Subject: Effective Policy
Page Date Number
THE “TO DO” LIST 1 of 1 1/20/81 006
It is a policy of the City Council that items shall be placed on the "To Do" List only with a
majority vote of the Council at a City Council meeting. The date the assignment is given
as well as the department responsible for the assignment shall be listed on the list.
An item shall be removed from the "To Do" List only when one of the following actions is
1. When a report generated by the responsible department is distributed in
slots by the City Manager.
2. When an Agenda Item on the assignment is submitted in a City Council
Agenda Packet.
3. When an item fails to receive checks from three (3) Council members during
the quarterly Council review of the list.
4. Upon joint determination by the Mayor and City Manager that an item be
placed on an inactive, pending list, due to an action which must be taken by
another governmental agency prior to completion of the assignment.
Any item that has been on the "To Do" List for six months shall automatically be
agendized for the following Council meeting. The assigned department shall make a
written report explaining why the item is still on the list. The City Council shall then take
action, by majority vote, to remove or retain the item on the list.
The City Clerk shall provide a bi-weekly update of the "To Do" List in slots, and the City
Manager shall provide a quarterly update of the list after Council has reviewed and
purged the list of unwanted assignments.