CCP508 Amplified sound in parksCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number USE OF AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS WITHIN CITY (PUBLIC) PARKS 1 of 4 3/3/98 508 This policy shall govern the use of amplified sound systems within public parks in the City of San Juan Capistrano. The purpose of this policy is to allow appropriate use of amplified sound systems while assuring that such systems do not adversely affect adjoining neighborhoods. Amplified sound systems shall consist of any equipment which provides electronic sound amplification for sound effects, human voice, music or musical instruments. For the purposes of this policy, the City has distinguished between two broad classes of sound systems, (1) APublic Address Systems@ (integrated microphone, amplifier, and speaker), and (2) AStage Systems@ (multi-speaker systems for amplified music). The provisions of this policy have been based on the report entitled AEvaluation of the Sound System Impacts, City of San Juan Capistrano@ dated June 9, 1997 by Gordon Bricken & Associates of Santa Ana, California. I. Applicability: This policy shall apply to the use of any amplified sound system within the following public parks: A. Descanso Veterans Park (Paseo Adelanto) B. Historic town Center Park (El Camino Real) C. Cook Park (La Novia) D. Cook Park (Cordova) E. San Juan Capistrano Sports Park (Camino del Avion) F. Marco Forster Athletic Fields (Del Obispo) Amplified sound system use shall be prohibited at all other public parks within the City of San Juan Capistrano. II. Process: The Afacility use application@ shall include any proposed use of an amplified sound system. If amplified sound is proposed, the application shall include adequate information for City staff to determine the type of system, either Apublic address system@ or Astage system.@ III. Standards: The following standards shall apply to the use of amplified sound systems: A. The Apublic address system@ shall consist of a single unit (integrated microphone, amplifier, and speaker). The unit shall be located no closer than three hundred (300) feet to any residence and will not be directed toward any residence. The sound level will be set at eight-five (85) dBA at fifty (50) feet using a Apink@ noise source. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number USE OF AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS WITHIN CITY (PUBLIC) PARKS 2 of 4 3/3/98 508 The Apublic address system@ will be permitted within the designated hours in the following parks (City sponsored or co-sponsored events are permitted to use the Apublic address system@ for the duration of the event: Cook Park (Cordova) Use limited to San Juan Capistrano based youth sports groups, with a maximum two (2) hour duration in conjunction with opening and closing day ceremonies. Cook Park (La Novia) 12:00 p.m. to sunset. Descanso Veterans Park 12:00 p.m. to sunset (Sunday - Thursday) 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Friday and Saturday) Historic Town Center Park 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Marco Forster Athletic Fields Use limited to San Juan Capistrano based youth sports groups, with a maximum two (2) hour duration in conjunction with opening and closing day ceremonies. San Juan Capistrano Sports Park 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. (Monday - Saturday) 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. (Sunday) Uses limited to San Jan Capistrano based youth sports programs, sports camps and tournaments. Amplification not permitted on soccer fields #2 and #3. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number USE OF AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS WITHIN CITY (PUBLIC) PARKS 3 of 4 3/3/98 508 B. The Astage system@ shall be located no closer than seven-hundred and fifty (750) feet to any residence and system speakers will not be directed toward any residence. The sound level will be set at eight-five (85) dBA at fifty (50) feet using a Apink@ noise source fed through the entire system and electronically adjusted as required for performance. The system will be equipped with limiting devices set to control the output to the specified level. The Astage system@ will be permitted within the designated hours in the following parks only: Historic Town Center Park 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Cook Park (La Novia) City sponsored or co-sponsored events only, for the duration of the event. Descanso Veterans Park City sponsored or co-sponsored events only, for the duration of the event. San Juan Capistrano Sports Park City sponsored or co-sponsored events only, for the duration of the event. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number USE OF AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS WITHIN CITY (PUBLIC) PARKS 4 of 4 3/3/98 508 C. The use of amplified sound systems at the designated public parks shall be limited to the following types of events: Amplified sound permitted for opening day ceremonies and tournaments associated with sports leagues. Amplified sound permitted for live/recorded music, speeches, special events, etc. Descanso Veterans Park not applicable Υ Historic Town Center Park not applicable Υ Cook Park (La Novia) Υ Υ Cook Park (Cordova) Υ Υ San Juan Capistrano Sports Park Υ Υ Marco Forster Athletic Fields Υ Υ IV. Monitoring: Use of any Astage system@ may require on-site monitoring by City staff or their designee for compliance with the standards of this policy (subsection III). The permittee shall be required to pay the cost of monitoring services prior to City approval of the Afacility use application.@ The cost of monitoring services will be established by the Community Services Director and shall be based on the total number of hours monitoring, including system setup and calibration, and the hourly pay rate of monitoring staff. V. Exceptions: The Community Services Director may grant an exception to the Ahours of operation@ based on findings that the requested exception would not result in an impact to adjoining residences. However, in no case, shall the Community Services Director grant an exception to the Astandards@ established by this policy. ###