Resolution Number 16-09-06-05RESOLUTION NO. 16-09-06-05
Whereas, David Wood, Stratus Development Partners, on behalf of 0
Properties, Inc., 31878 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (the
"Applicant"), has requested approval of Architectural Control (AC) 15-026, a request for
approval of modification to development plans for a new hotel to include 102 rooms, a
restaurant, banquet facilities, swimming pool, spa, and related facilities, located at
31882, 31878 and 31872 Camino Capistrano (the "Modified Project"); and,
Whereas, 0 Properties, Inc., 31878 Camino Capistrano, San Juan
Capistrano, CA 92675, are the owners of real property located at Assessor's Parcel
Numbers 124-160-51, 52 & 37; and,
Whereas, the Modified Project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-
2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and,
Whereas, on November 18, 2014, the City Council approved a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the Urban Village (San Juan Hotel and Villas) project, which
included a hotel component; and,
Whereas, on July 26, 2016, the Planning Commission approved an
Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Hotel Capistrano by Kimpton
Hotel, which includes AC 15-026, to fully and completely address any and all
environmental impacts associated with the Modified Project; and,
Whereas, the Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the plans on
April 14, 2016, and recommended that the item move forward to the Planning
Commission; and,
Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public
hearing on July 26, 2016 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.302 and City
Council Policy 5 to consider public testimony on the Modified Project and has
considered all relevant public comments; and
Whereas, at the conclusion of the Planning Commission's July 26 , 2016
public hearing on the Modified Project, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to
approve the Modified Project, including to approve AC 15-026; and,
Whereas, on August 10, 2016, the City received an appeal of the Planning
Commission's decision on the Modified Project by William Griffith Managing Member of
SPM-Fairfield, LLC c/o K. Erik Friess, Allen Matkins Leek Gamble Malloy & Natsis LLP,
address 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor, Irvine, California (the "Appeal"); and,
Whereas, on September 6, 2016, the City Council conducted a duly-
noticed appeal hearing pursuant to Section 9-2.311 of the Municipal Code to consider
public testimony on the Appeal of the Modified Project; and,
Whereas, the findings and conclusions made by the City Council in this
Resolution are based upon the oral and written evidence presented as well as the
entirety of the administrative record for the project, which is incorporated herein by this
reference. The findings are not based solely on the information provided in this
Resolution; and
Whereas, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution
have occurred.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City
of San Juan Capistrano does hereby find that Addendum to the Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the Hotel Capistrano by Kimpton fully and completely addresses any and
all environmental impacts associated with the Modified Project, including AC 15-026,
and that no further environmental review is required before the City Council approves
AC 15-026; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, based upon the oral and written
evidence presented as well as the entirety of the administrative record for the Modified
Project, the City Council hereby denies the Appeal and affirms the Planning
Commission's adoption of AC 15-026. The City Council's decision is final. Judicial
review of this decision may be sought by following the procedure outlined in Code of
Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 and within the time limits provided in Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.6, except that where a shorter time is provided by any state or
federal law, such shorter time limit shall apply .
of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as
established by Section 9-2.313 of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan
1. The proposed use and design of the project comply with all applicable provisions of
Title 9 of t_he San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code and any applicable specific plan
or comprehensive development plan because the proposed hotel conforms to the
Historic Town Center Form Based Code (HTC FBC) as well as Article 5, Section 9-
3.524 (Hotels) of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code . Furthermore, the project
complies with the Architectural Style Standards as the applicant has proposed a
Spanish Colonial design, which is specifically allowed under the Mediterranean
Revival style standards as noted in Section 6A.1 of HTC FBC. Furthermore, the
project has been designed to conform with the overall goals listed within the Historic
Town Center Master Plan Purpose and Intent Section 1.2:
Goal1.2. 1 Preserve and enhance the role of the Town Center District as the
civic and commercial heart of the City.
