least 5 percent for very low income households, or at least 10 percent for persons and families of moderate income in a common interest development. (ii) Two incentives or concessions for projects that include at least 20 percent of the total units for lower income households, at least 10 .percent for very low income households, or at least�20ercent_for persons and families of moderate income in a common interest development. ON) Three incentives or concessions for projects that include at least 30 percent of the total units for lower income households at least 15 percent for very low income households, or at least 30 percent for persons and families of moderate income in a common interest development. and �f The gran of a --r-,--SSIO- -r ;----We shall -,+ kp and I I .— .,,a,,LI 1 1%4 %J %I%j I[%,,- i I %J1 11 a I N, I I not "l- inter PI%�V—M, 11 1 itself, to require a general plan amendment, local coastal plan amendment., zoninq chanae, or other discretionary approval. K This Section 9-3.505 d 3 G does not limit or require the provision of direct financial incentives for the housing development, including the provision of publicly_owned. land, by the City, or the waiver of fees or dedication requirements. L The Cit shall nota I an develo mint standard that will have the effect of physically precluding the construction of a development meeting the criteria of Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B) at the densities or with the concessions or incentives permitted by this Section. Anapplicant may submit to the City a proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards that will have the effect of r)hvsicallv precluding the construction of a development meeting the criteria of Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B) at the densities or with the page 5 of 11 concessions or incentives permitted under this Section, and may request a meeting with the City. Nothing in this subdivision shall be interpreted to require the City to waive or reduce development standards if the waiver or reduction would have a specific adverse impact, as defined in subparagraph Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(G)(ii) above upon health, safety, or the physical environment, and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorilv mitiqate or avoid the sr)ecific adverse impact. in addition, nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to require the City to waive or reduce development standards that would have an adverse impact on anv real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources or to grant any waiver or reduction that would be contrary to state or federal law. (M) A proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards pursuant to this subdivision shall neither reduce nor increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9-3.505(d)(3)LG (3) Calculation of Density Bonus. The amount of density bonus to which the applicant is entitled shall vary according to the amount by which the percentage of affordable housing units exceeds the percentage established in subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B)Thea pplicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus. (A) For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9- 3.505(d)(3)(B)(i), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Low-income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 20 11 21.5 12 23 13 24.5 14 26 15 27.5 17 30.5 18 19 33.5 20 35 (B) For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9- 3.505(d)(3)(B)(ii), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 5 20 6 22.5 7 25 8 27.5 9 30 10 32.5 page 6 of 11 11 35 (C) For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9- .505(d)(3)(B)(iii), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of senior housing units. (D) For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9- 3.505(d)(3)(B)(iv)the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Pt-rri-ntqnP Mnrierqtp-lnrnmt- I Init-q Pi-rrt-ntqqP npn-,itv Rnm i.q 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 (E) All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up to the next whole number. The granting of a density bonus shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, local coastal plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. (F) For the Purpose of calculatinq a densitv bonus, the residential units shall be page 7 of 11 on contiguous sites that are the subject of one development application, but do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps or parcels. The densitv bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of thi—ho-:u:si:n� development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located. (4) Density Bonus for Donation of Land to City. (A) When an applicant for a tentative subdivision mar), parcel map, or other residential develo went ar)r)roval donates land to the Cit v in accordance with this subdivision, the applicant shall be entitled tg _@ 15-percent ase�incre� above the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the entire development, as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Percentage Density Bonus 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 09 34 30 35 (B) This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated by Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B), ur) to a maximum combined mandated densit increase of 35 r)ercent if. an applicant seeks an increase uLsuant to both this Section and Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B)(i) All density calculations resultinq in fractional units shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Nothinq in this Section shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the City's authoritv to require a developer to donate land as a condition of development. An applicantshallbe eligible for the increased density bonus described in this Section if all of the following conditions are met: (i) The applicant donates and transfers the land no later than the date of approval of the final subdivision mar), pa.rcel map, or residential page 8 of 11 development application; (ii) The developable acreage and zoning_classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to iDermit construction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than 10 percent of the number of residential units of the proposed development; (iii) The transferred land is at least one acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least 40 units, has the appropriate general pIan designation, is appropriately zoned with appropriate development standards for development at a density of at least 30 units per acre, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure; (iv) The transferred land shall have all of the permits and approvals, other than buildina permits, necessary for the development of the veIg.,..w income housing units on the transferred land, not later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application, except that the City may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of California Government Code Section 65583.2 if the design has not been reviewed by the City prior to the time of transfer; (y) The transferred land and the affordable units shall be subject to a deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units consistent with Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(E) and Section 9-3.505()(3)(F), which shall be recorded on the iDroiDertv at the time of the transfer; (vi) The land is transferred to the City or to a City-approved housing developer. The City may require the applicant to