CHC Resolution-02-11-26-02CHC RESOLUTION NO. 02-1 1-26-2 REZONE (RZ) 01 -06, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 16221, HILLSIDE MANAGEMENT [HM) 01 -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDINGAPPROVAL OF AREZONE, TENTATIVETRACT MAP, AND HILLSIDE MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS FORTHE DEVELOPMENTOF 129 LOCATED ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD NORTH OF ORTEGA SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED (SFD) HOME LOTS ON AN EXISTING 78.6 ACRE PARCEL HIGHWAY AND MORE PRECISELY REFERRED TO AS APN 650-141 -01 , 04, & 14; 650- 152-09; 650-552-03,04,06, & 07 (HONEYMAN RANCHMllLLlAM LYON HOMES, INC.). Whereas, William Lyon Co. requests approval of entitlements for an existing 78.60 acre site located along the east side of Rancho Viejo Rd. north of Ortega Highway to develop (129) single-family detached home lots. The proposed zone change application would change the zoning district designation from “AG” (General Agricultural) to “PC” (Planned Community) and establish a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for the property. The project also proposes relocation of the Arley Leck House, an historically significant structure located in the southwest corner of the property near the intersection of Rancho Viejo Rd. and Ganado Road. The property is General Plan-designated “VLD” (Very Low Density Residential 0-1 .O du/ac), “LD” (Low Density Residential 1 .O-2.0 du/ac), “MLD” (Medium Low Density Residential 2.0-3.5 du/ac), “MD” (Medium Density Residential 3.5-5.0 du/ac), and General Plan-designated “major ridgeline.” Overlay zoning applicable to the property includes Hillside Management (HM) the Slope Density Overlay (City Council Policy); and, ._ Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has required preparation of an environmental impact report pursuant to Section 15081 of those Guidelines; has issued the Notice of Preparation (NOP) pursuant to Section 15082 of those guidelines, has overseen the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines, has issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and all mitigation measures will be included in the final approving resolution as conditions of approval; and, I Whereas, the Cultural Heritage Commission conducted a duly-noticed public meeting on Tuesday, November 26,2002, pursuant to the provisions of Administrative Policy 409, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: CHC Resolution 02-1 1-26-2 2 November 26,2002 - 1. The proposed project will be consistent with the General Plan Cultural Resources Element because preservation through relocation of the Arley Leck House is consistent with Cultural Resources Goal 1 which states that the City will upreserve and protect historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources. 2. The proposed project will be consistent with the General Plan Cultural Resources Element preservation through relocation of the Arley Leck House is consistent with Policy 1.1 which states that the Citywill “balance the benefits ofdevelopment with the project’s potential impacts to existing cultural resources. ” 3. The proposed project will be consistent with the General Plan Cultural Resources Element because the preservation through relocation of the Arley Leck House is consistent with Cultural Resources Policy 1.2 which states that the City will “identify, designate, and protect buildings and sites of historic importance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDl that the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends approval of the project subject to the following: 1. The project shall be permitted to relocate the Arley Leck House to a site within the City to be determined. Relocation to a specific site shall require prior approval of a Site Plan Review application by the Planning Commission. L 2. The Inventory of Historical and Cultural Landmarks (IHCL) is recommended for amendment to include the Arley Leck House as provided by Exhibit “A.” PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners David Belardes, Tony “El Presidente” Forster, Don Tryon, and Mozelle Sukut NOES: Chairman Jess Ann Andrews and Commissioner Janet Siege1 ABSTAIN: Commissioner Lorie Porter ABSENT: none a- Jgs Ann Andrews, Chairman TI6221 -CHC-resO2-11-26-2.wpd am- WihSam Ramsey, AICP, Princip