The proposed hotel has been designed to accommodate CIVIC events,
including the preservation a large path on the norther boundary of the project
adjacent to the Historic Town Center Park to provide for civic gatherings, such
as art shows, and similar functions. The banquette facility was also added to
provide for a conference center, which is a use contemplated in the HTC
Goal 1.2.2 Encourage an expanded mix of retail, commercial, civic and
residential uses to create a lively 18-hour mixed-use environment.
The project is a proposed hotel and restaurant and is designed to
accommodate guest visiting the City. The hotel use will likely attract more
visitors to the Historic Town Center during evening hours as hotel guests
typically will dine out, and visit other businesses within the HTC.
Goal 1. 2. 3 Preserve and honor the historic buildings and other resources of
the Town Center as integral and generative elements of its urban and
architectural character.
The proposed hotel project has been designed to reflect the requirements of
the HTC FBC by incorporating a Spanish Colonial design that complements
nearby buildings with similar architectural styles, while also not mimicking the
adjacent Egan House and Esslinger Building in terms of design and
placement, as the restaurant building accomplishes a greater setback by
utilizing a trellis structure rather than have the building prominently featured at
Camino Capistrano.
Goal 1.2.4 Enhance the design of all open spaces, including streets, parks,
plazas, courts, paseos, as a well-connected network of a comfortable
pedestrian-oriented public realm -the "outdoor rooms" in which the life of the
town may thrive.
The hotel project proposed is adjacent to the HTC park and helps to preserve
its openness by eliminating an existing wall that separates the two properties.
The hotel enhances the open feel of the park by providing a pathway near the
property line with a landscaped area, and is visible from the courtyard area of
the hotel that is accessible from the path below a series of arches that
support a raised pathway connecting one side of the hotel to the other.
Goal 1. 2. 5 Support a village-scaled density with building massing that
strengthens the pedestrian realm and historic character.
The proposed hotel project is roughly half the size of the previously approved
Urban Village project, and is below the allowed Floor Area Ratio for new
projects within the HTC and hotel projects allowed under the Municipal Code.
The building is centrally located on the property with a street presence at the
intersection of El Camino Real and Del Obispo Streets, thus preserving the
village scale of the area, while meeting the intention of the FBC, which is to
have buildings prominently displayed at the street level with minimal setbacks
to enhance the fabric of the HTC.
Goal 1. 2. 6 Develop an interconnected street network to encourage a
pedestrian-supportive block structure.
The project is proposing enhancements to Forster Street at Camino
Capistrano and El Camino Real, including the installation of a side walk and
additional pavement. A pathway connecting Forster Street to Camino
Capistrano and Del Obispo, is proposed, and will provide for pedestrian
access along the HTC park where none currently exists.
Goal 1.2. 7 Rebalance transportation modes and parking arrangements to
emphasize comfortable and safe pedestrian, bicycle, transit and equestrian
access and circulation, while enabling convenient automobile access at
speeds that complement these modes.
Enhancements to Forster Street between Camino Capistrano and El Camino
Real are proposed as part of this project. A side walk and street widening will
occur at this location allowing for a right and left turn lane at the intersection
of Camino Capistrano where currently only a single travel lane exists. As
conditioned, the applicant will be required to install a traffic signal at this same
intersection, or pay a fee in lieu of. The new traffic signal will help to improve
vehicular travel in this location of the HTC, as well as provide a signal for
pedestrians crossing Camino Capistrano. Pedestrian movement in and
around the area is improved with the new pathway connection along the HTC
park and the pathway to the back of the Mercado Village provided within the
Goal 1. 2. 8 Implement a shared parking system to manage an adequate pool
of on-street and off-street parking as a critical element of community
The applicant is proposing a surface parking lot that will accommodate the
anticipated parking needs of the hotel guests and restaurant patrons. The
parking. The applicant is also providing 6 additional parking spaces that are
not counted as meeting the overall parking requirement as they are tandem
spaces. However, the parking requirement is still achieved and exceeded
with the proposed spaces.