identify and transfer the land to the approved housing developer; (vii) The transferred land shall be within the bounds ry of the proposed development or, if the City agrees, within one-quarter mile of the boundary of the proposed development; and (viii)A proposed source of funding for the very low income units shall be identified not later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential developmenta lication. (55) Density Bonus f n n nn ,or Prr%xASir%n of r'hjjrj vara Facilities i Qualifyinrl H lici I ll-�Vl-lkjll %il '-� %A C ie I ILI � If I l--K Development. (A) When an applicant proposes to construct a housing development that conforms to the reguirements of subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(p) and includes a child care facility that will be located on the premises of, as part of, or adiacent to, the proiect, the City shall grant either of the following: (i) An additional density bonus that is an amount of sguare feet of residential space that is egual to or greater than the amount of §i uare feet in the child care facility; or (ii) An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the economic feasibility of the construction of the child care facility. (B) The City shall require, as a condition of approving the housing development that the following occur: (i) The child care facility shall remain in operation for a period of time that is page 9 of 11 prevail.as long as or longer than the period of time during which the density bonus units are reguired to remain affordable pursuant to subdivision (ii) Of the children who attend the child care facilitv, the children of ve�y lo income households, lower income households, or families of moderate income shall equal a percentage that is equal to or greater than the percentage of dwelling units that are reguired for very low income households, lower income households, or families of moderate income pursuant to subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B). (C) Notwithstanding any reguirement of this subdivision, the City shall not be reguired to provide a density bonus or concession for a child care fag Llity if it finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the community has adeguate child care facilities. (6) Definitions. For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall ar)i)lv: (A) "Child care facility" means a child dav care facility other than a family da care home, includinq, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers. (B) "Density bonus" means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density as of the date of application by the applicant to the City. (C) "Development standard" includes a site or construction condition, including, but not limited to, a height limitation, a setback requirement, a floor area ratio, an onsite open-space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development pursuant to anv ordinance, qeneral Oan element, specific plan, or other City condition, law, policy, resolution, or regqLation. (D) "Housing development" means a development project for five or more residential units. For the purposes of this Section, "housing development" also includes a subdivision or common interest development, as defined in Section 1351 of the California Civil Code, approved by the City, and consists of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of qn_�p� where the result of the rehabilitation would be a net increase in available residential units. (E) "Maximum allowable residential density" means the density allowed under the Citv's zoninci ordinance and the Land Use Element of Lhe_Cit 's General Plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, the maximum allowable density for the specific zoning range and land use designation in the General Plan applicable to the project. Where the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the Land Use Element of the General Plan, the General Plan densitv shall ---- (F) "Senior citizen" means a person 62 years of age or ol Jer, or 55 years of age or older in a senior citizen housing development. (G) "Senior citizen housing development" means a residential development page 1OOf11 developed, substantially rehabilitated, or substantially renovated forsenior citizens that has at least 35 dwgllin_g units. (7) Parking Incentives (A) The Cit v shall not reguire the parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and ug est parking, for a housing development meeting the criteria of subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B) to exceed the following ratios: (i) Zero to one bedroom: one onsite parkinq sr)ace. (ii) Two to three bedrooms: two onsiteparking spaces. NO Four and more bedrooms: two and one-half parking spaces. (B) If the total number of parking spaces required for a housing development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. For purposes of this subdivision, a development may provide "onsite parking" through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not through on street parking. (C) This subdivision shall apply to a housing development that meets the reguirements of subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(B) but only at the request of the applicant. An applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this subdivision pursuant to subdivision Section 9-3.505(d)(3)(G). (e) Reserved. (f) Application review process. All applications shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Title 9 of the Municipal Code. The City Council, upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, shall make a positive finding for each of the following categories before approving an application: (1) General plan consistency. A finding that the project application is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element if the intensity of development is in compliance with the design standards as outlined in Table 3-17. Findings of inconsistency with other elements shall be restricted to specific areas of demonstrated public health and safety hazards to future residents of the proposed development. (2) Municipal Code consistency. A finding that the project application is consistent with design criteria herein as well as meeting all other provisions of this Title 9 44-- A 44—+ +1,- P o len til a 1 ad ver-0 e i1111 pacts on adjCaMent PI UPUI-LIUD. f-% I indi!ly LI Ial. the PI UJUUL does not have an adverse impact upon the surrounding properties that can not be reduced or minimized by a design change or condition regulating the project's operation. (4) CC & R. A finding that the CC & R have included the provisions and terms of affordability as drafted in the affordability agreement for the project. page 11 of 11 Sec. 9-3.301 . _ Residential districts. (8) Purpose and intent. /1\ Residential/Agriculture (RA) District. The purpose and intent of the F<eSideOU8kY\UhCU|tVre (R\) District iSto: U\ Provide for the Dl8iDteD3nne and use of land for small f8[OlS and orchards, excluding nOnlnlenci3| 8ninn8] [8iSiDg' in association with single-family dwellings; and /B\ Implement the General Plan concept Ofproviding for large |n[ nJn8| residential uses, including, but not limited to, low-density areas where the topography is not amenable tVestate-type developments. (2) Hillside ReSid8OU8| (HR) District. The purpose and intent of the Hillside ReSid9Od8| (HR) District iSto: A\\ |Qlp|8OleDt the programs and policies of the General Plan, including the Safety Element as it relates to protection from g8O|0giC hazards /UnSt8b|8 SOi|S' prevention of erosion, and the like) and the Conservation and Open Space Element relating to the