Resolution Number 16-09-20-01RESOLUTION NO. 16-09-20-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY RELATING TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT, QUASI-INDUSTRIAL LAND USE, AND MINI-WAREHOUSING PERMITTED FLOOR AREA RATIO WHEREAS, Municipal Code Section 9-2.307 requires that the City Council initiate consideration of all General Plan Amendments by the approval of a resolution directing the Department of Planning Services to conduct an appropriate General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, the applicant , America Real Estate Company, for a proposed U-Haul self-storage facility, requests a General Plan Amendment to change the floor area ratio specifications in the Quasi-Industrial Land Use designation . Among other things, the applicant requests that existing warehouse/storage facilities in the City's Quasi-Industrial Land Use designated areas be allowed to expand internally as self-storage facilities if they are already exceeding the current maximum floor area ratio; and WHEREAS, Staff recommends further study of the proposed General Plan Amendment request to allow staff to assess the proposed amendment's compatibility with San Juan Capistrano's General Plan land use goals and policies, pursuant to City policy and Municipal Code regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 because this is a planning and feasibility study and not the approval of any General Plan Amendment or land use entitlement. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council finds and determines that the proposed initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the project described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 because this is a planning and feasibility study and not the approval of any General Plan Amendment or land use entitlement. Section 2. The City Council hereby initiates a General Plan Amendment Study relating to the proposed change in the Land Use Element, Quasi-Industrial Land Use designation, and floor area ratio specifications for mini-warehousing depicted and described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by 1 9/20/2016 reference. The City Council also refers the matter to staff for study and analysis and to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The City's action to initiate this General Plan Amendment Study shall not be interpreted as an intent to adopt such an amendment. Section 3. The documents and materials associated with this Resolution that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at San Juan Capistrano City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675. The City Clerk is the custodian of the record of proceedings. Section 4. If any provision of this Resolution is held invalid, the remainder of this Resolution shall not be affected by such invalidity, and the provisions of this Resolution are severable. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September 2016 . 2 9/20/2016 August5,2016 Joel Rojas Development Services Director 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan capistrano, CA 92675 • T H E • ·..-, ,. .... t . ~-!' . .J )t -:.... ,.. ": • ~ ..... • ''··· f.. 1.: .. {\ ~. ~l ,)", . J G 'R .0 U P REAL ESTAT E CONSULTI NG Re: UHAUL addition of Self Storage Space: Request for General Plan Amendment Initiation: Dear Mr. Rojas: This firm represents U-Haul for purposes of new entitlements at the San Juan Capistrano location. We want to thank you and your staff for meetings to discuss the unique situation with the addition of the new Self-5torage facility In the U-Haullndustrtal building located at 33033 Camino Capistrano . As we noted in our meetings, we are proposing no exterior changes to the existing Industrial building which Is zoned Commercial Manufacturing (CM) and a land use designation of Quasi-Industrial. Our proposal consists of the Installation of a number of Interior storage units that are somewhat temporary in nature. Temporary In that they are separate from the existing structure and can easily be disassembled and removed, thus, restoring the existing structure to its current state. These small storage units will be Installed inside the existing building. The units will be fully independen~ non-habitable, stand-alone structures. The Individual units will not contain individual lighting or have available electrical outlets. The units will be similar to a large closet. All of the units will be locked unless they are being accessed by the renter. 'The renters will be able to access the upper level storage units via mezzanine flooring between to the units. In the old generation of this type of storage assembly, the upper storage was accessed via a rolling stair. The old storage concept leads to inefficient use of space, damage to customer's property and potential injury to customers. Today's state of art concept of a two level storage system stacks an upper level on top of a lower level. Instead of a rolling stair, the upper units are accessed by an aisle In between the rows of storage units via lift or elevator. To illustrate, see concept sketch below. ACCE:SS AI$LI: F--"!'C• "! UNIT , UN:T UN I'!' ' UNIT " . o! t. : UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT . CONCEPT DJ~AWING It has come to our attention that the City General Plan contains language that would preclude and limit the Increase in Interior storage, thus in Floor Area Ratio, even though no changes were being made to the 31 103 RANCIIl') V1t::1o J~o ., Surn:. 0-2660, SAN )UAN CAI'IS"rRANO, CAI.IFORNIA 92675 OFFK :l·: 949 240·1322 Ct:.U . <)49 '300-86 19 phi IIi p@prsgrp. biz EXHIBIT A Page2 August5,2016 building exterior, therefore we respectfully request that a General Plan text change amendment be placed in the specific zoning category that would provide for a higher floor area ratio for purposes of storage. We recommend the following text be added to the Quasi-Industrial Land Use description and table within the City's General Plan Land Use Element "Existing mini-warehousing uses/buildings wHhin the Quasi-Industrial Land Use Designation that are nonconforming with respect to the maximum allowable floor area ratio (FAR) may exceed the 0.40 FAR when the following conditions are met: No expansion of the building footprint and shell will be allowed (Interior modifications only), the land use wilt be restricted to mini-warehousing, all Municipal Code requirements shall be met, Including but not limited to parking, conditional use permit requirements, and all development standards established by the 2:oning district. Such modifications may not exceed a maximum 0.85 FAR. A mini-warehouse is a structure or building, the interior of which has been partitioned or sectioned off Into Individual storage units or compartments and are individually rented or leased. A mini-storage or self-storage facility shall be deemed a mini-warehouse. "We clearly recognize that we are a very unique situation where our additional storage design creates, by definition, additional square footage not recognized by the normal rules that define a true floor area ratio. We look forward to working wHh you on this interesting project. Respectfully, The PRS Group Phillip R. Schwartze President