Goal 1. 2. 9 Encourage new buildings -and renovations of existing buildings to
provide welcoming frontages scaled to the pedestrian and attractive facades
that extend and complete the historic town pattern, defining the public realm
of the district.
The current site is not in compliance with the HTC FBC. However, the new
project is in compliance and is designed to provide for a more welcoming
frontage as the restaurant and hotel building are positioned at or near the
street frontage along . Forster Street. Although setback along Camino
Capistrano, the restaurant building will provide a trellis structure leading to a
patio terrace along the street frontage providing a human-scale pedestrian
experience at that location, rather than a large towering building.
Goal 1. 2. 10 Make the Town Center the local and regional focal point for
celebration of the history and culture of South Orange County.
The new hotel project, which is centrally located in the City's Historic Down
Town, will accommodate guests and tourists visiting the area .
2. The proposed use and design of the project is consistent with the goals, policies and
objectives of the General Plan, including the Community Design Element because
the goals and policies of the General Plan Community Design Element are
substantially implemented through the City's adopted Architectural Design
Guidelines. The Historic Town Center Master Plan establishes the overall goals,
policies, and development concept for the historic downtown including the subject
project site. The proposed project is intended to embody the "village character"
prescribed in the HTCMP, and consistent with the HTCMP, the proposed project
would create a walkable village character; features the use Mediterranean period
architectural styles; and feature numerous design features that reflect the desired
level of architectural detail, including trellises, textured stucco walls, tile roofs,
wrought-iron features, decorative grills and railings, and other unique features. .
Furthermore, the project will be consistent with the following policies and objectives
of the Community Design Element:
Community Design Goal 1:
Policy 1.2: "Encourage high-quality and human scale design in
development to maintain the character of the City;" and,
The proposed project has a well-balanced pedestrian orientation and
human scale as highlighted by two pathways through the project, including
the large pathway connecting Forster Street to Del Obispo, and a second
pathway leading to the Mercado Village from Forster Street. The project
opens up to the Historic Town Center Park at the courtyard area providing
an open feel for much of the site. Enhanced paving at the entrance and
landscaping along the perimeter of the project also provided to visual
interest for pedestrians and guests alike. The project provides
architectural features such as balconies, arches, wrought-iron and glass
features, window awnings and varied roof planes that provide for
architectural articulation that break-up the building mass.
Community Design Goal 2:
Policy 2.1: "Encourage development which complements the City's
traditional, historic character through site design, architecture, and
The proposed project incorporates warm earth-tone colors to enhance the
architectural details of the project, as well as simple wrought-iron touches
that compliment buildings and break of any massing. The textured stucco
finish helps to complement the use of exposed wood beams, columns,
and wrought iron accent details and roof materials. Landscaping is
provided along the perimeter of the buildings and along the interior walls
between the drive-isle and parking lot and all exterior walls. A pathway
from Forster Street to Del Obispo Street is provided for general public as
well as guest usage, and incorporates a fountain, benches, Historic
Depiction(s), and other outdoor furniturt3.
3. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces,
setbacks, parking, access, and other features pertaining to the application, except as
otherwise approved because the 3.16-acre site has been designed to accommodate
the proposed project building elements; and because the development standards
established in the HTC FBC as well as those found in Article 5, Section 9-3.524
(Hotels) of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, address building setbacks,
building heights, open areas, massing, landscaping, parking and site access.
Furthermore, the proposed project is a reduction in intensity from the previously
approval Urban Village project by 69,300 square feet. Parking that exceeds the
minimum standards of the code is also being provided in the form of 159 surface
parking spaces that will have limited visibility to the public, and is located on the side
and to the rear of the building.