maintenance 0fthe natural character and amenity Ofhillsides 8S8scenic [eSOU[Ce of the Qty; (13) Provide for the utilization of innovative land planning and building design as a means Of8chieViOg high quality, flexibility, and efficiency in the design of residential SUbdiViSiUO8 within hillside 8F88S of the Qty. (3) Sing|8-FG0i|y-40'O00 (RSE-40,000) District. The pU[p0S8 and intent of the 8iDg|e- F8[ni|y-40'800 /RSE-40'000\ District iSto: /A\ Provide for the 9Sb]b|iSh08Di and control of large |Oƒ 9St8&3 type residential 8Fe3S Of low density, located and maintained inaccordance with the General Plan; and /B\ Encourage the preservation Of8semi-rural residential character without the maintenance Offarm-size acreage. (4) Sing|e-F@0i|y-20,0O0 /R8E-20.000\ District. The purpose and intent Qfthe SiDg|e- F@nli|y-20.000 (R8E-20'000) District is to: (A) F`n]VidG for the establishment 0fresidential 3FeGS of low density, located and maintained iOaccordance with the General Plan; and (E]) Regulate such areas iDorder tOpreserve and perpetuate @ spacious, low-density residential character. (5) 8in0lS-Fa0i|\+1O'OOO /RS-10,OUO\ District. The purpose and intent 0fthe SiOg|9-F@0i|y- 10'000 (RS-1 0,000) District is to provide for the establishment and r8gU|@bOO of residential @ne8G developed with single-family detached dwellings, all OD individual |OtG owned and [O8iDtGiD8d by individual hODle0vVOe[G. (0) SiOg|e-F80i|y-7'0O0 (RS-7'O0O) District. The purpose and intent Ofthe SiOg|e-F8nli|y- 7.00O /RS-7'000\ District is to provide for the establishment and regulation of residential 8PR8S developed with single-family detached dVVe||iOgS. all on individual |OtS 0VVOed and maintained by individual hOmeOvvD8[S. ' (7) 8inQ/8-Fa[ni|V-4'000 (RS-4'000) District. The purpose and intent of the Single-Family- 4,000 (RS-4'000) District is to provide for the establishment and [eQU|aUoO of residential areas developed with single-family detached dwellings, all ODindividual lots owned and maintained by individual hODleOVVDerG. (8) Residential GGrd8n-7.0OO (FlG-7.O00) District. The purpose and intent Qfthe Residential G8[d8D-7.000 /RG-7'000\ District is to provide for the establishment and [egU|8tiOO Of residential areas developed with garden, patio, duplex, Orz8r0-lOt-|iOehomes, attached Ordetached, located and maintained iAaccordance with the General Plan. /9\ Residential G8[deD-4.O0O /RG-4.000\ District. The purpose and intent Ofthe Residential GardeR-4.000 (RG 4'000) District is to provide for the establishment and regulation of residential areas developed with garden, patio, duplex, 0rzero-Ut-linahomes, attached or detached, |OC8t8d and maintained in accordance with the General Plan. (10)Multiple-Family(RM) District. The purpose and intent Ofthe Multiple-Family (RM) District is to provide for the establishment and n8gu|8UOD Ofmultiple-family residential areas Of various medium-to-high unit densities, located and maintained in accordance with the General Plan. /11 District. The purpose and intent Ofthe | ( /HD) District is to provide�for the establishment and regulation of multiple-family residential areas ofhigherdensiUeSthat provide for Gff0nd2b|8housing for the City's lower income family and senior households, located and maintained in accordance with the General Plan. (12)MObi|eh0nO8 Park (MHP) District. The purpose and intent Ofthe k4Obi|ehO08 Park (MHP) District is to provide 8 district for the establishment and regulation of mObi!ehOQle parks, planned, developed, and maintained 888nintegral unit and incorporating utilities, landscaping, recreation facilities, and other amenities. (13)k4iSSiOO Residential District (MRD)-4,000 Zone District. The purpose and intent Ofthe Mission Residential District (K4Fl[))-4,O0OZone District iGtO provide for residential density and development standards tOensure that new development nl3iO&3iDG and enhances the distinctive historic neighborhood character of the Mission Hill/Mission Flat r8GideOU8| D8ighbOrhOOdC0nSiSbOgOf8b0UthweOty-Gev8n /27\ @CResg8nen81|ybOrdeFed by L8 Z8 j8 Street to the north, A j8Che08GtreettO the S0Uth' B Camino FlH8| to the west, and Interstate 5t0the east. The designation allows predominantly single-family n3SideOii@| development on lots generally ranging from 4,000 to 7'500 square feet consistent with the distinctive neighborhood character established in the District. (14)P/8nnedResidential Development District/PR[}\. The purpose and intent Ofthe Planned Residential Development District (PRD) is to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and regulation of condominium residential developments. Provide @ Dle@DS of achieving quality, variety, and flexibility in condom iOiU0-typ8 d8Ve|Vp0DeDtS On [8|@tiv8|y large areas of land. Provide for attractive residential developments p|8OD8d as units, incorporating coordinated building design, integrated greenbelt areas, recreation facilities within developments, @more efficient use 0fopen space, 8separation Of p8deS[[i@D and vehicular traffic, and an iDCF88Se in Ov8[@|| project amenities | _(b)uses regulations. (1) Table 3-1 identifies the uses permitted in the Residential/Agriculture (RA), Hillside R8GideDU3| /HF{N' ��ing|�-F�0i|y-4O,O00 /��S�-4O'O0ON ��iDg|e-F8Dli|y-�O'OOO /11 D 8E- 2O.000\, Single-Family-10,000 (RS-10,000), Sing|B-F8mi|y-7,000 (RS-7.O0O). SiOg|e- Fanli|y-4.000 /FlG-4'000\. Residential Garden-7,000 (RG-7,000), FleSid8Dti@| GGrdeO- 4,000 (RG-4,000), Mission Residential OiStriCt-4.000 /yNRO-4OUO\' NYU|tip|8-F@rOi|y(FlK8\' | � ' ' / W1Ubi|ehD08 Park (MHP) Districts and Planned Residential Developments (PRD). (2) i]s88 listed GS conditionally permitted UG8S are subject tOthe review [eqUi[8[DeOtS and conditions contained iOSection ' Conditional Use Permit, Ofthis code. Accessory uses are subject t0the review requirements and conditions contained iO 3.501. Accessory Uses and Structures, Ofthis chapter. (3) The "notes and exceptions" column 0fTable 3-1 indicates more precisely the use regulations for specific uses or operating characteristics. The notes and exceptions must bereviewed iOconjunction VViththeV1hH[iDfOrD8UDDforthed8Ss of use. (4) Certain permitted USeS and conditionally permitted uses may be subject to special conditions regarding location, operation, or the design of the use. The sections of this page 20f14 title governing these uses are identified in the "notes and exceptions" column of Table 3- 1. Table 3-1 Uses in Residential Districts (please refer to en_d of table for notes) _ _ Use _D .. Notes and Exceptions w_ D X (n (n (n (n G7 T 1 p i 0 O O i 0 O O O O OCD 0 0 O O _. . ...:.w.... ,._..w .,_,... ..,—..... - .-----------.... W,._... Accessory uses and A 'A =A A A ;A A =A A A .A A .A structures incidental to the operation of a permitted use �.. ---- Alcoholism recovery =P �P �P P P P -P P P P P P lP P residential facilities (for 6 or fewer persons) i _. .... ._ ;Animal grazing, — P — — — — `These uses are considered interim breeding, boarding, uses until residential development and training plans are approved. . _ W m� v ..__.... �. Animal raising :A C .0 C C C la. For RA District—Must be in (noncommercial) :conjunction with the residential use of a lot and limited to small domesticated species,such as sheep and smaller animals. ;Excludes commercial livestock =breeding and raising. 