Resolution Number 16-08-02-01RESOLUTION NO. 16-08-02-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RELINQUISHMENT OF A PORTION OF CAMINO CAPISTRANO FROM STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS, Section 73 of the California Streets and Highways Code provides for relinquishment of any portion of state highway within a City that has been deleted from the state highway system ; and, WHEREAS, State of California (State) hereby transfers a portion of underlying fee ownership to the City of San Juan Capistrano and City shall continue to operate this section of Camino Capistrano as a public right-of-way; and, WHEREAS , City accepts control and maintenance over the reconstructed portions of Camino Capistrano and accepts title to this portion of Camino Capistrano lying outside the state highway limits upon relinquishment by the State; and, WHEREAS, City Council hereby waives the ninety day (90) Notice of Intention to Relinquish requirement contained in Section 73 of the Streets and Highways Code; and, WHEREAS, Section 1806 of the California Streets and Highways Code requires streets and roads be accepted into a select system of streets by resolution of the governing body; and , WHEREAS, upon approval by the California Transportation Commission of the relinquishment, said street right-of-way will be included as City street right-of-way ; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby resolve that the relinquishment of Camino Capistrano within State of California Department of Transportation right-of-way as depicted in "Exhibit A" be accepted and hereby incorporated into the select system of City Streets upon opening such street for public use, pursuant to the requirements of California Streets and Highways Code Section 1806. PASSED, APPROVED, AND D PT ED this 2nd day ATTEST: 1 8/2/2016 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 16-08-02-01 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at the Regular mr3eting thereof, held the 2nd day o ust 2016, by the following vote: I M OUNCIL MEMBERS: Reeve, Perry, Allevato, Ferguson and Mayor Patterson OUNCIL MEMBERS: None OUNCII.;-MEMBERS: None 2 8/2/2016 m X I OJ -1 )> ... ~ ... .;., ~,,{.,;:~···' (·' ,. \ _,, '-·· ~~ ?-· -<: \·--·")' ~&·: ~~"":' _,11::.').,." .,.. .... ;;'),.. .,.,. ~" ~~. ..... ·;<.· .... :;,;' .,. ~~ r)'~\ :;) ,·.; STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,'*' ,'' ·" ,.,""".,., "'· ... ~ ...,.~ ·-< ~ or~ .. ·-{~ DISTRICT 1i -RIGHT OF WAY ENGINEERING IN THE CITY OF SA.N JUA.N CA.PISTRA.NO COUNTY OF ORANGE I'OKTIONS ~ C~ CA.I'ISTRANO A..VD J".lll'ni2ft"'A.TE" ~ .. ~~G-.... \.,.->" . .., ........ ,~( ~~ ........ ::~, ~;;;...;;<-"!-:._"'---... c "-~-"~'.'$ l,~'i/ Sf,;'~ l ~'J~ ~ J i --~:.---~~ . \'!., . 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Sr4·~ TftA.NSPORrAr/01-i O£.PAR(I!IE~r OF TRANSP'CP.T.triON PROPOSED REUNOU/5HIIE.NT 1/AP NO. RIZ0057-02 FGR Ri:UNOi...'lS'111E/tT TO Tiff. CI"!'Y OF SAN JU.t..V C'~PJSTCfANC P'ifPl.RED _g~, S:DrT £'SrtP, P~S .411'() fRbfC1 S 0 , "01/t.,fJ •.. ·.i-i'L5 r:HEC~fD 9T• 9Ait1.,, IIAD$J fPOC~ f~9U5 OJi.tKCf. C0f,/l¥rr S:Jfrt('IO!~'S f.OJIJSriiC'fr ~·· cf::SM P-o~• ,.~";d.JJP!"os~= ::•r~· ~tAra•n•