CCP418 CIP Public NotificationCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy PROCESSING AND NOTIFICATION OF Page Date Number CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PROJECTS 1 of 3 1/20/04 418 It is the policy of the City Council to maintain and administer a capital improvement project review and notification process which provides an appropriate level of public review based on the nature and complexity of a project. Capital Improvement Program Processing It is the policy of the City Council, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.337, that all public improvement plans and outside agency projects shall be subject to preliminary design review by the Environmental Administrator, with the exception of "minor" capital projects limited to repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction and/or replacement as defined by the criteria below. The Environmental Administrator shall determine Commission referrals for the project. Environmental referrals shall at a minimum include Planning Commission and City Council. Generally, "minor" capital projects are those with no potentially significant land use issues, design issues, environmental concerns, and/or public interest or controversy. The following types of "minor" capital projects are hereby excepted from Section 9-2.337: 1. Repair, rehabilitation, maintenance, and/or replacement of any storm drainage lines, sanitary sewer lines, irrigation lines, street lights, publicly- maintained open spaces, irrigation systems, and appurtenant structures (i.e., manholes, clean-outs, pumping/lift stations, controllers, minor structures, etc.) 2. Repair, rehabilitation, maintenance, and/or reconstruction of any public street including asphalt overlay, resurfacing, sealing, etc. 3. Repair, reconstruction, maintenance, and/or rehabilitation of any public building previously determined to be consistent with the City's Architectural Design Guidelines. 4. Repair, rehabilitation, maintenance, reconstruction or changes to existing traffic signals or phasing. The following types of capital projects may qualify for an exception to Section 9-2.337 as determined by the Environmental Administrator. Capital projects which qualify for issuance of a categorical exemption or negative declaration where the initial study indicates that the CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy PROCESSING AND NOTIFICATION OF Page Date Number CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PROJECTS 2 of 3 1/20/04 418 project would not result in a potentially significant environmental impact with respect to the following: • geotechnical/landform alteration • light and glare impacts • land use compatibility impacts • transportation and circulation • aesthetic/visual resources • archaeological/paleontological resources Projects that have been granted an exception are subject to the preparation of bid documents and specifications for review and action by the City Council. Capital Improvement Program Notification It is the intent of this policy to provide early and wide public awareness of pending projects, including those projects which require Commission or City Council action but may not require a "public notice." Applicability Notification as described herein applies only to that portion of a project subject to Municipal Code Section 9-2.337 and as previously described herein, for any conceptual design related reviews. Notification, however, would not apply to other Commission or Council reviews including the following: • Consultant contracts or changes to consultant contracts • Budgetary amendments • Final plans, specifications and estimate approvals • Authorization to bid or award a construction contract • Contract change orders • Approval of final reports and retention releases Adjacent Property Owners/Occupants Notification Prior to either Commission or City Council review, the project manager shall provide public notification to residents or property owners of the adjacent area that may be impacted by the proposed Capital Improvement Project. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy PROCESSING AND NOTIFICATION OF Page Date Number CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PROJECTS 3 of 3 1/20/04 418 General Notifications A. Any individual who has requested either verbally or in writing to be notified of an item shall receive notification. B. Individuals who speak at or provide written input on items as they are being considered by City Commissions or Council will have their names added to the notification list by the project manager so they will have the opportunity to provide input as the item progresses through the review process. C. Notices shall be mailed at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. At a minimum, the notice shall include the title of the item as it will appear on the agenda; the date, time and location of the meeting; a brief description of the item and the staff recommendation; and information informing the recipient what he or she should do to provide input on the item at the time it is heard. Form of Notice The Notice shall be substantially in conformance with the form as provided in Administrative Policy 109 for the public meeting notice. The form may be modified to fit a particular project or need for additional information or attachments. ###