'b. For HR, RSE-40,000, RSE- ?20,000, RS-10,000, RS-7,000, 'and RS-4,000 Districts—Must be in conjunction with the residential luse of a lot,wherein the lot size is ;greater than 15,000 square feet I Permitted species shall include ;rabbits,chickens, and animals of similar size.Animal slaughtering or commercial animal raising or E breeding shall be prohibited. _�---------- I -_. ._._.e . I �u Apiaries `C — — — — — Bed and breakfasts C I C C C C C C IC 1C 3C 1C C C C Subject to Section 9-3.509,Bed and Breakfasts Boarding and — — — P P rooming houses Cemeteries C C C C C C C 'C C C C C C u .a d Y .....r ww _ Child day care C IC C C C C 1C C C C :C C `� � - � � centers l Church, religious,or 1C i C ;C f C I C i1C C ,C iC =C C 1 C C RIncludes synagogues,temples, 'fraternal mosques, and other buildings l used for the purposes herein but E -excludes day care centers, and !private and/or secondary ,educational facilities. page 3 of 14 Crop and tree P P — — — — — — — 'For HR—These uses are farming considered interim uses until residential development plans are ;approved. Equestrian facilities .0 G C C °C C _G.. _ ��. �� �� � �. �.e .. .,. ... _. — C C C — a. Must be in conjunction with a (communal) subdivision. b.Subject to Section 9-3.515, Familycare homes P P ,P p P ;Equestrian Standards. P P P C P P P 'P ;P _.._. �_.... (for 14 or fewer chilArenl Home businesses _ . A A ,A A A A A A A A A A .A A ,Subject to Section 9-3.523, Home Business. ..... _._..._. _ _ _ ...,. ....., __..._ Horse keeping A A A A — — — — — — — `Subject to Section 9-3.515, (noncommercial) Equestrian Standards. _........ _. �,,.. ._.. _..... Horse stables and C — — — — — — — — £Subject to Section 9-3.515, equestrian centers Equestrian Standards. (commercial) Kennels C — — — — — `Subject to Section 9-3.525, (commercial) ;Kennels. Kennels A C C C 1Subject to Section 9-3.525, (noncommercial) (Kennels. -.,. _... . . . _. �� _.......... ._a Manufactured and P P P P P P SP 'P — P P P `',P i P !Manufactured or modular modular homes on a structures shall not be permitted in permanent the MDR-4,000 District. foundation system 'Where permitted, both types of =structures shall be subject to the design guidelines of subsection 1(c), Development Standards,of Ithis section. ---..--- _._ _.._. w� � �- Mining, oil drilling, CC C C C C C C C C ;'C C IC IC 1Includes necessary incidental and other resource buildings and appurtenances. extraction E Mobilehome parks — — — — — — C Parks(public and P P P P P P P P P P i P P P 1P private) Plant nurseries and P P — — — — — — — 3— a. Includes greenhouses, storage j jhydroponic gardens,and similar ;facilities,for the purpose of growing only. b.The retail sales of products shall not be permitted. Vic. For HR—These uses are E ' considered interim uses until J ;residential development plans are i �Japproved. _...... Public buildings and P P P P P P P P P P P P 'P �P ja. Includes public schools, facilities i ;museums, libraries,governmental '. buildings, parks,fire stations, public utility offices and )exchanges, bus, and railroad ;stations. !b. Excludes police stations and 1 hospitals. Recreation and A A A A A A A A A JA A A A A is Tennis courts and other outdoor E page 4 of 14 recreational uses with community centers in such (noncommercial- centers shall conform to the public and private) requirements of Sections 9-3.501, ;Accessory Uses and Structures, and 9-3.529, Lighting Standards. b.The outdoor night lighting of 'tennis courts and other recreational uses shall not be permitted unless a conditional use _ .. __._ .... r_..- _.__._ ..�. permit is approved by the City. Recycling facilities — — — — — — — P lSubject to Section 9-3.537, ;Recycling Facilities. Section 9- 3.537, Recycling Facilities, identifies the specific allowed recycling uses. Residential care P P P P P P P P P P '— - - P facilities(6 or fewer persons) C � C __. Residential care C C CC CC C — facilities(over 6 persons) .,. ....w.. ---------- �m .. w Residential dwellings IP P P �P P P P P P P �P P P F (detached SFD) .......... Residential dwellings — - - P — P P P P (attached SFD) Residential dwelling — — — — P — P P P P Must be located on a single lot or units(duplex,two- with each dwelling on its own lot. family) Residential dwelling — — — — — `P P '— P units(multiple- family, apartments and cooperatives) ResidentialP dwelling _ _,.._ ,... � — — — — — P P P — �P units(multiple- family,townhouses, I _ 1 condos) t --- --- _._.-w Residential dwelling A 3A A AAA A A — — ;— ia.Allowed during the construction (temporary) _ hof a permanent single-family regirlenra nn an individual Int in accordance with the provisions of s Section 9-3.553,Temporary Uses and Structures. Secondary dwellingI P �P P P Pi P i P ,P P i P — r— a.Subject to Section 9-3.501, unit(single-family) `Accessory Uses and Structures. b. In the MRD-4,000 District, lsecond dwelling units shall be permitted on lots of 6,000 square jfeet or greater in area. _ _ Swimming schools, — '— — C C -- a. Must be deemed by the tennis clubs and ( ;Planning Commission to be schools, and similar compatible with the existing or activities proposed residential uses. swimmingo pools,and A A A A C 'C m-~ C C E 3.01e Accessory Uses N m Tennis/sports q Sections 9 p 1 ; rY and E aimilar ; Structures,and 9-3.529, Lighting improvements on lStandards. page 5 of 14 individual residential b.The outdoor night lighting of lots such tennis courts or other recreational uses shall not be ;permitted unless a conditional use ;permit is approved by the City. Other uses maybe allowed in the RM District with a conditional use permit if they are deemed by the Planning Commission to be compatible with the existing or proposed residential use. P = Principal use permitted by right —= Not permitted A= Accessory use permitted by right(subject to Section 9-3.501, Accessory Uses and Structures) C = Conditional use permit required (subject to Section 9-2.317, Conditional Use Permit) (c) Development standards. (1) Table 3-2 identifies the development standards for the Residential/Agriculture (RA), Hillside Residential (HR), Single-Family-40,000 (RSE-40,000) Single-Family-20,000 (RSE-20,000), Single-Family-10,000 (RS-10,000), Single-Family-7,000 (RS-7,000), Single-Family-4,000 (RS-4,000), Residential Garden-7,000 (RG-7,000), Residential Garden-4,000 (RG-4,000), Mission Residential District-4,000 (MRD-4000), Multiple- Family (RM), Very High Density_(VHD), Mobilehome Park (MHP) Districts, and Planned Residential Development District (PRD). Table 3-2 Development Standards for Residential Districts h - . 'Story, rY Story' -. _. One _ �� _._`... _,_.���_. ,�.� �.. One One One Two Two Two Story' ° Sto ' Sto ' Story' Story' Story' District jMax. Min. IMin. IMin. Win. IMin. Max. Lot :Min Min. Min. Max. Lot Max. Bldg. Density Lot 1 Street Front :Side Rear Coverage'Front Side Rear 'Coverage 2nd Hgt. Area !Frontage Yard 'Yard >Yard Ratio ;Yard Yard Yard 'ratio 9 floor/1st 3,4 3,5,6 3,7,8,19 t 3.4 '.3,5.6 3,7,8,19 f100r ratio __., -- ...� __..-­­ 2.5 .., RA 10,1 0.4 2 5 i 200 ft. 1150 20 ft. ,50 ft. 0.12 150 20 ft. 50 ft. 0.12 75% 35 ft. !du/ac acres I lft. ft. ......, FIR 12'93 Ref. 9- 110,000 160 ft. ;25-20 15-5 25/20 :0.40 25-20 15-5 25-20 0,35 80% 35 ft. 13.301 sq.ft. Ift. ft. ft. fit. ft. ft. c(2) RSE- 1 du/ac ,40,000 1150 ft. 130 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. ,0.15 ,30 ft. :20 ft. 25 ft. ?0.15 75% 35 ft. 40,000'0,11 sq.ft. RSE- 2 du/ac 120,000 190 ft. 30 ft. 10 ft. 25 ft. .0.25 130 ft. 10 ft. 25 ft. .0.25 .80% 1135 ft n -10,11 c.. 1 GI�,VVV isq. IG RS-10,000 3.5 10,000 160 ft. 120 ft. 10-5 125 ft. 10.40 20 ft. '10 ft. 25 ft. 0.35 80% 35 ft. 10," idu/ac Esq.ft. <ft. RS-7,000 15 du/ac ;7,000 160 ft. 20 ft. `5 ft. �20 ft. 0.45 X20 ft 10-5 20 ft. 0.32 80% 35 ft 10,11 {sq. RG 7,000 a5 du/ac X7,000 360 ft. 20 ft. ,10-0 20 ft. 0.45 20 ft 10-0 20 ft. ,0.32 80% '35 fit 10.11,15 Esq.ft, sft. eft. RS-4,000 "I8 du/ac 14,000 150 ft.� i 18 ft. 5 ft.