CCP422 Project gradingCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number STANDARDS FOR GRADING PROJECTS TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS 1 of 3 9/19/00 422 Grading within the City of San Juan Capistrano has the potential to impact adjacent properties with dust, dirt and mud from erosion, construction noise, and other adverse conditions. The topography and soil types that exist within the City present special conditions that, if not addressed through the technical review and permit process, could impact the conditions of properties adjacent to a project site. Long-term grading operations can create exposed slopes and land areas that present a negative visual appearance if not immediately planted with erosion ground cover. To ensure that these issues described above are fully understood and addressed as early as possible in the development review process, it is the policy of the City Council that the following standards be enforced through conditions of approval, grading permit plan check, inspection processing, establishment of minimum level of grading bonds, and the conduct of grading operations once initiated: 1. Grading plans for all development projects such as subdivisions, parcel maps, or individual commercial or residential developments shall be reviewed to identify any potential adverse impacts to adjacent or neighboring properties or the community. A grading impact assessment shall be prepared by City staff for each grading project that shall include assessment of proximity of adjacent residences, construction access, prevailing wind patterns, noise exposure, dust migration, and possible mud and debris patterns. Residential subdivisions or non-residential development projects shall include a grading impact assessment as part of the staff agenda item to be transmitted to City commission and/or City Council. Small or individual grading projects that do not require a discretionary action shall also be analyzed by City staff for potential impacts and, if found necessary, conditions of approval placed upon any permit issuance. 2. All discretionary land use approvals shall include conditions that specifically address any adverse impacts identified by the grading impact assessment prepared by the City. Conditions of approval that include the following shall be considered by the applicable decision-making body of the City: # Length of the grading operation # Provisions for a Dust Control Program that addresses situations during grading and at the completion of grading operation. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number STANDARDS FOR GRADING PROJECTS TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS 2 of 3 9/19/00 422 # Designated stockpile areas including the visual impacts of such operations, both in the short-term and long-term. # Noise impacts to adjacent properties related to construction activities. # Phasing or methods of grading operations that minimize off-site impacts. # Construction access to the site and a program for daily removal mud and dirt from streets and roads. 3. Grading projects shall post cash of other liquid security, if approved by the City Attorney, equal to the estimated cost to install erosion control devices per an Erosion Control Plan approved by the Building Official. If the required erosion control devices or systems are not installed as required by the Building Official, the bond shall be forfeited and the funds used by the City to complete or maintain the erosion control devices or systems. If the funds that are forfeited are not sufficient to cover the cost, additional funds shall be posted before the grading project will be allowed to continue. 4. All grading permits shall provide a restoration and completion bond as provided by City Ordinance in an amount as determined by the Building Official. In the event of non-compliance with conditions of approval or adopted standards for conducting grading operations, including final landscaping, the Building Official shall declare the grading project to be in default and the Bonding Company is to be placed on notice in a form approved by the City Attorney of the City=s intention to foreclose on the bonds, if the corrective remedies are not immediately forthcoming. 5. All grading permits shall contain a time schedule for the completion of the grading and/or phases and the installation of erosion control planting including interim and final landscaping. Failure to complete the grading in the time specified shall be grounds for declaring the project in default, and a foreclosure of the completion or restoration bond shall be processed by the Building Official. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number STANDARDS FOR GRADING PROJECTS TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS 3 of 3 9/19/00 422 6. All grading plans shall designate the location of any stockpile areas and the plan shall identify areas where stockpile operations are to be excluded. Stockpile areas shall be located such that adjacent properties are not impacted from dust migration or long-term visual intrusions (greater than five working days). If the location of stockpile areas is to be moved or relocated, a revised plan shall be approved by the Building Official prior to commencing the stockpile. If the stockpile is part of a dynamic grading operation, the specifics of such an operation are to be clearly delineated on the grading permit plans. 7. Grading contractors shall be advised by City inspection staff that grading is to accomplished in such a manner that impacts to surrounding properties are minimized and will be subject to vigorous inspection controls to insure that the job produces minimal adverse impacts on the residents and property owners of the City. 8. Grading that consists of less than fifty cubic yards may be subject to the requirements of this policy if the cumulative amount of grading presents similar impacts, or when taken as a whole, the grading has the potential for adverse impacts. The Building Official is authorized to impose appropriate permit requirements and controls on minor, unregulated grading when the sensitivity of the project warrants such action. ###