PC Resolution-13-05-14-01IZss:»'%7II ft for, ► • RESOLUTION OF COMMISSION • OF . CAPISTRANO APPROVING• •NAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW949 VOLLEYBALL• ESTABLISH A RECREATIONAL• REQUIRINGOUTDOOR DISTRICTZONE 01 CALLE PERFECTO (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 668-501-02) Whereas, Randy J. Shafer, owner of real property described as Assessor's Parcel Numbers 668-501-02 located at 32701 Calle Perfecto, San Juan Capistrano; and, Whereas, Justin DeBlasio, representative of 949 Volleyball Club, has requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit, to establish a recreational use (not requiring outdoor facilities) consisting 15,600 square foot athletic training facility (not requiring outdoor facilities) within an 29,000 sf. existing building located at 32701 Calle Perfecto, which is General Plan -designated Quasi Industrial, and classified as Commercial Manufacturing (CM) on the Official Zoning Map; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, e Planning-•. -• the project and has determined Environmentalthat the project qualifies as a Class 1 "minor alterations to existing public and private structures" Categorical Exemption under Section 15301 of the Guidelines forthe California ' and, PlanningWhereas, the Commission conducted a duly -noticed • • consider*n May 14, 2013 pursuant to pursuant to Section 9-2.313 of the Municipal Code public testimonyon - proposed pro NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of .• • ••. hereby make the following findings relation to impactsConditional Use Permit 13-004: 1 The proposed use requires no outdoor facilities and should have no adverse on adjacent businesses,-♦ for parking. The applicant has assured staff that all activities will be restricted to the interiorof building t has been conditioned • limit the activities to the interiorexclusively.proposed hours PC Resolution 13-05-14-01 2 May 14, 2013 spaces, the subject property contains 60 parking spaces, thus satisfying the parking requirements. While the proposed facility does not create any adverse impacts, future expansion and growth may create significant impacts. To mitigate these impacts the project will be conditioned to limit the size of facility to what is proposed. Any expansion or enlargement of the proposed use would require an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. Because the proposed facility as identified does not create adverse impacts and Conditions of Approval have been added to minimize potential future impacts, the proposed facility is found to be compatible with existing and surrounding land uses. 2. Due to the internal limitation of operation of the proposed facility, hours of operation, lack of signage proposed, and no external changes to the existing building proposed, the only applicable provision of Title 9, Land Use Code would be parking. Municipal Code section 9-3.535. Parking requires for Recreation centers, community centers, and noncommercial swimming pools, which have a requirement of 1 off-street parking space per each 4 persons, based upon the maximum capacity of all facilities capable of simultaneous use as determined by the Planning Director; and 1 off-street parking space per employee. This translates to a total requirement of 31 parking spaces (max of eight teams of 12 players and one plus coach/assistant, and max of 5 employees onsite at any one time). The adjacent use approximately 13,400 sf. located on the subject property requires one parking space for every 150 square feet of single tenant manufacturing, which translates to a 27 space requirement. The subject site contains 60 parking spaces, providing a surplus of two parking spaces, thus satisfying the Municipal Code Requirement. Due to the parking calculation based upon persons and employees a Condition of Approval limiting the total number of club participants has been added. Any additional participants or employees would require an amendment to the approved Conditional Use Permit. In addition due to the lack of signage proposed at this time a Condition of Approval requiring any proposed sign to obtain the necessary permits has been added. This Condition would mitigate any potential future issues regarding signs. Because the proposed project as identified satisfies the applicable provisions of Title 9 Land Use Code and any future impacts have been mitigated through Conditions of Approval this finding is found to be satisfied. 3. As proposed, the conditional use is consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. This determination is based on the limited on site access from patrons and no proposed additional square footage. Therefore the circulation system that serves the subject site has been determined to not be negatively impacted. Furthermore the subject use was found to be consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan because the proposed use is a small scale recreational facility and can coexist compatibly with surrounding land uses. The infill nature of the proposed use is consistent with the Conservation and Open Space PC Resolution 13-05-14-01 3 May 14, 2013 element because no undeveloped land is proposed to be developed as part of this project. Because the nature of the proposed use and its associated impacts meet the intent of the policies, objectives, and recommendations of the General Plan, it is determined that the proposed use is consistent with the General Plan. 4. The proposed site is located within the Commercial Manufacturing zone. In the Commercial Manufacturing zone district, Recreational uses (not requiring outdoor facilities) are permitted as a Conditional Use. Furthermore, the existing building either meets or exceeds the Development Standards of the Commercial Manufacturing district. The proposed recreational use would not generate a significant amount of traffic as to adversely affect existing uses in the area. Since the proposed use meets the development standards, and does not adversely impact existing uses, it is determined that the proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Commercial Manufacturing zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves the project based upon the findings set forth herein and subject to the conditions of approval contained in Attachment 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein. EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (15) day appeal period without filing of an appeal application. The appeal period shall expire at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 29, 2013. This project approval shall be valid for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval of this resolution, and shall expire on May 14, 2015, unless the use or occupancy which is the subject of this action has commenced and all conditions of approval have been met, or a time extension has been submitted to the City prior to that date in accordance with Condition No. 1 of the attached Conditions of Approval (Attachment 1). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14 day of May, 2013, by t following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Williams, Vice -Chair Parkhurst, Commissioners, Cohen, Neely • Nunn. C. A A"; Wilfiam A. Ramsey, AICP, Actin 'gb,,�8velopment Services Director Commission Secretary