� 116 ft.� 0 50 120 ft 10-5 20 ft. 10.35 X80% 135 ft 10,11,14 ! sq. MRD- 18 du/ac 14,000 50 ft 18 ft. 5 ft. 16 ft. :0.50 20 ft 10-5 20 ft. 0.35 80% 35 ft 4,000sq.ft. ft. 10,11,17,18 t i ! RG-4,000 18 du/ac 14,000 150 ft. 18 ft. E10-0 16 ft. 0.50 20 ft 10-0 20 ft. '0.35 80% =35 ft 10,11,14.15Sq. €ft. ; ft 150 . ;30 ft =20 ft. 120 ft. r'NA X20 ft 20 ft ft 20 . 0.35 80% 35 ft RM 10 t6 18 1 ac d u/ac 1 page 6 of 14 AF4&HYHD 125 1 ac 150 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. NA 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 0.35 80% 35 ft. to,,s 30du/ac �. ..... �u .._.. ............ W _.�.�,_ . _ .__ . ........ ,. ................................. ......... .. .N. ... . MHP Development Standards for mobilehomes shall be per State Law. �...,.. ._......... �..w _ . ...� ,�v . __� . _... .._ , � ., ..._. . .r........�: PRD €Refer to subsection 9-3,301(b)(5)(D) """""' .. _ .�_ .. -- "f`fote`` 1VIax:'=Tvfazutiiim;'Tv1in -Minimum'bLT=`Dwellingl)nit,Yd"=Yard;Bfdg�-RuTding and Hgf;"=TieigTit 1 All new residential projects shall incorporate a combination of one-and two-story units adjacent to all master planned arterial streets,with at least 20 percent of the total project units being one-story.In addition,in the HR District,one-and two-story structures shall be intermixed to provide a variety of roof lines,building mass,and setbacks,and two-story structures shall not be located adjacent to project entries or to existing single-story residences. 2 Lots with street frontages below the minimum set forth in this table maybe permitted without the approval of a variance if all of the following conditions are met: (a) The lot's street frontage remains a minimum of 20 feet; . .i tnl The ne tot s designed such that the reduced width porton constitutes an access corridor to the buildable portion,which is set back away from the street; (c) The minimum width of the buildable portion of the lot conforms to the requirements of this table;and (d) The Planning Commission determines that adequate visitor parking will be provided on the lot to compensate for the loss of street frontage parking. The actual creation of reduced frontage lots shall be subject to normal City approval of required tract or parcel maps.Reduced frontage portion of such lots shall not be included in the computation of lot area(see Section 9-4.315,Irregular and Cul-de-sac Lots.) 3 The criteria for measuring setbacks on irregularly shaped and cul-de-sac lots are set forth in Section 9-4.315,Irregular and Cul-de-sac Lots. 4 The setback for garages shall maintain the minimum setbacks for the district.For those residential districts that allow a minimum front yard of 18 feet or less,a minimum setback of 18 feet from the front property line shall be maintained for the garage.If the garage is a side entry,the front yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 10 feet.However,in no instance shall side entry garages using this standard exceed 20 percent of the total units for the residential project.In the MRD-4,000 District,garages shall comply with Section 9-3.301(c)(4)(C)(2)of these regulations. 5 Architectural projections may extend into required side yards no more than 40%of the applicable district requirement,or more than 3 feet whichever is greater. 6 Minimum exterior side yards shall not be less than 10 feet for all districts,except for the HR District,in which the minimum exterior side yard adjacent to the street shall not be less than 15 feet. 7 On lots with an existing building setback encroachment into a required side or rear yard,structural additions having the same said encroachment shall be permitted without the approval of a variance.However,no new encroachment in excess of that existing,nor any new encroachment may be permitted without the approval of a variance(see Section 9-3.533,Nonconforming Uses,Lots,and Structures).Notwithstanding the preceding,any side setback encroachments for dwellings within the Capistrano Garden Homes 2 project area shall require a variance or an exception. 8 In the RA,HR.RSE-40,000,RSE-20,000,RS-10,000,RS-7,000,RS-4,000,RG-7,000,RG-4,000,MRD-4,000,RM,and A€1SHVHD Districts,open patios may extend up to a minimum of 5 feet from rear property lines pursuant to Section 9-3.501,Accessory Uses and Structures. 9 The overall building square footage for the primary structure shall not exceed that using the floor area ratio.For the purposes of calculating overall square footage,open volume ceilings that include second story area shall be included as square footage as if a second floor has been installed said area shall include garage and enclosed porches. 10 All front,side,and exterior side architectural elevations shall be fully articulated with the integration of details and materials consistent with the approved architectural style of the unit for residential subdivision. 11 Single-family Design Standards:In all districts where single-family dwellings(site-built,modular,or manufactured home)are permitted,such dwellings shall be subject to the development standards for that district as well as the following requirements: (a) The minimum width of the residential dwelling shall be 20 feet outside dimension measured to the building line.For the purposes of this section,the width shall be distinguished from the length of the building as the dimension having the lesser measurement; (b) The exterior sides shall be covered with wood,stucco,masonry,or other material of similar texture and durability.Metal siding shall not he parmittgd (c) The roof material shall be wood shingle or shake,slate,tile,or other material of similar appearance,texture,substance,and durability; (d) Roof eaves and gables shall be no less than 12 inches,measured from the vertical side of the unit,unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. The preceding criteria shall be administered by either the Planning Director or Planning Commission,depending on which is responsible for reviewing specific residential projects or custom homes prior to plan check. 12 HR Design Standards:A residential project in the HR District shall be in compliance with the following: (a) The residential design of the project shall give the appearance of a variety of setbacks; (b) The residential design shall encourage pedestrian use for internal circulation; (c) Existing mature trees shall be preserved to the maximum extent and shall be integrated into the overall design of the project. 13 In the HR District,as part of the subdivision review process,lots shall comply with the following: (a) At least 30%of the units shall maintain a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet and rear yard setback of 20 feet; (b) At least 70%of the units shall maintain a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet and rear yard setback of 25 feet; (e) The minimum side yard setbacks shall be 15 feet combined,but not less than 5 feet on one interior side yard. 14 Projects that propose 7,000 square foot lots or less shall provide private common recreational facilities equal to 250 square feet per unit.In addition,the minimum setback from a master planned arterial street shall be 25 feet as measured from the ultimate right-of-way.A homeowner association shall be created to maintain all the recreational facilities and landscaping and to assume other responsibilities as appropriate.The organization,legal authority,duties,and obligations for such homeowner association shall be set forth in a set of Codes,Covenants,and Restrictions(CC&R)to be approved by the Planning Commission and page 7 of 14 recorded with the final tract map.Such CC&R shall incorporate provisions for the City to takeover or otherwise provide for the maintenance of all the recreational facilities,landscaping,and common areas should the City determine that adequate maintenance is not being performed. 