4. The character, scale and quality of the architecture, site design and landscaping are
consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City because as
demonstrated within this staff report, the proposed hotel and restaurant buildings
rely on the use of varied roof lines, alternative building massing, landscaped areas
and gardens, wrought-iron features balconies, exposed wood beams, wood and
metal railing, exposed rafter tails, varied color palettes and materials and
demonstrates the design elements of Spanish Colonial style architecture.
The project design provides strives to achieve a reduction in the visual mass by
providing for balconies, dormers, eaves, wrought-iron features and similar
architectural features which have been incorporated into the proposed structure to
create visual interest from all angles. The hotel and restaurant design includes high-
quality building material and warm earth-tone colors that are consistent with the
Spanish Colonial architectural design. The proposed building include integrated
tower elements and architectural projections that add visual interest to the building
rooflines, including a tower element atop of a turret structure, a dome tower structure
situated above the hotel lobby, and a tower element atop the restaurant internal
staircase. Roof-mounted equipment will be screened from off-site views by use of a
mansard tile roof.
The project includes conceptual landscape plans with a landscape palette that
incorporates the use of existing vegetation and trees, as well as a California
native/friendly plant selection and relies on a combination of formal and natural plant
groupings to provide visual buffers along the walls of adjoining properties, and to
provide a landscaped buffer between the HTC park and the pathway along the
northern property line. Furthermore, the project will be consistent with the adopted
Architectural Design Guidelines within the HTC master plan as the following
principals are applicable to the proposed project:
1. Reinforce and enhance the City 's downtown as one of the primary focal
points of the community;
The proposed hotel and restaurant are prominently featured within the HTC
due to the location and proximity to the HTC Park, and are near prominent
historic features such as the Mission and nearby historic structures. The
proposed hotel will attract guests and visitors to the area who will likely visit
existing nearby businesses, coffee shops, restaurants and other attractions.
The attractive architectural design of the building will also add to the HTC's
eclectic mix of architectural styles common in historic San Juan Capistrano.
2. Contribute to the existing pedestrian-oriented "village-like" environment;
The proposed hotel project provides pathways connecting Camino Capistrano
to the Mercado Village and from Forster Street to Del Obispo Street, opening
up pedestrian access that otherwise would not exist. The pedestrian
experience is enhanced with California friendly landscaping and other visual
interests along both paths, including a Historic Depiction along the northern
pathway adjacent to the HTC Park.
3. Complement the scale, proportion and character of development in the
surrounding area;
The proposed hotel building sits tucked into a property that is adjacent to
several business and attractions within the HTC. The proposed restaurant
building is featured less prominently than the adjacent Egan house by
providing an appropriate 20 foot setback between buildings, and staying
under the height of the nearby building as well. The hotel building is set back
approximately 120 feet to the Egan House and will not visibly impact other
surrounding structures as the hotel building is placed primarily in the center of
the property providing open spaces on three of its four sides. The courtyard
opens up to the adjacent HTC Park and is only separated by a series of
arches that provide an elevated walk way connect one side of the hotel to the
4. Establish attractive, inviting, imaginative and functional site arrangement of
buildings and parking areas, and a high quality architectural and landscape
design which provides proper access, visibility and identity;
The project is required to provide a setback of no less than 1 0 feet to all
streets on which it fronts. To accomplish this, the hotel building is featured at
the street edge of Forster Street as it transitions to El Camino Real, and the
restaurant building is also placed at the frontage along Forster Street to
provide for a human scale to those visiting the site, and to provide access
from the sidewalk to the buildings. Otherwise, the buildings are setback from
their adjoining properties to allow for surface parking, and to provide
landscaping amenities along the project edge. The architecture style of the
buildings is meant to compliment the nearby Blass-Aguiar Adobe and Mission
building architecture, and prominent design features of the Spanish Colonial
style are incorporated into the building through the use of varied roof lines,
textured stucco walls, the use of balconies and various window openings,
exposed rafters and tails, exposed wood eves, wrought-iron treatments and
other similar design considerations.