15 The RG-7,000 and RG-4,000 Districts allow attached units with zero lot lines. 16 In the"RM"and"AFlSHVHD"Districts,a minimum distance of 20 feet shall be maintained between all buildings including principal and accessory structures. 17 Single-family homes shall be permitted as a primary land use within the GC district in neighborhoods where existing development is predominantly single- family residential.Such existing lots,on which single-family residences are the primary use,shall be subject to the single-family development standards of the RS- 7000 district or other residential district as determined most applicable by the Planning Director. 18 In the Mission Hill area of the MRD-4,000 District,lots with an average slope in the front yard of less than 15%shall comply with the minimum front yard setback.Lots with an average slope equal to or greater than 15%shall provide a minimum 10 feet setback. In the Mission Flat area of the MRD-4,000 District,the principle dwelling,with or without an attached front-loaded garage,shall maintain a minimum front yard setback of 18'-0"for one-story and 20'-0"for two-story structures. 19 In the MRD-4,000 District,detached garages situated to the rear of the principal dwelling shall maintain a minimum T-0"side and rear yard setback. Detached garages may incorporate other permitted accessory uses. (2) Hillside Residential (HRH District development standards. Development within the Hillside Residential (HR) District shall comply with the following standards: (A) Calculation of total allowable dwelling units. Within the Hillside Residential (HR) District, the total allowable residential dwelling units shall be calculated based on the total land area within each slope category pursuant to subsection (B) of this subsection, below. All land area included within a parcel may be included in the calculation of total allowable dwelling units, if all land within the parcel is designated for residential development by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. (B) Residential dwelling unit calculations. Using the slope calculation procedure described in subsection (D) of this subsection, the maximum allowable number of residential dwelling units shall be calculated by totaling the maximum number of dwelling units allowed within each slope category as depicted in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Hillside Residential District Dwelling Unit Calculation Slope Category Dwelling Units per Acre ����������� ���� ��. __.� _._... . .� __.... 0-10 percent 100 percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use designation -..-. _. _ �_,._. _,... ___M.,.. . 11-15 percent 90 percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use designation 16-20 percent 75 percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use designation ��1 25 percent.... 55 percent � �. ��,M �.0 .v.,� 2 cent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use V GJIg11Q 61V11 26-30 percent 35 percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use designation 30-39 percent 10 percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use designation ..........w._ .e�_ _.M�. �. . .m� _ _ _�:..a.. 40 percent or Zero percent of maximum density for General Plan residential land use greater designation (C) Clustering of dwelling unit allocations or graduated lot sizes. Within a tentative map, planned development permit, vested tentative map or any other applicable entitlement, dwelling unit allocations calculated for land areas having slopes in excess of twenty-five (25) percent shall be transferred to land areas having slopes of less than twenty-five (25) percent, except no dwelling units shall be allowed on land with less than twenty-five (25) percent slope on or adjacent to a designated ridgeline identified in the Conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan. When page 8 of 14 transfers ofdwelling unit allocations smdescribed above occur, the resulting noinhnurn |o( size for a single-family detached dwelling oh@U not be |a8s than 10.000 square feet per dwelling unit or unless an exception is granted by the City Council. (D) Slope calculation procedure. The following method shall be used to determine the slope ofany land within the Hillside Fl0SideDUa/ (HR) District: The parcel of land shall be divided into subareas or cells of approximately 100 feet by1OOfeet (thirty (30) meters bythirty (3O) me&srG\. Within each cell, the slope shall be C8|Cukaind by the hzU0vvng formula: S=1 x L-x \00 A Where: G = Average ground slope in percent, calculated for each cell to be rounded to the nearest whole number. | = |nterva|, in h3St, of the topographic 08p contour lines. The contour interval shall beten /1O\feet Orless for calculating slope. L = The sum, in feet, of the length of all contour lines within the cell, at the selected contour interval "|" A = The total area ofthe cell, insquare feet. Acell 1O0feet bv10Ofeet has anarea Uf1O,00Osquare feet (1O0feet x1OOfeet = 10.00Usquare#eat). The areas of cells with each slope category shall be combined to identify the total land areas within the parcel within each of the slope categories identified in subsection (B) of this subsection. The maximum allowable number of residential dwelling units can then be calculated as described in subsection (B) of this subsection. (E) Slope map required. All computations for slope and the maximum allowable number of residential dwelling Units, including a topographic nl8p, ah8|| be prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer or a licensed land surveyor and submitted to the Environmental Administrator. The topographic map shall have a scale of not less than one inch to 200 feet and a contour interval of not more than ten (10)feet. This topographic nn8p Sho|| include all adjoining |8Od area within 150 feet of the site boundaries. The map shall depict the slope category of each cell so that cells within the G8nle category are visually recognizable. (F) Hillside grading neqUin8D1eniG. The following hillside grading requirements Gh8/| apply in the Hillside RHSideDd@| (HR) District. In reviewing the subdivision and development plans for hillside areas, the Planning Commission shall ensure the attainment of the following objectives: /i\ The preservation of natural topographic features and appearances by means of land sculpturing so as to blend any manmade or manufactured slope into the natural topography; (ii) The preservation Ofnatural topographic features and appearances through restrictions On SuoCeGGiw8 padding and terracing of building Gib8S in hillside areas; (iii) The retention of all designated General Plan ridgelines so as to avoid abrupt changes iDgrades; (iv)The retention Ofmajor O@tuna| tOpognaphiCfe8tumeG. SuChaou8DyOnS' dr8in8ge Svva}eG. Steep 5|OpeS. vvGte[Shad Gr88S' flVOdp|@inG' view corridors, and scenic viSL8S' (v) The preservation and enhancement of prominent landmark features, such as natural rock outcroppings, prominent trees and plant materials, and other areas of special natural beauty; page 9Of14 (vi)The design andarr8ngennenƒofbuikjingsKes. uU|bingu|unteredlotdesigna. and setback variations, somsholimit the extent ofgrading alterations; /vii\Theutilization Ofvarying setbacks, building heiQhts, innovative building teChniqueS, and compatible building forms, nnatehu|S. and colors which serve to blend all buildings into the terrain; (viii)The preservation and introduction ofplant materials SO8Sb] protect slopes from SOi/ erosion and slippage and minimize the visual effects of grading and construction on hillside 8re88� . (ix)The introduction and utilization of permanent full coverage irrigation systems adequate t0sustain exiS1ingand developed slope p|an\inqeand toprotect against potential hazards due to fire; /x\ The utilization of street designs and improvements which serve to miDirnize grading o|U3r8ti0nS and harmonize with the natural contours and character ofthe hillsides; (xi)The utilization ofcontour grading and re-vegetation with natural plant rnaiHh8|S for remedial grading 8SSOCi8ted with the stabilization and protection of future residential units; and (xii)Overall residential units do not exceed calculations per subsection (B) of this subsection, above. (G)Exceptions. Exceptions to the residential unit allocations as determined by the slope density formula may be considered and approved by the City Council, if it is determined that the following has been integrated into the project's design: /i\ The project has [QiDirRiz8d landform alteration by its layout and design; (ii) The projecthaSminimiz8ditSviSu8| prUDliO8OCokOnlmo]nrvi8wShD0 designated scenic corridors: (iii) The design is unique and blends through the use of structure design and finish materials and colors with its n8tUn3| setting and /iv\The design ofthe project m@ximizesthe8mOUntOfnGtUr3| OpGDSpece. vvhi|e ensuring the |0Dg-te[rO safety 0fresidents and improvements. (H) Non-applicability. The development standards and mGqUin8nnentS set forth in this subsection, upon a determination of the Environmental Administrator, shall not apply to those specific developments or applications involving site preparation for one or more of the following types Of projects: /i\ Asingle-family dwelling unit and accessory buildings on 8 SiDg|8 parcel of record OOdate Vfthe adoption 0fthis Title; /ii\ TYV0 /9\ 8rmor nesidentio| dvvS|finn VnitG8nd 8C0SSS0rybui|diOgS on S sinQ|S parcel wherein the minimum average amount Ofland area per dwelling unit equals ten /1O\ acres ormore; (iii) The use, development, or alteration of|8nd, including the projects Set forth in subsections (i) and (ii) of this subsection, wherein less than ten (10) percent of the surface area of the land is to be graded or where grading operations involve |8GS than 5,000 cubic yards nfdirt and/or (iv)The property is part of a subdivision application that was subject to the provisions Ofthis section and has previously been reviewed and approved bythe City Council. Applications for a determination of non-applicability as set forth in this subsection shall b8made b} the Environmental Administrator. The applicant shall submit 8 written request and such data or plans as may be required by the Environmental Administrator to render a decision in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. Adetermination ofnon-applicability from the standards Dr requirements 0fthis section shall begranted only ifthe Environmental page 10 of 14 Administrator finds that the development plans meet the development requirements set forth in this subsection and that the development of the land in questions will serve to comply with the purposes and objectives of the Hillside Residential /HR\ District. (3)Multiple-family development requirements. The following development requirements Sh2|| apply in the Multiple-Family (RM) and | [>i8tricta: (A) Recreational facilities. Residential developments nh8U provide outdoor recreational facilities for the residents of the development. Such facilities may include swimming pools and cabanas, tennis and volleyball courts, open plavinq fields, children's plav equipment, and similar facilities. (B) Management agencies. A management agency shall be created to maintain all the recreational facilities and landscaping and to assume other responsibilities as appropriate. The organization shall be set forth in a set of provisions to be approved by the Planning Commission. Management agencies shall be responsible for assuring that the development complies with the maintenance standards per ofthis Municipal Code. (C) Storaae facility. Each unit within a development shall designated for the unit use. The storage facility will be enclosed and must be able to secure closed. The facility will not be permitted for living space. (D) Common Recreation space will be reguired for recreational purposes. Recreational space uses include: community park, swimming pool and spa. gymnasium, picnic shelter/barbecue area with s softball or baseball field, day care center, or similar uses. For developments with less than 30 units, one recreati ts with more than 30 units but less than 100 units, two of the recreational space uses must be included. For developments more uses must be included. community focal point. Community focal points are central meeting place which r other landmark feature for orative features consistent with the desian of the units. If enclosed,, the structure shall be architectural 11 be centrally located /4\ N1iSSiOn Residential District. The following development requirements shall apply to new construction in the Mission RGSidGOU8| District (MRD) District, to the extent feasible and practicable on each |O1. The intent Ofthis district is to maintain a C3nnrnunitv character complementary tothat currently existing in the area. While this section includes both requirements and guidelines, care must be taken not to deviate substantially from these - guidelines in a way that would be detrimental to the streetscape and community character in terms of height, bulk, building coverage, setback, design, materials, and colors. (A) New development projects prDpOSedintheK4R[)-4.O00zone8h8Ube8Ubie{tt0the following processing requirements: /i\ Any pnopOG@/ to d8OlO|iSh' rGn0Owe. relocate, Orsubstantially alter any structure listed on the City's Inventory DfHistorical and Cultural Landmarks (|HCL) shall be subject to . Historical and Cultural Landmark Site Plan Review/' Of this title. Minor alterations to |HCL'|isƒed structures 8ho{[ be processed pursuant to b\ of this title. page 11Of14 (ii) Any proposal to demolish, remove, relocate, Oralter any structure vvhk:h is not listed onthe City's |HCLshall besubject toreview bvthe Planning Director or their designee os0] oonfonn8noe with the requirements ofthis section. Kthe Planning Director determines that the proposed project confOn0shuthe requirements set forth herein, the project may be approved administratively pursuant to . Administrative Approvals, ofthis title. If the Planning Director determines that the project does not meet the requirements of this section, the Planning Director may deny the project orm8yfonwandbtVthG Planning COrnnni8SiOn for review and action pursuant to that section. /B\ Building material standards. //\ All building nn@t8ria|e shall be authentic and in character for the area. (ii) No metal siding or fiberglass panels are permitted on either primary or accessory structures. (iii) Permitted building materials shall include wood, ob}n8. briok. Stuoo0' plaster, asphalt-corn position nhing[e, fire-resistant wood nhing|e, clay tile, horizontal lap niding, board and batten siding, fibrous cement siding, and similar materials. /iv\ Highly reflective materials shall not b8allowed. (v) Where an addition or alteration is proposed to an existing building, materials shall beconsistent with the existing building. /C\ Site design standards. /i\ Primary structures and all dwelling units shall be oriented toward the frontage street SO8n \Ominimize