5. Provide stylistically diverse and creative architectural design solutions which
convey a sense of timelessness and elegance;
The HTC FBC allows for the use of one of five different architectural styles
typically found within the HTC district. The applicant has chosen the Spanish
Colonial architectural style which is prominently featured in nearby buildings
and historic structures. The hotel and restaurant do not attempt to mimic
nearby historic structures as they will have varied heights and other essential
design elements that separate them from other similarly designed structures.
The design reflects most of the typical elements of the Spanish Colonial style,
which is not typical of other structures.
6. Preserve and incorporate natural amenities unique to the site into the project
development proposal;
The proposed project does not significantly change the natural grade or
topography of the site, and some existing trees are proposed to be saved and
incorporated into the project landscaping. Furthermore, a wall that separates
the HTC Park from the site is to be removed, which will help to preserve
views of the park and views of other nearby structures.
7. Preserve and incorporate structures which are distinctive due to their age,
cultural significance, or unique architectural style into the project;
Although there are no unique structures of historic significant on the site, the
applicant is mindful of the nearby historic structures and resources. Mitigation
measures of the MND will ensure that precaution is taken during demolition
and construction on the site to ensure nearby historic buildings and recourses
are spared from excessive vibration. The existing buildings on the site were
all constructed during the late 1960's and early 1970's. There are no
buildings on the site that are eligible for Historic Designation.
8. Maintain hillside views to the greatest extent possible.
Hillside views are maintained on the site due to the fact that a significant
portion of the site will remain open. Building height does not exceed 35 feet
with exception of architectural projections for two tower elements and one
gable roof element, thus ensuring hillside views as seen from the nearby HTC
park and other locations around the site. The view simulations provided
within the Addendum to the MND do not identify any loss of hillside views.
5. The site plan provides functional and safe vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access
and circulation because the pedestrian circulation is enhanced with a large
pedestrian walkway that traverses through the northern portion of the property
adjacent to the Historic Town Center Park connecting Forster Street and Camino
Capistrano with Del Obispo Street, enhanced paving throughout the entrances and
pedestrian corridors of the site and landscaping along the all exteriors of the project.
As conditioned, Forster Street from El Camino Real will be improved to provide for
better vehicular mobility within the Historic Town Center.
6. The proposed use and design of the project are compatible with surrounding existing
and proposed land uses and community character, including scale, intensity,
massing, architectural design, landscape design, and other development
characteristics because the proposed project design of the buildings is reflected in
the history and tradition of San Juan Capistrano as well as the surrounding historic
structures that provide an eclectic mix of architectural style and design found within
the Historic Town Center. The proposed hotel and restaurant reflect the Spanish
Colonial architectural design which includes the use of terracotta tile roofs, arched
doorways and entrances, wood support columns, balconies, exposed wood
supports, a tower dome element treated with caper, wood railings, and other high-
quality building materials. The proposed landscaping design provides a tree palette
that not only saves some of the existing trees found on site, but also offers local
examples of California friendly species.
of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves Architectural Control (AC) 15-026.
However, Architectural Control (AC) 15-026 shall not be effective unless and until the
related Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 15-012, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 16-008,
and the Tree Removal Permit for the Hotel Capistrano by Kimpton are approved.
Control (AC) 15-025 is on file and available for public review at City Hall , located at
32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California. The custodian of the record of
proceedings is the Development Services Director.
SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Resolution is held invalid, the
remainder of this Resolution shall not be affected by such invalidity, and the provisions
of this Resolution are severable.
EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXECUTION: This Resolution shall become
effective upon its adoption. The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk
shall attest to the adoption thereof.
EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest
the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this
development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures
established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code.
I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 16-09-06-05 was duly adopted by the Cit~
Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at the Regular meeting thereof, held the 61
day of eptember 2016, by the following vote:
OUNCIL MEMBERS : Reeve, Perry, Allevato and Mayor pro tern Ferguson
· OUNCIL MEMBERS : Mayor Patterson