automobile-related uses and emphasize the main pedestrian entry. //i\ Garage standards. o. Mission Hill area: Garage doors should be side-loaded or set back behind the front building vvo|| containing the front entry door. b. Mission Flats area: Garage doors should be |0C8b»d behind the front building vva|| Containing the front entry door, or to the rear 0fthe principal dwelling. c. No more than thirty-five (35) percent of the building frontage (measured in linear feet) should beoccupied bygarage doors. (iii) Front porches and sidewalks connecting the front door to the street are encouraged. (iv) F`Ub|iC Sidevv8|kS and Curb and gutter within the right-of-way will not be required except 8Sneeded for drainage and public safety. Street improvements should match existing improvements in the area in order to maintain the existing character, Alternatives desiqns, such as bioswales, will be en—uran /v\ On hillside |0tS. stepped pads are preferred to adapt the building form to the site's natural slope. (vi) Driveways shall be designed to limit the amount of paved area in front yards and along the street frontage. No more than forty (40) percent of the front yard area may be paved. Divided driveways are permitted tO limit paving. (vii)No sheds or other accessory structures shall be permitted in front yards, or within Gide yards adjoining any street. (viii)Fencing within yards adjacent to the public right-of-way shall be open, with at least fifty (5O) percent visibility. No chain link fencing Sh@|| be permitted in front yards or side yards adjoining public orprivate streets. (D)Architecture. (i) Styles shall be consistent with those found within the District and may include, but will not be limited to, Ranch, F9ung8|Ovv, Cr@ftGnn2O, Spanish CQ|ODi@/ n8viv@|. Victorian, California "venn8Cu|8r." Streamline Moderne, and Bauhaus architectural styles, and contemporary interpretations ofthese styles. O page 1� f14 //i> New construction shall maintain the eclectic architectural quality of the District. Development projects uaingth8S8rneorsubstanb8UythBSarnearohit8Ctuna| Gh/le' colors, rn8t8ria|3, rnessing, building footprint and character on more than one lot in8row shall not bepermitted. (iii) Fluorescent colors shall be prohibited. (iv) Massing of all new structures (accessory and primary) shall be compatible with existing buildings On adjoining lots. /5\ Planned Residential Development District. The following development requirements shall apply inthe Planned Residential Development (FzRD) District. (A) Recreational,Facilities: Developments Sh3|| provide outdoor recreational facilities for the residents of the developments. Such facilities may include swimming pools and cabanas, tennis and volleyball courts, open playing fields, children's play equipment, and similar facilities. (B) Homeowner's Associations: A homeowner's association shall be created to maintain all the recreational facilities and landscaping and to assume other responsibilities as appropriate. The organization, legal authority, duties, and obligations for such homeowner's associations shall be set forth in a set of Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R) to be approved by the Planning Commission and recorded with the final tract map. Such CC&R shall incorporate provisions for the City to take Over or otherwise provide for the maintenance of all recreational facilities, landscaping, and common areas should the City determine that adequate maintenance is not being performed. /C\ Development Plans: Plans approved by the City during thedevelopment review process shall not be 8|ter8d, un|8Sa such 8|t8r8dOO is approved by the Planning Commission orthe Community Development Director 88defined iO 33K01/c\(5)/E\. /O\ Development Standards: For the purposes Ofthis section, "lot cluster" shall mean any single lot, or group of adjacent lots having a single perimeter boundary enclosing all of the lots. For ex@n0p|8. four(4) 3UBShGd tQvvnhonn88 vvOU!d have contiguous lots, @ single perimeter boundary, and would constitute lot cluster. The following development standards shall apply inthe Planned Residential Development /PRD\ District: (i) The minimum distance between lot clusters shall bafifteen /15\feet. (ii) The maximum number Vflots within each lot cluster shall be eight(8). (iii) The minimum distance between any building and a private street shall be ten (10)feet. (iv)The rDiOi[Du[n distance between any building and 8 public street shall be tv8nb/ (20)feet. /V\ The minimum distance between any building and project bOuOdarysh@|| be twenty (20)feet for single-story units and thirty /3O\feet for two-story units. (vi)The @rChitHCiU[8| features of buildings, such as eaves, CQrOiCeG. chimneys, and similar minor outcroppings, may extend beyond an individual lot line into 3 project common area 8maximum ofthree (3) feet. /E\ Exceptions: All alterations tOdevelopment plans shall adhere to Section 9� 3�N1/C\(5)(C) except @Sfollows: (i) Minor Alterations (Structural): The CnnnnoUnih/ Development Director Ortheir designee may approve an addition not to exceed ten (10) percent of the existing building area or 500 square feet, whichever is |e8S' provided the fV|/OvviOg conditions are met: ° The area Ofaddition does not exceed the setbacks Ofthe existing structure, as established for the existing residential dwelling unit. page 130f14 ° The proposed addition iearchitecturally integral to the structure. ° The proposed addition iSlocated Onproperty owned exclusively bythe property owner ofthe existing residential dwelling unit and iSnot under COrnnnOn ownership. ° The proposed addition meets all of the development standards as established within the Planned Residential Development District. (ii) Minor Alterations (Accessory Structures): The Community Development Director Ortheir designee may approve accessory structures provided the following conditions are rnet . " The 000eoaorystructures are open structures which dOnot add habitable living space and are attached to the principal structure onsite. ° Prior to approval the applicant shall provide written approval of the proposed accessory structure bythe subject Homeowner's Association. ° The proposed addition meets all of the development standards as established within the Planned Residential Development District. | _(d)Development review. Projects proposed within the Residential/Agriculture /RA>, Hillside Residential /HR\, Sing|m-Fonni|y-4O'00O /RGE-4O.0OU\ Sing|8-Fonni|y-2U'OUO (RSE-20.000). Single-Family-10,000 (RS-10,000), Sing|8-F8noi|y-7.0U0 (RS-7.O00). 8iDQ|e-F3nni|y-4.000 (RS-4.800), Residential Gordmn-7,00O /RG-7,OUO\, Residential G8rd8n-4'000 (RG-4.0OO). Mission Residential District Raaidenda|-4.000 (MR[}-4000), Multiple-Family (RM), AffepdaNe. | , Mobi|ohOnle Park (MHP) and Planned Residential Development (PRD) Districts shall be subject to applicable review procedures as set forth in Article 3 Development Review Procedures of Chapter 2 of this title. (8) Supplementary district and temporary use regulations. For sign, parking, fenCH. Svvin0O0iDg pOO|. and similar nSgu|8UODS for the Residential/Agriculture (RA). Hillside Residential (HR), 8inQ|e-F@R;i|y-40.UUO /RSE-4O.O0O\ Sing|e-Fanni|y-20'0OO /RSE-20'8OO\, Sing|e-FBrni|y- 1O.O00 (RS-10'000), Sing|e-F8noi|y-7.000 (FlS-7.000). Sing|8-F8Oli|y-4'OUO /R8-4,000\. Residential G8n]en-7'000 /RG-7.000\' Residential G8rd8n-4.000 /RG-4,000\, K8i8Si0O Residential District-4,000 (MRD-4000), Multiple-Family (RM), | . M0bi|ehome Park /K4HP\ and Planned Residential Development (PRD) Districts, see Article 5 Supplementary District F{egu|8tiODS 0fthis chapter. page 14 of 14